
Hayley meaning

: hay meadow.

Hayley Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \ha(y)-ley\
Number of People 👶 50,000
Rate in 2021 1291
Numerology 🔢 4
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Hayley Name Meaning

Hayley is a name of English origin that translates to "hay meadow" or "hay clearing." It is derived from the Old English elements "heg," meaning "hay," and "leah," meaning "clearing." It is often associated with natural beauty, tranquility, and peacefulness, reflecting the serene landscapes of hay meadows.

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Comments on the name Hayley
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Whenever I introduce myself, people say, "Oh were you born in May❤️" also people spell my name M-A-Y

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Hayley... and yeah.. its mispelled ALOT. Either Hailey.. Halley.. or Haley. It does get annoying, it also makes me feel special at times. It means the way our name is spelled is UNIQUE! so, stop complaining.:) its actually flattering

01/14/2024 00:00:00

ok my name is hayley and honey i am ms.thang i was named after hayley's comet and yes i do have a lot of nicknames like haylz,hayleybug,hayleyanna, and a lot more but i have brown short hair with piercing green eyes and anyone with the name hayley is just as beautiful inside and out as they come.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

only ever met one other hayley so its interesting to see so many. Not sure if I'm happy coming from the Hay field! I once read that the name in gaelic form as a surname means "escape". I think this is a far more exciting meaning as long as it doesn't mean people wanna escape from us! x

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Haylea and people always get it wrong. They call me Hay-Leah. It's not Hay-Leah!!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I girl I know is called Hayley, she's meant to be my 'best friend' but I seriously hate her, which has forced me to hate the name too!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Everyone mispronounces or misspells my name...It's so irritating. It's not like It's that hard to spell or say...It's simple- "Hay-ley"

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I LOve the name Hayley because i am called Hayley hehe. Hayley is from th Scandinavian meaning hero. She is lively and fun-loving and intelligent and something of a tomboy. She bubbles with life. Not bad eh hehe

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I totally agree I think Hayley is a wonderfully unique name but not embarrassed to anyone.

01/13/2024 19:53:36

Yeah My names Maddison! A name is never 2 popular!

01/13/2024 01:57:58

my name's hayley and i do love my name. some people think its common but i disagree. a lot of people think my name is "Kaylee" if i don't correct them. im really proud of my name.

01/12/2024 22:08:44

my daughter's name is Hayley and it fits her perfectly! She is beautiful and sweet and I just love the name. Yay for all Hayley's!!

01/10/2024 06:39:56

There are two other people in my class that'share this name, our three names are all spelt differently though... Cailey, Kaylee and of course, Kaylie

01/05/2024 19:06:08

A famous bearer of this name is Hayley Westenra,an opera singer from New Zealand.

01/02/2024 14:59:06

My daughter's name is Hayley Anne, alot of people think her name is too commen (which I guess it is) but we love it anyway. I have never met a Hayley I haven't liked.

12/31/2023 08:01:40

I don't like the name Hayley... at all. In my 5th grade class there was 4 Hayley's. All spelled diffrently. It was misserable. They were all identified by their initials. I think that's horrible. I like less popular names better. I would never do this to my daughter.

12/30/2023 02:03:04


12/27/2023 05:52:08

My name is Hayley and i get so annoyed with people spelling it wrong.I dont know other people called Hayley but i do know someone with the name Kaylee and Ailey

12/20/2023 20:45:10

Hayley is the name of my 10 year old daughter. Hayley means "wise one" and at 10 years old she is already correcting me on my grammer mistakes.

12/17/2023 08:06:46

Years ago I knew someone by the name Ximena (the X is pronounced as a slightly aspirated H, so Hee-MENN-a). I have loved this name ever'since. It goes way way back in Spain, right to the Middle Ages, and in French it is "Chimene." I have heard this name is ultimately from Hebrew "Shimon," so the meaning is something about "hearing" or "heard," and the name is related to the much more common "Simone."

