
Dakota meaning

: Friend, Ally

Dakota Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \d(a)-ko-ta\
Number of People 👶 122,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 324
Numerology 🔢 7
Name origin 🌍 American
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Dakota Name Meaning

The name Dakota means "friend and ally".

Dakota Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Dakota
Additional description of the name Dakota

The name Dakota has a North American origin since they are two of the 52 states that make up the United States of America: North Dakota and South Dakota.

Cool Info About Name Dakota

Additional name description Dakota
Additional name description Dakota


The popularity of the name Dakota

The name Dakota has been used in the United States ever since 1915, with over 124714 boys given the name in 200 years. The name gained the most popularity as a baby name in 1994, at that time its usage went up by 127% and about 5533 babies were named Dakota. The name Dakota is one of the names that starts with D and it is very popular and common all around the world.


The personality of people named Dakota

D is for diamond, the brilliance you shine

A is for advantage, for you are blessed with many

K is for keepsake, you treasure your memories

O is for old-fashioned, you cherish the past

T in for tried tried, and true you

A is for amenable, for your easygoing nature

If you are named Dakota, when people hear your name, they perceive you as someone strong. This name requires some convincing before you join a worthy cause. Also, some people think you are wealthy, even if you are not! Your most likely vocations are Skilled worker, historian, philosopher, poet, writer, counselor, and adviser. The lucky colors of the name are All Shades of yellow, gold, and green. Lucky gems are moonstone, cat’s eye? Pearl and any white stone. The lucky days are Saturday and Sunday. Also for the lucky botanicals, we can mention Elder, blackberry, hops, juniper, linseed, grapes, and all types of fruit juices.


Famous people named Dakota

Here we have a list of people who have influenced the name Dakota’s popularity.

Dakota Fanning who is a movie actress

Dakota Johnson is a movie actress

Dakota Lotus who is a TV actor

Dakota Lewis who is an Instagram star

Dakota Goyo who is a Movie actor

As it is illustrated by the text, the name Dakota is a unisex name, so you can select for your baby boy or your baby girl. One of the things that should be underestimated in the name-selection process is Gender separation, this hurts the name-selection process.

Diminutives and variations of the name Dakota
The name Dakota has no variations or diminutives.
Dakota has great courage and a lot of character. He goes ahead with his life no matter what happens and does not let any circumstance hinder his path. He is very clear about where he is going and what he wants. On the other hand, she is a charming woman who seeks to love and be truly loved, in short, she seeks emotional stability.

The name Dakota in other languages
Celebrities named Dakota
Dakota Johnson: She is an American actress and model, popular mainly for her role as Anastasia Steele in the "Fifty Shades" trilogy.
Dakota Fanning: She is a American actress and model known for "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."

Similar names to Dakota

If you want to select a name that starts with D, take a look at the names below.

Dakodah, Dakotah, Dakoda, Dakshesh, Daku, Dakoeta and Dakarai


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Comments on the name Dakota
01/14/2024 00:00:00

This is the name of my beloved boston terrier and he'seems to love his name.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I named my Siberian Husky, Dakota. Mainly cause of the meaning behind it. n'tive American and friend of Man. I have had so many compliments from it.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is dakota i live in a mantion my dad plays for the'sens and i am 12 years old

01/14/2024 00:00:00


01/14/2024 00:00:00

A beautiful name for a girl. It is Native American and means "friend".

12/25/2023 10:22:24

My daughter was born in Sept of 2018 and Dakota was the name we chose for her. I have gotten nothing but compliments on her name and have not once regretted that we chose that name for her.

12/16/2023 11:32:26

The name tami is awesome its my band directors name and she freakin rocks out loud lol and shes a trombone player just like me lol the name tami lynn just has a ring to It'so commenter July 17 2019 your a jerk... yeah ..... now that i think about it July 17 is one day before tami lynns birthday so rudeness be nicer to all the tamis out there and to all the haleighs and brandons too!!! /:<

12/14/2023 08:59:30

My daughter name is Dakota she is 17 yrs old..I love this name becaues it was diffrent. I have a diffrent name tamatha so I woned a diffrent name for her.

