
Iria meaning

: Woman Of Peace

Iria Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \eer-ya\
Numerology 🔢 10
Name origin 🌍 Portuguese
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Iria Name Meaning

The name Iria has several meanings associated with it. One of them has to do with the Greek goddess Iris and its translation would be "the one with the beautiful colors". On the other hand, some claim that Iria has to do with "stone" or "city". This would become its most widespread meaning and is directly related to the ancient Roman city located in the province of A Coruna, Iria de Flavia. For this reason, some also identify it with the “productive land”.

Iria Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Iria
Additional description of the name Iria

The origin of the name Iria is quite an enigma. There are those who claim that it comes from the Greek, as it relates to the Goddess Iris, belonging to Greek mythology. Therefore, it would be translated as "the one with beautiful colors" or also with "the one that announces".

Cool Info About Name Iria

Additional name description Iria
Additional name description Iria

The personality of the name Iria
Iria is a feisty woman with a strong personality. She is not one to be easily intimidated. When he wants to achieve a purpose, he will focus until he reaches his goal. She is one of those people who take risks, and, in case she falls stumbles, she will get up immediately and continue fighting.
In love affairs, Iria is independent. She believes in love, but it is not something that will make her stop, since she does not need someone by her side to feel complete. In her relationships, she doesn't like to give explanations for each step she takes, which sometimes leads her to have certain communication problems with her partner.
As for her family relationships, Iria enjoys every moment with his family. She is outgoing, affectionate, accommodating, and even funny, but only when she feels that she is among trusted people. It is common for them to seek her out for advice since her opinion is highly valued due to the accuracy of her words.
For jobs, Iria is competitive and very confident in what she does. He is not someone who changes direction quickly. On the contrary, stubbornness is usually one of its highlights. Precisely, that attitude in which you do not like to be contradicted can cause you to have certain conflicts in the labor area. In any case, Iria will be creative, idealistic, dreamy, committed, and responsible.

Celebrities with the name Iria
The best-known celebrities who bear the name of Iria are:
Iria Estevez: this is a famous self-taught Galician singer, who is also dedicated to the performing arts and oriental dance.
Iria del Rio: renowned Spanish actress who does theater, cinema, and television. She acts in several television series transmitted by Netflix streaming.
Iria Sobrado: a beautiful Galician cabaret actress.
Iria Marquez: actress born in A Coruna, who is also a dance and theater teacher.

Diminutives and variations of the name Iria
Al ser a short name, there are few diminutives and variations. The best-known are:
Iri, Irene, Iri, Aireen

The name Iria in other languages
The name Iria has a few translations into other languages. However, these are the main ones:
Irish: Aireen
Bulgarian: Irina
Lithuanian: eičiau
Latin: aurum

Day of the Saint of Iria
The Saint of Iria is celebrated on October 20 for Saint Iria's name day, whose veneration is mostly professed in Portugal. In addition, many celebrate Santa Iris every May 13.

Numerology of the name Iria
For numerology, the number of Iria is 1. This symbolizes a somewhat individualistic, but determined and very independent. In addition, her ruling planet is the Sun. Among her qualities is that of being a leader and creative.

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Iria FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Iria?
The origin of the name Iria is Portuguese.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Iria?
Woman Of Peace