12/14/2023 01:56:18

My name is haylie and yeh its spelt different and people always get it right most people say oh thats a nice name... i really want to know what my name means, my spelling. cya later

12/03/2023 17:00:52

I love my name but i've had friends that even'to this day still spell it haylee or haley!

11/30/2023 14:57:16

everyone spells my name wrong when'they first meet me, lol. I spell it Hayley.

11/29/2023 08:23:24

We are going to name our son Brodie who is due in September. Love the name!

11/24/2023 03:29:14

Hi I'm 13 and my name is Hayley. My mom and dad spelled is this way because of Hayley Mills the actress. I love the'spelling but sometimes it is hard to find It'spelled this way on personalized items.And everybody spells it like Haley. I love my name and the'spelling "HAYLEY". Hello all of you Hayley's out there! XD

11/17/2023 17:29:22

My name is Hayley and I love it! But its annoying when people spell it wrong, especially as my middle names are Audrey and Ceinwen so alot to spell wrong there! And when'the computer'says its the wrong spelling!! I use to think it was a very unpopular name then I saw Hayley Mills on Wild at Heart and thought Yay! Someone famous has the'same name!

11/04/2023 15:01:42

My name is Hayley and I love it!I think It's a really pretty name!I don't know a single other person called Hayley though!I'm the only one in my whole school!It's not very common in Ireland!EVERYONE spells it wrong!They always spell it Haley.when people ask my name and I tell them they always say Kayley❤️and I'm like no!!!Lol!If I lived in England I don't think I'd have that problem as It's popular over there!"

10/28/2023 09:55:40

my name's Hayley and I was also named after Hayley Mills lol. people always tell me that Hayley is a pretty name. my nickname is Hayster...not very common :D

10/21/2023 08:38:52

I think that the popularity of actress Hayley Mills, and the good feelings people have about her, is largely responsible for the popularity of the name during the past 4 decades.

10/10/2023 14:36:48

People always spell my name wrong, it is so easy to spell it, you spell it the'same way as you say it

10/09/2023 12:45:04

My name is Hayley, My best friends name is Hayley too. People are forever'spelling wrong, but I don't mind as long as they get it right in the end. Its funny when we go out on the town together and men chat us up and ask our names!!! They don't beli've us and think we're joking. Its a good way to get rid of the ugly ones though!!! ha ha ha

10/07/2023 22:50:22

my name is Hayley and i love it. It's not too popular around my area and all my friends love it. i think It's quite pretty

10/04/2023 16:22:16

My name is Hayley, people just say thats nice and you don't hear it very often. And then'there is the different spellings haylee haley hailey, they get annoying, no one has ever tried to spell it on their own right before

10/02/2023 06:46:08

lol It's great to find people who are annoyed like me when other misspell our name XD

09/30/2023 21:15:56

Man, this is my name, people never EVer'spell my name right. i've given up

09/27/2023 23:01:34

My baby'sister's name is Hayley and she's 12. We love it because no one else has her name'spelled that way and It's the original way to spell it from the actress Hayley Mills from the original parent trap.

09/19/2023 16:56:42

My name is Hayley and I have found my name'spelled correctly on cups, keyrings, etc in Orlando, Fl. it means heroic and brave

09/18/2023 07:44:08

my name is hayley and i love it, people say its such a pretty name.

09/18/2023 00:05:40

My name's Hayley Marie also! I like my name It's unique people call me Hays or Hails. I like both. I'm 13 & no one else in my school has my name. it makes me feel special.(:

09/14/2023 23:30:14

I love the name Hayley. I think that it is unique and yet it's not to the point where a child would feel uncomfortable with it. I would know, it's my name, and allthough I don't have any key chains with my name spelled right, it's very unique.

09/11/2023 05:52:04

ugliest name i've ever heard meant for ugly evil people. And I'm not sorry. Don't name your child this

09/09/2023 00:05:10

My name is hayley and i dislike it greatly :( i don't know why though....Hopefully i'll like it one day.

