
Dylan meaning

: Son Of The Sea

Dylan Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \d(y)-lan\
Number of People 👶 391,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 51
Numerology 🔢 2
Name origin 🌍 Welsh
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Dylan Name Meaning

Dylan means "son of the waves" or "son of the sea".

Dylan Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Dylan
Additional description of the name Dylan

The origin of the name Dylan is Anglo-Saxon. Specifically, it comes from the Welsh "dy" which means big and "llanw" which means tide or wave.

Cool Info About Name Dylan

Additional name description Dylan
Additional name description Dylan

The popularity of the name Dylan

The name “ Dylan “ is one of the most popular names. This name is the 90th most popular baby’s name in Hawaii based on the data from reliable American resources in the year 1986.

For instance, imagine that only about 16 newborn babies have the same first name as your baby in the year 1986 in Hawaii. A total of about 1867 newborn babies also bear the same first name as your baby’s name in the year 1986. From the year 1880 to the year 2018, the highest recorded use of this name was related to the year  2001 with a total of about 16500 newborn babies.

From the year 1880 up to the year 2018, the given name was recorded about 383000 times in the SSA public database. 

The name appeared in the year 1953 for the first time on the popularity charts. The name was given to about six newborn babies at that time. This name became a popular choice in the year 1990 with a rank of 83 nationwide and was registered about 4500 times as a boy’s name. The name “ Dylan “ became a popular boy’s name in the state of North Dakota in the year 1999. It ranked 2 with near 71 newborn babies. The all-time high record for this name was related to the year 2004 in the state of California with about 1800 newborn baby boys.

This name is a consistent top-ranking name in the state of Colorado for about 35 consecutive years, ( from the year 1981 to the year 2018 ). For the past 20 years, the given name was recorded 255500 times in the SSA public database.

The personality of the name Dylan

Here we have the letter analysis of the name “ Dylan “

D is for dashing, romantic you!

Y is for youthful, your eternal look.

L is for luxury, the luxury of your smile.

A is for accord, the harmony you spread.

N is for nice, need I say more?

If you are considering a nickname for your baby named “ Dylan “, you can select the reversed form of this name as well.


Famous people named Dylan

Dylan Ainsworth who is a Canadian football player

Dylan Alcott who is an Australian basketball player

Dylan Arnold who is an American actor

Dylan Axelrod is an American professional baseball player

Dylan Baker who is an American actor

Diminutives and variations of the name Dylan
El nombre Dylan it does not have diminutives and although it does not have many variations, in English, we can find Dillan or Dillon.

Personality of the name Dylan
Dylan is a very sociable man, with great friends, very creative and original. He is always acquiring new knowledge, he likes to constantly learn both in his personal and professional life, have good ideas and undertake new projects.

Numerology of the name Dylan
According to Numerology, the number associated with Dylan's name is 2.

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Comments on the name Dylan
12/03/2023 14:04:32

Dylan is a great name, strong, cool, yet slightly girly. But oh well great name anyways. Definetly going to be my son's name.

09/26/2023 15:34:48

She is now 5 and I couldn't imagine a more perfect name for her. Her name is Dylan Mariah and though some friends were skeptical at first they say it suits her. Everyone she is introduced to loves it. Only problem is if she isn't around I have to say my DAUGHTER Dylan and even when I do people still think I have a boy. Oh well. I think its a great name.

08/04/2023 15:55:22

My husband choose this name for our 1st born..He was in love with this name and did'nt even think of another name..However I decided to spell it a little different..Dylen is how we spell it..

07/20/2023 03:33:56

meaning; loveable rogue!! always loved this name and suits my son to a tee!! 16yrs old blonde hair, blue eyes and a cheeky grin!!

06/25/2023 12:15:40

I love the name dylan I had a cousin of mine that I was super close with and his name was dylan thomas and I think it is a great name and really want to name my little girl that I am expecting after him. My husband says no though so we will see

06/25/2023 03:26:40

my brothers name is Dylan... i didn't have a big part in his name and to be honest i really didn't like it at the time but now after 3 years i can't think of a better name for my angel except for grouch

06/11/2023 13:31:18

My 16 month-old daughter is called Dylan Rose. My husband suggested it and it really stuck with us, we couldn't settle on any other name and just kept coming back to Dylan. It is a bit frustrating when people say 'he' but I guess Dylan is more common for a boy. It's cheeky, cute and a bit tomboyish, perfect for her!

03/09/2023 18:37:36

I this name, my best friend in high school was Dylan and I always loved this name so when my husband and I had our first child, we named her Dyllan. We added the extra L, because I wanted it to be abit different. Her name is Dyllan Taylor and is 12 now. We have only known 1 other girl Dyllan. It's good to see other girls with this name.

01/28/2023 11:08:40

I've always loved this name, there's something cool about it but is also cute.

01/07/2023 19:21:14

My little brother's name is Dylan Paul. I love the name... He's quite the little heart breaker =) I couldn't think of a more suitable name for him

12/25/2022 22:46:14

Even though most people would name a male Dylan, I love it for a girl. If I ever get a baby girl.. I am so naming her Dylan:) My mom's close friend has a daughter named Dylan and is probably the cutest, most lovable little girl I have ever met!

10/16/2022 15:15:38

My friends nephew is called Dylyn and i believe it was the proper way to spell the name, seems as its Welsh =D But i also love the name 'Dylan'/'Dilyn' however it is spelt

10/13/2022 16:08:22

When I found out Dylan means "son of the sea", I was so happy. I picked this name because of Drew Barrymore's character in Charlie's Angels. I fell in love with the name instantly. The ocean means alot to me; it's a symbol of my happy childhood. It's almost as if it was fate. I had unknowingly picked a name that ended up having a very deep meaning to me. My son is definitely a Dylan. Dylan James just flows so beautifully.

09/04/2021 19:12:18

I have a cousin named Dylan. He is sooooo cute! He will be a real girl catcher for sure once he's older!

07/29/2021 23:18:54

I named my son Dylan Thomas and it wasnt after any one. i liked the name Dylan and the Thomas was after his dad, then i found out about the famous Dylan Thomas, who would have ever known.

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Dylan FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Dylan?
The origin of the name Dylan is Welsh.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Dylan?
Son Of The Sea
*️⃣ How many people are named Dylan?
Almost 391000 people are named Dylan.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Dylan?
The names of Edna