12/10/2023 06:14:42

Love it for a girl/young lady. . .is equated with coming from upper class of society . . . if it were a boy's name, could go the other way

12/07/2023 13:17:44

I'm a boy, and this is my name. Sometimes It's annoying when, in emails, people assume I'm a girl, or they aren't quite sure. I wish that dakota fanning didn't exist.

12/05/2023 19:51:26

We named our son Dallas, I am Scottish and my husband is Spanish so we wanted a Scottish first name as we have a Spanish surname, his name is Dallas Dalmau Perez! We think its cool! Love it!. There is a small town in'the north of Scotland called Dallas, a whiskey called Dallas Dhu and a waterfall. The only comments I get are people asking if that is where he was conceived!!! Which really annoys me! Dallas was born in 2016.

11/27/2023 11:43:08

My 3 month old daughter is named Dakota, at first i didn't really like it but have to say now it has grown on me so much and always gets compliments as It's so unusual over here in Scotland.

11/24/2023 02:01:04

My Chocolate Lab puppy is named Dakota and we thought it fit her perfectly! Plus, chocolates originated from the N.A! I LUUUUUUVVVVV this name!

11/20/2023 23:04:34

my daughters name is Dakota and i just wanted to know if anyone had the biblical reference to the meaning of this name

11/18/2023 01:25:28

I named my young daughter Dakota. I can n't think of her having any other name now. She has a kind heart and she will be a good "friend". We live in New Zealand. I am Scots Irish and her mum is Fijian. Most people who meet her for the first comment on her lovley name.

11/14/2023 13:39:58

I am having a boy in march 2020. I am really thinking about the name Dakota. Its a love hate name'some people like it other hate it. I just think its awesome. Beside he will think he got name after a dodge. People keep saying its more for a girl. Think of someelse. I really like the name Dakota

11/07/2023 11:30:16

I don't meet people that have the name dakota i just meet dogs and trucks.

10/30/2023 06:00:40

its a beautiful name i am planning on using this name for my second child whenever that may be

10/26/2023 01:12:26

This is my name. I'm a female. It's spelled Shelby. Alot of people always wanted to call me Shelly though....afterawhile I told mom to just change my name to Shelly since that's what everyone wanted to call me. So everytime mom called a dr for me or something she'd say "Shelby with a B!" haha. Then after awhile I just grew into my name and fell in love with it because It's unique. i've gotten mail spelled shebly. I had only met one other person named shelby and i beli've It's that'same shelby my dad went to school with. my mom fell in love with the name and that's how i got it. I only ever met one other'shelby. That was the only one. Alot of people when I worked at walmart seen my name on the name tag thought my dad was into shelby cars and I say nope, we're into harley davidsons. =) Most of my friends just call me shelbs. That's pretty much stuck my whole life.

10/25/2023 17:33:58

My son is named Dakota. He has met 6 other Dakota's...all boys. This must have been a real popular name in 2008/2009!

10/15/2023 18:02:48

i think its great for a girl but for a guy i think its just wrong.... you are going to get teased. good luck with that dakota.

10/11/2023 02:22:08

I'm a girl, also named Dakota. People can pronounce it fine, and It's a hard name to forget. However, It's more common as a girl name than a guy name. The only downside is being related to Dakota Fanning! (PS. Dakota means "Friendly" in'the'sioux and Dakota tribes. )

10/06/2023 18:02:18

My husband and I are going to name our daughter Dakota

10/03/2023 09:30:46

i named my daughter Chloe Dakota. She's 13 now and she loves it!! Chloe goes by COCO, it works both names. we have a 9 year old named Ella Kendall. i love how they have unisex names as their middle names .

10/02/2023 00:00:34

I'm 5 months pregnant and at the moment, my boyfriend and I are looking at names. He really likes Dakota for a girl, and I'm not so keen on it. I want something more feminine and pretty, like Ava or Tatiana.

09/30/2023 04:30:50

My Mini Pinsher name is Da'Kohta. We choose the name becasuse It'sounds strong but feminine at the'same time.. We also wanted to give her name a different spelling.

09/27/2023 21:51:02

i am 18 weeks pregnant and i find out what i am having tomorrow. if i get what i want and it is a boy i am naming him dakota shane after his daddy and if he is an'thing like his daddy the name will be perfect. i love my husbands name and hopefully my sons also!

