
Eugene meaning

: nobility and well-born.

Eugene Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \e(u)-ge-ne\
Number of People 👶 382,000
Rate in 2021 1762
Numerology 🔢 3
Name origin 🌍 Greek
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Eugene Name Meaning

Eugene is a name of Greek origin, derived from the word "eugenes," meaning "well-born," or "noble." It carries a sense of aristocracy, strength, and honor, making it a powerful choice for a child's name. It's a name that suggests a person of high standing, someone who is destined for greatness and nobility.

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Comments on the name Eugene
09/08/2023 05:34:16

Not a very common name these days, but I like its somewhat uniqueness. It was my grand fathe's name, jumped a generation, and I have it now. Pronouncing it was not an issue for anyone, but spelling was a different story. I could only expect that because its not as common as othe's. I can only recall of meeting one other person with my name, but clearly its more popular then'that:)

07/24/2023 07:29:16

My name is Eugene. If my memory serves me right, It's of Greek origin, meaning well-born or noble.

07/04/2023 05:30:36

I have a friend named Eugene but goes by Trey because i guess It's just too embarrising for him.

07/02/2023 23:14:22

Eugene is a fine strong name unlike the hilarious trendy names of today.

06/27/2023 07:27:46

This name rocks saludos to aaaallll my tocayas (F.Y.I.tocaya means someone with the'same name)

06/04/2023 09:35:48

this is the best name ever ♥ i plan to change my name to Kendall.

11/17/2022 10:47:02

This is a ghetto stripper name. I hate it and hope that people will grow up and realize that the are cursing their child with such a terrible name.

11/06/2022 22:55:16

This is awesome!! I never expected to see so many Yajairaýs, even spell the'same way as my name ýYajairaý. I have seen It'spell different ways. This is so cool. I'm 30 years old and puertorican. My mother got it from a soap opera. I always have tried to find the meaning of the name but no result. I think is funny when people try to pronounce it and spell it. Are name for sure is unique. I love my name and we all should be proud of it.

10/14/2022 22:59:52

Eugene was my father's name. He was born in 1934. He generally went by Gene. The name means "good gen'tics" and he really did have good gen'tics. I always thought it was a great name, sort of exotic. My dad was very creative and a bit arty, very strong and energetic. He had many, many wonderful qualities and he was a really great dad. I named my oldest son after him--Zackary Eugene. We like it!

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Eugene FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Eugene?
The origin of the name Eugene is Greek.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Eugene?
nobility and well-born.
*️⃣ How many people are named Eugene?
Almost 382000 people are named Eugene.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Eugene?
The names of Jedrick