Gender | 🧑 Boy |
Pronunciation | 📣 \ay-bul\ |
Number of People | 👶 55,000 |
Rate in 2021 | ⭐ 321 |
Numerology | 🔢 11 |
Name origin | 🌍 Hebrew |
Abel is a name that means “the breath of life” or “the son born”. Due to its Hebrew etymology, it can also be translated as "the ephemeral." It is one of the oldest Anthroponyms in history and is still very common.
Abel is a name of Hebrew origin. Formerly, it was pronounced as "hāḇel". It appeared for the first time in the sacred writings as the name given to the second son of Adam, who, according to historical accounts, was killed by his older brother Cain who was very envious of him.
The personality of the name Abel
Abel is a man of noble sentiments, charitable and who feels a lot of empathy for others. In addition, he is determined and focused on his purposes. Therefore, in the face of obstacles, He won't give up easily.
At work, Abel is ambitious. Therefore, he will fight until he reaches important positions within the organization in which he works. Generally, he works very well in the area of construction and engineering projects, although he may also like being a journalist and chronicler.
In a relationship, it is common to see him in love frequently. However, when she finds the ideal partner, he will be a faithful and loving man who will be by her side for the rest of her life. In the family, he is a devoted son, so his parents and siblings come first for him. Also, he likes to enjoy the company of other family members and is willing to help financially and spiritually all those who need it.
With his friends, he is a special one. Everyone sees him as a source of inspiration to achieve goals and to be a better person. Likewise, at parties and meetings, Abel is the favorite, since everyone enjoys his joy and enthusiasm to face life.
Celebrities named Abel
Los The best-known celebrities who bear the name of Abel are:
Abel Mathias Hernandez: he is a Uruguayan soccer player who has played with the national team of his country, and currently plays for the Brazilian club SC International Brasileirão.
Abel Bonnard: was a French writer, poet, politician, and member of the French Academy.
Abel Makkonen Tesfaye: is a Canadian singer of pop, hip hop, and disco style, who has won important music awards such as the Grammy and Juno Awards.
Abel Kirui: is an athlete of Kenyan origin, who has won a gold medal at the 2009 World Cup and silver medals at the London Olympics in 2012.
Abel Anton Rodrigo: is a former Spanish athlete and politician, who won world prizes in marathons and long-distance races.
Abel Ruiz Ortega: is a Spanish footballer who has played in the forward position in the FC Barcelona clubs and currently plays for Sporting Clube de Braga.
Popularity of the name
The name has decreased in popularity after being one of the most common names. However the name was on an upwards trend from 2014 to 2015. Based on the reliable sources the name “ Abel “ is the 9th most popular name. In the last 5 years this name was at its peak popularity. The name “ Abel “ has been also very common in literature many years ago.
The name Abel personality
There is a secret behind this name that can be, A > is for agreeable | B > is for buoy, you encourage those you see | E > is for expressive, not one to hold within | L > is for listen, one of your best traits
This name is “ Leba “ in reverse, which might be interesting.
If you are named Abel, you might be diplomatic, gentle, intuitive, cooperative you might even be a psychic. A gifted storyteller, you mesmerize others when you elaborate on the truth !
When people hear the name Abel, they perceive you as someone who can be stimulating, idea generator, talkative or charismatic. You have the ability to attract and influence people easily.
This name’s lucky colors are, all greens, white, and cream | lucky gems are, pearl, jade and moonstone | this name’s lucky day is Monday.
Famous people named Abel
As you know famous namesakes can influence name’s popularity positively.
Well known people are Abel Ferreira who is a footballer, sportsperson, football manager born in 1978. Abel Caballero who is born in 1946. Abel Balbo who is a footballer and sportsperson born in 1966. Abel Pintos who is born in 1984. Abel Braga who is a footballer, sportsperson and football manager born in 1952.
Similar names to Abel / Nicknames for Abel
If you want to select a rare name similar to Abel, here we have a list of names similar to Abel
Abell | Abercrombie | Abeer | Aberham | Abelerd | Aberthol | Abednego | Abelson
Some families like their babies to have cute nicknames. Take a look at the list here to select the best nickname for your baby.
Abeel | Abs | Abby | Ebbie | Aero | Ab
Diminutives and variations of the name Abel
The name Abel, being short, has few variations and diminutives. However, some of the best-known are the following:
Abi, Abiel, Abelito, Abele, Abela, Habil
The name Abel in other languages
Let's learn how to write Abel in other languages :
Arabic: هابيل
Chinese: 阿贝尔
Korean: 아벨
Esperanto: Habelo
Estonian: Aabel
Greek: Άβελ
Hebrew: הבל
Japanese: アベル
Lithuanian: Abelis
Russian: Авель
Saint of Abel Day
30 July is the onomastic date for Abel.
Numerology of the name Abel
Numerology assigns 6 as the lucky number to those who are named Abel.
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My best friend abl yes n't able he was my beat friend but had to move so now I'miss him very very very much so now the name abl is very special to me and my heart so I love the name abl
My boyfriend likes this name, I have 3 other kids and all their names start with A, so I guess I like it. n't as unique as I wanted to be. Then again I dont know any Abel.
