
Grady meaning

: Renowned

Grady Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \g-ra-dy\
Number of People 👶 48,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 803
Numerology 🔢 10
Name origin 🌍 Irish
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Grady Name Meaning

The meaning behind the name "Grady" has roots in both Irish and Scottish origins. In Irish, "Grady" is derived from the Gaelic surname "Ó Grádaigh," which translates to "noble" or "illustrious." This suggests that individuals with the name Grady may possess qualities of nobility, honor, and distinction.

In Scottish, "Grady" is believed to be a variant of the surname "MacGraide," meaning "son of Graide." The name Graide is associated with the word "graidh," which signifies love or affection. Therefore, those named Grady may be seen as loving or affectionate individuals.

Overall, the name Grady carries connotations of nobility, honor, and love across its Irish and Scottish origins. It is a name that holds deep historical and cultural significance.


Cool Info About Name Grady

Additional name description Grady
Additional name description Grady


The popularity of the name Grady 

The name “ Grady “ was the 420th most popular name and 1103rd most popular girls name. In the year 2021, there were 720 baby boys and only 8 baby girls named “ Grady “. 1 out of every 222000 baby girls born in the year 2021 are named “ Grady “. 

Assuming the same birth rate and naming preferences as those in the hear 2021, in a group of 10000 individuals we should expect 2 boys named “ Grady “ and 0 girls named “ Grady “! 

In other words, if an individual with the same “ Grady “ meet 10000 individuals throughout his or her lifetime, he or she would have a 86% probability of meeting at least one boy and a 2.17%  probability of meeting at least one girl with the same given name. 

With an average elementary class size of 428 in the United States of America, an individual with the name “ Grady “ would have a 9.01% probability of going to school with a boy named “ Grady “ and a 0.01% probability of going to school with a girl named “ Grady “. 

The name “ Grady “ is not a popular baby boy’s name based on the data by American reliable resources in the United States of America in the year 1913. For instance, imagine that only 10 babies were named “ Grady “ in Louisiana. A total of only 366 babies also bear the same first given name as your baby. 

From the year 1880 to the year 2018, the highest recorded use of this name was related to the year 2008 with a total of 1196 babies. 


The personality of the name Grady

Here we have the letter analysis of the name “ Grady “

G is for glamorous, you know what to do

R is for realist, the way you are 

A is for activities, for you have many

D is for dandy, a description of you

Y is for yearning, your innermost desire 

If you are considering a nickname for your baby named “ Grady “, you can select the reversed form of the name “ Grady “. Due to the historical background of this name, the true meaning of that might not be described in just a few sentences.


Famous people named Grady

Grady Alderman who is an American football player 

Grady Benton who is an American football player

Grady Booch is an American computer scientist 

Grady Brewer is an American boxer


Similar names to Grady

Gabriel, Gagan, Grace and Gabriella 

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Grady FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Grady?
The origin of the name Grady is Irish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Grady?
*️⃣ How many people are named Grady?
Almost 48000 people are named Grady.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Grady?
The names of Haider, Heder, Shera, Haidar, Naama