
Grace meaning

: Favor, Blessing

Grace Name Information

Gender πŸ‘© Girl
Pronunciation πŸ“£ \g-ra-ce\
Number of People πŸ‘Ά 505,000
Rate in 2021 87
Numerology πŸ”’ 7
Name origin 🌍 Latin
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Grace Name Meaning


Grace is a female given name from the Latin Gratia, so it is originally Latin. Also, this name was first used as a reference to the phrase β€˜β€™ God’s Grace. Grace means charm, goodness, and generosity. Β This name is a virtue name, virtue names are also known and used as personal names in different cultures. The given name has different forms like Greis, which is Albanian & Grazia, which is Italian & Garazi, which is Basque. The pronunciation of the given name is β€˜β€™ Grace β€˜β€™ in other words, it is pronounced as it is written

The name Grace is mostly used for females, So Grace is historically the feminine form of the name, but also three forms of this name are Charis & Grayson, and Grazio.

This name ties to beauty and joy in Greek Mythology. Grace is considered to be the goddess of nature and brings purity to this name. Grace has been used at the turn of both the 20thΒ  and 21st centuries.

People strongly believe that names should be separated by gender,’’ Very well Familly β€˜β€™ – a reliable resource – believes that sex should not have any effect on the baby name selection process and families should select names based on their desire..

Cool Info About Name Grace

Additional name description Grace
Additional name description Grace

The popularity of the name Grace

One of the top-20 names in early 1900s was Grace, but throughout the decades this faced a gradual decline in popularity. Grace picked up steam for the second time in the 1990s, according to the Social Security Administration. The peak of its popularity was in 2004, it ranked 13 on the Social Security Administration’s list of female names.

It can be interesting to know that Grace is used for dogs too, That 94 dogs were named Grace in 2020 in America, The popularity of the name Grace is due to a series related to two cute dogs!

Nicknames of the name Grace

Although Grace is short and easy to be pronounced, people might add some playfulness to the more formal Grace, which can be β€˜β€™ Gracie β€˜β€™. Gracie originated as a Scottish surname. Also, other nickname options to consider are Gee & Gigi & Grey, or Gray!

Famous people named Grace

Grace Bauer, American Poet & Grace Jones, Jamaican model

Also here is a list of famous Gracies: Gracie Abrams, American Singer & Gracie Dzienny, American ActressΒ  & Gracie Gold, American figure Skater

In addition, here is a great list of sibling names for a baby named Grace:Β  Alexander & David & Luke & Oliver, and Anna

Similar names to Grace

Garrick & George & Garza and Georgi

Name selection poll

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Comments on the name Grace
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Grace Elizabeth and I am 13. Sometimes, I really don't like it. It'sounds too formal and boring. But I love being called Gracey. It's cute, spunky and unique. I also have blond hair and I think that Grace is a good name for a blondie.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Ma sis name is Grace haha my parents wanted to name her after Grace Kelly :D

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I love the name Grace, if my baby is a girl then thats what i want to call her, its such a delicate name

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Grace and I have just turned 5. I love my name very much and I like being called Gracie. I am the only Grace in my school.

01/06/2024 23:54:12

I have four girls already Olivia 6, Elizabeth and Lilly 4, and Emmma 2 and i have asked the, what to name there new baby'sister and imediately Lilly said lets name her Grace after Grammie Garce who had just passed away. At that moment i felt horrible becuase i didnt even'think to name my daughter adter my husbands Grandmother.

12/24/2023 18:30:12

I named my daughter Grace Annalee. She is my saving Grace. and gets called Gracie or Grace the Ace from her step father

12/20/2023 12:13:48

I like the name gracie but my fiancee hates it :(

12/18/2023 14:58:16

I think this is a beautiful name it reminds me of the grace that Jesus christ gave us through his death and resurrection. I think Grace Elizabeth it one of the best names

12/14/2023 06:03:10

i love grace she is soo nice..cace coops from sthelens scool rules!!!

11/26/2023 20:43:50

My daughter's name is Gracelyn Elaine. I thought Grace was just a little too common, so I added the 'lyn' and made it her own. It's a beautiful name. Our next daughter will be Lilly Jane.

11/24/2023 23:45:56

my sister grace was born in 2002. i think its very pretty and girly.

11/22/2023 11:48:44


11/05/2023 23:56:38

grace is a good name name but not that good ther reason y I chose ok is cuz the garce of god and Im really realisious

11/03/2023 06:42:02

my name is Grace I hate how it gets mispronounced I know my english teacher called me Groc ae she was scottish My middle name is nicole so my name is Grace Nicole luff it

10/13/2023 06:23:14

i just found out i'm pregnant and if we have a girl we will name her grace isabelle

09/02/2023 20:50:52

This is our daughter's name. We have loved the uniqueness, yet simplicity of the name. Our daughter is now 2 1/2 years old and while we have heard of othe's with this name, we have yet to meet anyone personally. We love it.