09/20/2023 02:38:36

My son is named Dakota Sean (Sean is his dad's middle name). We call Dakota "Kota" for short and I absolutely can't imagine him being named an'thing else. He is never teased about his name but maybe that's because we live in'the Rockies.

09/14/2023 12:55:26

HI'my name is Dakota and I'm a girl. I getting this cool jumper that I can put a name of anything on the back but I want some nick names for my name. Anyone please have you got any ideas of a nickname for my name PRETTY PLEASE!!! Thanks :)

09/12/2023 14:29:22

my brothe's name is dakota and he is 19 years old. and he just loves his name.i think it is a very strong name and cool. dakota is good for a girl or a boy. and are background is african and white my brother has only heard one other person in his high school and his name was dakota.

09/12/2023 08:54:20

whoever'said that kai was pronouce "K" is ignorant. It's "kie" or "Sky".

09/12/2023 05:05:06

Since I am Sioux and wanted to get back to my roots, I named my son Dakota James and my daughter Tayler Cheyenne. I thought about the name'sioux, but didn't want them to get teased throughout school. I figure when we go through the naming ceremony, they will get their Sioux names anyway.

09/10/2023 01:39:16

Its a great name for BOYS only. Its way more popular for boys than girls, so that girl who's named Dakota and said it was girly is completely WRONG. Shut up.

08/30/2023 12:01:42

Hi im Dakota! People often get my name wrong alot! :'( My nickname is Kota and im 10 LOL! I love my name!;)

08/27/2023 16:26:02

I am 30 years old and my name is Dakota. I have only meet 2 little boys with this name. I'must have been one of the only ones with this name 30 years ago.

08/17/2023 19:51:12

yo i love my name and is happy that there are other people named the'same thing but my friends call me yamyam but hey its a great name name

08/15/2023 20:49:52

I really love this name I wish it was my name bu oh well :/

08/13/2023 17:59:18

I'm a fourteen year old girl and my name is Dakota and personally, I love it! Some people i've noticed say It's too common but I don't think of it as an average name. I know of a couple of guys named Dakota but to me, Dakota is more of a feminine name. The reason I think so is because it ends with an "a" and not too many boys names do. I think the "a" adds a feminine touch and makes it more appropriate for a girl. I think this name is unique and I'm not just saying that because It's my name. It truly is a fun inter'sting name to have.

08/12/2023 17:18:06

My sons name is DaCota Cade but, this is how we spelled it. Just to make it different.

08/10/2023 04:28:00

My Name is Dakota (: I am 15 year's old and i go by Kody (: i think dakota is better as i a girl name,i have never met a boy dakota.

08/04/2023 03:34:46

What is hilarious is my surname is Gage; my first name is Matthew and my son is Nathaniel. i've seen'those of you who like the name as a first name and take it as a compliment that you like It's i'verse order!

08/01/2023 20:19:42

my mean rude and annoying litle sister is named this and is far from friendly!!!

07/23/2023 02:05:56

Of course, I do love the name... I named my 6 year old son Dakota, and people never'spell it wrong and he always gets a "cool name" from his classmates so he likes it too.

07/19/2023 08:10:08

yes i do know a kacie that is my friends name and my cousins peaple really never'spells it wrong, but sometimes they do say friend spells it kacie but my cousin spells it casey.

07/16/2023 14:37:54

My name's Dakota Catelin and I'm 13. My friends tease me about my name'sometimes, but just jokingly. Personally, i love my name, cause I only know one other person named Dakota(:

07/07/2023 17:51:22

We named our beautiful daughter Faye because she looked like a fairy when she was born, my nickname is Fairy as I'm called Farnaz so now I have a daughter called Faye! Its such a unique name ,, everyone is like wow lovely name! there Isn't many Faye's in Bahrain, in arabic it means shadow or glen:)

07/04/2023 15:47:46

I am the only girl in my school named Dakota. There are about 5 guys who I know who also have my name. I love the name :)

07/01/2023 22:50:48

My son's name is Dakota Tanner R...... I love his name. Everyone always says he has a cool name. :).

07/01/2023 07:51:30

Hey I have been'thinking of naming my baby girl Dakota im now a proud dad

06/19/2023 07:33:12

I love that name! I know alot of people who have that name also. I don't like how people spell Dakota, Dakoda, it doesn't look right to me.

