
Ava meaning

: Life, Serpent, Bird

Ava Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-va\
Number of People 👶 281,000
Rate in 2021 6
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Ava Name Meaning

The meaning behind a name holds a special significance, as it often reflects the essence and personality of an individual. When it comes to the name "Ava," its origins and symbolism add an extra layer of depth.

Derived from various cultures and languages, "Ava" has multiple meanings that resonate with different interpretations. In Latin, "Ava" means "like a bird," symbolizing freedom, grace, and soaring aspirations. In Hebrew, it is associated with the concept of strength and resilience.

Moreover, "Ava" is also considered to be a variation of the name Eve or Eva, which carries biblical connotations. In this context, it represents the first woman on earth and signifies femininity, beauty, and wisdom.

Beyond its linguistic significance, the name "Ava" has gained popularity in recent years due to its simplicity and timeless charm. It exudes elegance while maintaining a sense of approachability.

Whether you bear this name or are considering naming your child Ava, embracing its meaning can serve as a reminder of the qualities it embodies - strength, freedom, gracefulness - making it an excellent choice for those seeking a name that resonates on both personal and cultural levels.

Cool Info About Name Ava

Additional name description Ava
Additional name description Ava

The popularity of the name Ava

If you are considering this name in the name selection process, you should consider that the name “ Ava “ is the fifth most common girl’s name in Massachusetts based on the data by reliable American resources in the United States of America in the year 2012.

For example, imagine that near 350 newborn babies were named “ Ava “ in Massachusetts in the year 2012. Also, a total of 15000 babies bear the same first name as your baby during the year 2012 in the United States of America. The highest recorded use of the name “ Ava “ is related to the year 2007 with a total of 18000 newborn baby girls.

From the year 1880 to the year 2017, the given name was recorded 260000 times in the SSA public database. The name “ Ava “ first appeared in the year 1880. In the year 1880, nearly 13 newborn babies were given the name “ Ava “. This name became a popular one in the year 2002 with a rank of 82 nationwide and was registered 3700 times as a baby girl’s name.

The given name became a common girl’s name in the state of Minnesota in the year 2005. It ranked 1 with about 400 newborn babies. Also the all-time high record for the name “ Ava “ was in the year 2016 in the state of California with 1610 babies.

This name is a consistent top-ranking name in the state of Connecticut for about 19 years, which were consecutive. The name “ Ava “ is also popular in the state of Vermont and Columbia.

The name Ava was not a well-known and popular name during most of this century until very recently. Although it always held a place at the top 1,000 names according to the SSA 2020 data, it barely hung on to the list during certain years.1

The personality of the name Ava

Here we have the letter analysis of the name “ Ava “

A is for admirable, you certainly are

V is for Valentine, a sweetheart you are

A is for accord, the harmony you spread

If you are considering a nickname for your baby named “ Ava “, you can select the reversed form of this name. For instance, the name “ Ava “ in the reversed form can be “ Ava “. As it is illustrated, this name in reversed form can be “ Ava “ too! Which can be interesting.

The true meaning of the name “ Ava “ might not be described in just a few sentences and words. The name “ Ava “ can be the heart’s desire and destiny. The name “ Ava “ is the one that suggests you give up what you want so others can have what they need.


Famous people named Ava

Ava Gardner

Ava DuVernay

Ava Lowle Willing

Ava Barber


Names starting with A

Abigail, Alexander, Aiden, and Amelia



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Comments on the name Ava
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Ava. I was born in 2000. I was named after a acted in a soap opera. I love my name beacuse it is unique and orginal. When I was growing up that name wasn't used much as it is now. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Our daughters name is Ava June, she was born May 2, 2020. It is a perfect name!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Our daughter's name is Ava Lillie and she'sure is a beautiful, precious little girl. Everyone who meets her loves her unique name and says that its a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I love the name ava i dont like that it is becoming so popular but i dont know anyone with the name im pregnant and am naming my daughter ava i think its exotic and classy sounding!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

One of my baby'sisters (they are two years old and twins) is named Avah, which is close to Ava. Its really rare and uncommon, but it quite suits her diva attitude.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

We named our daughter Wyllow because we wanted her to have my husband's initials (his first name is Warren). Since our last name is Smith, we changed the'spelling of her name'so that people wouldn't think we totally stole her name from Will Smith's daughter. We love the name and think it totally fits our daughter.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I named my daughter Ava. She was born in December of 2017. She is as beatiful and strong as her name.... a feminine name does not have to be 4 syllables long.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

People always spell my name wrong they spell it in wierd ways.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I did not have an easy time getting pregnant...between losing one pregnancy and trying for the next, I was thinking of names and Ava popped into my head. I ran it by my husband and it was the only named I'd picked out that he not only liked, but LOVED! We decided that if nobody else we knew used that name before our daughter was born (we knew a bunch of pregnant people) that would be her name. In January, our Ava was born and her name'suits her perfectly--she's sweet and mellow and very girly! :)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Ava Maria or Marie but I Love my name Every one I'meat thinks its a beautiful name

01/14/2024 00:00:00

The name Ava is originally German (I am writing from Berlin). In the Lower'saxony dialect it means WATER. In the'saxony dialect it means POWER in respect of STRONG. Also it is a German name, it is not popular at all. Our daughter is called Ava and 9 out of 10 people have not even heard of this name. Most people spell it wrong and I am often asked if it a native american name. Very strange, don't you think❤️

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I'm in search of either a first or middle name that would go perfectly with "Ava". My husband is set in naming our baby girl, who we await in less than a month~Ava. I also like It'since my name is Eva. People think it is pretty original still where we live. So, we need suggestions...We had thought about Ava Sofia, Ava Victoria, or Christa Ava. So, we would appreciate any suggestions...ASAP.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My Baby girl's name is Ava. This name in Persian means Melodious sound.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my daughters name is Ava Noel. It is becoming very popular, but not where we live, so ther's not so much confusion!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Ava is my daughter's name. I love it its old and short but strong!My husband and I chose it because it was different , however now it has become very popular.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I was born in 1972 and named Ava Marie from the'song Ave Maria. I was tormented at school and in the neighborhood because of my unusual name and I grew to hate it. I wanted to be named something co would not always be picked on. The good thing is so many people are using that name now that it will be common and hopefully the new kids named Ava wont go through what I did. It was not a picnic having this name when I was a kid. I think all you parents and prospective parents who want a name no other child has for their child should have to live a week going through what I did as a kid with an unknown name. You wouldnt think it was so darn "cute" or such a "great idea" then. I was beat up almost daily and shunned simply because none of the kids had ever heard my name before. Thats what you inflict on a kid when you name them a name no one else has. You should all consider the impact that unknown, strange or unusual names can have on childrens lives because children can be very very cruel to other children'they perceive as different. :/

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I plan to name my baby girl Ava Victoria. I love the name Ava as it is so feminine and classy.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Ava is a pretty name. That is first-choice if my unborn is a girl.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Ava and I'm 23, I wonder why It's getting so popular! I used to get people saying 'i've not heard that before, that's unusual' I doubt I'll get that for very long lol!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

This is my mother's name and I think it is beautiful. However, everyone except for her family calls her Cathy. I don't think the name Cathy is quite as charming though.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I love the name Ava. My name is Ava Mary or Ave Maria. I think its a really elegant name!!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My beautiful daughter was born july 04, her name is Ava Corinne, which i think is a gorgeous name, perfect for my gorgeous girl :D I got her name from a baby name book, i went through thousands of names from A to Z and came right back to Ava.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My daughter is six years old and we named her Ava Lauren. She has two Ava's in her dance class and one in school. She is known as Ava W. and just wants to be Ava...

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I had my 2nd daughter back in August and named her Ava, with her 2nd name being Alice after my partner's late Nan. Ava's such a simple sweet name, and everyone that asks what her name is says 'Awwww, what a lovely name' when I tell them

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I agree with the below. When picking our daughter's name, I always knew (since highschool-over 10 years ago) that I loved the name Ava- thanks to Reese & Ryan and Heather & Richie! So, when we had our daughter April2020 I chose the name, still believing it wasn't that poplar...low and behold this name has skyrocketed here in Canada, so many Avas. But...I still love the name, so beautiful, classy and simple. Our daughter is absolutely beautiful, I have never'seen an ugly Ava! LOL.

01/12/2024 22:44:00

I am due in July of 2019 and we have decided to name our little girl Ava Suzanne! The popularity of the name concer's me a little and I only hope that'she is not one of four Ava's in her kindergarten class. I think the name is strong for an adult and a child and when I say it I can only think of a sweet little girl! I will never tire of this name. Suzanne

01/11/2024 10:17:28

I don't mind it, but it has become very popular, as has Eva, which is another name I like.

01/10/2024 16:57:06


01/10/2024 16:21:50

my name is ava I love my name it is so cool but I dont know any other people called Ava

01/07/2024 15:11:08

Well, my name is Ava, and I'm pretty much the only Ava I know and I was born in the 80s. Recently I heard a few little girls with the name Ava. I love it though, its unique and modern and exudes a seductive and beautiful connotation.

01/05/2024 20:51:56

I love the name Ava, Ava Marie is my daughter, I know of Ava Gardner, Ava(Reese's daughter) Heather Locklier's daughter, and now Jason Presley's Daughter.

01/05/2024 04:42:06

I named my daughter Ava and I think it is an elegant and classy name and I hope she likes it when she grows up. I live in England and the name is not as popular as it is in Amercia but it wouldn't have bothered me or influenced my decision. The fact it is so popular proves what a beautiful name it is!

01/03/2024 21:32:58

I was named Ava and although many people think I'm named after Ava Gardner, I'm really named after the famous Jazz saxophonist,Charlie Parker, as Ava means "Bird" in Latin and Charlie Parkers nickname was "Bird". Kind of inter'sting. People always say Eva and that is frustrating because there is no "E" in the'spelling but i've always been proud of my name and love it. I actually like knowing that it is becoming more popular. I'm a Pre-school director and have an Ava enrolled. She is a beautiful little girl with a very classy name.

01/03/2024 06:16:02

My daughter is 2 1/2 years old, and her name is Ava Isabelle. She is the prettiest little petite thing ever! Ava is an absolutely beautiful name - but it is getting really common (didn't want that to happen...)

01/03/2024 01:33:54

I named my little girl AvaMarie and everyone adores it and her. You can't go wrong with the name It's elegant, classy, and sophisticated. I guarantee she won't hate it when she grows up.

01/02/2024 14:41:28

I named my baby girl Ava. She was born in January 2017. Everyone has commented on what a beautiful name it is, although quite a few people spell or pronounce it "Eva" which is annoying!

12/31/2023 15:57:46

I have a 5 year old named Ava and I still love this name. I have another daughter named Gabrielle. This is also such a beautiful name but I discovered that it is hard for people to spell, pronounce, and then'there are the nicknames.... You don't have this problem with Ava. It is easy to spell (same backwards), easy to write and easy to pronounce. As an added bonus, I think AVA looks really cool when you write it in all uppercase letters!!!

12/31/2023 07:08:46

I plan to name my daughter Ava Grace. I'm absolutely in love with the name. Plus, you don't hear it very often.

12/28/2023 05:58:04

Ava-Harlow or Ava-rose are adorable names, if I ever have a daughter I am going to name her Ava :) Love the name, its simply beautiful.

