
Noela meaning

: Christmas

Noela Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \no(e)-la\
Number of People 👶 204
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 17,715
Numerology 🔢 2
Name origin 🌍 French
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Noela Name Meaning

The meaning of the name Noela is "Christmas." It is derived from the Latin word "natalis," which means "of or relating to birth or Christmas." The name is often used for babies born during the holiday season

Noela Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Noela
Additional description of the name Noela

The name Noela is believed to have originated from Latin. It is derived from the Latin word "natalis," which means "of or relating to birth or Christmas." As such, Noela is sometimes associated with Christmas and the holiday season.

Cool Info About Name Noela

Additional name description Noela
Additional name description Noela

Famous people named Noela:

There are not many famous people with the name Noela. However, there are some notable people with the name Noel. Some of them are:


Noel Gallagher: A British musician, singer, and songwriter. He was the lead guitarist, co-lead vocalist, and principal songwriter of the rock band Oasis.


Noël Coward: An English playwright, composer, and actor. He was known for his witty and sophisticated plays.


Noël Wells: An American actress, writer, and director. She is best known for her work on the television show "Saturday Night Live" and the movie "Master of None."


Variations of the name Noela:

Noela is a unique name and does not have many variations. However, there are some similar names that you may consider, such as Noel, Noelle, or Nola.


Personality traits:

People with the name Noela are known to be creative, artistic, and imaginative. They have a strong desire for beauty, harmony, and balance in their lives. They are also kind-hearted, empathetic, and sensitive to the needs of others. They have a natural ability to connect with people and form deep, meaningful relationships. They are often drawn to the arts and creative fields, where they can express themselves freely.


Name day:

The name Noela is associated with the holiday season and is often celebrated on Christmas Day or December 25th. In some cultures, it is also celebrated on December 24th, the day before Christmas.


In conclusion, Noela is a lovely and unique name with a charming meaning. It is associated with the holiday season and is perfect for babies born during this time. People with this name are known to be creative, artistic, and sensitive to the needs of others. Although it is not a very common name, it is a beautiful and meaningful one that is sure to stand out.

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Noela FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Noela?
The origin of the name Noela is French.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Noela?
*️⃣ How many people are named Noela?
Almost 204 people are named Noela.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Noela?
The names of Omeed