06/17/2023 07:56:36

I agree that parents should think about the future when naming a boy Dakota. There is no doubt that he will get teased at some point about his name. Children are ruthless and mean'to each other as they are growing up. Why burden your child with one more reason'to be humiliated❤️

06/06/2023 20:22:28

my name is dakota too! sometimes I go by kota or kody which really should be koty right❤️ because that's how its spelled in my name. At first I really didn't like it but I think it probably suits me really well.p.s.I didn't know there were so many other Dakotas! i've never met one. and yea people do name their dogs that a lot. :) long distance high five Dakota's!

06/06/2023 17:26:08

My daughter's name is Dakota and she is the most feminine and beautiful young lady.

05/31/2023 15:40:00

My daughters name is Dakota I love she loves it we've never heard it before an It's lovely to seen all the commets with there lovely name Dakota

05/28/2023 20:39:36

I named my Son Dakota, his Mom was n't too cool with the name and it was n't really decided until she was having him she'said" OK DAKOTA KRISTOPHER LEE" so I got to name my only son Dakota. He is 5 now and such a Dakota true friend to all.

05/20/2023 11:20:46

dakota is a pretty cool name to me and I'm a boy..dakota is my middle name i wish it was my first name..i think dakota is a unisex name but its more of a boy name it really doesnt fit girls

05/16/2023 14:11:00

My name is Dakota and the only question about my name that I get asked is "North or South❤️" I'm also upset about the popularity of the name though.

05/09/2023 19:22:08

My name is Dakotah. I'm 28, I'm a guy, and I am half Indian. Dakotah is a Lakota word meaning "ally", but I'myself am Apache and Pueblo Indian. Lakota parents would n't name their kids Dakotah... Almost all girls like the name for a guy, so if you are having a baby boy and want him to have an easy time with girls and people in general, think about this name. However this likely wont hold true if you and your kids are squares or ner's. I would n't recommend the name to any weak-minded or very un'ttractive parents. And n't that I have an'thing again't ugly people or ner's. Best for artistic and openhearted parents. Oh yeah, n't good for super white-bread families or hicks. No Republicans either. Never mispronounced or made fun of. Never been an obstacle to my professional career either. Very strong name and should be carried by strong individual. As a girls name, Dakota (n'tice spelling) is very pleasant as well in my opinion.

05/09/2023 13:11:50

I love the name i know so many dakota girls and guys and they are all nice but trying to figure out a nickname for the one because everyone else has a nickname and kota is the of the most popular nicknames that comes with dakota... My dogs name was dakota and it was a tragic to have lost him

05/06/2023 12:54:02

A beautiful name for a strong, noble and dependable little girl and woman-to-be. Nothing plebian about it, unless you strangely reference everything Native American'to be lower class or plain.

05/04/2023 21:31:10

My two year old daughter's name is Dakota and it fits her perfectly, wouldn't have it any other way. I get mixed reactions, specially since my husband drives a dodge Dakota, everyone thinks she is named after his truck! Then I get the "well my dog is named Dakota" and I reply "Yea and my dog is named Molly, what is your point❤️❤️" I hope so grows to love her name, unique and beautiful.

04/30/2023 13:28:58

My dog is named Dakota. I have never met a person with the name but this other dog where I live is also named Dakota. I like the name alot!

04/29/2023 08:23:16

My name is Dakota Alexis Morgan and I am a girl.I love my name and I think it is a good name for both genders.

04/27/2023 05:50:20

I named my daughter, Dakota Lynn. She is seventeen. She goes by Dakota and likes her name. I gave her the middle name Lynn in case she didn't like Dakota. My nickname for her is "Kota". I have always said I started out with the Bible looking for a name and ended up with the Atlas.

04/09/2023 21:41:32

If I am having a boy I am naming my son Dakota. I think it is a cool name for both genders. For the people that'say the kid will be made fun of is wrong. Kids the's days need to grow up & stop bullying. What a world we live in.

04/04/2023 03:33:52

i have a friend and her name is dakota(obviously) her name really fits her!!

04/01/2023 01:30:16

I named my daughter Dakota after Dakota Fanning. SHe is a good little actress and I thought my daughter would be proud to be named after'someone so famous. Her nick name is Koda.