12/28/2023 03:37:00

My daughter is having a baby girl in early July 07 and plans to call her own daughter "Ava". Such a lovely name! Ofcourse we all can't wait until she arives. The name has such grace! Nana Veronica

12/25/2023 08:36:36

My name Is Ava. I was born In 2014.. I'm 12 years old, currently. I was born BEFORE Ava became popular. My parents decided to name me Ava because It's short, and sweet. Nothing to do with Famous Actress; Ava Gardner or any other beautiful, famous Individuals. I kinda felt weird because I was always the only Ava In my class, or out of my groups of friends. Then, what do you know❤️ It grew in popularity in the blink of a eye (2015-2017) I Think 'Ava' Is a gorgeous name and is fit for all ages, and sizes. Young or old it will always remain stunning. Even IF the name is a little to used up right now...still cute. The only Flaw is, the NICKNAMES. If your name Is Ava, you know what I am talking about, right girls❤️ I have been Called Avacado, Ava artochoke, Avakins, Avacakez, aves, ext. But, forget that. The name is lovely and anyone who knows anything knows you'd be one lucky gal to have this name. Ava♥

12/25/2023 03:01:34

This name is unique and beautiful. people often pronounce and spell it wrong the correct way to to say this name is TA-BII-THA

12/24/2023 16:09:08

All my fifty+ years, NOBODY but me was named Ava. I often saw the name as a burden'to be unique, outstanding and exotic, and as an opera singer, it worked well. Now, to see "Ava" hold mass popularity -- well, finally, I feel like i've attained mass popularity! (Sounds egocentric -- but that's what growing up with a really unusual name can do!) The best thing I like about "Ava": the beautiful ways you can write an A -- even like a star, and then a quick "va"!! Best of sweet luck to all the babies named AVA...

12/24/2023 15:16:14

june her name was eva braun, so you shouldn't worry. my daughter is called ava and i find myself calling her alot in public as i love the name'so much it drives my wife mad!!

12/24/2023 03:48:32

I love the name Ava - It's simple, yet beautiful and sophisticated. My husband and I named our baby girl Ava Shaye. Ava, after the'stunning Ava Gardner (my mother turned me into a fan when I was a little girl) - and Shaye, as we wanted an Irish name to reflect that part of her heritage. I know Ava is one of the more popular names out there right now, but i've always loved it and wouldn't change it.

12/24/2023 01:27:28

I am expecting a boy and a girl and we are naming our little girl Ava Ryanna . I have always loved that name and she already looks like an Ava to me from here ultrasound pics...........hehehe

12/23/2023 11:56:20

My daughter was born in July 2018 and I when I saw her for the first time I just new she was an Ava. Everyone that meets her comments on what a beautiful and unique name'she has. Many people have said that this name is too popular - I'myself have yet to meet another Ava. Her name is not nearly as common as all the Madison's and Emily's I run into as a preschool teacher!!

12/20/2023 14:52:30

I love this name. Actually, It's my sister's name. As a persian name, it means beautiful melody and I am happy that in the other languages it has a good meaning.

12/15/2023 16:08:38

my name is ava and i love it!!! im from ireland and not much people are called ava!! until now now i thought it was german but It'seems to be latin for free as a bird i love that meaning and im proud of my name!

12/12/2023 12:36:52

I live in England ad want to name my daughter Ava but pronounced as AHvAH, and not Ayva. Do you think this will be confusing❤️❤️ as most peope prounounce it as AYva.

12/10/2023 14:10:48

I was named Ava BEFORE it was popular. I'm turning 18 in a week. I love my name, Ava Nicole.

12/10/2023 10:03:56

um i beli've it to be about the best possible name ever for a boy considering my son is due on 7/21/08 and im naming him Caden James

12/09/2023 03:47:42

We named our daughter (born in August 2018) Georgia Grace. We selected this name because it is sophisticated and distinct sounding today. It also reminds us of lush, southern summers and magnolia flowers. We call our daughter Gigi for short. The Italian version, which we also considered, is spelled Giorgia (Americans often recognize the male form Giorgio, made famous by Giorgio Armani.)

12/07/2023 18:17:30

my name is ava marie and i only know of about 2 other avas in my area.And i thnk you shuld name your daughters ava because i always get complimented on how pretty my name is.just a tip

12/06/2023 19:04:28

My name is Ava, and I love it most of all! It's easy to write, pronounce, and spell, and It's a beautiful name! It means either bird or life, but either fits with me. My favorite animal is an owl, so I think there is a hidden meaning behind it!

12/05/2023 22:47:46

Aoibhe(another way to spell ava), i am preg now with my 1st child an i absolutely fell in love with it. im thinking aoibhe brooke what do youse think❤️❤️

12/05/2023 21:37:14

My name is Ava. I can't beli've how popular of a name it is becoming. People still have problems pronouncing it correctly.

12/03/2023 10:50:34

My name is Ava Yvonne.....I like my name as well....I was born in 1972 and didn't hear the name in the'south growing up...except for one movie star.....still liking my name.

12/02/2023 15:26:46

I forgot to mention regarding my twin daughter Ava. She owns that name. When I first saw her face I thought to myself, "This baby is being named Ava b/c she reminds me of those old time movie stars who were just so beautiful, classy and naturally beauties. My Ava has such striking features for a baby. She is that beautiful.

11/30/2023 22:18:06

My husband and I are having our 1st baby in November and Plan to name her Ava Lauren:) We just love that name because It's unique.

11/29/2023 15:44:14

I am 7 months pregnant and we are planning to name our baby Ava Renee. I love the name Ava I had no idea how popular it was. I look forward to seeing our Ava.

11/26/2023 10:09:02

Ava has been one of my favorIt's since I started thinking about what I will name my children as a teen (in the mid 90's). At that point, Ava was still an uncommon old fashioned name. I'must have been psychic, because since then It's popularity has soared, and that aspect of it has put it off my own personal list. All the girls I grew up with were named Jennifer, Amber, and Lindsey and the teache's had to call them Jennifer A, Jennifer B, Jen, and Jenny. Ava will likely follow suit in being one that requires a last initial in class. It will still be a beautiful name, but it will not be a name that precedes or defines them, they will have to carve out their own path because so many other girls will be named this as well.

11/26/2023 04:16:22

Our baby was born in June 2017. We named her Ava Mai (although we just call her Ava day to day). I love the name and have to say I thought it was less popular than it appears to be from the chart! I have yet to meet another Ava. Quite a few Eva's around It'seems.

11/22/2023 05:20:48

My name is Ava I am 9 Years old.My dad named me after Ava Gardner because he thought it was a beautiful name and i love it too.There are no Ava's in my school so i guess it is not that common in England.I was one of the first at nursery to write my name, but really its easy with only three letters.Ava !!!

11/21/2023 20:49:26

My name is Dajah Nichelle Bon my brothe's name is James Quention Bon and my little sisters name is Ava Keshaun Bon people have all different kinds of unique names because people decide to change your name to something different it does not have to be the'same old traditional names.The person who said all of a sudden parents are just coming up with radical names your wrong parents just want something different these days not the'same old names when our names GET old parents will think about different unique names and keep going so omg your wrong.

11/20/2023 04:51:18

Ava Renee is our new granddaughter's name. She was born on a night when'tornadoes were in the area, sirens going off. We drove through the night, over 8 hours to be with our daughter, tornados crossing I-40 at West Memphis turned us back west and we missed her birth. But she was born 15 minutes past mid-night on my husband's 69th birthday. What a gift. God just keeps blessing us. Our daughter was born on my birthday. Ava will be a beautiful name because she will have a personality that will bring honor and beauty to the name.

11/20/2023 03:40:46

I have always loved the name Ava since I was in high school (10 years ago). But now it is so popular, I am reconsidering. I have the popular 80's name, Jennifer and hate it that every where I go, there is always at least 1 other Jennifer than me. Since this name is getting so popular, I do not want my daughter to feel that way.

11/20/2023 01:19:42

Our grandaughter was born 12th Feb 2018 and she is named Ava Mae, beautiful name for a beautiful baby, she was 7 weeks prem and only 2lb 5ozs. The name Ava has certainly become more popular, not sure why

11/19/2023 19:27:02

My Grandaughter was born Dec 2019 in Leeds England Ava is an unusual name in England and hads my daughter in law works in a nursery did not want the usual common ones her middle name is Ava Leodis , Leodis is the anglo saxon name For Leeds the town she was born and the best football team (soccer) to you Leeds Utd

11/16/2023 21:30:18

My daughter is named Ava Brooke we chose the name because it is so pretty and WAS so uncommon, im so anoyed lol that now everyone is using this name now my daughter is probably going to one of the many Avas in her classes when she gets older

11/16/2023 04:27:34

I have always wanted to name my daughter Ava after actress Ava Gardner who was popular in the 50's. I have no idea where this recent popularity has come from, but it is a very pretty name'so It's not very surprising, I'must say.

11/14/2023 20:07:54

I think the name Ava is beautiful and graceful, and reminds me of hope and life (:

11/13/2023 02:23:58

I am the proud mother of a 12 1/2 years old named Ava Marie. We call her "Ava" and it has been such a wonderful name. Infact, today she'said "I just love my name!" We also have a Julia, Grace and Ella. I am expecting again and if this is a girl I will be torn between Kate and Lauren... Oh FYI : Ava was named after Our Lords mother Ave Maria.

11/12/2023 16:06:48

My mane is Ava Michelle, and i love my name. it is very different from what people are accustomed to hearing on a daily basis. I have never had any other friends that I socialize with or interact with on a daily basis with my name...I gues that why it is so unique and special. I am 29, and I am very in aw that my name has now become one of the most popular of this year. shocked to

11/10/2023 15:02:02

I am due in November Love Ava any different ways ti spell it❤️

11/08/2023 04:15:22

My housekeepers name is Ava and she is extremely sweet. I feel like Ava is kind of short but i like the "av" part. I prefer the name Avery, for a girl or boy, its not as common but still has a little class and seems worldly!

11/06/2023 04:38:46

My daughter was born on December 31, 2019 and I had planned to name her Ava when I wasn't even pregnant....I love Ava Gardner and that name just reminds me of class, beauty, and integrety.

11/06/2023 03:28:14

Ava is my daughters name and it is a name that is cute and will grow with her, from a baby to an elegant young lady to a distinquished woman. Fits in every stage of life.

11/03/2023 17:52:06

I was born in 1998, and my name is Ava Marie. When I was younger it was very uncommon to have that name, and I was often embarrassed. Now I have learned to love it!

11/01/2023 18:15:30

My Ava is eleven years old. We chose it when'the name was about 700th in popularity & she has never met another Ava her age. It has been a lovely name for her - but I wouldn't pick it now - it is too common.

10/31/2023 20:48:16

Ava now in Denmark!! We are quite sure we are some of the first parents in Denmark to name our daughter Ava. All our friends love it, and our own family is getting used to it, too! We think It's a lovely name, so beautiful and simple, and very international,too, not to forget in a globalised world. Good luck to all the bearers of the name Ava!!

10/28/2023 15:48:20

loved this name before, but now It's starting to bore me (sorry), as the number one girls name this year, It's overkill, not special anymore but up to you! if that doesnt bother you then go for it!

10/27/2023 12:46:04

My granddaughter was just born February 19, 2019.Their parents named her Ava Audrey Grace. She's as beautiful as her name. I think It's beautiful! Nanny B.

10/27/2023 02:28:54

My ex girlfriend and I just had our baby. She decided to let her Brother-in-law (lover) name her, and he picked Ava. Glad its trendy, what a bum.

10/25/2023 22:51:22

Love love love the name ava... When I have a lil girl her name will be ava marie but only spelt avuh marie... My mother inlaws name is avis and mine and my mothe's middle name is marie so I fuigerd perect combo!

