
Mike meaning

: Who is like God?

Mike Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \m(i)-ke\
Number of People 👶 205,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 2,434
Numerology 🔢 2
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Mike Name Meaning

Despite its short frame, "Mike" carries profound implication. It is a diminutive of the name "Michael," which in Hebrew is מִיכָאֵל (Mikha'el), which manifests as a rhetorical question “Who is like God?” indicating humility, always reminding the bearer of the transcendent nature of divinity abiding by the notion that no mortal can truly resemble the almighty.

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 Name Selection Guide
Name Selection Guide

There are lots of considerations when you're deciding on a name. Before deciding on a name, keep the following list of things to consider in your mind when you choose your baby's name.


Think of your child's future

Choose the name for your baby's benefit, NOT yours. This means no joke names, puns or play on words. It may seem more interesting than a common name like Mary but would you want your child being teased and laughed at or even scarred for life because you thought it would be different.


Know what you are looking for

Are you thinking of a traditional, religious or an uncommon name? Do you want to name your baby after somebody? Would you like a short or long name? What do you have in mind? Deciding all of this ahead of time will immediately narrow down your search because there are over ۲۱,۰۰۰ names in our website and going through all of them is going to take some time.


How does it sound like?

Think about your baby’s name. Say it aloud. Does it have a melody? Do you think it sounds weird or out of place? Does it match your last name? Does it sound all right? If you’re naming a boy, avoid names that sound feminine. Most of the time, a shorter first name will go well with a longer last name and vice versa.


Common or Unique name?

There are advantages and disadvantages in both the common and unique names.

For example, a common name like Michael is both easy to pronounce and remember but the name is common, so there is a high possibility that there might be quite a few other Michael’s in your child’s class or workplace. Keep in mind that, if you decide to go for a very popular name, the chances are that several of your child's school friends in later life will have the same name.


An unusual name may make your child stand out from the rest but the question is would she or he want to stand out? If your child is shy and does not like attention, this may be a problem. However, if your child likes the spotlight, then it may be a good thing. Some unusual names are hard to spell and pronounce, so although it might make them feel special, your child might have to get used to people misspelling and mispronouncing their name or even teasing from classmates.

If your child’s last name is unusual, it may be good to give them a common first name or if their last name is common, you can give them an uncommon first name to balance it out like Susan Lenser or Bevin Graham.


Relatives and friends

Many parents choose to name their babies after a grandparent, other relative, or close friend. This option can provide you with a good pool of names to consider. Take ideas graciously, but try not to let anyone know what you’ve decided until your baby’s born; so it’s too late too give in to subtle hints from relatives or friends. Remember; don’t let people pressure you into naming your child something that you’d rather not.


Many parents like to honor a family member by naming their baby after them. But if this is not something you’d like to do, why not use that name as your baby’s middle name so that you get to name your baby to your liking and your family’s happy too.


If you choose to name your child after a parent or grandparent, or if its tradition in your family and you want to continue it, make sure that nobody else in your family has already done so. It will be confusing to have two people in the same family with the exact same name. Ask your family members if they are considering the name or saving it for their child. They may have a special bond with that person and want to honor them by naming their child after them. Sit down with them and try to find an alternative name for your child or theirs. Be regardful of your family members.


If you want to name your child after a close friend, keep in mind that however close you are, friends may change. Is your best friend the same one you had ten years ago or will your best friend now stay with you for the next ten years? Think about it before deciding to name your child after them.


Do not feel pushed into choosing a particular name by family members. Think about it before deciding on anything and ask for advice or other people’s opinions. But remember this; choose wisely. If your child grows up to hate the name she or he was given, it will be you as their parents who will get the blame.


Ancestry and heritage

Your child’s heritage is very important and you may want their name to show it. Or maybe you are a religious person and this may influence your choice in name. Or maybe your family has a tradition to name your firstborns after their grandfathers. If the name you’ve decided on does not get the thumbs-up from your family, you can consider using it as their middle name.

