Gender | 🧑 Boy |
Pronunciation | 📣 \bare-ee\ |
Number of People | 👶 181,000 |
Rate in 2021 | 2872 |
Numerology | 🔢 10 |
Name origin | 🌍 Irish |
The name Barry has interestingly varied meanings. In Irish/Gaelic origin, Barry is interpreted as "fair-headed," However, from an Old English origin perspective, Barry means "spear," indicating strength, fierceness, and valor.
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Name Barry is very gender masculine word and Barry sound like most masculine word ❤️
My grandpa❤️s name and one of my favorite names. I really want to name my son'this if I have one. Why don't people give their kids this name anymore, though❤️ It's such a classic and strong name! Much better than'the modern names like Caden or the one I despise most: Declan.
Makes me think of grown men who are handsome-looking six-footers. When'they were very young boys, the name was in fashion, but it is no longer'so these days. However, I think this is one of those names now ripe for female adoption alongside other dad-grandpa names like Gary, Stanley, Arthur, Wayne, Stuart, Howard, and Murray which all sound terminally outmoded as male names.
Im 21 and am n't sure about having the name Barry. Most people who have the name'seem to be older than me. I think i will like it more as i get older
The best name ever i love my name even'thoughi dont know anyone else with my name!! well not spelled the'same anyway!!!
i despise it---Ann & Barry...rememeber those books from school❤️. Its a baby's name and lacks the maturity and fortitude of a proper blokes name. Its I'mature.
This was a girl with this name and she was a compulsive liar. We'll I guess It'stands out because her names ends with LIE. Sorry I dislike this name.
Wow, this sure arouses some strong feelings. While, I am conservative and respect our 40th President, It's just a name. Other people besides him have had it. I think the angry democrat who wrote the first comment has "dragged" a lot more politics into it than most people who name their child Reagan.
I never liked the name when I was younger because people used to make fun of it, but now i've come to love it. It's unique, but still more common'than most people think. People often pronounce it berry rather than barry. I'meet other Barrys mostly on'the east coast rather than'the west coast. all in all It's a great name.
I have always hated my name. But honestly reading a lot of these comments has made me feel better about the name Barry. I also absolutely hate when people spell it Berry!
I love the name it is so cute! I have boyfriend and his name is Barry and he is so cute. So don't worry girls love the name Barry!
My name is Barry, I have met a few guys with the'same name. born 1971.
Here in'the "south", my name is sometimes spelled, Barri, Barrie
I love the comments...all so true...why is It'so hard for people to pronouce it properly❤️❤️ Most just shorten it to "Bear"!
my dad's name is barry, being the 3rd child I was supposed to be junior, but I came out a girl and was still named Barri.
amazing - if we didin't have Barrys what we do, how we would cope - i will a leader of Barrys. He is Barry. to avoid any problems with other Barrys - there is only one perfect Aryan Barry. XXX
I was named Barry at birth. I have a Barry Jr. and now a Barry the 3rd. We❤️re proud of the name Barry. It's n't a very common name but during the 80s I worked with two other Barrys.The name beats James or John or Bill.The name does n't make the person. The person makes the name memorable.
My 8 year old son is called Barry after his grandad and I couldn't imagine any other name for him now. It'started as a joke before he was born because his dad's name is Barry too but he really did look like a Barry! I hope he doesn't feel obligated to carry on'the trend ha! The only downside is people always think his name is Harry and we have to correct them.
"People misspell the name (Barrie,Berry etc) and also pronounce it like 'Berry' " OMG you are so right! Its been really annoying all my life! Oh dont let anyone tell you its an Irish name. Its a WELSH-Norman name that was taking to Irleand during the Anglo-Norman invasions.
I named my son Barry and i love the is n't common but yet cute as a babys name and also as a grown man.
People misspell the name (Barrie,Berry etc) and also pronounce it like "Berry"
My Dads name is Barry,when we were little he told us it was short for Dingleberry.
2019 names my son Barry after his grandad and great grandad
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this name for a guy (pronounced as "berry")im gonna have a son just to name him barry.
I love my name--It's n't mundane, nor is it "out there." There's a uniqueness to it, because rarely do I'meet an'ther one with the name, but It's still well known. I HATE it when people spell it "Berry" though.
I'met a wonderful guy names Barry, but I don't care for how the name'sounds
Barryoke, Just like karaoke but sung by people called Barry!!
Im Australian and i love it, Most people call me Baz or Bazza.. Its an iconic name here
I love This name, I'm having a boy and am trying to convinced my husband to let us use it! We would pronounce it (apparently the wrong way❤️) like Berry. I think It's perfect for all ages❤️i can see him as a baby, young boy, teenager and adult w the name flowing perfectly through each phase. It's one of those older names that is almost hipster because It's n't used anymore
It's a shame no one names their children'this anymore. I'm one of the'slightly later Barrys (2003) and It's a shame the next generation will all be "Aidens". As you can see the name Barry was VERY popular from the 1930s-1982s.
Barry is of Irish origin. I am Irish and the proper pronounciation is like "Bar-ray" n't "Berry" or "Bao-ri"
my name is barry its a unique name i am 20 i hardly find someone with the name
people bullied my son at schooled because of this name and he hates it. he is 38 now.
My name is Barry. When I started primary school, I wrote my name on my exercise book, but the teacher changed the'spelling to Barrie. After weeks of argument with the teacher, my mum had to go to the'school to sort it out! This happened at the'start of every new year. Annoying to be told you don't even know how to spell your own name. I also have/had a problem with pronouncing Rs so n't an ideal name for me. Finally, on'the phone it gets mis-heard as Danny on a regular basis. Whilst I don't hate the name, I wish I'd been called something different.