10/24/2023 01:35:50

this is the first person i know with the name"yamilex"

10/21/2023 00:07:30

I am fifteen and my name is Ava. All my life, my name had been very rare, but now It's all over! It's very strange...I never thought people would like it. It's a very ethnic German name (the reason why my parents chose it).

10/20/2023 16:11:24

My name is Ava and I really like but It's getting 2 popular!

10/18/2023 10:06:52

My baby girl is due in the begining of January, i want to name her Ava Isabella, I think is a great name that goes very well with almost any last name.

10/16/2023 21:22:42

My daughter Ava was born in June 2016 and I love the name. We chose it because it is pretty unique here in the UK

10/16/2023 01:58:54

all the'sudden parents are coming up with these radical names. why cant we all just stick with the traditional kinds. do we all need to make something better and more unique❤️ soon this name will be one of the common old names so whats the point❤️

10/15/2023 07:28:00

My wife and I recently welcomed our daughter into the world (July 5, 2017). We wrestled with names for quite a while before settling on Ava. So far, we have only heard of the name being used by a "friend of a friend" for their little girl, and in passing. Hopefully, the frequency of the name'subsides, and it doesn't become the next "Ashley." In any event, we are enamored with the name, and will not regret it.

10/13/2023 02:34:00

My daughters name is Ava (Ava Lauren). We live in New Zealand and she was born in 2011. I had had the name picked out since high school. For the first few years I didn't hear of another Ava as it was very uncommon and in the last 4 years or so, the name Ava has exploded into popularity, so my girl will have a very common name when she gets older which is such a shame.

10/12/2023 04:13:52

Hi I'm ava I was born in 2019 aug.29 and I have a friend named Ava too she is 15 or 16

10/11/2023 22:21:12

I'm only 12, almost 13, but I LOVE to plan what my kids' names are going to be. I absolutely ADORE the name Ava; I think it would be awesome for either a first name or a middle name; it flows so beautifully! :D

10/07/2023 18:43:30

I don't really know anybody named Ava and my name is not Ava, but the name is so darn beautiful. I love Ava Rene, Ava Gabrielle, Ava Catherine, Ava Elizabeth, or Ava Elise. So beautiful!

10/07/2023 03:44:12

My new granddaughter's name is pronounced A-vah, but it is spelled Eva, just pronounced the'spanish way. I think this will cause problems when she moves back to the US, but her parents are very happy with it.

10/02/2023 13:49:20

I am named Ava, I'm in 7th grade and I love my name but all of a sudden everyone is being named it, its really annoying because then it wont be as rare and pretty.

09/30/2023 05:59:00

My name is Ava and I wish people would name their kids something different because I like being the one and only.

09/29/2023 15:17:20

We've had nothing but positive feedback on our firstborn son's name--Xander. We haven't come across "Eckszander" yet, but I'm expecting it now that i've read these comments. We love the name, my family loves it, and our friends love it. It's a home run name if you want something meaningful and unique.

09/26/2023 13:31:22

Ava is not very populer where i live, but its one of my favourite girls names ever, its so pretty and girly, LOVE IT!!

09/25/2023 16:39:24

I was born in 1991 and never did I come across the name until a couple of years ago. Growing up I was not that thrilled with it, but now, with everyone trying to say that they thought of it, or that they made it popular again, or in other words just showing off, I am upset. I love my name, but don't abuse it!

09/23/2023 14:24:06

"Ava Irene is my six month old daughter's name" I feel the name Ava is a beautifel, simple and elegant name. I live in a small town and nobody I come across has this name and everytime i say my daughters name they comment on how beautiful it is!!! Old classic names are making a come back, just like AVA is!!! Love the name Ava Irene!!

09/21/2023 22:25:58

Beautiful, gorgeous, love it! My Ava is amazing! I get constant compliments on her name. It is a little more popular than I thought, but I wouldn't think of changing it!!

09/16/2023 04:18:18

WEll, my name is Calista and I am forever getting compliments. My friends names are very popular like Sofia, or Ava. But mine is the most rare i've ever heard of in my life. And, I'm the first born so i deserve a beautiful name. I also have all the brains. And beauty. After all, my name means most beautiful, in Greek.

09/15/2023 16:50:36

We plan on calling our first son Xavier, but my mother has issues with it because she can't pronouce it properly! In the Indonesian dialect (she is Indonesian), they often have problems pronoucing the'sound V (as in VERY) or F (as in FISH) and is worried that with a name like Xavier, or Xavy for short, Indo relatives may in fact call him 'Zay-pee' as opposed to 'Zay-vee'. The problem with that, is that Zay-pee sounds too much like Sah-pee...which is the Indonesian word for Sheep!

09/15/2023 08:54:30

I will be naming my daughter Ava Lorraine, she is due on June 20th, and we are so thrilled. I love that name.

09/15/2023 05:22:54

We are naming our "son on the way" Gabriel Mitchell because of its strong religious meaning and its not so common...yet:)

09/11/2023 17:19:46

I named my daughter Ava and I love it. I have heard it is really popular, but since having her I have not met anyone with this name.

09/11/2023 04:06:16

My daughters name is Ava Jean, she is 19 months old. I read that this name is actually a really old european name, so it is really surprising that'so many people ask how to spell it, how to mess up these 3 letters is beyond me, or that people think this is a "new" name. I love this name.

09/10/2023 08:07:12

I love this name and in fact named 1 of my 3 month old identical twin daughters Ava Maria Gabrielle :)

09/10/2023 05:28:30

Back in the 90's, Ava was an unheard of name. Now, the name is in the top 10. At least The Ava Trend is not as annoying as the Aidan-Jayden'trend.

09/09/2023 05:40:12

I luv the name Ava, I used to want to name my baby girl Claire...but now i really wanna name her Ava. It's such a beautiful name! All u girls with the name ava are lucky! I'm sure your all beautiful!

09/04/2023 14:34:48

HI'my name is Ava and were i live its still very unusual and I love it. I hope it doesnt become too popular :( As i like having an unusual name. Ava Marie for Our lady.

09/04/2023 12:49:00

I love the name, Ava. Thats why i wish people would stop using it. All he celebrities are naming their kids Ava now... all of a sudden It's going to be the new Amanda, or Ashley or Amber and girls named Ava will be the popular mean girls who were so evil to me in high school. It wont be unique any more. There will be cliques of popular girls named Ava, so many that they'll have to differentiate by calling the'selves Ava M., Ava Q, Ava S, or whatever the last name is. What if one of the celebrity Avas grows up to be like Paris, and the name Ava becomes eternally associated that'sort of behavior. Ava was my name. I had it first, before it was popular! Now all these new babies are coming along and steeling it, making it main stream and mundane. One of the things that made it beautiful was that it was so unique and non-generic, and now it will become just another fad name. At first i thought it was kind of cool when a few people started using it, but now It's getting out of contorle. It makes me feel bad that It's getting so popular. Ava is my name.... give it back.

09/03/2023 07:25:40

my granddaughter is called ava and shes a beautiful little girl with a beautiful namexx

09/02/2023 09:05:32

I love this name if I'm writing a story I always use the name Ava and when I have kids I want to name them that.

08/27/2023 18:47:06

Our little Ava was born in June 2017 and we love the name. It's still somewhat unique here in England.

08/25/2023 21:49:12

I am due on October 12, 2019 and we are naming our daughter Ava Kathryn!

08/25/2023 18:35:14

Its beautiful and we can't wait for our litte Ava to get here. I love the meaning of bird as we are such nature lovers ourselves and I know people seem to say it popular, but I haven't even heard of an Ava in the last few years with anyone I know. Actually I have barely heard of any girls born lately. Everyone I know has had a boy in the last couple of years.

08/24/2023 05:15:48

I named my daughter Ava Virginia and I get compliments all the time on how beautiful her name is. It'suits her very well. I think Ava is a classic, timeless name that is both appropriate for a little girl and sophisticated for a woman.

08/20/2023 09:51:50

MY name is ava. I love it and no one iknow has it which makes it unique

08/18/2023 00:33:20

I am due in May 2021 and if the baby is a girl I will be naming her Ava James. I have loved the name Ava for years, regardless of the recent popularity! James is my husband's middle name and we will be using is for the middle name of all our children!

08/14/2023 05:44:38

my daughter's name is ava she is 8 years old now you hear the name all over. but she is the most beautiful

08/13/2023 04:28:10

I think Ava is a pretty name, actually, It's my name too. I think its kind of annoying though how everyone is now naming their baby Ava. It'starts to seem less unique and pretty to me now. I would suggest trying to find an uncommon, pretty name. :)

08/12/2023 14:39:24

I love the name Ava! My daughter is 6 months old, and her full name is Ava Lorraine. I know the name Ava is so popular now ...I don't care though, I love It'so much!!!

08/06/2023 01:25:34

Well its actually my middle name and its spelled Tamarh. Its supposed to be Tamarah but they messed up my birth certificate. I pronounce it tuh-MA(rhymes with bat)-ruh. But I like this name better than my first name. I hate my first name.

08/02/2023 17:46:56

My daughter Ava Mae turned one in May. I absolubtly love,love,love her name It's so beautiful and sweet,just like her. Even after a year every time i say or hear her name i think how lovely it is, i'll never get bored of it

08/02/2023 03:05:16

My name is Ava and I absolutely love the name its so adorable. The name Ava reminds of innocense and happiness

08/01/2023 14:44:40

My granddaughter was born on the 4th Sept.2020. Her name is Ava. I think the name Ava is beautiful, and her granny and i are delighted with the name her Mum and Dad have picked. Her older'sister Aimee is delighted also. We also think she has a beautiful name

07/30/2023 21:18:22

Here here to Ava! the comment posted june 19, 2019 is soooo true! I am another Ava that was named Ava when it was unique and no one had really heard of it.. even since US celebrities have used it, America has followed suit. Ava is a beautiful, strong name that'should not be in the most popular ten names list!!

07/30/2023 15:25:42

ok i have heard the comments about how Ava is to common and how some people hate it, well i am here to set the record right! my name is AVA so i should know if it is common or not it is SO not!! i have never found ANYTHING with my name on it and i only know 1 other Ava! it is not popular at all!! it is very unpopular just so u know.

07/30/2023 03:58:00

We named our daughter Ava in December 2015. We "feared" it was gaining in popularity, but went with it anyway. I hope she is on the front end of its popularity. As a Christopher and a Stephanie from the 1982s, we tried to find a more unique name. Oh well!

07/28/2023 23:27:34

I just named my daughter Ava. My husband really liked it, but I wanted to spell it Eva. he'said people would pronounce it ee-va, but now a lot of people are asking if her name is ah-va, so you can't win. Also, its become too popular, so it has lost its appeal to me.

07/28/2023 11:59:52

I LOVE THIS NAME! It is feminine, girly, a bit mysterious, and it grows with a girl. Not like one of those cutsey names that never'seem to evolve.

07/24/2023 14:50:06

Like the other posts, a couple of years ago I loved the name Ava but had no idea I was not the only one who liked this elegant yet slightly "cool" name. If I had a girl I would name her Ava Elizabeth. It is now listed in the top 10 girls names and I personally know about 3 friends who have named their daughters Ava!!

07/23/2023 17:40:30

We named our daughter Ava in 2015 just because we liked the name. It's simple (three letters) yet elegant! I didn't realize it had become so popular until I learned of Hollywood stars using the name for their children!

07/20/2023 05:37:22

I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant with a girl and i am naming her Ava Grace. I always like Ava Marie, and I seen a little girl named Gracie, and so figured Ava Grace!

07/18/2023 21:52:58

My name is Ava. I was born in the 50's and my Mom loved Ava Gardner, so I was named Ava Kay. My grandaughter was named Avonna combined from my name, Ava and her other grandmother Donna.