08/26/2023 11:02:42

I love this name. I have a two year old daughter named Grace Lola although she always gets called Gracie! As soon as we saw her we knew she had to be Grace!

08/19/2023 03:17:58

My name is Grace. I like it because It's straight-forward, unadorned and not too girly. It ends on a solid note, which is much less trite than a girl's name that ends in -ie or -a. I think you've got to be a Grace to appreciate the name fully.

08/18/2023 09:22:20

Grace is my favourite name at the moment and if i had a daughter i would call her Grace. I love it because it is old-fashioned and one of my best friends is called Grace and she is one of the nicest people i've ever met

08/12/2023 02:36:26

I love the name grace, it has a pretty sound to it, and is fun to say

07/16/2023 03:27:50

My daughter's name is Grace - she's Grace Ruth after my grandmother and great aunt. We usually call her Gracie. I thought it would be a different name, but so far we have met three other little girls named Grace, and my little one is only 2 and 1/2. We're biased, obviously, but we love the name.

06/28/2023 20:29:34

Love it, It's a classic. But I can see from the chart that it is about to become the new trend...and it will be completely run into the ground.

06/24/2023 09:13:24

Our daughter's name is Grace Rebecca. The'show Little House on the Prairie had a character named " baby Grace " and I liked the name. I found out later tha our daughter's great-grandma's name was Grace, also!

06/20/2023 17:21:02

My name is Grace, Grace Elizabeth. I used to not like it because I thought it was too girly for me, but now I like it- cause it doesn't have to be girly, I hate being called Gracie! i've met 2 other Graces, one was named after me because her parents liked my name - Grace Elizabeth-

06/12/2023 08:55:06

My name is grace. My parents say they named me after the'song amazing grace

05/30/2023 00:34:46

Heyyy,my name is Graceannne. So im usually called, Grace,Gracie,and when im in trouble Graceanne Elizabeth :)I Luv my name.

05/28/2023 23:18:18

i like this name and it fits all, child, teen, young adult, middle-age, and old

05/20/2023 15:10:00

My oldest daughter's name is Grace. We named her after my grandmother. Her full name is Grace Ann Elizabeth which rolls off the tongue very nicely. It's a beutiful name that compliments other names very well. She is wonderful and the name fits her perfectly. She likes being called Gracie as well. My nickname for her is 'Lizi' after her mid name - Elizabeth.

05/18/2023 17:01:34

Grace reminds me of an old lady...not really a 21st century name to me.

05/05/2023 00:45:08

My names Grace, well actually Graceful, its wierd but original...i've never come accross anyone with the'same name. Grace is a fine name it can be plain depending on how you look, or how you act. But if the name is put with a vibrant character it will suit.

04/30/2023 02:54:10

i love the name grace i get called that when i fall and am clumsy, and thats toomuch but i love the name its beatiful

04/24/2023 04:22:00

My mom named me Grace Rosalinda. She says I'm her "beautiful rose of love". I never knew my name meant love. I just thought my mom was being very sweet. Now I know what she meant when she gave me this special name.

04/20/2023 21:18:38

My name is Grace, and I used to hate it till i became a teenager :) i used to think It'sounded formal and old, but now i really like it, and gracie's cool too. people pretty much call me whatever they want to, since grace and gracie are so similar! LUVV it!!! It's more popular, but not TOO popular!! i know like 2 other graces

04/20/2023 17:47:02

Love it! It was my great-grandmother's name and I have always planned on using it, even before it became popular. Perhaps it is a little plain as suggested, but my name (Patty) was always different than other girls my age so something classic and simple appeals to me.

04/08/2023 05:25:46

I love this name. It'sounds beautiful. It is definately on the list of potential names for me!

04/08/2023 02:11:48

I really like this name and am considering it as a middle name for Olivia or Kiara.

04/07/2023 20:01:30

My name is grace. I am 13.I used to not like but now I love it. The only negative I have is there are five graces in my year at school.

04/02/2023 09:49:56

It is what It'suggests.... simple or plain doesn't always mean something boring. Grace is something given'to us and should never be overlooked

03/28/2023 01:24:10

My name is Grace Lee, and Im 33. I didnt like my name that much when I was a child. The only other Grace I knew was my Grandma. Now as an adult I do like my name. I get complimented on it often. Alot of family, and friends did, and still do call me Gracie, and I dont mind it. I think its cute!