We named our son Adam in 1996, which I hadn't heard much at the time. When he'started kindergarten, there were 3 other Adams in his class! They ended up being called Adam E, Adam K, Adam M and Adam J.
don't like kaine (that's how i'd spell it) either!!!
I love the name my son's name is Abel n'thaniel and Abel means breath n'thaniel means given by god so togeather he is breath given by god. Love love love the name.
I like it because people remember my name easily, but sometimes hasn't work in my favor. I rarely meet other people with my name, so I have never had a friend with my name.i've met Hispanic people, African, and American with these name. Other people commenting on "foreigners" n't pronouncing it right, it is because that is how they might pronounce it in'their language. Most cultures that are predomin'tely christian/catholic know the name even'thought is n't popularly used. The worst thing is like the other commenter'said people generally think they are hilarious when'they ask you if you have a brother named Cain, but they are mostly old people n't my age or younger, thankfully. The misspelling doesn't bother me because in English is very similar to pronouncing able, so it is understandable, and to be honest, how much can you possibly misspell a named made up of 4 letters. I actually wish it was more popular because I hate being always the only one in groups something other people seem to want to avoid.
it is the best name i ever know, even it is n't my name.
I accidentally reported the comment made on May 13th as inappropriate - sorry - it Isn't!
I named my son Abel. He was born 12 weeks early. He needed a strong breath, and Abel means breath... It worked, he is growing well and very healthy. I beli've it is a strong name. It is unique without being 'strange'. I don't have a problem with people pronouncing it wrong... just spelling it wrong (able).
It is my husband's name, his father's name too, I have a cowowrker named Abel, and one of my good friends from Texas got married to an Abel too:)
My fiance and I just confI'med were expecting even after'several NEGATIVE pregnancy tests early on, I was just convinced I was pregnant and am just as certain it is a boy. I literally ONLY threw out ONE name, "Abel" and there was absolutely no discussion past that needed. This is such a fantastic, strong, and under used name. I cann't wait to use it, and we have e chosen Michael as the middle name as that is my fiance's middle and my brother whom essentially raised me's first name. Overjoyed and honestly more than proud to say "Abel," when anyone asks potential names. Most people say that they really like it and wouldn't have thought of it to use.
Its my name, and i think its great. And may 12 person, caine and abel just dont mix.
I'm planning to put this name for my baby, i like it and i dont know how It'strike my mind from my first trimester onwards...
i have a little boy called malachi and im thinking of nameing my next little boy thats due abel. because im trying to find a name thats differnt and unique but n't too strange!
My name is Abel, and i've never met an'ther. People spell it wrong con'tantly (even relatives), and pronounce it wrong fairly often as well. If I had a nickel for every time i've been asked if I had a brother named Cain I'd be a wealthy man (and if I had an'ther nickel for every time the inquirer thought this was a very original piece of wit I'd be twice as rich). My last name is "Winn," so you can guess how often my name was punned on growing up. Yes, bearing the name Abel is a trial, but It's been worth it. I enjoy having a unique name, and I'm easy to find in a google search.
I have named my first born son Abel. To me, It's very under used as i've never met someone with the name Abel, but It'still is familiar. Other than'the obvious biblical association, the main reason I named my son'this is so he has a name with a positive conn'tation. He can say things like My name is Abel, and I'm able to accomplish the task" or, My name is Abel, and I'm very capable". That's my reasoning. I'm sure he'll get some teasing but really, any name you name your child, some other child will figure out a way to make fun of it, It's just the way it is. Hope this helps!
My son's name is Abelino, pronounced Ahh-bell-eee-no. It is spanish for Abel, from the bible. It is his great-grandfather's name, and we love it! It is different, and people of other cultures have problems pronouncing it. O-well, at least it is n't often heard.
I hope to name my first son'this, as it goes with his father's name, caine.....
My name is Abel and I hate it. Whenever I introduce myself people say "what❤️", but it doesn't happen when I use any other name.
I love this name. My son's name is Abel Ellingsen _______, my father's name is Abel Ellingsen _______, my grandfather's name is Abel Magnus_________ and I think his father's name was Abel as well. I also have a a lot of cousins and nephew's with the name of Abel for a first or middle name. An'ther popular name in our family is Finn.
i have a friend who has the name Abel i totally love it and i wish to date him one day actually
I had a twin brother called Abel. He was named after my grandpa on my Mom's side. He was French and it was pronounced " Ah -bell.." or A-bell. My brother didn't mind. i've never met an'ther person with the name. I guess it is still a unique name.
Abel i love the name my partner'said about naming our unborn child it and we are both so happy with it dont know anyone else with the name
My son is named Abel he was born in October 2018. In response to the comment on'the first murderer in history... get your facts straight it was Cain'that killed Abel n't the other way around!!! Abel is a precious name but me and my husband gave him the first name of Christopher'so when he gets older and thinks Abel is too baby'sh he can use first name in'tead of his middle name we call him.