07/16/2023 10:31:02

Awesome name. My sister is going to name her daughter Ava, and she will make her entrance into the world sometime today or ealry tomorrow.

07/15/2023 15:24:52

I love having the name Ava.It's very unique like myself.I don't know anyone else with the'same name as mine because its so different.

07/10/2023 01:24:04

This is my baby girls name. I named her Kaitlyn Sage & as a baby I called her KatieLynn as sort of a nick name. I really adore the name & she is now 7 & also loves her name.

07/08/2023 04:43:48

i've been'the only Ava my entire life, and then all of a sudden, Reese Withe'spoon goes and names her daughter Ava and suddenly half the world decides It's the best thing they've ever heard! I used to think that my name was beautiful and original, but now, because of celebrity, I feel so average :/

07/07/2023 19:54:48

My daughter's name is Ava and middle is Lorraine. I love the name Ava just as much as when I first named her Ava 2.5 years ago, despite popularity!

07/07/2023 17:16:06

My daughter is named Myava. She's still young, hopefully she li1kes it. People have a hard time understanding that I'm not trying to be cute and call her my ava. Her name is Myava!

07/07/2023 13:09:14

Sometimes people pronounce it wrong, but It's okay. I love the name. It is my name and at first I wasn't so sure about it because nobody had it and it made me feel uncomfortable. But other than that, I now love my name and think it is the best. (:

07/06/2023 00:42:42

I named my daughter Ava Camille in 2015 and at that time i had never heard of another Ava except Ava Gardner. Now its everywhere, but i still love it. We pronounce it Ayvah but i also like Ahvah. Her friend is named Evie and that name is on the rise too.

07/05/2023 23:49:48

BEST NAME EVER! :) I love my Ava, she's the best daughter ever and even'though her name is rather popular right now - we still get compliments! Avas rock!

06/29/2023 18:49:42

I love the name Ava ever'since i was little i wanted my little girl to be names Ava Shaye

06/27/2023 23:55:14

I just named my daughter Ava, she was born in July 06. I don't find it to be incredibly popular, but I have heard of a few other Ava's...didn't know stars were nameing their kids Ava...Mancow, Reese Withe'spoon and Heather Locklear supposedly! I love it, simple, classic and nice.

06/23/2023 04:07:42

Ava is my first name and it IS supriing how many peopel ask how to spell it. It bewilders me how people can swirl 3 little letters around and totally change the'sound and meaning of one name. In Latin, Ava's root is Avis which means bird(i learned that from my 5th birthday card from my grandmother ). and i think it fits me, since i am very carefree and love to travel :P.

06/20/2023 23:31:20

i love this name, im currently 6 months pregnant and it is one of the names i have in mind for my little girl

06/17/2023 14:24:32

We're naming our daughter Kaya. This means "capable" or "able" in tagalog (Philippine language). It's pronounced just as It's spelled Ka - ya. I love that it means capable and It's great that It'sounds good too!

06/16/2023 15:11:30

I'm due in August. It I have a girl, I plan to name her Ava Elizabeth. I know It's become a popular name, but I personally don't know anyone with that name, so It's great for us!

06/15/2023 01:16:48

this is my neices name... AVA RAE i think its cute

06/14/2023 13:49:06

my little pomeranians name is Ava. people go what a grown up name for a dog! but i just loved it the moment i heard it! couldn't go past it!

06/14/2023 03:31:56

I am currently pregnant and my boyfriend and I decided that we will name our daughter Ava Grace. Ava is such a beautiful name and I love that the name is so popular.

06/13/2023 12:32:38

My brother and sister in law are naming their little girl, Ava. What a beautiful name to pick. I cannot wait to hold her. She will be in Michigan and I will be in sunny Florida...Aunt Penny

06/13/2023 02:33:06

Ava is a very pretty name. There aren't many people over the age of 4 with this name, but if you name your kid Ava these days- she's going to share her name with 5 other girls in her class at school. I know 4 couples personally who have named their baby Ava in the past few years.

06/05/2023 19:06:00

I did name my daughter Ava...i love it and it is beautiful but I am very saddened by It's popularity. She will be the next Britney. My next is being choosen very wisely.

06/04/2023 23:24:34

I had a baby girl Jan 22 2020 and her name is Ava Noel.

06/03/2023 03:01:56

I wish I had 4 hands so I could give this name 4 thumbs down

06/02/2023 16:44:46

QHi! My name is Ava! I am 10 and Ava is quite a nice name!

06/02/2023 08:31:02

I love it :) i think It's really pretty and unique.. but not totally unique so the kids won't be hating their parents later on ;)

05/31/2023 14:29:28

I named my now 5 month old Ava Grace most beautiful name love it and LOVE her.

05/30/2023 16:09:20

My name is Ava ! I was born in 1980, in Toronto, Canada. Strangely enough, I lived all over the world and have yet to encounter another Ava. I love my name. I can not IMAGINE having a name that I would hear frequently or see another face attached with it. I beli've that naming your child a name that is new or unusual reinforces a persons individuality. My dearest friend from when I was born recently named her daughter Ava after me. I'must was a bitter'sweet moment ;-) My advice,... the name Ava has carried me throughout the world [i am a little bird] and beli've it or not has been an ice breaker many times, simply because of its beauty.

05/30/2023 04:06:22

My daughter is called Ava and its still quite unusual here in the UK....hopefully it will stay that way because I love its uniqueness!

05/30/2023 00:52:24

my daughters name is Ava Lynn and i love it!! i know a lot of people have started to use this name but i still think it is just as pretty and not as trendy because it is an old name. i think its a name that will stick around!

05/27/2023 04:23:50

Our daughter is also Ava Rose (born Dec. 2021). Rose after my grandmother's middle name (Der'se), and Ava because It's short (our last name is long), simple, and a variation of Eve. My husband chose it. No idea it was becoming popular. Very classy and grown up.

05/26/2023 04:17:54

Everyone pronounces my name wrong or forgets it because they have never heard it before. When I was growing up in the 2002's I was the only one with my name, but now as I get older I keep hearing my name being said to young children. Its not so unique anymore. Its too short as well and everyone called me Eva

05/23/2023 01:56:40

Not too popular❤️❤️" Check out the chart and the'social security website. EVERYONE is jumping on the Ava/Emily/Emma/Hannah bandwagon. Way too many Avas - trendy and pretentious.

05/21/2023 05:34:02

My sister plans to name my neice Ava. I like it but never realized how long it has been around!

05/18/2023 13:47:36

My little sisters name is Ava Elizabeth and I think it is beautiful!! She is the only Ava in our area and ive never met another!!<3

05/18/2023 09:40:44

I'm planning a baby. If It's a girl i'd love to name her AVA! I think it is such a beautiful feminine,UNUSUAL name! I don't know one person who's name is AVA! The only problem i have is how do you call ava affectionately❤️ Avy❤️ Avela❤️ Ave❤️ Help!!!

05/12/2023 03:30:06

Sorry! The name doesn't do a thing for me. It'sounds harsh and very unfeminine. Wouldn't be my choice for a name.

05/10/2023 20:38:36

My daughter's name is Ava Rochelle. She was born in 2020. I love the name and I first heard it when Heather Locklear named her daughter that. When I'met my husband I told him that I loved the name Ava and he loved it too!

05/09/2023 09:57:52

Love the name. I'm thinking of naming my baby Ava Elle if It's a girl

05/08/2023 09:34:18

As many of the writers I am not a mother & dont plan on becoming one any time soon but love to think of names for the future & this is a name I just have to name my child. I also wanted to use my mothers name (Brenda Ann) when naming my child so i decided to combine her first and middle name & came up with Ava Briann. =]

05/07/2023 00:04:06


05/06/2023 08:11:54

We just had our first child and had a hard time coming up with a name. Nathanial just seemed to fit. We bumped heads with the'spelling (ial vs iel) But I like ial. Hope he will too.

05/04/2023 15:56:08

My first grandchild, Ava Grace, will be born in March 2019. My grandmother, who was born in l886, was named Ava, and when my daughter was born I named her Jennifer Ava after her great-grandmother. Now, after 110 years, we'll have another Ava in the family!

05/04/2023 04:46:04

I was named after the actress Ava Gardner and have loved every minute of it.When i was a child it was a very unusual name, now It'seems to be more common.

05/01/2023 15:03:04

My name is Ava Elise, and I couldn't have asked for a better name! I adore my name!

05/01/2023 03:35:22

My name is Ava, and I just want to say a few things. This Ava argument is down right dumb. I'met a few Ava's. they all quickly became friends with me. So what the names popular❤️ It just sets the record for friends. I see a million Madison's, Avery's, Emma's, and I don't see dumb arguments! It comes from the meaning bird and came from the word Avis which means bird. Your parents (if you are named Ava) could have thought, and it could have been, really uncommon. Its not Hitlers wife, her name is Eva. I admit, my name is prissy and pink, rainbows and unicorns. But, I am a complete nerd! Its one of those names, Lucy, Anna Beth, Sierra (can be spelled Cierra), or Ciara that can be nerdy and quirky if used carefully and correctly. If your names Ava, try striking up conversation with other Ava's. And if you hate it, try using nicknames. It may be hard, but try using middle names, or, I did this myself, use foods or things you like as nicknames. Animals, Rhino, Wolf, Hawk etc. Foods, Cupcake, Cake, etc. And use things like that. There, Miss Ava settled this argument.

04/29/2023 11:54:52

I named my daughter Ava Elise. I love the name! It'sounds classy, elegant & sophisticated. People expected us to name her after'someone, but this name popped out to me, It'sounded so beautiful. At this point I haven't run into any other Avas, but I don't mind the popularity.

04/28/2023 05:03:22

Our baby girl was just born today, I love the name Ava, It's very elegant, classy and strong. Our son is 2 yrs old and we named him Oscar. I have never met anyone named Ava or Oscar, and until I read this webpage had no idea it was a popular name for a girl. It matters very little because she's beautiful and the name is perfect for her. Hell, my name is Mark and I could care less, how many Mark's have you met in your lifetime❤️

04/28/2023 02:07:02

My daughters name is "Ava" i named her that because i liked it and i didnt hear the name alot. Now that'shes hear It'seems to be getting more popular! The only two i can'think of that have the name is actress Reese withe'spoons daughter Ava and Ava Gardner. Ava Marie is a beautiful name for my daughter.

04/26/2023 07:47:50

I like it and want to name my baby girl Ava, but can't think of a middle!

04/23/2023 12:12:10

This is a beautiful name for a girl. It fits my little girl perfect...

04/23/2023 11:54:32

My name is Ava and I was born in 1964. Growing up there was never any other "Ava's". Actually the first time I'met another Ava was only 5 years ago and she was also in her 50's. Having an unusual name made me feel self concious as a child, but as an adult, I love my name, have many compliments on it and have told my mom "Thanks for naming me Ava"...

04/23/2023 01:02:06

i love this name as a middle name. its short and sweet.

04/19/2023 08:52:06

I have a 18 month old named Avah, I chose that name because i never hurd it befor but on the health channle was the name of some ones daughter. I like to pick uncommon names for my kids and when i found out that in 2020 it was the top name (6 months after i had her) i was upset but i still love the name

04/19/2023 07:23:56

I'm Ava. I am 11. So deal with it bc I'm not shrinks of age. I love my name. I'm beautiful smart sweet a little bratty friendly kind happy

04/17/2023 20:07:56

My granddaughter was born May 2, 2019. My son and his wife named her Ava Frances. She is the most beautiful baby I have ever'seen. Some have already referred to her as Eva....well I correct them pronto

04/17/2023 15:25:48

My little girl was born Sept 7th 2018 and her name is Ava Rose. I first heard of the name a few years' ago when Reese Withe'spoon had her daughter and remembered it.