Honor your child’s heritage and give them a name that is part of their culture. The baby Name Dictionary has ۴۳ origins. Each contains the most popular names for that particular origin.



Ingrid will not be treated differently just because her name means 'hero's daughter' but she may feel strong because she is the 'hero's daughter'. Your child may or may not care about the meaning of their name but it is something you should consider, especially if you choose a name that has a negative meaning. Zona won't be very happy once she finds out that her name actually means 'prostitute'.

Initials and nicknames

When it comes to nicknames, people (kids most of all), can be very cruel. Try to foresee any potentially embarrassing nicknames. But don't expect to foresee every embarrassing nickname. Just because you missed one, it doesn't mean that somewhere along the line a second-grader won't. At least you crossed out the most obvious ones. Also, don't forget about the initials. Most parents don't think about the initials that may spell out something embarrassing.

Keep in mind your child’s initials when choosing names. Let’s say there’s a couple that just had a baby girl. They want to name her Piper. Seems like a good name. And for her middle name, they choose Olivia. Sounds good. Now, if the couple’s last name happens to be Owen, how will Piper react when she gets older and figures out that her initials are POO? She’ll be so embarrassed. And not to mention the amount of teasing she’ll get when her classmates realize that too.

There are times in life when just initials are required. Make sure your child’s initials do not spell out anything undesirable. Alexander Steven Smith would have to go through life with the initials @**. Imagine how horrible that would be for him. If he goes for a job interview and they ask for his initials, what type of a first impression would that be?


You may be planning to name your baby after a celebrity (Real or Fictional) with an unusual name. Even if the celebrity in question is a household name at the moment, it is worth bearing in mind that ten or twenty years down the line they may not be - but your child will still be stuck with their name.

Keep it secret
A little advice, try to keep the baby’s name a secret between you and your spouse until the baby’s born. If people don’t know your choice on the name, they can’t voice their opinion on the name, which may make you feel that it isn’t very suitable and want to change the name. When the baby is born, some parents change their minds about the name they have chosen because they feel like the name just doesn’t suit the way the baby looks. Do not, I repeat, do not tell anyone the name you’ve decided on because then you would have everyone’s opinion on that name and that may make you doubt whether the selected name is really that suitable for your baby.

Final Advice
Keep in mind; none of these are rules that absolutely HAVE to be followed. They are just tips that we think will help you find your perfect baby name. HAPPY BABY NAMING !!

 Naming Tips
Naming Tips

Picking your baby’s name is not easy. The experience can be joyful, emotional or even frustrating. We collected some tips for naming your baby, this list of baby naming tips could help to avoid common pitfalls, and to enjoy the process in a positive way.

Where to find a Name

Websites: This is the best place, you found this one, a great choice! There are lots of great resources online, from baby name lists, to articles about the meanings and origins of names, to forums. Movies: If you still can’t find a suitable name, watch the credits of movies, documentaries and TV shows for ideas. News paper: Have a look at the birth announcements that are put up in the hospital or published in the newspaper. Celebrity: Many baby names are chosen to honor a favorite relative, religious figure, hero, or sports star.

The last name

When searching for baby names remember to check if it fits with the last name. Saying the two names together should produce a nice combination. Feel free to say the name out loud over and over, to get a good feel for the baby name.
If you got a long last name, a short first name is easier to pronounce. James Witherspoon sounds better than Jeremiah Witherspoon. And Stephanie Ada is more pleasant to the ear than Eve Ada. Jane Gulbranson sounds better than Juanita Gulbranson. There are definitely exceptions to this rule, though. There’s nothing wrong with Brad Pitt!
Long baby names will often strike a balance with a short last name. Keanu Reeves rolls off the tongue much better than does Joe Reeves. Last names with two syllables typically sound good with any length first name.
The combination of the first and last name is also important. Beware of both names flowing together into one. The first and last name also have to sound good together. Think twice if you want to name your little girl ‘Ann’ and your last name is ‘Teak’. Or if you’re the Potters and you’d love to call your baby boy ‘Harry’. If your last name is Tree, don’t name your son Ash or your daughter Jade. And if your last name is Johnson, please avoid John. If a baby is going to have a last name that starts with a hard consonant, you may want to choose baby names that are ending in a vowel. The baby names wil sound better that way. News anchor Paula Zahn's name is much more pleasant than if she was named Liz Zahn.

