
Anita meaning

: Grace

Anita Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-ni-ta\
Number of People 👶 215,000
Rate in 2021 2804
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew , Spanish , Scandinavian
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Cool Info About Name Anita

Additional name description Anita
Additional name description Anita

The personality traits of the name Anita

  It is a nervous and irritable child susceptible to contagious diseases. At school, there is usually a volley of complaints on the teachers’ side since Anita being obstinate and always holding her own is a true devil’s advocate. Her character is more of a man one though she takes it after her mother. However, as far as appearance is concerned Anita takes after her father and is more attached to him.
Anita is a leader by nature and demands strict obedience from everyone around her. If she fails to get it she loses her temper. She is very self-sufficient and independent and can protect herself in any difficult situation. She is not the timid type. Anita takes up sports but does not achieve significant results.
Anita can be endowed with remarkable musical talent and can manage to score success in this field. She gets married late and as a husband, she chooses a calm, easy-going, and solid man.
The most difficult and controversial character is “Winter” Anita.
Anita usually makes up her mind in favor of such professions as architect, musician, singer, artist, nurse or journalist. However, she often works not by profession.

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Comments on the name Anita
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My husband and some family members call me Nita, which is fine, but I never liked it when someone called me Annie. Some people call me Niter or make jokes about being "neat." Because my last name used to be Reader, I got a lot of teasing as Niter Reader. Parents should make sure the two names go well together and do NOT rhyme!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My mommy has this name and I wewy wewy hate it :( she is a meanie and a pooper and the name is just horribwe. she forces ,e to do meanie disgusting mensia things that I hateeeee. Anita u suck idc wh u r if ur name is Anita I Haye u so much. have a nice day :)

01/09/2024 18:36:58

I go by Anita but I was christened Ana. My mother is Peruvian and told me that it is very common for girls christened Ana to go by Anita as children. Later as a woman, the name is altered to Ana. It is also a term of endearment for that namesake so it is possible to have the Ana but be referred to as Anita by friends and family.

12/29/2023 18:24:36

This name will always get asked about. A lot of people want to mis-spell it, giving the more common spelling, "Emery". I do not offten weet people with this name but I do know a couple of pepole with this name.

12/23/2023 23:06:24

I like writing my name but It's taken me a while to really appreciate it. I was named after my great grandmother and I didn't have a great relationship with my grandmother'so I didn't really appreciate the name. Also, I find it hard when introducing myself because people aren't used to the name'so I find I have to say it twice. Also, I kinda slur my words so people think that my name it Anida because I say it quickly so I need to find a way to fix that problem. Also, my friends call me Neets but I wish that there was a better nick name for my name.

11/24/2023 18:28:32

This is my name, its different. Ive grown accustomed to it. Its nit very common. And peopke don't know how to spell it errrrgh. But it is a nice short name and its part of me. I can't imagine another name

11/11/2023 07:29:30

I am named after my great Aunt Anita. I love my name. It is different and unique!! I am in love with my cousin!!

10/26/2023 17:39:54

I am a white woman named Anita (born in 1978) after my dad's sister who was born in 1925. I have no idea where my grandmother got the name. I speak Spanish so I know in that culture it is what you would call a little girl whose name is Ana. However it is used in other cultures too. Greek, Swedish, and Indian. I work with a large number of families from India and they often'tell me "you know Anita is an Indian name❤️" I have not met anyone my age named Anita.

10/19/2023 16:23:06

My name Anita ..but my family calling nitu I like nitu ♥️

10/18/2023 11:35:02

Anita or Anahita or Ainyahita is (one of) the first goddess(es) in mythology. Short after her name changed into Inanna and later Isjtar (Esther)which means 'star'. Anahita 'the'star' was mothergoddess and I think It's a name to wear with pride because of its origin.