03/16/2023 19:19:08

My daughter's name is Grace Elizabeth too! She is 8. We also call her Gracie even'though now (since she's so mature:) she informed us that wants to be called Grace. I think It's such a pretty name. Grace was my great aunt's name and my husband and I were married in a Lutheran Church named Grace Lutheran, so the name had special meaning to us.

03/13/2023 18:26:04

It's my name, and would people quit making puns on it❀️ Other than that, I like it. Short and sweet. It also goes well with my siblings' names as well when we were all smaller.

03/08/2023 23:31:26

I love the name Grace...It's so pretty, but I find it a little plain. I totally plan on naming my first daughter "Anna Grace", even'though ever'since I started going on these baby name'sIt's I have read about a lot of people naming their kids that.

02/17/2023 10:28:38

Very pretty I've decided on Summer Grace. I also have cousin called Isabella Grace which i love

02/10/2023 05:40:14

My name is Grace McCallum mark the name I will be famous one day.

02/08/2023 14:17:22

My name is Grace, and I LOVE!! I get many complI'ments on my name, and I feel it is unique because I don't run it to a lot of women my age with this name. It is an awesome name, and any girl will be lucky to have it.

01/19/2023 13:29:14

My name is Grace and I think it Isn't really Popular but it Isn't unheard of.It is really nice and I love the nickname Gracie!

12/17/2022 12:16:52

I know a five year old girl named Grace Margaret. And her birthday is Jan 29. All the time she keeps on asking about me. haha. Oh what a little sweetheart.

12/12/2022 00:19:30

It'sounds like I was born 95 years old." I wish my name was Nicole.

12/06/2022 10:18:42

Yeah, come to think of it, it is a little overused as a middle name. I like it better as a first name, as my best friend's name is Grace. I call her Grass; she prefers being called that. -Izzy

11/30/2022 12:39:26

I was rhe one person who did the two at the top he he he he he he he he he he he he h eh eh ehe eh eh ehe eh ehe he eh eh ehe he eh eh ehe he eh ehebh

11/22/2022 11:51:58

my sister has this name, i think its beutiful :) but i just found out that my name [anna] means grace. very spooky coincidence

11/20/2022 04:01:38

I love my name! I did not like it when I was a kid because nothing at the'stores like pencils or key rings had my name. Now people always remember my name because they think of God's Grace or Princess Grace Kelly. My husband loves my name too!

11/05/2022 01:39:44

We named our daughter Grace Rebecca. The name Grace came from the tv show " Little House On The Prairie ". After naming her, I discovered that her great-great grandmother's name was Grace. Also, in the church I grew up in ( Lutheran ) the concept of Grace was very important. When Grace was born in 1997, this was a very unique name, at least where we lived. When she went of to Wheaton College ( IL. )to study flute and piccolo, there were 7 Graces in her freshman class!!!

10/31/2022 14:05:56

Well my nme is Genevi've, i find it cute evendo sumtyms its hard to pronounce

10/26/2022 08:36:30

my name is grace and i dont really know how i feel about it.. sometimes i like it but It's kind of weird. i prefer gracie.

10/08/2022 00:39:24

I'm Grace and like many Graces , I used to hate my name but now I quite like it, I was named grace because it means gods gift :) I love makeup, I'm really loud and chatty so I'm the opposite of graceful lol but that is common for Graces, there are no other Graces in my year but there are more Graces in my school and my best firend has Grace as a middle name, I'm Grace Louise, personally I LOVE my middle name and first name together :)

09/19/2022 13:10:42

I named my second daughter Grace Elizabeth. It is such a lovely, elegant name and can be carried off at any stage of life. We call her fits her'so well. She loves her name.

09/19/2022 01:43:00

We named our Daughter Greta and we love it. She is 4 and I call her Greta Gum drops when I want to make her laugh. Lots of people spell it wrong but I think that is pretty common in all names that are a little different. My husband's Dutch Grandmother'says this name perfectly, pronouncing the "r" and the "t" with a dutch accent - It'sounds beautiful. In our English accent (canada/US) We get lazy and most of the time it comes out "Greda". This is something to consider with this name.

09/12/2022 10:43:22

The name Hailey is so awesome and you pernounce it like the weather hail and then ee it is spelled wrong all the time

09/09/2022 13:39:32

My name is Grace and I love It'so do othe's they absorb e and when I walk in my music room they start playing Amazing Grace however I get teased sometime cause peeps call me Gracie Chang It's sad and Gracie Buthole but I dnts care I love me name

08/01/2022 11:00:00

i just love the name Gracelynn. but i'm not sure how i want to go about spelling it! Gracelynn Gracilynn Gracelyn Gracilyn what does everybody else think❀️

07/21/2022 23:22:30

We named my daughter Macie Sloan. People absolutely LOVE her name. We get complements all the time on it. We just can't ever find anything personalized, but I just go out of my way to have things created with her name on it. If you choose to use this name, you'll be VERY happy!!

