
Samir meaning

: Good Friend, Companion Who Talks Late Into The Night

Samir Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \s(a)-mir\
Number of People 👶 8,000
Rate in 2021 1315
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 Arabic
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Samir Name Meaning

The masculine name Samir means "pleasant companion" and refers to good, humble, friendly and nice to others.

Samir Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Samir
Additional description of the name Samir

The name Samir is of Arabic origin and is in turn the masculine variant of the name Samira. The name is Samir comes from the Arabic "سمير", which means "pleasant companion". Other theories also suggest that Samir is derived from the name Samara, which means "to talk at night" or "entertaining man".

Cool Info About Name Samir

Additional name description Samir
Additional name description Samir

The personality of the name Samir
People called Samir are by nature extremely kind and humble. They are incredibly faithful and have a great sense of humor, which makes them stand out from the rest. Samirs like to feel useful, so sometimes they can have quite a few concerns, almost all of a humanitarian nature.
People with the name Samir need to be able to give and receive love, so they will not feel complete until they do not find the love of their life, with whom they will be very detailed and affectionate. As for work, Samir is a hard worker and a great servant, so it is easy for him to be well-valued by his superiors.

Celebrities named Samir
Samir Nasri: is a famous French footballer of Algerian origin. He is especially known for his technical ability, creativity, good pace, and agility on the field of play.
Samir Amin was an Egyptian economist, writer, scientist, and geopolitician. Likewise, he was one of the most important neo-Marxist thinkers of his time, even though he did not identify himself with said movement and even criticized it.
Samir Hamrouni: he is the CEO and president of the WFZO (World Free Zones Organization), an association in charge of creating events and organizations worldwide.

Diminutives and variations of the name Samir

Among the diminutives of the name Samir, we find:
Sam, Samy, Sami

The name Samir in other languages
Samir name in Chinese: 薩米爾
Korean name Samir: 사미르
Japanese name Samir: サミル
Arabic name Samir: سمير

Samir's Day
Samir's Day is December 16, the day de San Samir.

Numerology of the name Samir
According to numerology, the number associated with the name Samir is 6.

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Comments on the name Samir
12/26/2023 19:34:58

Antichrist's name is Samir, as: (From Samiria), shortened "Sam" (when he came to the west) thousand years ago.

12/25/2023 08:54:14

my name is Samir...from Afghanistan.....and i like my name... Because...without body should live...

12/05/2023 09:51:54

hello all samirs and my brother in morocco habib my name is also samir and im from london. i love my name and kno five other'samirs all born in the 80's. it depends on what nationality you are and who your talking too on how you spell and say your name.

11/25/2023 06:31:30

my sons name is samir and i love the name. I am american and his father is Pakistani. In indian movies, it happens to be a very popular name.

09/21/2023 23:01:14

I used to insist on being called Sam but when I started letting people know my real name they all fell in love with it and wanted to call me Samir. I introduce myself as Samir now and the only people that call me Sam are my old friends who knew my as that for years.

08/30/2023 04:58:30

Whenever I introduce myself, I have to spell my name to protect it from butchering. It's tedious. Plus, it blows my mind how my parents could have picked such a lackluster name. I could have been named after a pretty flower, but they picked Hayley, after a hay field.

05/25/2023 06:50:40

numele sotuluI'meu este samir sI'm place foarte mult acest nume. la noi in oras este un barbat foarte vestit cu numele asta sI'maI'multI'ma intreaba daca sunt sotia acelui barbat:D. Ma amuza acest lucru. Oricum sotul meu este respectat in zona noastra, nu stiu daca si numele contribuie la respect dar are rezonanata numele lui la noi deoarece este destul de rar

04/30/2023 00:50:44

well im very happy with the name Kesha. Its really short and simple, although a lot of people do spell and say it wrong im okay with it. They might spell it like" Keshia" or Kishia" or even Keeisha" and im like people It's "KESHA"!!! But throught out its great to see that many people confuse my name because at least they remember who i am!!! (only if you know what I'mean)

02/04/2023 12:07:50

i like the name coz i think its meaning is also cool and the meaning is air. si with this name evantually a person can be a part of the holly nature

01/05/2023 09:45:06

It's my name, hehe, and i am not indian, neither arabic....however when indians see me, they get surprised that my name is Samir, cause they think it is indian name, same with arabs...I am too white for both :))) I love my name, russian girls go crazy when'they hear it...

10/30/2022 04:35:44

My name is Samir,and ironically I hated it till I came to US:) Here this name'sounds so different and cool..So, I like it now..:p There is a fI'minine version- Samira which is another cool name, cause it comes from Samir..lolz anyways, thumbs up

09/20/2022 22:40:54

My name is Samir. I have lived in Denmark and Poland most of my life, and overhere people like my name. Its easy to pronounce. The only thing is whether u wanna call him Sameer, Samir, Samer, Samire. I think the most standard is Sameer and Samir. The other ones are not so common. Greetings Samir Salman

01/27/2022 07:03:18

So we are all samirs here that's nice to see more people like us since I see It's rare

11/15/2021 16:53:42

Loads of people pronounce it wrong! even my own sister, however, more people are pronouncing it right everyday

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Samir FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Samir?
The origin of the name Samir is Arabic.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Samir?
Good Friend, Companion Who Talks Late Into The Night
*️⃣ How many people are named Samir?
Almost 8000 people are named Samir.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Samir?
The names of Sonora, Cynara, Sanora