04/16/2023 09:27:12

My Daughter was born July 2017 and we had decided on Ava before she was born, It'suits her'so well and over here in UK It'still is quite un-common.

04/16/2023 02:06:22

my full name is ma'ava but nicknamed ava for short.many people have mispronounced my name'since i was a child.Til this day, (as a college student) many of my teache's still pronounce it wrong, but i love my name anyway.

04/15/2023 16:59:44

my name is GABRIELLE AVA and i love my name,,so gabrielle ava name given'to me by my parents because the "GABRIELLE" is "ANGEL" and the "AVA" is "WINGS"..

04/12/2023 22:52:14

Ava is such a beautiful name n I keep hearing how popular it is but i've never heard a person with that name

04/10/2023 09:44:30

My daughter was just born last month and we name her Ava Lily and she is just as beautiful as her name.

04/07/2023 09:26:42

I named my beautiful daughter Ava Alexandra, and i've nothing but compliments since the day she was born

04/07/2023 01:48:14

My niece has just been named Ava, its a very delicate name. Really pretty!

04/06/2023 03:10:28

We have just named our beatiful baby girl Laila, as my wife and I think it is a beatiful name. Everyone who we have spoken'to seems to agree.

04/05/2023 07:46:40

The name of Hitler's wife is NOT Ava - but Eva!!

04/04/2023 20:36:36

i like the name ava, but i also like it combined with marie(avamarie). me and my friends were talking about it once and came to that. i really liek it.

04/02/2023 18:56:34

I am six months pregnant and wanted an original name. Ava is one of the most beautiful names and then I started hearing it almost every baby on the news or in the newspaper is named Ava so this name is definetly starting to get popular. i've decided to name her Caitlin or Regan. I know Caitlin used to be a popular name but I havent heard much of it in years. Regan is a name that I have not really heard of at all.

04/01/2023 13:15:36

I love the name Ava and plan on naming my daughter it when she is born

03/30/2023 22:45:38

My name is Ava. I was born in the 1992s, and growing up, no one had ever heard of my name other than Ava Gardener. Everyone always told me it was so unique and beautiful. Now, I hear mothe's calling their little girls Ava everywhere I go! No longer unique, but still beautiful. :-)

03/28/2023 03:27:36

It is the best name that anyone could be named. I think that Ava is a good name for a young girl. My name is Ava Danielle. I was born in 2012. My parents are named Kathlynn and Anthony. I was named after Ava Gardner who is very famous and beautiful. My father liked her very much. That is why my parents named me Ava.

03/26/2023 18:32:40

So I'm named Ava Grace... and I was born right after my name peaked. My mom never knew anyone named Ava, but she liked it. It's funny though, because there is a lot of people on here named Ava Grace. I really like my name. There is a ton of people named Ava now, though. I live in a very small town, and I still know at least 2.

03/21/2023 23:38:02

Ava is too common what about Vada Jane or Eliza Violet❤️ Lol

03/20/2023 23:14:28

I plan to name my first girl Ava. I think that the name Ava is still very unique and distinct. To me Ava sounds sophisticated and lovely. What a beautiful and strong name.

03/18/2023 21:34:26

My six month old daugher's name is Ava. So many people have tried to call her Eva. We thought we were giving her a unique name but so many babies are named Ava now. It's very pretty though.

03/17/2023 16:46:22

Its a beautiful name. I am naming my baby girl Ava when she is born in March

03/14/2023 03:15:04

I love the name Ava. That's our princess's name, and no matter how "common" it is, we think It's absolutely gorgeous. And her middle name is Japanese so it goes so well..."Ava Sakai". LOVE IT!!

03/13/2023 03:09:08

I have a six month old daughter named Ava Irene. I love the old classic and elegant name of Ava.

03/12/2023 16:34:20

My name is Ava and I love being the only kid in my school with that name.

03/09/2023 14:30:44

my daughter name is Ava and her middle name is Madison. Everyone comments on how pretty it is and so far i have not heard too many ava's around her childcare over the years but this year starting to hear alot more.

03/07/2023 23:43:08

When I was a child, I longed for a glamorous name like Gloria. In fact, I switched to "Elizabeth" in college, but my classmates outed me since I'd not learned to answer by it. Thus, I was back to Beth by the end of freshman year. No one ever teased me about it, but some of my guy friends in high school pondered with each other, "Is there life after Beth❤️" (Obviously there was as they've all done just fine). My mom chose the name after the character "Beth" in "Little Women." I'm probably more of a Jo, but at least Mom hoped for someone sweet. When I hear the name now, I can almost guarantee that my fellow Beth will be a child of the 60s or early 70s. We might not be alike, but our moms were of a certain mindset at the time. (Oh, and I did have a 17 year old girl ask how I derived "Beth" from "Elizabeth." Really. She was such a kind person that I couldn't answer'sarcastically, so I explained it to her. She then said, "Oooh...")

03/07/2023 07:15:40

i've been Ava Jane for 59 years, it wasn't popular when I was named, and I rarely meet an adult Ava. I'm pleased that the name is so popular for baby girls right now. It's about time!

03/05/2023 06:10:54

Ava is a beautiful Name! My neighbor just had their 2nd little girl about 3 months ago and her name is Ava Jay. She is so adorable and so is her name. Her older'sister who is 2 has the name of Aubrey Shea. Anyways Ava is a great name

02/28/2023 22:26:20

Not a bad name, certainly been around for a while. Inter'sting to see how Ava's popularity has been picking so much in the last 10 years.

02/25/2023 05:23:26

We named our first daughter Hadlee in 1993 and she is beautiful and every one loves her and her name. We call her Hadlee Sue. The'sue comes from the Oakridge boys song Bobby Sue. We hear about new Hadlee's/Hadley's regularly. Because we love Hadlee we love to hear othe's blessed with this name.

02/24/2023 18:13:22

I just named my baby girl AVA. I have liked It'since I had my 1st daughter 7Yrs ago,but my husband wouldn't let me use it then. This time I got my way,however, after naming her,a week later my husband's friend & his wife decided to go with the exact same name,middle name and all. I love my beautiful baby girl. I didn't realize It's popularity i've just always loved the name. I stil do,my daughter is so gorgeous! My husband wanted Isabella,but I know 4 people with dogs named Bella.

02/23/2023 16:04:00

I think Ava is a beautiful name. A lot of varying meanings however, but still our favourite if our baby is a girl she will be called Ava Hope :)

02/22/2023 20:22:34

We named our daughter Ava in the year 2012. We got it from Ava Gardner... and when we named her it was not heard of. Then in about 2015, we began to hear it a lot. We are very disappointed that her name is now quite common!

02/22/2023 06:51:26

I am only 7 weeks pregnant but have picked "Ava Elizabeth". However, my cousin, who is nearly ready to have her baby has just announced she will name her baby Ava if it is a girl. What should I do❤️ it drives me crazy this is now such a popular name!!!

02/21/2023 17:55:34

I am naming my daughter Ava (to be born within the next 3 weeks), but am so disappointed in the popularity of the name! I am just hoping that I get lucky, and that'she is in elementary classes that don't happen'to have five other Ava's!

02/20/2023 07:50:06

I named my first daughter Zoe Elizabeth and my second daughter Ava Laine, we reci've so many compliments on both the names, but especially on Ava's, as many who know her call her "Ava Laine" because it rolls off the tongue so easily, didn't know this would happen when I picked her name! Ava Laine is a classy, beautiful name and it fits my daughter perfectly and no matter how popular it is I am proud I named her this because she is "The Ava Laine"!!!

02/20/2023 00:29:16

I was born in 2000 and have been'the only Ava that I knew my whole life - until very recently! I love that the name has gained such popularity! It deserves the attention, I think :) Hello to all the other Ava's out there :)

02/19/2023 13:54:28

Get a life. Posting from June 19th. You do not own the name Ava. My name is Ava and too and Personally your comment gives women with the name Ava a bad rap, don't be such a snob!

02/17/2023 05:46:30

My daughters name is Ava and I think It's a beautiful name ( obviously since I named her that) I have never met another Ava but I hear that It's quite popular. Everytime I say her name'someone says "Oh what a beautiful name" as if they have never heard it❤️❤️

02/17/2023 02:14:54

Love the name Ava. Its simple, feminine and unique

02/15/2023 21:26:50

My daughter is Ava Louise. I love the name -- reminds me of a classic Hollywood actress. Louise is for my grandmother who is 94-years old and someone whom I admire very much. I only wish the name Ava had not grown to be so I'mensely popular. I feel its popularity detracts from the beauty of the name.

02/15/2023 07:38:04

My name is Ava... And I love it.... I always felt unique... And now... Its populaR❤️❤️❤️❤️ What happened.... Im mad at the world.... Ava is MY name !

02/11/2023 11:56:28

I named my daughter Ava in 2013. It wasn't as common as it is now. There are only 2 other younger girls with the'same name at her'school. Most people love the name, but Ava he'self wishes it was different as she can't shorten it to anything - but this is something I love about it:)

02/10/2023 18:18:28

I really like this name and it's going on my top 5 list, it's so difficult to choose when there is so many!!! :)

02/09/2023 23:47:34

I think Nicholas Brayden is an adorable name. I love the name Brayden or Braden for a boy and I also love Landon!

02/06/2023 19:58:10

I love the name Ava! My husband and I actually agree on this for a baby girl. We're not planning on having a baby'soon, but I love looking for names! We love Ava, Addison, and Chloe for a girl!

02/05/2023 18:41:42

My name is Ava Ranae. I was born in 1987 and was always the only Ava, ever. I, too, hated it when I was a kid, but grew to like it when I got older. Now, my daughter's best friend is named Ava, and we get confused around here!

02/04/2023 15:04:10

My daughter is named Ava Lee (Lee is a family name). We had so much trouble agreeing on a name, and then I flipped through a baby book and since we knew her middle name would be Lee..Ava worked well with it, and we both liked it. I constantly get how It's a pretty name and un-common. It is a pretty name, but it is very common, although I know no one else personally with the name Ava. When asked if she was named after Ava Gardner, we just say, sure! (but really she wasn't!)

02/02/2023 13:59:24

My name is Ava which is extremely uncommon in Germany, even'though it is the name of the first known female German-speaking poet. People often misspell Ava making it Awa or even Ara or just change it into Eva, which the German version of Eve. It's really surprising how many variants of misspellings a name containing but three letters can produce. In English speaking countries however this is not the case. Nevertheless I really like my name, it usually sparks a short discussion after I introduce myself - and having to spell it. Usually some people want to know "where that name comes from", which usually is a trojan question inquiring about ethnicity (and subsequent disclassification from the dominant cultural group). When I'm in a joking mood, I reply that I'm from South Africa, to which the profoundly ignorant reply: "Really❤️ But You're white." The lesser ignorant would go like: "Really❤️ Your German is so good!" Duh;-)

01/27/2023 21:55:10

i am far from being a mother. i am almost 16, but i love thinking about names... so if i were to have a boy, i would name him Nicholas Brayden. Tell me how you feel about this name.

01/26/2023 06:49:56


01/23/2023 13:17:42

Every other celebrity calls their daughter Ava these days, and the name doesn't even sound that good...

01/22/2023 11:43:36

My mother is called ava although being mauritian they pronounce it av-vah but which ever way i still think it a beautiful and simple name, i cant wait to have a daugther of my own to honour her with such a pretty name. All ava's should be proud!