07/17/2022 09:34:30

My daughter name is Grace. I chose it because its such a classy name, and its the'sort of name that will always be around. My daughters full chritian name is Grace Charlotte and I think its a beatiful collection of names.

05/18/2022 08:27:00

lol this is my name, mean unmerited favour, and that's certainly my character!

04/19/2022 00:48:54

l have a 3 year old daughe named grace amber, it suits her perfectly, she gets gracie most of the time, but l know she will get to a certain age where she thinks she is too old to be known as gracie. l love the name

04/04/2022 13:06:54

great choice for a name I love it! This unique name is sure to be loved! I sure do! I am also pregnact and am going to name my daughter Lilly Ann.

03/15/2022 04:30:18

My sister is named Grace. Grace is 5 and loves her name. People call her Gracie sometimes.

03/15/2022 03:35:24

Grace is a Beautiful name!!!

03/04/2022 18:42:36

my name is Grace. I'll turn 24 next m0nth. i have nicknames like, Gracie or G. I Love my name. my besties n family call me Gracie.. they said I'm very sweet n adorable. which,, i am!! heehee.. =P xx, G. <3

02/11/2022 09:23:42

The reason I spelt Gracelyn the way I did is because her name would already have eight letters so think of her in kindergarten spelling out Gracelynn or the way Iwanted to spell it Gracelyne but my husband said SHE WILL NEVER fit it on her paper.

02/02/2022 15:51:36

Grace is a BEAUTIFUL name. My daughter is named Grace and I picked it as soon as I knew I was having a girl. With all these silly names out and about a name like Grace is for any age. Would you be ashamed to say your name was Grace at any age❀️ Its a total winner. I can say with pride that my daughter is the Grace of God!!!

01/05/2022 01:36:36

my daughters name is grace kalie

01/01/2022 10:41:06

We named our 8 month old Ila It's just sooo sweet!!!We love it!

12/06/2021 05:09:54

Hi! My Name Is Grace, But My Parents Call Me Gracie. I Don't Like It At All & I Want To Change It To Abbey. & When I Was Born, My Dad Called Me ''Munchkin'' Because I Was As Small As Them In The Movie & My Dad Still Calls Me That! WHYYYYYYY!❀️ ❀️

10/18/2021 08:08:06

My name is Grace Ellen. I'm 20 and I love my first name, not my middle though. I used to hate my first name also when I was younger but as I got older I realized It'sounds very classy and its really a beautiful name.

10/05/2021 01:42:54

My daughter's name is Gracelyn Elaine. I thought the name Grace was just a little too common, so I added the 'lyn' to make it her own. It's a beautiful name for the most beautiful girl.

09/28/2021 01:21:18

My middle name is Grace,and this is what I am using now.I hated my first name and got teased about it a lot.Where I came from, Grace is so common ,so I use my first name.When I'move to the US,I used Grace,I love this name!!I get compliments and I am not anymore embarassed when I have to introduce myself.I am glad I got a pretty middle name.That's the good thing about middle names there is another choice if you don't like your first name.

07/26/2021 14:47:42

My name is Grace Elizabeth and my close friends and family call me "Gracie." One of my friends calls me "Graceful" though, and my sister's boyfriend calls me "Gracious." I LOVE my name. Though the puns are off the chart and sometimes annoying but I always laugh 'cause they're funny XD. Kind of ironic too because I am the opposite of graceful. My brother used to think Amazing Grace was written after me and any other Christian song with my name. My manager breaks out in song when he'sees me all the time too. "Grace, Grace, God's Grace" is what he'sings... LOL

07/19/2021 05:17:06

What a beautiful name. We are going to name our daughter this. Timeless. I love that It's not over'sed to and not "trendy." Which of course makes it timeless.

07/10/2021 14:29:42

HI'my name is Grace. I get complimented a lot in CCD and as an alter'server in church. It's always good because it is easy to remember It's meaning. Also I'm 11 so now you know this name from a kid's perspective.

07/06/2021 05:16:12

I love Grace! I'm having a girl and plan to name her Grace. Its a classic, beautiful name with an equally beautiful meaning. It maybe plain to some but I feel with all the exotic names of today its a very refreshing sound.

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Grace FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Grace?
The origin of the name Grace is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Grace?
Favor, Blessing
*️⃣ How many people are named Grace?
Almost 505000 people are named Grace.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Grace?
The names of Gwendolyn, Gwen, Ingrid, Gwenn, Gwenda