03/25/2023 15:12:46

My name is Dakota, and I love my name!!! My closest friends call me 'Kota'.

03/25/2023 04:20:20

We are naming our son Kai when he is born in 3 weeks. I was wondering if anyone has trouble with their son getting called Kay or anything else that can be confusing for people. We really like this name and don't want it to be a burden for him because people just can't get it right.

03/24/2023 08:38:54

My friend named her children Dakota, Sioux and Cheyenne. Dakota and Sioux are boys and Cheyenne is the girl. I think Dakota is a cool name, for boys and for girls, but I didn't meet any boy with the Dakota, except my friend's son. And as a girls name, I just know it from Dakota Fanning.

03/22/2023 01:23:50

honestly, are you just trying to torture your children❤️ How many starbucks coffee drinks do you consume a day❤️ Better yet, i bet all of you mothe's must be on'the'south beach diet, who love movies like american beauty and mona lisa smile. It'seems like you are trying to be unique and get your yoga class members saying "awwwwwww, thats a beautiful unique" those kids will be the laughing stocks of their high schools. Whats next❤️ i can see you naming your children nevada or nebraska pretty soon.or better yet, wyoming. dont miss your rerun "friends" episode tonight. stock up on your bob-bons. Did you cry in cinderella man❤️ or how bout when seabiscut fell down❤️

03/16/2023 19:54:24

My Wife and I are having a baby girl in June, and we've chosen'this name. It took a lot for us to find one we both liked :-)

03/08/2023 14:07:10

My daughter is called Dakota and I always get really nice comments when people ask her name. They say its a lovely unusual name and I like something a little different. My daughter gets called Kodi for short and I think that's really cute too. I love her name but now I am expecting another baby and want a girls name to go with it that is a little unusual too. Don't like too common names! I find it really hard to pick a name.

03/02/2023 18:48:58

Our baby boy will be named Dakota, as with any name there are draw backs but I love it. It has a great meaning and It's n'tive American. At least I am n't joining the ranks of Jayden's and Brayden's. Dakota Rocks!

02/28/2023 10:05:44

Dakota is for sure not a girls name. My name is Dakota and I'm a boy, but I know far more boys named Dakota than girls. It just doesn't suit a girl at all. Its very masculine and not feminine.

02/18/2023 16:27:14

My son is named Dakota. We chose the name because of our n'tive American heritage and because the name means "friend." Our boy is friendly, outgoing, fun and thoughtful. Dakota is the perfect name for him and he has never been'teased about his name except in reference to North or South Dakota. He loves the name and so do we!

02/16/2023 12:26:08

my brothe's name is dakota and he is 19 years old and he loves is name. he only know one other person name dakota and they were in high school. no one spells is name wrong it a very cool name for a boy or girl

02/08/2023 22:48:44

thi is a wonderful and everybody that have that name is one of akind.caleb all-day.

02/07/2023 05:22:26

my names dakota and i get compliments all the time for a boy having a tight name

01/18/2023 13:40:56

my name's dakota and i luv it im the most amazing person in'the world so you should all name your kids dakota after me :)

01/17/2023 03:53:06

Hewo my name is Dakota, I like my name alot im thinking if i should male my nickname Dako. :3

01/06/2023 18:57:40

my name is dakota i am a girl my friends used to make fun of me because they had never heard of a girld named dakota i used to get upset when my family would my things with their names on them and i could never find something with MY name on it.

12/28/2022 18:57:10

This is my two year olds name and i love it! We call him Lenny on occasion,

12/23/2022 06:24:32

I think that Dakota is a totally boring name. All of the people I know that have this name are very boring. (besides Dakota Fanning)

12/19/2022 11:18:12

Only for a boy.....It just seems to be a masculine name..n't right for girls

12/11/2022 16:41:02

my names dakota and i think im awesome lol arent all dakotas awesome hehe

12/08/2022 13:26:54

My husbands name is Dakota Scott when we had our first son we decided to name him after his dad except I saw it in a name book spelled Dakkota and I loved the double k so we changed it alittle and since he's a junior we all call him dj hes three now and adorable but i love the name dakkota for a boy or however you wanna spell it. haha

12/01/2022 11:17:12

i don't really rate Dakota for A Boy, i know too many girls that are Dakota. I do like inter'sting and different boys names but.

