Gender | 🧑 Boy |
Pronunciation | 📣 \bah-b\ |
Number of People | 👶 93,000 |
Rate in 2021 | ⭐ 14,309 |
Numerology | 🔢 1 |
Name origin | 🌍 English |
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To me this name means "murderer" or sort of dark intelligence. I pronounce it Cay-ne (rhymes with rain)
It's a good name, and it reminds me of Bob from ACNH. However, I wouldn't name a child this because they would get harassed.
My friend loves the name Bob. "Bob" sounds capable , cool, and handsome.
lol bob is a funny name u use wen u dont no wut to name'something
Never met a Bob that I liked. All have been sneeky.
I LOVE THE NAME BOB!!! but i would never name a child that! maybe like a nickname but NEVER!!! people would be mean and be bullies to that person. (maybe)
Bob is short for Spongebob which is short for Spongebob Squarepants lol so this name freaking rock my socks lol but i've only n't one Bob ever and he's a senior at Buna High School in Michigan or how ever you spell it lol
On MSN my friend named a an icon Bob and an'ther friend created Bob the'snowman! It's a funny name! NEVER NAME YOUR CHILD THIS!!!
i've never met a normal person named BOB.. and like if someone was on Family Feud on'the thing for the $20,000 and one of the questions was "A man's name" the first thing they would say would be BOB! Pleaseeeee don't name your baby this.. he'll thank you for it!
who would SERIOUSLY name their kid this!! it is unknown why people name their kids Unknown
who knew that there are soo many Paiges out there. I think It's cool. I like my name other then'the comments i get on it. --Paige :)
This is my name. I have been very happy with it, had only VERY minor grief in highschool over it (one skater punk used to announce me as Son and Servant of Mephistopholes every day as I entered class). However, the name fits me. It is a name that n't many people forget and it is common enough n't to be considered odd.
no one❤️s around to help, so I❤️ll have to handle things myself, It's n't so bad, here in'the no judgement zone
i love the name bob i think its the funniest name anyone can have but i wouldnt name a kid that like a dog or suttin like that!lol
My name is Bob Rowen, I teach at Bishop Quinn High School....and I'm awesome. You pronounce my name as Bob....Bob Rowen. I'm a bad ass. I'm a pimp. I own all.
i think "Bob" is a funny name...but it is very simple & likable.
No one❤️s around to help but that's just fine, sometimes the best thing you can be is alone
Bob bob bob a dee bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob! a FUNNY ODD name! *BOB* LAWL!
sounds dorky! I'mean, picture this: two proud parents sitting next to an ah-dorable little baby boy with blonde hair and big watery blue eyes. Sounds good right❤️ now picture the mother'saying "It's name is BOB" totally masscred the beautiful scene. so, in conclusion, parents: save you cute kids the'strife of having to face a life with the title of BOB and name them something with a few more syllables =)
Bob is really a dumb name its my uncles name but i really really hate it
I had an ex names Bob, short for Robert. He turned out to be the biggest jerk, and i've found most Bob's are.
i had a friend named bob he'said he was going to get a named change lol
Bob is my BFF. He is a brat, but he's cool so i like him. GO BOB!
One of my best friends is a Bob. It's a harmless, fun name!
So just remember on your next tough day, when'there❤️s a scary and daunting task awaiting.. Just bust a move and shake your fears away, there❤️s n'thing wrong with some pre fish celebratin!