
Elsa meaning

: God's Promise, God Is My Oath

Elsa Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \e-lsa, el-sa\
Number of People 👶 29,000
Rate in 2021 1710
Numerology 🔢 1
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Elsa Name Meaning

The name Elsa means “God is abundance” or also “she who is protected by God”. Other of its translations is "consecrated to God", so with this meaning you can already imagine the powerful personality that this emblematic name contains.

Elsa Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Elsa
Additional description of the name Elsa

The name Elsa has its origin in the Hebrew word Elisheba, which is formed by El which means God, and by Sheba which is the number 7 of perfection. That is why it is literally translated as "She who carries the perfection of God" or "she who is protected by God."

Cool Info About Name Elsa

Additional name description Elsa
Additional name description Elsa

The personality of the name Elsa
Elsa is a determined, strong, and persistent woman. Her courage is one of the characteristics that stand out the most. Likewise, she is dreamy and with hundreds of ideas always going around in her head, since she has an idealistic and risky spirit. Creativity is one of the most powerful qualities in Elsa.
If we talk about her character, she is generally very nice and has a good sense of humor. The people they like to surround themselves with are those who share their creative vision and who help them expand their knowledge to the maximum. For Elsa, her word is something sacred, if she offers something she will do everything in her power to look good.
In the professional field, Elsa never leaves anything for tomorrow, since she is proactive and persevering. Due to his great imagination, he opts for artistic or aesthetic careers such as architecture, music, art or writing. However, her insatiable taste for knowledge sometimes makes her go for the scientific professions.
As for the love field, those called Elsa are usually somewhat flirtatious and very careful of their partner. They like to maintain a relationship based on mutual trust. If they have a doubt, they will openly address it with their partner to solve that situation. Another thing that defines Elsa in love is that she is demanding and always tries to find a perfect partner.

Celebrities named Elsa
Elsa Pataky: Spanish producer, journalist and model, famous for her participation in several TV series. (She appears in the image.)
Elsa Morante: famous Italian novelist and writer.
Elsa Cross: prominent Mexican poet and essayist, author of several books.
Elsa Einstein: cousin and second wife of the genius Albert Einstein.
Elsa de Arendel: fictional character from the Disney movie frozen.
Elsa Triolet: French essayist and writer.
Elsa Lunhgini: French singer and actress.

Diminutives and variations of the name Elsa
Being a name with widespread use, there are many variants and diminutives for Elsa, some of them are:
Elsy, Else, Elsie, Elisa, Elise, Elspet, Elspeth, Ilsa, Ilse, Ela, Elsita

The name Elsa in other languages
The variants of the name of Elsa in different languages are:
Catalan: Elsa
French: Else
Italian: Elsi
Elsa's Saint Day
Elsa's saint is January 4th.

Numerology of the name Elsa
According to numerology, Elsa's name corresponds to 1, and is associated with independence, discipline, strength and temperament.

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Elsa FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Elsa?
The origin of the name Elsa is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Elsa?
God's Promise, God Is My Oath
*️⃣ How many people are named Elsa?
Almost 29000 people are named Elsa.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Elsa?
The names of Emily, Emilia, Ivan, Emiliano, Emely