
Fanny meaning

: From France

Fanny Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \f(an)-ny\
Number of People 👶 10,000
Rate in 2021 18008
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 Latin
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Fanny Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Fanny
Additional description of the name Fanny
"Fanny" is a beautiful name for girls that has Latin origin. Meaning of the name Fanny is: "From France".

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Comments on the name Fanny
10/07/2023 19:36:24

My name is Fanni. I am 12 years old and i dont get teased about it yet..only sometimes. But i know that when i go to secondary school i will get teased A LOT. I begged my mom to call me Anni because its in my name'she'said maybe. I cant stand my name! :-/

09/25/2023 09:53:50

i think if people can't spell the name right than they shouldn't say anything about it. My name is Fannie and people do talk behind my back but no one cares besides the people doing it, and it just shows they pick on other people because they are the real ones with the problem. I like my name and it was meant for me no matter how people interpret it

09/04/2023 00:46:02

People make fun of me in a polite way. It doesn't matter as long as you are fine with it.

08/23/2023 10:27:16

My name is Fanny.. I live in California and here my names means a I hate my name. I want to change it to Ever when I grow up. I think Ever is uniqe too. But I'm 15 and in high skool people ALWAYS make fun of my name :/ i get tired of it!

05/24/2023 02:55:30

Well obviously after the many comments below me, you know that Kellie is a name that probably everyone tends to spell with a Y. Yes it bothe's me but I love my name. Some nicknames I have are Kellz and Kelloggs. Kelloggs was an idea from one of my wierd friends that wanted to come up with a unique name. I think It'sounds awkward and I hate when'they my friends call me that. I'd rather much MUCH prefer Kells.

04/21/2023 03:11:18

I absolutely LOVE fanny. Literally can't get enough of it. I wanna see more fanny! Come on fanny, come on fanny, come on fanny! Awwww yeaaaaah. I can practically taste it! Give us more fanny! We want fanny! Smother us in fanny! We just eat it up! We are totally into fanny. We wanna be up to our necks in fanny! Have a daughter and name her fanny!

04/12/2023 12:52:42

Old, respected and aethereal name here in Finland - became hugely popular again ten years ago and has stayed on top of the charts ever'since.

04/07/2023 15:01:44

ok, what would make you want to name your child fanny! It'should be outlawed! I'mean, seriously people, It's practically like namimg your kid butt!

03/18/2023 08:20:56

In Europe Fanny, which also can be short for Francesca and means "free", is just a name and right now It's popular in the Nordic countries. The name was popular in Northern Europe during the end of 19th century, around the time when a lot of Scandinavians emigrated to USA and that's probably why the name appears in the country 100 years ago.

02/04/2023 15:21:48

It's just really funny, if your name is fanny. I'mean, in the uk, but outside uk, It's really a normal name.

01/29/2023 14:10:56

if You're in the UK and want your child to be bullied then call your child this

10/20/2022 01:15:20

My name is Lefan, but I go by Fanny. People just don't like me because of my name! My friends call my Ellen and Lefan James! :) i've started going by Fannie instead, to ease the teasing off. People don't tease me about my name because they know I will hurt them if they do, I have quite a violent reputation...

10/14/2022 07:07:40

i love havin this name, im from the uk and i love the meaning of it here. not many people get to be named after their sexual organs!

10/09/2022 21:37:18

Lovely name! Georgina from The Famous Five..... Georgina's mother was called Fanny.

10/06/2022 07:48:22

i know a girl named Fanny. Everyone makes fun of er behind her back because of her name. i actually think that It's a bad name because It'souns like a little girl's name but imagine a grown woman named Fanny... It's ridiculous

09/28/2022 20:32:02

Why do you guys like this name'so much❤️ I am 13 and everyone named Taylor....I feel like another clone, thats why i dress in all black...People sometimes call me tyler by accident because Tyler is a very popular name also at my school. Im changing my name when i get married. Its not a pretty and unique name in my option...

09/18/2022 12:47:08

Yes people mispronounce & spell my daughter's name wrong all the time- but that's half the fun. If I was worried about that, I would have named her Jennifer or Kimberly! It's very unique, only saw one other couple that named their daughter Kaiya so far.

02/13/2022 06:13:48

"User'submitted Photos of Fanny" That'sentence just made my day. Please don't call your child Fanny/ Fannie. Even if It's not slang for gen'talia in your country, You're ruling out your kid ever travelling to the countries that it is.

01/20/2022 18:35:24

my kitty cats name is fanny! i love her'sooooooo much.

09/20/2021 20:25:12

me parece un nombre de puta madre y precioso.ojala mas niñas se llamaran asi!

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Fanny FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Fanny?
The origin of the name Fanny is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Fanny?
From France
*️⃣ How many people are named Fanny?
Almost 10000 people are named Fanny.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Fanny?
The names of Railey, Damiana, Sayda, Enza, Matyas