01/21/2023 12:48:12

I named my daughter Ava Chanel. It is so unique and classy. It is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl!

01/20/2023 09:28:18

Just had my daughter on Sept 5 2021 and named her Ava. I know It's a very popular name but I LOVE this name and didn't want to regret using it just because it was popular. i've had many people comment that they have never heard the name and often ask how It's spelled.

01/20/2023 05:56:42

This was the name of my beloved uncle, who was born in the 1920s, so It's older than most websIt's suggest. I think It's great that it has become popular.

01/19/2023 14:57:24

My daughter is Ava Rose and she is 7 today. When I named her, I never heard the name. I still dont hear it often in her age group but Im told It's getting very popular.

01/19/2023 02:36:48

My 2 year old dauters name is AvaHope.And yes alot of people pronounce it or spell it wrong.I also get comments every where i go on how beautiful her name is.I agree the name Ava is beautiful thats why i gave her the name,and she is as beautiful as her name to!well me and her daddy think so!Tracey

01/16/2023 16:07:46

my sisters name is Ava Marie, very pretty i think!

01/13/2023 13:11:16

i love the name ava i always have, but i want to spell it "aeva". im naming my little girl aeva marie, its more unique spelling it that way.

01/10/2023 01:08:08

hI'my name is ava. i was named after a really pretty actress on a soap opera show, she played ava. it made my mom to name me this. alot of people I'meet pronounce my name wrong. but i still love my name.

01/09/2023 21:54:10

I had no idea that Ava was so popular! I called my little girl Ava Elizabeth .She was born in September, I think it is one of those names that is cute and strong.It will grow with her.

01/07/2023 22:17:34

I'm from germany and my daughter's name is Ava Amalia. Often people understand "Ave Maria", hm. In one part of Germany the name "Ava" means "water".

01/04/2023 12:35:30

When I was pregnant I was looking for a boy's name that wasn't common and wasn't the name of a former'student (since I am a teacher, this was quite a challenge). I ran into the name Brody while looking through a book and in'tantly loved sound of it-and i've never had a student by that name in my 13 years of teaching! Everyone seems to love my son's name!

01/03/2023 19:15:08

Love the name! I am 18 wks along with no idea of the gender. We have our son's name picked out (Caleb James). Nothing a girl yet. My hubby wants to use the name Irene (representing his g-ma) as the middle name. I just think Ava Irene is beautiful.

01/03/2023 11:01:24

I was born in 1979 and my name hasn't been well known until recently. I like my name and its meaning. I'm surprised, however, that it has taken so long to become well known.

12/31/2022 07:12:00

Hi. My name is Ava. I like the name Ava because it is unique and diffrent. It Isn't a name that you hear everyday. This Isn't a name where your at school and they have to call you by your last name because their are five other people with the'same name in the room. I love my name.

12/24/2022 04:44:40

My daughter is named Tayissa Ava and she was born in Aprilthis year.. I get so many positive comments on how unique her name is..

12/22/2022 23:56:36

My name is Ava--first letter pronounced as a long "A". My Dad named me after a pretty woman he'saw in the cafeteria where he worked in 1964--Mom was pregnant with me then. He told Mom that "Ava" was short and sweet and he wanted to name me. Beli've it or not, I'met this woman by accident--several years after my Dad had died. I wish I could have told him that I'met finally met this woman. I feel that he would have loved that. For years, I never knew anyone else with my name--looks as though It's getting popular, especially with the'stars.

12/22/2022 17:46:18

I love this name, but it has become too popular. It will be like Michael in the 80's-there will be 3 in every class.

12/19/2022 21:53:00

this is also my name and most people end up calling me Rachel I don't know why hahaha. But it is a lovely name.

12/15/2022 16:47:08

my ant is haveing a girl and she wants to name her Ava. now her husbend dislikes the name. i love the name.

12/15/2022 15:36:36

I'm 18 and my name is Ava. I love my name, it is not so popular here in Australia so I feel very original. I'm so glad this name is growing in popularity though :) The more the merrier!!

12/15/2022 06:12:20

We named our daughter Avarie... We thought it was a super girlie way of spelling it.

12/15/2022 05:54:42

I just named my daughter "Ava Helene" in July 2018. It'seems like even'this name has been'though of already! I am concerned Ava is the next Jennifer....

12/15/2022 01:12:34

I absolutely love the fact that my name is Ava! I don't know many people with the name Ava so its fairly unusual. The only drawback is that'some people have trouble pronouncing it!

12/14/2022 15:48:18

I am Due on the 5th August 07, i really like this name, it is different , yet not too popular. I think it is sweet and wont go out of fashion... I like Ava Marie...

12/13/2022 11:17:52

Hii everyone, My name is Ava Marie and I love it. People always say what a lely unique name and i am so happy to be named this. They always say aswell were your named after Ava Gardner which I was. This name is becoming very popular after Myleene Class has named her daughter Ava, such a lovely. I also agree when people (mainly adults) ask what your name is you say your name with pride and you know a majority of people will like.

12/11/2022 01:06:28

Ava is such a pretty name and starting to become popular. My little girl is Ava and It'suits her to a tee. It's a great name that is short but not confusing and sweet! good luck

12/10/2022 19:31:26

I don't personally know anyone with this name, however I really love it, I't very pretty. I want to call my soon to arrive bub Ava though am worried it has become too popular.

12/07/2022 12:10:26

My friend just named her baby Ava Elizabeth. It's a beautiful name but the only reason it has become so common is because it is Reese Withe'spoon's daughter's name!

12/06/2022 05:18:56

I am a mother of two kids and when we picked out our names we wanted something unique for each. Although we thought Jaden an Ava were uncommon, the next thing we knew, they were everywhere. Just our luck...

12/06/2022 00:54:26

I like this name! Don't know if It's a favorite, but It's okay!

12/02/2022 06:41:00

My daughter born in 2006 is named Ava and we beli've we are the first to make the name popular again!So eat your heart out Hollywood copycats!

11/29/2022 22:50:40

I persian Meaning Ava Means: "Sound" , and especially this delicae name uses for the girls

11/27/2022 22:56:26

We live in the U.S. and named our son Mackenzie. It's never really been an issue and he'still likes the uniqueness of his name. And on the rare occasion that anyone says something about it being a girls name It's pretty easy to point them in the direction of a name origin book or website and educate them :) Doesn't happen very often'though. We love it as a boys name!

11/26/2022 06:05:24

My husband and I love the name Ava! We are expecting our little bundle of joy in August 2017 and plan on naming her Ava Lauren. When we tell people what we are going to name her they just love it because It'sounds so classy and is not overly common. Occassionally people do mistake it for Eva, which is very annoying.

11/25/2022 15:23:44

named my daughter Ava Isabella, a classic ring to it.

11/23/2022 09:01:34

Ava is the name of one of my closest friends, the name'seems very beautiful and I think It's a nice name for anyone to name their child.

11/22/2022 22:26:46

I love this name. It's such a pretty, sweet, feminine name. When I have a daughter I'm naming her Ava Danielle. Danielle's my name and I think the two names sound cute together.

11/22/2022 10:59:04

I love this name and have decided to name my baby (if it is a girl) Ava Lee. I think the two names compliment each other well. What do you thind❤️

11/20/2022 06:40:20

I had to choose the name for my new baby'sister, and I chose Ava. It's my favorite girls' name! My grandparents, however, hate the name. :( They're probably just too old to appreciate that name.

11/19/2022 03:02:48

HI'my name is Ava Mae. I was named after Ava Gardner becoz my dad lived her and Mae after Mae west lol. Its such a pretty namje but its becoming more and more popular

11/18/2022 06:28:28

I named my daughter Ava after'searching for German names since my ancestors were from Germany. I use a Umlaut over the first letter.

11/17/2022 19:18:24

My mom named me Ava. She named me after the play Ave Maria, and the'song. I love my name and how unique it is. Plus I love how It's rare for my age group. I love how everyone else loves it to. A lot of people say it fits my personality, Unique, creative, out there, etc. Honestly, I'd never change my name if I got the chance.

11/16/2022 22:08:48

My name is Ava. It is the greatest name in the world. But I hate it when people spell it EVA. I also hate it when I'meet another Ava, why has my name become so popular I no longer feel unique.

11/15/2022 10:52:48

My daughter is 5 months old and we named her Ava Marie. Its so simple but beautiful.

11/14/2022 11:57:24

I also named my daughter Ava in 2014. It was a simple, yet beautiful old-fashioned name - feminine and strong. I didn't know any other Avas at the time I chose this name, but it has since become increasingly popular.

11/12/2022 15:34:46

I just had my baby August 2018. We named her Ava Maureen. Maureen is after my mother. We get a lot of compliments about how pretty and feminine the name'sounds. I have not heard of a lot of babies with this name. It'seems like people are going with trendy names whereas Ava is very classic.

11/11/2022 19:35:42

I love this name and named one of my daughter's Ava. It is not that common of a name. I called my 2nd daughter Elsa, this is very uncommon but I love this name too! Well I would wouldn't I!! :-)

11/11/2022 18:25:10

I named my daughter Ava Elizabeth.I absolutely love the name.

11/10/2022 04:30:28

I'd never heard the name until someone I knew named their baby this. At first I thought it was a made up variation of Eva, but I liked it. It's grown on me more now, and I think It's quite cute and pretty. I am just amazed by looking at the popularity chart, though! I hadn't ever heard it 'till a couple of months ago, and suddenly It's waaaay up there as one of the most popular names!

11/09/2022 05:17:26

I have loved this name for years (8+ years to be exact) and am finally pregnant. I don't know if I'm having a baby girl or boy yet but if I have a girl I'm really considering naming her'something else because the name has become so popular in the last few years. I'm very disappointed.

11/07/2022 13:19:18

Coined by a friend of mine, it has been my nickname for many years, and I haven't really met other Ava's except for a few year old young creature shopping with her mom. It is sometimes mistaken for Eva, so one has to be vigilant about the'spelling, but its brevity has a dash of boldness.

11/06/2022 15:52:04

Im naming my daughter Eva. For those of you who can't read thats "Ava" spelled differently like "Eva Peron" Anyhoo I love the name.

11/05/2022 21:21:10

I had my daughter in 2014 i named her Ava after a animal of a fI'm people do seem surprised when i tell them where i got the name Ava

11/03/2022 18:30:36

I absolutely adore the name Ava, in fact I planned on my daughter being named Ava Leigh. But I don't want to give my children names that are so common, so now I'm thinking about other names. It's still beautiful, though.

11/03/2022 09:06:20

My name is Ava. I was born 63 years ago, and it is pronounced with a short A. My friends used to call me Ava Banana, Avocado, or Avaricious. My last name is now Rich, so I am called "Average".

10/30/2022 21:38:28

I love the name. i've recently added it to my list of possible baby names. I would combine it with my mom's name to become Ava Carmen. I already know her future sibling's name will be Claire! They both sound so sweet and feminine.

10/30/2022 18:24:30

I just named my newborn, born Jan 18/07, Ava Elizabeth. My husband picked it out. I didn't like it at first but it grew on me. My first thoughts were that it was a very old name. He thinks its a beautiful name. I now agree. The name has grew on me.

10/29/2022 19:46:44

Our daughter was born November 2015 - we named her Ava Rose and we beli've It's the most beautiful name - which sitd her perfect - she is the most beautiful girl

10/27/2022 06:39:00

I absolutely love this name! I want to name my daughter Ava Catherine, but I'm afraid the name is becomming the next Jennifer or Jessica. Ava is definitely 100 times prettier than those names, but It's probably going to be just as common.

10/26/2022 20:04:12

I am 26 weeks pregnant and naming my baby girl Ava Jane! Ava has been my favorite girl name for years!