09/08/2023 20:33:34

My name is Hayley adn yes peopld always spell my name wrong my nan spells it different every year in my birthday card! i love my name because i am the only Hayley where we live. Apperntly i am name after the comet only spelt different!

09/05/2023 19:40:30

My name is Hayley and I love it, but I hate the meaning! Who wants to be named for a hay clearing❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!

09/04/2023 10:27:56

My name is Hayley. I love the way It's spelled and wouldn't have it any other way. It's the prettiest way and I do hate when people misspell it. It's the most traditional looking and I think It's the best, but even my friends sometimes spell it wrong.

09/03/2023 19:28:38

OMG Hayley with blonde hair I have blonde hair too! Lol well any way my name is spelled incorrectly all the time It's really annoying, but I love my name.

08/30/2023 14:22:46

i've only met one person in my life who spelled my name right the first time. and I was always the only Hayley in all 5 schools I went to.

08/27/2023 12:01:32

I love my name Hayley!!! People do spell it wrong like Haylie or Hallie.

08/26/2023 23:23:18

My mom and dad met at a friends house watching All my children and they loved the name Hayley after Kelly Ripa and thats how i got my name :)

08/22/2023 03:00:30

i NO RIGHT!! i am a HAYLEY and they NEVer'spell it right ANYWHERE!! but i like my spelling the best anyways. (:

08/19/2023 16:13:50

I'm Hayley and i love it no one spells it wrong or owt - i don't know what everyones problem is!!!

08/11/2023 04:33:56

my name's Hayley, and the only trouble i've had with it is when people ask what my name is. i tell them and the automatically ask "Kaylee❤️" It's a bit annoying.

08/09/2023 05:14:58

My name is also Hayley, named after the actress Hayley Mills of All my Children. Hayley is a unisex name [meaning it can be a girl or a boy name] it means haymeadow or hero or wise one

08/04/2023 01:13:42

My Names Hayley, I was also named after halleys comet. lol. i have green eyes and brown hair as well, wierd at least 3 peeps with same name and colours

07/30/2023 07:29:36

My Name Is Hayley with the middle name'sue! i hate it only because everyone spells it wrong like haley. Hayley WITH TWO Y's GET it right!:)I was named after hayley millls too! :D

07/24/2023 18:56:58

Hi! My name is Hayley and i think that it is the BEST name you can get! It is so different from everyone elses name at school, and i never care if anybody spells it wrong! Most Hayleys have blond hair and brown eyes, but i have red hair which makes me totally different and unique. Everyone i know spells my name except my Australian teacher, which works out about right!

07/23/2023 18:51:02

my name is hayley and i love it ! It used to be spelt H-A-L-L-I-E hallie but it had to be canged as people were prouncing it wrong !

07/20/2023 08:51:20

This too is my name...but to be unique my parents pronounced it Ray-shell...but over the years, and me getting tired of explaining its not Rachel...and its not Ruh-shell....I have just decided to opt to go by Ruh-shell :) Its a very uncommon name and I love having it!

07/14/2023 22:39:46

Well my name is Ida and I'm 16 years old. I'm from Bulgaria - Sliven. I am the only person with this name in my town and when'the people meet me hey ask me is that your full or real name :D Everybody pronounce it correct. I like it. It's original and I haven't heared for someone else whit that name. Sorry if I have mistakes but I'm learning now ;]

07/09/2023 20:24:18

my name is hayley and people often spell my name as haley.

07/07/2023 01:59:10

My name is Haley. pronounced hay-lee...pretty simple!

07/04/2023 02:16:38

I don't mind the name Hayley but there❤️s a million ways to spell It'so that gets boring.

07/03/2023 16:34:44

I absolutely LOVE my name! Lol I just wish people would learn how to spell it!