Babynames initials

When choosing babynames, make sure to consider whether the baby name creates initials which are undesirable.
Some examples:
Steven O. Brian looks fine, until Steven gets his first monogrammed shirt, S.O.B. Peter Isaac Gasper sounds like a great name, but the initials spell out P.I.G.

Different stages in life

Babynames like 'Honey' may be fun for the baby's first years. Later in life, a name like 'Precious' on a resume may cost your child the chance for a once in a lifetime job.
۱۰ jears old: Schoolmates will try to make a nickname for your child on the schoolyard. Your baby will thank you for avoiding the babynames which are obvious for teasing. Naming your daughter 'April' or 'May' may cause teasing during those months.

Odd and unusual baby names

Think twice before choosing an odd baby name. It’s nice to pick a name that they don’t associate with anyone else, but kids with odd names are teased more and are less socialized. People with odd names are more likely to feel like the odd ones. Kids at school with an unusual name are a possible target for bullies. This has a negative effect on someone’s popularity.


Unique babynames

Unique names are often created because people combine two baby names. There’s nothing wrong with choosing a distinctive name, but babynames that are too unique could cause trouble when he or she getting older.
On the other hand it can convey a positive sense of independence and strength.

Popular names/ Common names

Common baby names can be a blessing or a curse. But you cannot go wrong with the popular baby names. On the other hand, your son or daughter will likely be unknown throughout life. The advantage is that it must be a good name, since all those parents that chose it must have done so for a reason. A popular name will be more readily accepted if he has a popular name than a difficult or complicated one. The disadvantage of a popular name is that there are, most likely, more children in your child’s circle of friends and acquaintances with whom he or she will have to share. With a common name our son or daughter will likely be known as Peter W. or Marco S. at school and throughout life.
If you want to know whether the name you’ve picked is popular or not, search out naming web sites for the twenty (or more) most popular names.

Meaning of babynames

You may want to consider the importance of the babynames meaning. Even if this is not important to you, it may be important to your child in the future. Most people don’t know the meaning of their name(s). Almost every name has meaning, or at least a origin. There’s a great variety in meanings.

International names

In the rapidly globalizing world in which we live, more people come into contact with friends, co-workers from other countries. This makes it important to think about the consequences for the baby with this name in other countries. Is the name easy to pronounce in foreign languages?
There are a lot of international names and derivations of them: Chris, Christy, Christa, Christina, Tina, Maria, Mary, Marlene, Mara, Rita, or the familiar John: Jahn, Jana, Jean, Janek, Janko, Giovanni. You’ll find Hebrew names the world over. Most English names come from Europe and their origins often go back to Greek and Roman Antiquity. Many new names have been created worldwide. A name van have an odd meaning in another language. For example, the internationally known name ‘Cerdo’ means ‘pig’ in Spanish. You wouldn’t want your child to be teased when he’s in a Spanish speaking country, would you? Dick is a normal dutch name, but in our American-English language ‘Dick’ means the male genital organ.

Celebrity names

A name can be considered attractive because of its associations with a special person: a beautiful singer, a movie star, or the main character in an exciting or touching book. In turn, you may envision a personality for your child. Dad may dream of playing basketball with a son that has the same name as his favorite player, for example. Dad, in this case, should consider that his newborn son may not grow up to be athletic at all. Perhaps he won’t even care for basketball. It is important that bestowing such a name is not expecting a child to be something that they might not be.
Some celebrities can become so much larger than life, their name becomes one you may not want to use for your baby name. Think about baby names like Robbie (Williams) or babynames like Marilyn (Monroe). We may never see many people naming their children Elvis, Cher or Adolph. You should realize, however, that people that are famous at the moment could suddenly become unpopular. They could make headlines in such a negative way that it could make your child’s life difficult. Naming your child after a celebrity who is still living involves a risk, since you don’t know what the future will bring for that person. Your kid may not be very happy with her namesake...OR her name!