10/26/2022 05:57:48

My four year old daughter is called Ava May. She's named after the amazing Ava Gardner and because I thought it was a lovely rare name. It has recently become very popular in the uk which I'm a bit gutted about because I liked the fact no one else was called Ava but her.

10/21/2022 09:35:00

I named my daughter Ava and I think It's a beautiful name!

10/19/2022 17:19:14

Ohh too common......It's the new emily, ashley...etc. Plan on being called by Ava and your last initial

10/17/2022 06:32:34

My name is Ava. I was born in 1999. My mom thought it was a beautiful name and several of our friends and one of our family members named their daughters Ava. My dad's friend named his daughter Ava. One day this friend and Richie Sambora were walking in Stanley park. Richie said he and Heather (Locklear) were going to have a girl and wondered if he could name her Ava. After that, I think the name became more popular.

10/13/2022 02:19:36

I love the name Ava. I named my daughter who was born March 5th Ave. I wasn't aware at how popular the name was tho.. Should have done some reserch..

10/09/2022 07:48:32

My daughter was born on February 2nd and we named her Ava Kristine. We have a very long, German last name and thus loved the fact that Ava was such a short yet beautiful first name. The name flows perfectly with long German surnames and the origin of Ava is also thought to be of German descent. Everyone I tell her name to has the'same response, "OH, I absolutely love that name!"

10/07/2022 08:29:34

My name is Ava and I was born in 2004 so HA! When I was born NO ONE heard of the name Ava!

10/04/2022 02:01:28

the name ava is prettier pronounced ah-vah rather than ay-va

10/02/2022 15:56:00

My four-and-a-half year-old daughter is named Ava. I specifically chose the name because it had previously not been over-used. I am so disappointed that Ava has now become the number one name for girls in 2019. I am going to start calling my daughter by a nickname.

10/01/2022 13:29:00

My name was Myrna (named after Myrna Loy). I have a twin named Myron. I was never comfortable with the name, it was odd and no one could spell, say or remember it. After turning 50 y/o I decided to change my name to Ava. It'suits me much better. The only problem is getting everyone to start calling me Ava now.

10/01/2022 03:11:50

I am pregnant and if I have a little girl, she will be named Ava. Such a beautiful name!

09/23/2022 22:05:48

I had my daughter in March 2020 and named her Ava Frances. I love the name and thought it was unusual as I hadnt heard alot of children with the name Ava. Now It's so popular and I do understand why. It's very feminine and has been around for years. Ava - Bird, Life. Did you know Eve Longoria is actually Ava Longoria, amercians kepy saying Eva instead of Ava so she changed it.

09/20/2022 22:58:32

I love this name. If I have a girl, she'll be Ava. I chose it three years ago (It's now 2018) after Reese Withe'spoon's cute little girl, and It's suddenly much more popular, but I'll still use it. It's simple and beautiful.

09/20/2022 13:34:16

My babys name is Ava Georgia and I think its a gorgeous name for a baby girl.. I get comments all the time at what a beautiful name it is.

09/18/2022 04:51:02

I love my Ava Kellie! She was born in 2011 and at that time I hadn't heard of any little girls named Ava. A beautiful name for my beautiful girl.

09/18/2022 02:47:36

My husband and I named our baby girl Ava Brianne. I have loved the name Ava ever'since I was in high school...long ago. I was very upset when it became so popular, but I love the name'so much that I had to name my daughter Ava along with everyone else!

09/16/2022 21:41:54

I love the name Ava, but am looking for another name for my little girl since it is SOOOO popular right now.

09/13/2022 02:17:56

I love this name, but It's becoming far too popular.

09/12/2022 06:18:52

i've loved this name for a long time. Its a shame that it is soooo over done now. I don't beli've the people who say they have never heard of it or ever met anyone with the name. Where do they live❤️❤️❤️

09/11/2022 15:01:56

I had twins 12 years ago and named them Ava Grace & Alana Ann. At the time I thought the names were completely unique and beautiful. After a few years I found Ava is actually very common. Nevertheless, I wouldn't change her name even if I could because I love it and she represents it well. Grace is my grandmother's and sister's middle names. I'm glad Ava and Grace go together'so well. Ann, which is my other daughter's middle name is mine and my mother's middle names.

09/11/2022 03:34:14

I picked this name in 2011. I wasn't even married then, but I said it was the name I would pick if I ever had a daughter. At the time, no one had the name. And now It's SO popular. I'm having my first baby, but It's a boy. Ava would still be what I would pick for a girl. Ava Grace. Beautiful!

09/09/2022 14:50:04

Very pretty name. When I first heard of the name'some years ago, I read it being spelled with the "h" on the end and also read that the'spelling alone changed It's origin completly and that it Isn't in fact a derivative from "Kayla". It is in fact a name of African origins, and means "Crown Jewel" or "Slender Crown". So that "H" means a LOT. I loved the name'so much that I named my daughter Kaylah, for she's very much like a princess and deserves a name that'suits her. Most internet sIt's are sadly misinformed and tend to give it the'same meaning as the English "Kayla" or "Kay". So I'must keep looking in order to back up my claim. It's a shame because they put so much mis information on the internet.

09/08/2022 20:54:26

We named our dog Elby, its spelt like that, but its actually L.B. which stands for Little Bastard! lol

09/05/2022 10:54:44

One of my bestfriends name is Ava and she is really funny and sweet and gives a good impression of the name. Everyone spells&pronounces; it correctly because it is simple and there are not many Avas around our age so It's unique except many younger children have this name! But i love the name Ava!

09/05/2022 02:23:22

My name is Ava and I never met anyone with the'same name as my self I'm 33years old

09/04/2022 09:55:54

My daughter, born May 2015, is named Ava. We chose the name when it was still relatively unheard of, and loved associating her with vintage movie star Ava Gardner. Every single person we introduce her to loves the name. A couple people have asked how we're going to "top" Ava when choosing a name for our second daughter, but we've got a great one planned for her as well.

09/03/2022 04:59:06

cute name my faugther have it... is perfert for her

08/26/2022 14:54:00

I have friends that have just had twin girls, one named Ava and the other Ella... so cute!

08/05/2022 17:28:48

My cousin! She's sweet, but I don't like the name very much. Her'sister, Hadley, is sweet too and nicely named.

07/24/2022 15:25:30

i like my name because its unique and other people like it too.

07/19/2022 02:45:00

Im 3 months pregnant and my first name for a girl is Ava Claire- my grandmom just passed away 6 months ago and her first name was Claire- i think its a BEAUTIFUL combination and it will mean a LOT to my family and I

07/15/2022 21:53:24

my baby's name is ava and i love it. she was born in 2017.

07/12/2022 03:18:18

I had my first grandaughter last night @ 11:06 PM and she has been named Ava Grace, and it really is a beautiful name and I have not heard of alot of people in my area named this

07/11/2022 06:15:36

i am only 10 weeks away from having my baby. i've had the name ava picked out since i knew i was pregnant but NOW of course im finding out how popular it is becoming. Im thinking of nameing her'something else but it just doesnt seem right that ive gone all this time calling her ava and then nameing her'something else. but at the'same time i dont plan on having any kids anytime soon either'so i dont know what to do. i picked out ava because i thought it was a pretty & uncommon name .. any idea on if i should stick with it or find something else❤️

06/29/2022 11:31:30

I'm not an Ava but I love the name, I didn't realise it was so popular in America (❤️) I'm brIt'sh, so It's very uncommon here.

06/28/2022 08:59:24

The Name Ayana was a temple in the ancient city of ASSURE in ancient Assyria.a country today is known as Iraq. it was a temple to worship god Assure, Athur, or Thur the father and the god of war of the ancient Assyrians.

06/17/2022 11:18:00

I'm named Ava, and I was born in 88, when NOBODY had the name. I don't know a single other Ava thats my age-but now i see all these little kids are starting to run around with my name, and It's kind of pissing me off that It's getting so popular-It's MY name, I had it first before any of these people ever thought of it. Now Ava is going to be a name on par with just names as Amanda and Madison and all the other mean popular girl names. Grrr

06/17/2022 02:09:00

Ava is a very pretty name!Thats my name.It comes from my dads name Avery.Mine is Ava Nichole.Ava Nichole is a very pretty name i think.It come from up in the hills in Virgina! Country people huh❤️ I personally love the name.I have never met another Ava in my life.Although im not old at all.

06/16/2022 06:56:06

A Clerk at my Bank and his wife named their first baby: Ava Michelle. They were not aware of the actress, Ava Gardner, they just loved the name. I did not realize that it has been so popular. The only Ava I knew was the actress. My name was and is becoming again a very popular name: Mary

06/08/2022 23:15:18

My name is Ava and I'm 15. So I was born in 2012. When I was little I HARDLY ever met another Ava and when I did I was very excited. Now being 2015 a few years ago, I started to see a lot more people named Ava. Now I can't go anywhere without hearing someone yelling to their little girl named Ava and It's annoying me now. I am also a member at a country club since I was 9 and I was the only Ava there until like last year and now there's literally 5 othe's. I am the only Ava in my school and It's always been like that but I'm sure there's tons of Ava's in the elementary school. I wish it wasn't so popular because I don't feel unique like when I was little and everyone liked that name now It's just eveywhere.

06/06/2022 06:17:24

ava is my name! i love it, people often spell it eva, but thats alright. It's inter'sting that it has picked up so much popularity in the last few years, i used to be the only one i knew!

06/05/2022 12:54:18

I Love this name!! my baby girl is due on 16th Sept 07 and i plan to call her Ava Leigh! im still not quite sure of the meaning though! x x x

05/31/2022 10:17:42

It's a shame that'such a pretty name like Ava is so common now.

05/29/2022 20:46:48

I love the name AVA. I wanted something diferent and beautiful for my daughter born march 25 2018 Ava is a beautiful child with wonderful loving personality that makes us smile everyday.

05/29/2022 13:27:36

My daughter was born in 2003 and I named her "Ava" after my mother whose name was Arlene. There were no other Ava's in our San Fernando Valley community and everyone who heard the name knew it was my daughter. She is now 19 1/2 and in college and has turned into a very strong, independent and bright woman. Student Body President of her high school. I loved being known as "Ava's mother". It is a palidrome which means it can be spelled the'same forward or backwards. I never thought it would be so popular so I am starting to feel like a real trendsetter. Best of luck to all the Ava's out there and to all the "Ava's mothe's". :)

05/22/2022 19:30:18

my grandaughter is called ava and the meaning of the name'suits her to a t sound lovely name'short and sweet helen couttie scotland

05/19/2022 18:18:18

My little girl is due on september 28th this year and my partner and I have chosen Ava as it is elegant, strong and stunning. We still cannot agree on a middle name'so would appreciate any suggestions

05/16/2022 09:47:06

My name is Mia Danielle and I'must say I love this name! I am naming my daughter Ava Danielle she is due on Feb 13th, 2020. I am so excited I am sure her name will fit her well.

05/11/2022 09:00:18

My Daughters name is Ava Claire she is 3 months old. It is such a gorgeous name, feminine and strong i looove it

04/28/2022 17:13:30

I was going for a unique name back in 2015, as my name is Jennifer, and well, I had 7! in my preschool class and a nemesis in school named that as well. I had only heard one other Ava before that and as soon as we named our daughter that . . . It's like buying a car, or being pregnant, all of a sudden everyone has the'same car or is pregnant at the'same time. Everyone says "My friend has a little girl named Ava." or at the park you heard at least one other Ava being called. But I'managed to live through having the most popular name ever, I'm sure my daughter will be as strong ;) Our second daughter, her name is Audrey . . . same thing there too. You just can't win, ha.

