
Asha meaning

: Signifying hope and life.

Asha Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-sha\
Number of People 👶 8,000
Rate in 2021 2671
Numerology 🔢 11
Name origin 🌍 Arabic
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Asha Name Meaning

Asha is a meaningful name signifying hope and life. Rich in positive connotations, Asha symbolizes someone carrying the lamp of hope, shedding light even in the darkest of times. It also reflects a lively spirit, characterizing an individual full of life and vigour.

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Asha Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Asha
Additional description of the name Asha

Asha has a deep origin and history rooted in different cultures. In Sanskrit, Asha means 'hope' or 'desire'. In Swahili, the name signifies 'life'. It's also a popular name in Arab communities with the meaning 'lively'. Used across different cultures commonly among Indian and African communities, Asha retains its beautiful essence of offering hope and celebrating life.

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Cool Info About Name Asha

Additional name description Asha
Additional name description Asha

Famous Individuals & Popularity:
The name Asha is borne by famous Indian singer Asha Bhosle, making a significant mark in the music industry. Asha's beautiful meaning and universal appeal have led to its popularity across different cultures.

Personality Traits:
Individuals named Asha often embody the essence of hope and life that the name stands for. They are typically positive, enthusiastic, vibrant and often have an infectious zest for life.

Asha, a name symbolizing 'hope', carries an incredibly resonating message of optimism, signifying a beacon of light in darkness. Combined with its universal appeal across various cultures, Asha offers not only a timeless name but also a beautiful identity.

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Comments on the name Asha
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Asha means 'hope' in the Indian language Hindu and 'life' in an African language...Swahili I think. I had a friend called Asha as I was growing up. She was a beautiful girl inwardly and outwardly, and so her name was associated with beauty to me. When I had my own daughter, I naturally called her Asha. People do often spell it incorrectly, spelling it Asher. Asher is a male name and in Hebrew it means 'Happy'.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Asha Mueller. I think that the name is unique because I have never met anyone else names Asha. I live names that are different to what I'm used to.

01/13/2024 18:07:48

i love the name asha because that is my nick NAME my real name is ashley though!

12/17/2023 03:07:00

My name is Asha and I love my name because It's unique. It does get frustrating when people don't pronounce it correctly though. A lot of people pronounce it "Osha" or "Ashly" or even avery once in awhile "Ash" I usually have to say that the beginning of the name'starts with A as in Apple. Although it is fun to have such a unique name! I overall recommend it if you like to be different like me!

02/07/2023 10:04:34

My daughters name is Asha. Anyone named Asha in my case has been super kind,selfless and of course hopeful. Not to many times but maybe a little more rare than common she comes home from school and says her'sub teacher called her Asha (Āsha)

01/16/2023 10:15:06

While I think It's a really nice name, it means "Son of Kenneth"!! Doesn't that'sort of present a problem for naming a girl that❤️ Wish it was still popular as a boy's name, as I really just like the name in general, but I just couldn't use it for a girl.

09/14/2022 08:34:10

My name is Asha Nicole and my sister is Meika Daniel. The'same reasons we were not fond of our names growing up are the'same reasons we love our names now.

03/19/2022 22:52:48

My friends name is Asha. I think It's a real pretty name. Many people don't hear it right and I explain that It's like 'sasha' with no s at the begining.. That helps.

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Asha FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Asha?
The origin of the name Asha is Arabic.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Asha?
Signifying hope and life.
*️⃣ How many people are named Asha?
Almost 8000 people are named Asha.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Asha?
The names of Ashanti, Kevron, Ashanta, Ashaunti, Ashante