Spelling variants

Spelling variants can be a stumbling block. Before you choose a name with alternate spellings, be sure you are willing to accept some confusion. Alicia, Alyssa, Alisha, and Elissa may all sound alike to some.

Double gender

Double gender names such as Corey, Brett, Dale, and so forth, while they may be perfectly good names, present risk. The risk is that over time, the name will become more male, or more female, leaving the losing gender with a potentially embarrassing name.

Scream out loud

If you’ve come up with a name but you still feel it sounds strange, say it out loud. Talk to and about your unborn child using that name. You will be able to tell for sure, this way, if it ‘fits’. It’s also nice to know that if your child doesn’t listen, it sounds great if you yell.

Find more names

It might happen that shortly before you give birth, a baby is born within your family or circle of friends that is given ‘your’ name exactly. Therefore, keep a few nice names in reserve.


If you think there is a perfect name, I’m sorry to tell, but there is no such thing. Be proud of the name you pick. If you’ve done your research and you’ve done the best you can. The name is a very special gift for your new baby.

 Best Italian names for babies
Best Italian names for babies

Italian baby names are being used widely in other countries.
Known for its impressive variety of pasta, Italy is truly a wonderful place to visit. There are plenty of unique things that can be seen in this shoe-shaped country such as its olive trees, the leaning tower of Pisa and the remains of its ancient city, Pompeii. Apart from these, Italy is also known for some of the world's most unforgettable names. Italian baby names reflect not only the country's culture but also the global culture. Italian baby names are being used widely in other countries.

What are examples of Italian baby names for boys?
Here are some examples of Italian names for baby boys along with their meanings. Agosto means venerable. Alessandro means the protector and helper of mankind. Carlo means a free man in Italy. Ciro comes from the name Cyrus, the founder of the Persian empire. What does Claudio mean? the lame one. Zanebono means the good one. Zanipolo means little gift of God. Nino means God is gracious. Pancrazio means supreme ruler and all-powerful.Other male Italian names include Allighiero, Angelo, Antonio, Armando, Aronne, Cristiano, Dante, Dino, Ehno, Emilio, Enrico, Enzo, Ercole, Ermanno, Este, Ettore, Fedele, Federico, Filippo, Geronimo, Giacobbe, Giacomo, Uberto, Ugo, Taddeo, Tancredo and Santo.
How about Italian baby names for girls?

Bestowing a baby girl with an Italian name can be a delight. Here are a few examples of the most popular names in Italy. Aldabella means "beautiful." Alessandra means "the defender" and "the helper of mankind." Bambalina means "little girl." Cameo means "an engraved gem." Trilby means "one who sings musical thrills." Venetia means "from Venice." Venitia, on the other hand, means "mercy." As for Zola, it means "ball of earth."
Other Italian names for baby girls are Amadora, Bianca, Carmela, Delanna, Esta, Felice, Gianna, Immacolata, Jolanda, Lia, Magenta, Ottavia, Phebe, Quorra, Rosetta, Silvana and Vanni.
Baby Names provides detailed information on Baby Names, Baby Girl Names, Baby Name Meanings, Baby Boy Names and more.

 Breastfeeding 101: Nursing Basics for New Moms
Breastfeeding 101: Nursing Basics for New Moms

Even though breastfeeding is a completely natural way of feeding your baby, knowing how to do it properly is a learned skill and takes practice. How can you prepare for a successful nursing experience?
Choosing to breastfeed your new baby is one of the most important and far-reaching decisions you will make as a new mother. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend breastfeeding as the preferred method of infant nutrition for the first year of life.
The current AAP breastfeeding policy states, "Human milk is uniquely superior for infant feeding and is species-specific; all substitute feeding options differ markedly from it." Why? As acknowledged by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the exact chemical makeup of breast milk remains unknown and cannot be duplicated. Each year, synthetic baby milk is found to be nutritionally deficient as scientists expand their knowledge of human milk.

