
Triana meaning

: Third

Triana Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \t-ria-na\
Number of People 👶 958
Rate in 2021 12409
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 Latin
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Triana Name Meaning

The meaning of the name Triana is “beyond the river”. This name is very enigmatic as it is also associated with a Roman emperor known as Caesar Divi Traiani. In any case, it is a name that expresses joy, confidence and energy, which is why it has become very popular in recent decades.

Triana Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Triana
Additional description of the name Triana

The origin of the name Triana is still debated. There are those who claim that it is a name of Arab origin that comes from the word "Atrayana", which means "beyond the river". On the other hand, some researchers consider that this was the name of an ancient Roman emperor, so they affirm that it is a name of Latin origin.

Cool Info About Name Triana

Additional name description Triana
Additional name description Triana

The personality of the name Triana
Triana is cheerful, jovial, energetic, and friendly. In addition, she is a kind, supportive and sensitive woman who usually offers her support to those who need it. For this reason, she always shows a lot of empathy toward other people.
At work, she is independent, enterprising, and planning, which makes her a key player in her organization. She is one of those who likes to create and innovate and always has a plan in mind. She also stands out for her great patience and her insight into details.
In love, she is sentimental and likes to be one of those who takes the initiative. It is usual that you have many details with your partner and that you always find an opportunity to make a getaway and have adventures with that special person. On the other hand, Triana is very attached to her family and always attends to what they need. Therefore, it is likely that women by the name of Triana are good mothers, daughters, and wives.
Also, they usually have many friends and a very busy social life, since they love to share with their loved ones and enjoy the good things in life.

Celebrities named Triana
In this section you will find some celebrities named Triana:
Triana Iglesias: is a model of Spanish and Norwegian origin who has participated in various works and burlesque creations. She has also appeared on several magazine covers, such as Slitz and Playboy.
Andreya Triana: one of the most renowned British singers and songwriters who has had great success throughout Europe.
Rodrigo de Triana: he was a sailor who traveled in one of the caravels of Christopher Columbus and who, according to history, was the first to sight the coast of America.
Rodrigo Triana Montana: director and screenwriter of movies and soap operas. He was born in Prague but has Colombian ancestry.

Diminutives and variations of the name Triana
Next, we show you some diminutives and variants of the name Triana:
Triany, Triani, Trianita, Trinity, Trini

The name Triana in other languages
This name does not have many known translations. However, here are some ways to write Triana in other languages:
Bulgarian: Триана
Triana: 特里亚纳
Russian: Триана
Ukrainian: Тріана

Day of the Saint of Triana
The name Triana celebrates its name day on December 18 in honor of the Marian dedication of Our Lady of Hope of Triana.

Numerology of the name Triana
As for its numerology, the name Triana is related to the number 9, since it is the digit of tranquility and passion.

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Triana FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Triana?
The origin of the name Triana is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Triana?
*️⃣ How many people are named Triana?
Almost 958 people are named Triana.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Triana?
The names of Muhammad, Osman, Umar, Uthman