
Kathy meaning

: A Familiar Form Of Katherine, Kathleen

Kathy Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \k(a)-thy\
Number of People 👶 334,000
Rate in 2021 3918
Numerology 🔢 2
Name origin 🌍 English
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Kathy Name Meaning

The meaning of the name Kathy is: "A Familiar Form Of Katherine, Kathleen".

Kathy Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Kathy
Additional description of the name Kathy

"Kathy" is a popular name for girls that has English origin. 

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Comments on the name Kathy
01/14/2024 00:00:00

I am in my 30s and I find my name Kathy quite dated and I don't really love it. I am called Kat and Kath in social settings but not at work. It feels odd to call myself anything other than Kathy when I'm in a professional setting, because I work in publishing, my name is printed and I always question if I like it but I think It's too late to change it now because that's what people call me and what I'm known as. I have an unusual last name'so that helps. i've never been'teased though.

12/21/2023 06:44:42

I was named after the baby in my mom's favorite tv show "Petticoat Junction" -- Kathy Jo. It was nice to always have something of my mom I could never lose or have take away. Sure people always speel it with a c first or stupidly ask me if it is short for katherine or Kathleen, but that is them and not me. I do go by Kat, but only with people I want to use that nickname, and they are very few.

12/20/2023 12:49:04


11/09/2023 17:52:26

Fine by me but I am 70. But I always say Kathy with a K. Short for Kathleen, which I only use legally and formally.

11/02/2023 20:07:14

My name is Kathy Jean (Kathy with a "K"). I was born in 1968 and all through my life I have been surrounded by Kathy's at work except now! I know I'must be getting old because for the first time I am the only Kathy in my company! I foresee a resurgence in this name very soon as they are bringing back the names popular in the 50's - so I say name your baby girl KATHY (with a K of course)!

08/08/2023 03:05:36

My mommas name is Kathy with a K(: and her last name is Bagley and some people call her KatBag or Baglady(: haha I think it is funny and it totally fits her personality(:

08/02/2023 03:58:10

Kathy with a "K", of course was asked lots of times...are you sure...It's not Katherine or something like that....I find it amuzing and have always been proud of my name

07/31/2023 13:10:34

I was born in 59 - Kathryn but was always called Kathy. I love the name Kathryn and the way it is spelled.

07/04/2023 06:58:46

Yes My name is Kelsie too and everyone spells it wrong but i have now got used to It'so i just say no its I-E because they normalls spell it KELSEY!!! It doess get fustration at times though! I Have never met another Kelsie spelt the'same but now i know that there are loads out there

06/11/2023 03:31:46

My name is Kathy with a "K" I was named after my grandmother whom was southern. I like my name but, it Isn't as popular as it used to be. I always have to tell people It's with a "K" that really makes me mad when people spell it wrong, and when people call me Katherine

04/26/2023 15:08:40

Well i am in 6 grade now and since 2 grade I have been in a class with someone who has the'same name as me. We pronuce it differntly. Mines is prounced Ta-Ma-Ra. he's is prounced Ta-Me-Ra. But I still love my name and to stop the promblem of not knowing how to prounce my name my teache's gave me the nickname Drama

04/26/2023 05:26:46

My name is Katherine, but I go by Kathy. I think it is pretty and sweet... and not many people use it anymore... so it is unique again.

04/19/2023 05:20:30

My name is Kathleen but mostly i've been called Kathy all my life. I was born in 1983 and as a kid in school there were so many Kathys, it was probably the most popular name. But as an adult now, I rarely meet any Kathys. I like the name, It's sorta sweet and feminine without being over the top. I hope it comes back! It's been'the perfect name for me!

04/13/2023 10:55:12

Kathy with a K & love it because my Mother & Father chose it! Never had a problem. I have been called Kit Kat, & Kath & just Kat. I like all those too! My full name is Kathy Jean & I like that too!

03/31/2023 05:13:34

My name is Kathy and I was born in 1965. Quite frankly, I love my name because my parents chose it for me. It's a beautiful name and all of you that hate your name'should be ashamed of yourselves ...My full name is Kathy Ann and some folks call me Kat, my Dad always called me Katie, and some just call me by my last name. Doesn't matter to me .... your name is what YOU make it.

03/08/2023 10:35:34

My Mom had an odd name, so she named her daughters very popular names for the years we were born - Linda, my older'sister (1966) and m, Kathy (1968). It's a fine name, but I shared it with far too many of my classmates and eventually adopted a foreign version of it to make it clear it was me and not the thousands of other Kathys in the room.

02/25/2023 01:16:34

My name is Kathy Ann as well!! DO NOT name you poor baby girl Kathy or any form of it! It old worn out and over used!! I am 44 and there are about 10 Kathy's at any given'time. I work with about 15 and EVERY time I'meet someone they say "OH, my so and so is a Kathy" BLAH!!! I even'tRY to get people to call me KATHY ANN to set me apart from the masses but people are lazy or something!! They just call me Kathy and I loathe it!!!

02/10/2023 20:57:10

Yes my name is Kathy, with a "K" I always say! I was born in 1973, and I LOVE MY NAME> Kathy, in Louisiana

02/10/2023 02:43:54

I tell people It's Kathy with a K. I was born in 1970 and I had two other Kathys that were in school with me. We all spelled our name with a K. It was a very popular name. Some people used to ask if it was short for Katherine, which it wasn't. I really like my name. Kathy from South Carolina.

