
Devon meaning

: defender.

Devon Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \d(e)-von\
Number of People 👶 91,000
Rate in 2021 1266
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 English
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Devon Name Meaning

The name Devon is of Old English origin and it means "defender." It's also a geographical name, referring to a county in England known for its beautiful landscapes and historic sites. The name carries a sense of strength and protection, as well as a connection to nature and history.

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Comments on the name Devon
11/07/2023 12:58:26

my names Devon n im a girl im the only one in my school who has that name i love it makes me feel unique :D

10/01/2023 12:32:52

It's a girls name. Aunt and niece 57 and 73 years old....for Devon in England and Irish. Girls win. Had it longer than boys. Its Prn De Von.

09/11/2023 04:41:32

Well my name is Ebony and i love it! I know it means black in some ways but it doesnt matter. It means alot of things. Strong and willing and not afraid it also means dark beauty. Which means u lite up da room wid just a smile! Dark colours soot us best.

06/22/2023 06:22:50

This is my name. I love it. I find it beautiful. People say It's native american when it is in fact African American. I have only met four other Aiyanas. I pronouce it I-yawn-uh. It's orginally pronounced Awe-ee-yawn-uh though.

03/23/2023 06:29:32

Love this name for a boy. Wanted to call my son Devon, but hubby wouldnt agree so ended up with Kyle - which suits him better i have to say. Hubby reckons Devon ok for a girl so maybe i'll win with the next one!!

03/11/2023 08:49:56

My parents choice my brother Devon's name to go with my brother Dominic's name.

02/10/2023 19:46:38

My son is soon'to be 4, his name is Devon and I love it! Yes, I get the occasional Dev-ON. Long O, which is very annoying but even'the'simplest names can have someone butcher it! He is also the only Devon we have encountered, which was my main reasoning for naming him the name. Uncommon is better for me, I remember'school with like 10 Dustin's in my graduating class..

02/07/2023 05:40:04

I'm a guy with the name, and i've only met girls with the'same spelling... i thought devON was the female spelling... but i guess n't.. no one says it right when reading it off.. "dev ON" in'tead of the "dev UN" most of the time.. i guess i like it though.. n't too popular of a name i dont think..

12/24/2022 09:26:48

I love this name, and yes It's just because my boyfriend's name is Devon.

12/07/2022 23:38:08

A lot of people will pronounce it Dev-ON, with a long O(should be pronounced Devin, no matter the'spelling) Kind of annoying. Or people will spell it Devin, or Devan, or even Deven. If you are going to name a male child Devon, make sure to use an O, as it will allude to the masculine in romantic languages. I do n't meet that many Devo/a/e/i/ns in my day to day life.

11/12/2022 12:20:48

my husbands name is devon and our son'to peopple are always spelling it wrong and or saying it wrong our other'son is devonte big jah rastafari

10/21/2022 18:41:38

If I see a single person with the name "Devon", I will slaughter them and mince them into small bite-sized pieces. THEN I will feed those pieces to my cat, who is graciously named "Weston". Consider this a warning liberals.

03/16/2022 12:31:48

I think that the name is fine that is my friends name that is a boy

02/09/2022 12:33:36

no, this is n't my name its my cousin name, i like the name devon because It'sounds real inter'sting and popular to name my first son'that.people i know often pronounce the name deven, the right way to say the name is DEVON, and no i havent met anyone else with the'same name but my cousin'thats why i like the name devon so much because of those experiances.

10/15/2021 03:16:30

I want to have two sets of boy twins. One set of boys will be called Coleton and Devon and the other'set will be Cody and David. And I'm only 21 so It's nice to plan ahead.

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Devon FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Devon?
The origin of the name Devon is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Devon?
*️⃣ How many people are named Devon?
Almost 91000 people are named Devon.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Devon?
The names of Matthias, Tesla, Dietrich, Vin