
Aden meaning

: attractive or handsome.

Aden Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \a-den\
Number of People 👶 21,000
Rate in 2021 1324
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 Irish
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Aden Name Meaning

Aden is a simple, charming name of Hebrew origin. It is derived from the Hebrew name Adin, which means "attractive" or "handsome." Therefore, Aden carries a sense of beauty and charm. It's a name that signifies a pleasing appearance and a pleasant personality, traits that are often associated with attractiveness.

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Comments on the name Aden
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is also Aden, and I hate getting that and I also used to get Adam a lot with new teache's.

12/12/2023 20:32:58

dis my name. I dont know if where did they got it. They said it was given by the midwife.

09/09/2023 04:29:40

I'm 5 months pregnant with a little baby boy. My husband and I knew from the beginning we wanted to name our son"Aden", but we never discussed the'spelling of the name until now.It has been a week since we found out that we are having a boy, and we can't seem to agree on'the'spelling of his name. I would love to spell it Aiden and he insists that Aden is much better. After arguing back and forth I'might just let him have his way...since it is his first son ...I will settle for Aden...Plus, I like the meaning of it too...

09/05/2023 02:55:24

At first I was going to name my son Jaxon but the more I thought of the name the more I didnt think it fit what I thought my son was going to look like. Then I came across Aiden, but wanted to spell it Aden. I thought it was rare. I never heard the name. Then when I was in labor waiting to give birth, my mid wife came in and said she just delived two other Aidens! I was so sad cause i thought the name was unique. Man was I wrong.

03/06/2023 13:02:24

My daughter is called Aden. I think It's lovely for a little girl and suits her perfectly as she is full of character and red haired. I also like that It's usually a boy's name, although often spelled differently

02/24/2023 10:34:54

My name is Aden but people spell my name wrong all the time they spell it Aiden,Ayden,and Adin if you name your kid Aden spell it Ayden or Aiden I'm the only girl that I know of that is named Aden but I know 3 boys with the name it is an ok name but there are better names I thank but it is cool because there is a city named Aden

01/09/2023 17:47:18

My name is Aydin, according to orient and/or An'tolian spelling it means "intellectual" or "brilliant" but very similar to Aden / Aiden / Hayden and Iden, it is scarce and given names to boys in general

12/05/2022 11:05:40

Aden is just n't a boys name it is a girl name my name is aden and i am a girl but it is better for boys

10/11/2022 23:52:36

If i have a boy his name is going to be Aden. I will know in 6 weeks!

10/10/2022 07:01:34

Aden is a girl name two my name is aden and a girl

10/01/2021 12:37:12

It is nice to see there are other femal Aden's out there. I love my name and hate at the'same time being a female with the name I just have to love Unique And authentic it is. On'the other hand though I get Harassed about it all the time. I get the typical It's a boy's name Once a substitute was calling role and whenever I Rows up my hand for my name'she didn't beli've me and the whole class had to protest to her that my name was actually Aedan

07/13/2021 03:48:00

We loved the name as soon as we heard it, and there was no question that it would be the name we gave our son. Anyone open-minded to new names loves it.

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Aden FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Aden?
The origin of the name Aden is Irish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Aden?
attractive or handsome.
*️⃣ How many people are named Aden?
Almost 21000 people are named Aden.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Aden?
The names of Addis, Adaeze