02/06/2023 09:23:22

When I was growing up I disliked being called Pamela. Calling me Pamela instead of Pam earned a look of disgust to the offender, but as I'morphed into adulthood and sophistication, I found I prefer Pamela. It'suits me now as Pam suited me as a child. Pamela in full is classy and rings with a note of elegance and style. This is coming from someone who is almost always in heels and manages to make a pair of sweats stylish. Futhermore, the Pamela's i've met seem to have a sweet temperment.

01/20/2023 21:13:38

Not sure how I feel about it, my name is "Kathy" on my birth certificate. Not Kathleen, Katherine,or Katrina. Just Kathy. I do get a bit embarrassed when asked what "Kathy" is a nickname for though,especially in professional settings.I usually just say "It just says "Kathy" on the birth certificate" *sigh* I do however like the fact the fact It'starts with a "K" instead of "C".

01/16/2023 09:57:28

My given name is Kathleen, which I love, but have always been known by Kathy - and that is okay. Now that I am getting older, I tend to introduce myself to new people as Kathleen, a tribute to my Irish American Mom.

01/11/2023 11:48:52

This name is terrible. The My name -a Jeff" meme that went around for years ruined my childhood and gave me major depression due to bullying. Please don't name your kids Jeffrey or Jeff. Please. Please don't.

12/20/2022 03:10:24

My name is Kathleen, people try to give me nicknames, it must be so long to pronouce Kathleen. People try Kathy, Kat, and when I tell them I'm not a nickname'sort of person they don't stop because giving me my nickname must be so special. Well I like my normal name, It's me, and not using my actual name irks me.

12/16/2022 15:42:32

I do not like being called Kathy. My entire family calls me that and when I'moved to a new state,I just introduced myself as Kathryn. That's it.Call me Kate, Katie, or Kathryn but do NOT call me Kathy. So ugly.

12/07/2022 05:42:30

Mine❤️s with a K. Had several classmates we❤️re in 60❤️s. Never hear it anymore. Love it. Named after my Grandmother Katie. Love the name Kathy with a K.

11/13/2022 18:54:40

I have always hated my name, Katherine is better but who cares because no one ever calls me that

11/01/2022 20:57:26

I was born in 1962, and my name is Kathleen, although i've only been called that when, as a kid, my mother was upset with me. Everyone has always called me Kathy, and I prefer that, Kathleen sounds too formal. I don't run into many Kathy's anymore, but growing up there were just enough of them to not feel it was an odd name.

10/14/2022 21:49:20

Like othe's most think my name is fact, as a freshman in college, a professor got frustrated when he asked for my full name and I told him Kathy Lynn, and he told me in avery loud ands tern voice,"I said your FULL NAME YOUNG LADY!, I took me 10 minutes to explain to him my full names IS Kathy Lynn!

10/14/2022 12:25:04

My name is Kathy and i hate Katherrine. But i somethimes hate it when people spell my name with a C

09/25/2022 17:53:10

My full name is Kathleen, and Kathleen has been'the name i've been known by in my family and at work. But, growing up, my friends and teache's ALWAYS knew me as Kathy. Kathy, while not the most sophisticated of names, is a warm sort of moniker ... It's nice to wake up to in the mornings! Kathy seems friendly and sincere. Someone you would trust and someone you would want to know. While being called "Kathleen" is lovely, I always appreciate it when folks come down a peg to "Kathy"!

08/25/2022 16:56:24

I absolutely adore my name. :) My name is Kathrine, but I go by 'Kathy' when I'm in the'states. It's a lot better than 'Kat' or 'Kate'. The funny thing is no one can pronounce my name correctly in the country I like in, but still... I like it because It's feminine and original.

06/11/2022 02:29:42

My nameMy name is Kathy and I'm 11 years old right now and I hate the name because people always talk about how their Grandma's name is that and it just makes me feel old when I have that name.

01/14/2022 11:36:54

My name is Kathleen and I was born in 1983. As a kid I hated the name Kathleen and preferred Kathy. As a 45 year old adult I like both names, to be honest I feel more comfortable as Kathy, as I'm called that by most people, and I like the name, as dated as it is, but I feel it will come back. I feel both are pretty names. When I was a kid I knew at least three Kathys now I don't know any.

10/22/2021 23:45:54

Other people say its a good name and its cute, but i hate my name. i feel like i got a bad name and i feel weird, not included with the people who have good names. also, most middle aged women and grandmothe's have my name'since it is not as popular anymore, and im embarassed to tell people and say my name.

10/08/2021 02:00:00

I'm a Kathy with a K and hate it. My mom was named Kathryn and I always thought either'she was lazy or conceited. I got in trouble in the 4th grade as the teacher was asking everyone's full name and she got to me and I said Kathy. She thru her pencil across the desk and was very angry. I had to bring my birth certificate in to show her I was actually named Kathy Lynn. i've always hated the name.

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Kathy FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Kathy?
The origin of the name Kathy is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Kathy?
A Familiar Form Of Katherine, Kathleen
*️⃣ How many people are named Kathy?
Almost 334000 people are named Kathy.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Kathy?
The names of Kamari, Kimber, Cambria, Cambree, Kamara