09/26/2023 17:38:14

My name is Aineta, pronounced Anita. i've never been fond of it, partially because of the'spelling and partially because of the jokes. It gets tiring. But, now that I'm older i've come to accept it and am now really comfortable with it. Most people think the'spelling is cool. I'm not so sure It's not another name altogether, but or me It's Anita. LOL

08/31/2023 00:22:18

My Name is AnitaMarie, but everyone calls me Anita. Alot of times people do say it "a need a" it has actually become a joke at work, but i still like my name, it is not very common and I haveonly met one other person with the'same name, I dont think I would like a common name like sarah or emily. I like my name,even if sometimes people think it is old ladyish.

06/24/2023 05:06:32

My dad told me about one of his friends when he was little was an Anita, everyone called her Anita-Bug, he'said he wanted to name me it, but my mom diddn't agree.

06/13/2023 14:53:42

Anita is my daughter's is persian name too.I love it.

04/22/2023 01:31:26

in school we had to pick a spanish like name, i picked Anita because It'sounded beautiful and it was simple, when i get older i plan to use this name for one of my daughters and i looked up this name and i f u go WAY back into the past it comes from a Sweden form and i am Swedish

02/01/2023 12:42:56

My name is Anita and I like it! Friends call me Anna or Annie :)

01/29/2023 15:56:44

My name is Anita and I love it. Yes, it is often misspelled but that is fine. I think it is a beautiful name.

12/21/2022 22:57:46

I love Anita. I know someone with this and she can go by Nita, Nete, or Anita. It's really pretty and plan on using it for my daughter,

12/13/2022 19:31:36

My name is Anita. It's not a very common name; i've only come across a few people with the'same name. I like my name and don't understand why more people don't use it but that's fine I enjoy being unique.

12/11/2022 07:16:46

I know someone named Anita and I think it is a beautiful name. It is easy to pronounce correctly too.

10/31/2022 20:16:14

MY name is special.I'm glad i have it.It's usually spelled write!

10/25/2022 15:16:08

It's my name and way too common. Also I hate mythology. Butttt It's my name, gotta learn to love it. (And to not slurr my words so much)

09/26/2022 09:27:44

My name's Anita & i've always liked it. I haven't met many people with the'same name. I like it when my family call me Nita. I was also called Anteater & Ryvita at school!

09/09/2022 21:35:38

My name is Anita. I guess its friends say its really pretty though. But some people say things like "Anita drink" (I need a drink) lol Ive never met anyone who's name was Anita.........

08/28/2022 22:42:54

Anita is a lovely name. Sweet and at the'same time strong and independent. Something that a little girl can grow into.

06/07/2022 00:35:24

I love this name btw it mine name and i always loved my name my friend love my name and they tell me that they wish that it was there name ❤️❤️

05/18/2022 05:42:18

i've taken 30 years to learn to love my name. But yeah, I now love it. My name is Anita Marie. I have embraced it and began enjoying introducing myself and saying my name with pride. It truly changed how I felt about myself when I changed how I felt about my name :) I also enjoy reading the historical uses of the name -religious/mythological, cultural - all of it - though I don't think my parents had any basis; they just agreed on it ;) Love to all you other AnIt's!

02/18/2022 08:50:24

My mom's name is Anita. I think the name Anita matches exceptionally well with her beauty and persona. She is indeed the most gorgeous woman i've ever'seen. I love her like anything......mmmmmuaaahhh.....

11/20/2021 14:00:54

I like my name. My 8th grade teacher announced to the class that Anita was the most phonetically beautiful name in the English language. She was petite and pretty and from that day on I loved my name.

09/23/2021 00:34:30

I have the name Anita. I don't like it very much, but I guess It's because of history. Yeah, I'm not to fond of the jokes either.

08/21/2021 08:25:12

I like my name. I think It's funny when I introduce myself as aniTa and people still call me aniDa

07/25/2021 23:14:24

my names Anita and i love it the only thing i dont like is when people pronounce it as "Anida" as in 'i need a...' i need a root i need a ....

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Anita FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Anita?
The origin of the name Anita is Hebrew , Spanish , Scandinavian.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Anita?
*️⃣ How many people are named Anita?
Almost 215000 people are named Anita.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Anita?
The names of Analena, Annalynn, Analyn, Analynn, Annalina