
Kiro meaning

: Light, Bright Light

Kiro Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Name origin 🌍 Latin
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Kiro Name Meaning

In Japanese, Kiro is written as “季朗” and means “seasonal brightness” or “seasonal light.” The first character “季” means “season” and the second character “朗” means “bright” or “clear.” This name is often given to boys born in the spring or summer months, as it symbolizes the brightness and warmth of those seasons.

Cool Info About Name Kiro

Additional name description Kiro
Additional name description Kiro


In Macedonian, Kiro is a diminutive form of the name Kiril, which means “lordly” or “masterful.” Kiril is a common name in Macedonia, and Kiro is often used as a nickname or shortened form of the name. The name Kiril is derived from the Greek name Kyrios, which means “lord” or “master.” Kyrios was originally used as a title for gods and rulers, and later became a common name for boys in Greece and other parts of the world.


Kiro is also a surname that is commonly found in different parts of the world. In Bulgarian, Kiro is a surname that is derived from the name Kiril, as well as from the name Kyril, which is a variation of Kiril. The surname Kiro is also found in India and Pakistan, where it is most commonly used by people of the Kiro tribe.


In popular culture, Kiro is a name that is associated with different characters and personalities. In the video game series “Deus Ex,” Kiro is a hacker and information broker who helps the game's protagonist navigate through different missions. In the book “The Liar's Key” by Mark Lawrence, Kiro is a character who is part of a group of thieves and adventurers.


As a name, Kiro is unique and uncommon, making it an interesting choice for parents who are looking for a distinctive name for their child. The name has a strong and powerful sound, and its origins in different cultures make it a multicultural choice.


The name Kiro is often associated with traits such as intelligence, creativity, and independence. People with this name are thought to be curious and adventurous, with a strong desire to learn and explore new things. They are often described as imaginative and innovative, with a talent for problem-solving and critical thinking.


People with the name Kiro are also thought to be independent and self-sufficient. They have a strong sense of individuality and are not easily swayed by the opinions of others. They value their freedom and independence, and often pursue careers or interests that allow them to be their own boss or work on their own terms.


In terms of personality, people with the name Kiro are often described as friendly and outgoing. They have a natural charm and charisma that makes them popular with others. They are also known for their sense of humor and love of laughter, and often use humor to diffuse tense situations or make others feel at ease.


Overall, the name Kiro is a unique and interesting choice for parents who are looking for a name with a strong and powerful sound. Its roots in different cultures and associations with different personalities make it a versatile name that can suit a wide range of individuals

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Kiro FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Kiro?
The origin of the name Kiro is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Kiro?
Light, Bright Light