12/01/2022 05:42:10

I know a few people that are boys named Dakota. No one has made fun of their name'since I knew them, guess it all depends on'the people around you.

11/30/2022 05:36:14

Im 26, my name is Dakota Ray. i love my name and chicks dig it alot.

11/28/2022 12:45:12

my name is dakota and i a girl and i like it because the name dakota means "friend", "friendly" or "allies" so yeah and that might not be me but i love my name and all the boys named dakota and all the girls named dakota should love their names too just like i do so always love your name and never regret the name you hat not ever byeeeeee

11/25/2022 22:44:34

One of my horses is called Dakota and It'suits her perfect; she's an Appaloosa. We live in Switzerland and she is maybe the only one in'the whole country with the name Dakota. I love it! It means Friend!

11/07/2022 23:01:12

I am probably the only male "Dakota" on'the known universe. As a kid I absolutly hate the name and went by "Cody". I'm much older and now I have a love-hate relationship because, for example, if I call my bank and say my name, they assume that I'm n't Dakota and send me to the'security center.

11/02/2022 01:21:56

This is the name of my niece, born in Oct. 2011. My husband's co-worker had a daughter named Laken. I told it to my sister and that is what she ended up naming my niece. Her name is Laken Shae. We love it! I haven't had anyone ask me how to pronounce it...they seem to get it as soon as I say it. I think It's a beautiful name.

10/30/2022 15:10:32


10/27/2022 13:59:50

I love this name and accept that It's unisex. When I have a baby I will name him/her Dakota for sure.

10/23/2022 01:15:30

Dakota is a awesome name i think for a boy.I'm having my first baby boy and his name is Dakota Micheal.some people like It'some don't but they have no say lol. thanks guys hope the girls love it:-)

10/20/2022 05:39:50

I heard this name on tv and was like that is what I am going to name my baby girl

10/17/2022 13:35:46

Who ever'said their name was pronounced 9 a then ur not alone

10/11/2022 05:56:58

My name is Dakota and I'm a boy. If You're contemplating naming your son or daughter Dakota DO IT! I love my name and your kid would love it too.

09/29/2022 12:06:36

i would name my future daughter dakota because i love this name..

09/21/2022 07:29:54

My son's name is Dakota and he is 12 years old. We think It's a great name and It's neat to know that it means "friend". My son is a great friend and it certainly speaks of his character!

09/16/2022 12:00:00

Yup. Ali is fine as a male name, but you had better'spell and pronounce it differently for a girl's name. Ally is fine for a girl.

09/13/2022 23:09:54

My daughters name is, Dakota Mareena, "friend of the'sea", I absolutely love it, and It'suIt's her perfectly!

09/06/2022 17:10:58

My name is Dakota. I love it. I am sad at the growing popularity of the name though.

09/05/2022 21:47:10

My husband and i have this name picked out for our next child if its a girl. Ive always loved the name and i come from a native american background.

08/15/2022 16:17:42

My name is Dakota. I have never met anyone with the name Dakota, but i've heard of boys with the name. I like it, except when I get asked if I am North or South. I usually respond with East.

06/18/2022 08:20:42

My son's name is Dakota Ryan. We call him Kota for short. I love his name and would never change it!

06/16/2022 06:01:12

I know someone with the name Dakota, I think It's an awesome name. We call her Dakky as her nickname.

06/10/2022 11:51:18

I named my 18 year old son Dakota Leigh...he doesn't like his name and wishes I had given him a more common name, but I love his name.

06/03/2022 01:25:48

My name is Dakota. Everyone I'meet tells me how much they love it and hot It's so unique. Its the coolest name around.

05/19/2022 12:48:54

My Daughter's name is Dakota Rhiannon and we chose this name years before it was used for either gender, she is now in her 20's and is a very bright, original, strong, lovely young woman. She was teased at times but it made her'stronger.

05/11/2022 10:50:06

I have a daughter named Dacota I think spelled with a (c) gives it a girley look also easer to write. Middle name is Chiane.Has a good flow to it.

04/26/2022 10:19:30

My youngest son is named Dakota. Everyone loves the name. He gets called Kota or Koty alot. He is spunky and mischievous and I think the name fits him well. We have deep American Indian heritage in all sides of our family and my grandparents were pleased with his name. He is now 12 and no regrets with this name.