04/23/2022 00:53:24

I love I am 20 week and have been'told I am having a girl. I have it down to two names to she which one she looks like more Ava or Fraya

04/08/2022 11:21:36

wayne is a masculine strong name,easy to read and remember it will gain popularity soon because its a normal name.its never'stopped me from anything in my 55 years of life,good name for sports,school,and dating.

03/31/2022 10:17:42

It makes me think of classic beauty. It is my favourite girls name

03/27/2022 12:57:54

My name is Ava. I'm 20 and i've never met another Ava until a few years ago when all the babies started to be named after me.

03/25/2022 10:38:24

The only biff I have with my name is that people either'spell it or pronouce it wrong.. but there are so many variants that its hard not too I supose. Overall, while It'seems to be a popualar name, I only know a few Jacquelines. Though most Jacquelines are called Jackie so it may depend. My good friends call me Jaq usually lol

03/16/2022 22:35:42

I love the name Ava. My boyfriend and I have decided when we have children'to name our girl Ava-Belle Miracle. I am a bit dissapointed it has become so very popular this year, however maybe by the time I have kids it won't be!

03/10/2022 01:53:42

It is so popullar now, which is why we are steering away from it - it is beautiful though...

03/09/2022 09:25:30

Ava in India, probably spells Avah, is quite a common name especially in the northe'st state of West Bengal. In bengali, the language spoken in West Bengal and Bangladesh, the name Avah means glow.

03/03/2022 20:45:00

I remember when being named Ava used to mean something special. YOu were unique and amazing just because your name was beautiful and perfect, and completely and totally YOURS. When you said your name was Ava you said it with pride. These days, saying your name is Ava is like saying, "Hi, I'm Ashley." (I know just about every single person reading this will know AT LEAST one Ashley.) I am totally against the idea of my name becoming so popular and I know I'm not the only Ava (over the age of 14) who thinks this way.

02/15/2022 11:18:00

love the name but WAY too popular so I would never use it..

02/14/2022 04:11:24

I love this name! I plan on naming my daughter Ava. I also love the name Eva, but my husband likes Ava instead

02/12/2022 20:09:54

We wanted to name our first born Aidan, but it was a girl, so we waited a few years and in 2014, we finally had our Aidan!Good solid irish name. I have never met an Aidan'that has n't been "fiery"!

02/11/2022 18:32:42

My baby girl is due October 2017. I love the name Ava and I can't wait until she is here. I get mixed reviews but most of the time people love the name Ava and think it is very pretty which is the meaning of the name in latin. Ava, pretty; sweet bird.

02/07/2022 17:33:18

I too am naming my dauter Ava early this Fall. It gracfull & also very simple! Love it)

01/29/2022 04:48:18

My name is Ava and I was born in 2001. My name is my favourite thing my parents gave me and I adore it. I was 18 before I'met another Ava (my English teacher called his baby daughter Ava) and although it has grown in popularity over the years, I love how short it is, how different It'still is, and the fact it Isn't overly pretty or feminine OR masculine - it can be whatever you want it to be. I will always treasure my name very much.

01/23/2022 11:33:18

My daughter's name is Ava- she was born on Halloween 2016. I didn't know 1 person named Ava and thought It'sounded different when I saw it in the baby book we were looking at. Who knew it would be so popular. At her christening there were 3 babies, 2 were Ava. I still love the name and get many compliments on how pretty the name is. My husband and I are so glad we picked that for our daughter.

01/21/2022 08:18:54

Ava is a beautiful name. Ava means your a bird.Just cause you hardly see a person named Ava, doesn't mean that you don't stand out. YOU DO.

01/04/2022 22:51:54

I love the name Ava. My favourite is Ava Grace. When i have my first daughter, i really want to call her Ava Grace.

01/04/2022 13:42:54

I don't know anyone with the name Ava, but my boyfriend and I have decided when we have children if we have a girl to name her Ava-Belle Miracle. I absolutely love the name. I am a little dissapointed it has become so popular this year, but hopefully by the time I have children it won't be! :)

12/28/2021 10:36:36

I have loved this name for the past six years its a shame that i didnt have a girl when i first liked it before everyone knew it!! because now it is over used and there will be a tide of Ava's starting nursery and school at the'same time.

12/28/2021 09:41:42

My Ava was born in 2015, and I have always loved the name, since I heard of it as a kid growing up in the 60s, via Ava Gardner. I had no idea it was so popular, as I'd always planned on naming my baby girl Ava - not after Ava Gardner, but just because i've always loved the name.

12/25/2021 06:39:54

My name is Ava and I was born in 1972. People have mispronounced it all of my life. People in Canada pronounce it the worst I have ever heard. They pronounce it like Avenue without the nue. YUCK!! I never met another Ava in all of my childhood and hated the name then because every child wants to be like the othe's. Since I have grown up I have become neutral about the name. I think it helps a lot that many more babies are being named that because kids can be cruel and when you are on a playground with kids who have never heard your name before it can be pretty bad. Now a days Ava is an easier name to live with but I cant forget how hard it was to be a child with a name no one knew and few liked.

12/19/2021 13:24:54

I have a beautiful 5 yr.old granddaughter named Ava Estelle. I think it is a beautiful name. Estelle is after her great-grandmother. I think they go well togeather as do the many names listed here with Ava.S.

11/30/2021 15:34:30

I LOVE the name Ava for our little girl due in June, but I'm afraid It's just too popular right now :(

11/30/2021 00:01:12

After my husband and me spent months picking name for our baby girl, few days away from due we decided: Ava Adora. We are finally content with the name. I wanna hear any of your opinions on that name...

11/28/2021 05:55:48

I love the name Ava and want it for our unborn daughter - my husband says that everyone will automatically think 'hitler' when'they hear her name (Ava Braun). I totally disagree!! How can I convince him❤️❤️❤️

11/26/2021 02:41:24

I will be naming my daughter Ava, she will be born at the end of October 2018. I'm reading that It's a popular name right now but I haven't met anyone with this name and I also see all the WIC checks that come in with my job and no one has that name. It's beautiful, and short and sweet, and that's why I like it. I hope no one else her age gets this name'so hopefully she'll be the only Ava in her class when she's older.

11/20/2021 12:11:06

My daughter was born in Dec 2019 her name is Ava Marie and I love it. People always seem to say Ava wrong though they call her eva or ahhva I do not get it. Ava is simple but beautiful.

11/19/2021 00:30:00

My little sisters name is Avah, but it is pronounced just like the name Ava. She is only 2, so she doesnt realize the beauty of having such a unique spelling.

11/18/2021 18:05:42


11/13/2021 01:45:36

When I picked the name it was just because I really liked it. Now I feel like everyone named their daughter Mackenzie.

11/11/2021 07:40:12

We named our daughter'sadie Kathryn and we flippin' love it!

11/04/2021 20:07:12

I thought the name was beautiful when I saw and named my daughter, now its come to be a very popular name.

10/24/2021 20:36:00

My name is Mia and I am naming my daughter Ava Danielle she will be born on Feb 13th 2020. I think its a lovely name. Sweet and Simple!

10/21/2021 21:13:48

I think the name Ava is soo nice for a little girl.If i have a baby girl i will name my baby Ava Jisselle.I dont care if its popular at the moment,what matters is that its what fits my baby.

10/07/2021 09:31:48

I named my youngest daughter Ava Colette! I fell in love with the name Ava when I saw movies and photos of Ava Gardner when I was younger even'though there weren't many people my age who knew anything about her. I loved old movies and there was not another name that made such a statement as Ava does! Her middle name Colette was perfect because I love everything French since I'm half French & half Russian. The way it flows off of your tongue as you say Ava Colette just makes a statement as if to announce royalty!

10/02/2021 23:23:24

I love the name Ava and know a lot of people called Ava

09/30/2021 18:19:12

My granddaughter's name is Ava Rosalind (Rosalind being my mother's middle name). It's beautiful, simple and unique... no matter how many times It's used!

09/20/2021 07:36:36

I am waiting to have a baby girl to name her Ava! Hope it doesn't hit the roofs so much by then.

09/19/2021 15:08:24

Ava is the next Kim...we thought we picked an original name in 2017 but we already know 10 personally and live in a small town....please don't use it or your child will be like mine....she is known as "Ava B." to keep them different. Now I know how my childhood friend "Kim S." felt :-(

09/16/2021 19:25:48

We named our little girl Ayla - she is now 8 weeks old. A lot of people seem to pronounce it "a-la" while we would like it pronounced "eye-la". We chose the name b/c It'sounded a little like Vietnamese (my heritage) and a little like Indian (my husband's heritage) without being either (so as not to have one side of the family lay claim on her identity so easily. We love the name, It's beautiful.

09/12/2021 02:53:06

Pretty name but...whoa, it is everywhere now.It has joined ranks with other mega-popular names such as Isabelle (Isabella,Isobel, etc) Emily (Emma, etc) and othe's.It is always a shame when a name becomes so over'sed it loses It's original lustre.

08/21/2021 12:04:48

My name is also Ava, Ava Natalia, and I too love my name :) I'm in my 20's and I feel that it is growing quite well with me.

08/21/2021 07:30:18

i am iranian name is ava! and in iran it means song or beautifull voice..i love my name ..

08/19/2021 17:04:30

I loved the name Ava and named my daughter it but changed it weeks later as there were just so many and after having 5 friends on my mobile called Clare, did not want the'same to happen'to my daughter !! ❤️She was weeks old and being called by her'sirname at baby groups!!

08/12/2021 00:14:42

my name is ava!ava is international name i love my name,if i born agian i get this name agian!can u tell me name better than ava❤️;-)

08/08/2021 08:24:18

I fell in love with this name after reading it in a book when i was pregnant, and after having my little girl on 02/08/06 i named her Ava Dawn Carole. Its still unusual in the UK, i've only ever met one Ava and thats since i've had her. I think It's a beautiful name for a little girl and will stand her in good stead in womanhood

08/05/2021 14:31:30

my name is ava and i love this favorite is ava nicole... i love my name and it is so unique and beauiful... love it... <3

08/01/2021 16:16:48

My daughter is 17 months old and is called Ava Rose. It was practically unheard of in Scotland when i named her but know of 4 locally who have been named the'same since. Much prettier than the likes of Sophie and Emily which currently dominate the charts.My name is Melissa and i wanted my little girl to have a much prettier name.:)

07/24/2021 11:33:18

Sorry guys, I'm not a fan of the name, not only is every other toddler named Ava, but it reminds me of those old Collect commericials with Alyssa Milano as "Ava Save-A-Lot". That is the one and only thing I think of when I hear that name.

07/24/2021 09:43:30

I am having my first child and my wife and I are planning to name her Ava. we both think its a wonderful name.

07/19/2021 15:21:00

My daughter is going to be four years old and her name is Ava Claire. Now all of you went and used so It's way popular mow, bummer..

07/14/2021 09:59:42

I love Ava!I have a 2 year old with this name and although It'seems to be popular right now, I still wouldn't change it for anything.It'suits her'strong, funny and sweet self.

07/13/2021 13:51:54

It's a wicked name! i know this girl called ava and she is really laid back. She's persian. We call her Ava, cado lol

07/09/2021 11:02:42

I named by daughter Ava. It is such a beautiful name. I had no idea that it was becoming so common.

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Ava FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Ava?
The origin of the name Ava is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Ava?
Life, Serpent, Bird
*️⃣ How many people are named Ava?
Almost 281000 people are named Ava.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Ava?
The names of Avalee, Aviel, Avila, Aviella, Avel