Some of the known benefits of breastfeeding are:
Breastfeeding is your baby's perfect nutrition. Breastmilk is a living substance that changes to meet your baby's nutritional needs, both during individual feedings and as he or she grows. Plus, you never have to worry about breast milk being recalled for contamination.
Breastfed babies have higher IQs. Formula feeding is associated with lower IQ's and cognitive development. A recent study found, on average, children who were breastfed to have a three to five-point IQ advantage over their formula-fed peers.

Breastfed babies (and mothers!) are healthier. Breastfeeding is proven to reduce the risk of infection and disease by aiding in immune system development. Breastfed infants have lower incidences of asthma, gastrointestinal illness, and cancers, and are less likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). They are additionally better able to absorb ingested nutrients and receive greater immunity from childhood immunizations. Breastfeeding also lowers a mother's lifetime risk of many types of cancer.

Preparing to Breastfeed
Even though breastfeeding is a completely natural way of feeding your baby, knowing how to do it properly is a learned skill and takes practice. How can you prepare for a successful nursing experience?
Take a class. Most hospitals and birthing centers offer a variety of classes to new mothers on parenting, birthing and breastfeeding. Check your local offerings and sign up in advance. Classes often fill up rapidly, so don't wait.

Read good books

Many excellent titles are available to answer all the questions you forgot to ask your healthcare provider (and those you were too embarrassed to). Consider, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding? by Gwen Gotsch, Anwar Fazal, Plume, and Judy Torgus.

Think about what you'll need to make life easier

Breastfeeding has the advantage of being the most simplistic way of feeding a baby” no bottles to wash and carry or formula to buy. But that doesn't mean a few well chosen accessories can't enhance the experience. Will you want others to be able to help with feeding, or do you have plans to return to work after your baby's birth? A hospital-grade breast pump might be in order. Might you be more comfortable during long nursing sessions having a nursing pillow or footstool? How about breastfeeding in public? Consider the options of a sling or nursing cape for discreet public feedings and don't forget to be sized for a properly fitting nursing bra.
Put the myths to rest. Don't worry about physically preparing your breasts for nursing. In the past, new mothers have been advised to toughen up their nipples in preparation for breastfeeding. Conventional wisdom states this is unnecessary, and is particularly unwise for mothers at risk for pre-term labor from nipple stimulation.

Birth and Beyond
Your baby has arrived and you're ready to put all your months of preparation to the test. Remember:
The lactation consultant is your friend. Many hospitals and birthing centers (and pediatrician's offices too!) have lactation consultants on staff who will be happy to get you and your baby off to a healthy start in your nursing relationship. Don't miss the opportunity to meet with a consultant for practical, hands-on advice about the mechanics of breastfeeding.

Keep score

 Unlike bottle feeding, you can't measure how much milk your baby is getting through breastmilk, so keep count of your baby's wet and dirty diapers to make sure he or she is receiving adequate nutrition. Although, rarely, a mother does not produce enough milk to feed her baby, if you have any questions, be sure to contact your pediatrician.

Give it time

Nursing your baby is a dance that takes time to learn. Though some babies are champion nursers from the beginning, many new moms find it takes some effort to perfect the skill. The first few weeks are often the most difficult, but if you experience problems, don't give up. Given the right assistance, the vast majority of woman can successfully breastfeed their babies. Meet with a lactation consultant or attend a local La Leche League meeting. Utilize the support of other nursing mothers. Most of all, pat yourself on the back for choosing to give your baby the best start in life you can offer, and health benefits that will last a whole life through.




Mike FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Mike?
The origin of the name Mike is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Mike?
Who is like God?
*️⃣ How many people are named Mike?
Almost 205000 people are named Mike.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Mike?
The names of Monica, Monique, Monika, Ramonda, Monico