03/08/2022 05:03:36

My name is Dakota and im a girl. lots of people call me "kote" or "kota". i say Dakota is a girl name because It'sounds girly to me and lots of people i know. but i agree it is a unisex name. im 13 and i liked it when Dakota wasnt so popular. i used to know only 1 other person with my name now i know like 6 or 7. its as common as Austin or Ashaley. and i hate it. the guys i know get teased for haveing the name Dakota. and they get so tired of it they want to change there name. but the name Dakota is the best name ever'so be happy about it. and it is a unisex but sounds better for girls! haha"

02/21/2022 18:16:30

You can use the name penina (hebrew) and still go by nina.

02/07/2022 13:53:42

I really don't meet anybody named Dakota. Everyone gives me cool nice nicknames like... kota, cody, and D'kota. I really like the name Dakota.

01/22/2022 16:20:24

my middle name is DEKOTA. unusual way to spell it but its unique and describes me. :)

12/30/2021 05:36:54

Dakota Fanning is actually named Hannah Dakota Fanning - she actually says she hates the name Dakota, and is planning on changing her name when she's old enough to do so. Also, look up for blowing up Hollywood child actor Dakota Avery Goyo, set to become the next big thing! Watch out

12/28/2021 19:45:36

my daughter's middle name is Dakota. she is six years old and she loves her name. she goes by her first name, which is rylee,a name'she also loves. i choose dakota because you don't hear it quite as often as some other names and It's different and beautiful for a girl,no matter what the age.

12/20/2021 01:18:36

Way to many people with my name. I think It'sounds awkward. I go by Sam, sounds more tomboy.

11/02/2021 01:19:30

I am 32 weeks pregnant... could not decide on a name for my little girl... her big sister is Chloe.. I think I have finally found one!

10/21/2021 16:39:18

I like the name Dakota, but it always reminds me of Dakota Fanning

10/21/2021 12:04:48

No one mispronounces my name.I love my name...ecxept that I know a boy that is named Dakota and sometimes my friend tease me.........

10/13/2021 07:21:18

Great name, but only for BOYS! Girls get away, I'm sick of girls stealing boy names.

10/02/2021 03:15:36

We named our daughter Danica Veronica, she was the first child registered in Ireland with this name. Danica will be 18 this year and has always got complements on her name. Her brother and sisters nick name her Nica. Danica loves her name and that'she was born in the early morning as the name means morning star.

09/26/2021 16:24:54

im male, and its unique.i couldnt be happier with any other name

09/21/2021 05:34:12

My name is Dakota (a guy) and as one of the other comments stated, some of us do get teased because people use it as a girls name as well. It's humiliating to me.

09/15/2021 13:14:06

I like this name alot - very american ! i am english by the way

08/25/2021 16:43:48

I named my sons Dakota and Indiana. Dakota is 13 now. he has enjoyed his name with one n'table exception... someone named their daughter Dakota and she was in one of his classes in grade school. For Indy, everyone loves it, adn it goes well with the other. we do get teased about needing a lot more babies to get thru the rest of the'states!

08/23/2021 22:38:24

I'm a 22 year old girl and my name is Dakota (middle name D'Arcy). Everyone calls me Coty. I love it because It's so different and haven't met anyone with the'same name.

08/08/2021 14:48:36

I am 18 years old and a freshman in college. My mother named me Dakota after a star in a soap opera she had a crush on. When I was younger I didn't really like my name. However, when I now think about my name, I realize how lucky I am to have it. It is a very rare and unique name to have. I only know three other people named Dakota. One was named after me, one goes by Cody, and the other is a girl I went to high school with. So to me it is most defin'tely a guys name. Also the girls love the name. I don't know why, but they do....

07/09/2021 13:47:24

My name is Dakota. and people always spell it wrong for example : Dakoda and Dakotah. I don't know why they do, but they do. Anyway the correct way to pronounce my name is Da-ko-tah.

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Dakota FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Dakota?
The origin of the name Dakota is American.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Dakota?
Friend, Ally
*️⃣ How many people are named Dakota?
Almost 122000 people are named Dakota.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Dakota?
The names of Timoteo