
Hayden meaning

: Hedged Valley

Hayden Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \ha(y)-den\
Number of People 👶 128,000
Rate in 2021 196
Numerology 🔢 3
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Hayden Name Meaning

 Hayden means “ Hay Field “.

The name has been used as a surname for a long time before. The name “ Hayden “ is the combination of two English words, “ Heg “ which means “ Hay “ and “ Denu “ which means “ Valley “.

Hayden Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Hayden
Additional description of the name Hayden

The name “ Hayden “ is an Old English name.

Cool Info About Name Hayden

Additional name description Hayden
Additional name description Hayden

The popularity of the name Hayden

When families started to consider this name as a given name for their babies, it started to be a good choice for people and its popularity increased as a common given name. It has been mostly used in “ Ireland “ and “ Britain “.

Based on the data from different resources, “ Hayden “ is the 32th most popular name, But it has been decreasing in popularity over the years. Although the given name was at its peak in the year 2017, it was not as popular as other English names.

Famous people named Hayden

.“ Hayden Summerall “is a pop singer born in 2005. “ Hayden Christensen “is a movie actor born in 1981. “ Hayden Haas “is a TV actor born in 2007. “ Hayden Fluellen “is a Youtube star born in 2015! ‘’ Hayden Rorke’’ is an actor born in 1910. ‘’ Hayden Tree ‘’ born in 1993. ‘’ Hayden Panettiere‘’ is an actress born in 1989. ‘’ ‘’ Hayden Voss ‘’ born in 1993. ‘’ Hayden Stevenson‘’ who is an actor.


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Comments on the name Hayden
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My s-i-l named her son Haydn, yes, without a vowel between the D and N and I think it's cute. But they picked Christian for the middle name, Haydn Christian, sounds too much like the guy that plays Anakin in Episodes 2 and 3.

11/19/2023 12:06:12

I love the name Hayden for a baby boy. I'm having my first son in a few months and we are naming him Hayden Parker!

09/11/2023 07:02:36

I think of this name as masculine. I hate it for a girl's name.

08/23/2023 03:24:04

My daughters name is Hayden Kylee and We think It's so cute and so do other people.

08/13/2023 14:27:42

I think it would be cool if people spelle dit Haiden. mabey that'seems a little too masculine...

07/06/2023 21:52:18

I love the name Hayden. It was actually a toss up for the name of my daughter. in indian heritage it means "calmed spirit" its suits both male and female in my opinion.

05/14/2023 08:41:44

It's simply gorgeous for a girls name. For boys❤️ No way. It means 'rosy meadow'. Not very masculine.

04/29/2023 01:55:20

I think Hayden is a cute girl name. I have known a boy and girl named Hayden... Which is fine. When I am married and if have a baby girl, I want to name her Hayden. Thanks you very much! Have a great summer! P.S. I think Hayden Panettiere is so Cute!

04/10/2023 01:30:46

okay well i know a Hayden who is a boy i love this name alot i think it is very nice i will most likly use it for a boy i love this name

04/01/2023 06:47:40

I LOVE THE NAME!! Okay first of all I love it, obviously! And second my favorite actress Hayden Panettiere is named Hayden! I love her from the'show "Heroes" you gotta watch it! It's on NBC! It's not on right now but Season 3 will come later in this Spring! Whoops! I sound like I'm advertising this show! I guess I am... SORRY!

03/06/2023 05:59:12

I am starting to really like Hayden for a boy, I already have a daughter named Hayley though so I wouldn't be able to use it.

03/01/2023 06:22:26

i love the name hayden for a girl. it is new and different. but even for a boy its still very cute.

02/24/2023 16:45:12

We named our daughter Hazel after her great-grandma. It is a great name and fits our kiddo to a T! It is unique and creative and so is she!

02/19/2023 23:36:22

I named my only little boy Hayden Hunter, our last name starts with an "H" and I thought it was so cute to have my own Triple H. I am not really into WWE, but I thought since his daddy was a big guy, he would be able to pull it off.

02/02/2023 16:02:50

I love the name Hayden for either boy or girl. I have a son and we named him Hayden Joey. The name works for boy or girl.

01/03/2023 07:47:26

I like Hayden spelled Haidyn or Haedyn for a girl. Hayden for a boy. I like the name Haidyn Nichole or Haedyn Rose. Julie

10/03/2022 13:40:52

My Daughter is named Hayden, and she gets so many complements, Most people say its way to girly for a boy, and I would have to agree

08/18/2021 09:57:54

I personally like the name Hayden for a girl, however i would spell it Haidyn.. trying to decide on a middle name to go well with it... so far i like Haidyn Jayde or Jaide... havent decided the spelling of the middle name yet... any input, or other middle name ideas❤️❤️

08/10/2021 07:59:06

I LOVE this name. My borther and his girlfriend is thinking about nameing their baby girl Hayden. I like it. i think its so cute and i think its more of a girls name then a guys name, i guess you have Hayden Panettiere for that.. thanks Hayden for making the name more girly and much more popular!!!

07/14/2021 16:24:00

people may think it is masculine, but It's really very cute and flirty. plus its got the "y", so it can be written very girly, too. and it is different- not like the emilys, hannahs, and jessicas!

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Hayden FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Hayden?
The origin of the name Hayden is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Hayden?
Hedged Valley
*️⃣ How many people are named Hayden?
Almost 128000 people are named Hayden.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Hayden?
The names of Harvey, Harve, Harvy, Hervey, Harvie