07/02/2023 16:46:26

hey all the hayley's out there ! my name is Hayley 2:) and yer it is annoying wen people miss spell it but im not gonna go on about it cos everyone else has lol. i love my name :-) xxx

07/01/2023 23:43:42

my daughters name is Hayley it was my great-aunts name. i get a lil annoyed w/ her teache's at school spelling it wrong but her name'suIt's her just fine.

06/28/2023 12:51:06

i think that hayley is a very pretty name it is my name an people always complement me on it!!

06/27/2023 08:20:40

its my name and i think its ok but there is a lot of us

06/22/2023 22:32:40

I hadn't seen'this version of "Hailey" before but my husband and I like to better and we are nameing our daughter with this spelling Hayley.

06/20/2023 22:56:04

i love the name hayley, i love how its spelt and how it looks when you write it but also i dont unerstand how u can spell it wrong but constantly people are. hay ley its easy as

06/20/2023 06:46:14

I should go around to all the Hayley's that'spell their name differently, Like Haley or Haylie or something . Hi Hayley ! x-Hayley Love you Hayley's :D

06/19/2023 04:01:36

My name's Hayley. And I love , cuz I love Hayley WillI'ms too

06/18/2023 18:02:04

My names Hayley, and everyone spells it wrong! my boyfriends even spell it wrong!Haylee, Haylie, Haley, etc. but noone spells it HAYLEY! so annoying...... but HAYLEY is the awesomest way to spell it

06/17/2023 01:46:18

My name is Hayley and I love it although many people spell it wrong.I couldn't ask for a better name.

06/07/2023 01:57:30

I spell my name Haley, but i was named after Hayley Mills. But my parents didn't know that was how she'spelled her name, so It's just Haley. (but the way I spell it is the most common but people are always misspelling it anyway!)But I love all the ways you can spell the name!... Hayley Haley Hailey Hailee Haylee Haylie Haliey :)

06/05/2023 14:23:52

my names Hayley, every one loves it, i did h8 it but all my m8s say its a realy pretty name. so now i luv it but i get called haz hay hazzy hay bag witch i dont reali like so you know, but i also h8 it when people spell it wrong or pronounce it wrong. it gets annoying.

05/31/2023 12:26:02

I like my name although everyone spells it wrong, its nice to know other people have the'same problem!

05/29/2023 13:24:42

I'm naming my baby girl Hayley. I love the nameand how its spelled. I think its cute. :)

05/27/2023 07:02:32

It is our daughter's name and we love it. People constantly spell it wrong and it drive's me nuts! It is very hard to find her name'spelt correctly on things, but we still love the name!

05/27/2023 04:59:06

My name is Hayley and everytime I am on the computer when I put my name on it comes up wrong and it always Annoys me :@. My nickname is hays. Plus I am the only Hayley at my school and everyone had a common name and they always spell my name wrong even'though some teache's have known me for 4 years. I think that Hayley with a Y is a unusually but it rocks and plus u are one of a kind xx

05/23/2023 01:39:02

my name is hayley and most people I'most of the people in my school are called Kayley and not hayley so its cool the way that not that many people have it, but people are always spelling and saying it wrong !!!

05/20/2023 20:27:24

MY NAMES HAYLEY I LOVE stupid people spell it wrong my friends call me hayley the hippie or hayleybug

05/19/2023 07:25:36

my names and used to hate it but im the only one in my school with it and now i LOVE THE NAME HAYLEY!

05/18/2023 06:09:08

i think the meaning clearing hay is incorrect. ive known my name to be from the'scandinavian word meaning HERO

05/18/2023 05:33:52

My name is Hayley, and I am always getting compliments on my name. I love that I spell my name differetly.

05/17/2023 18:59:04

Why is the meaning of Jacob given as "held by the heel" when in fact it was ESAU who was held by the heel by Jacob not Jacob who washed by the heel❤️

05/17/2023 17:30:54

My name is hayley and I have 4 friends that have the'same name as me and It's annoying

05/17/2023 10:45:20

My name is Hayley and I am 10 turning 11.Not many people spell my name correctly.

05/14/2023 06:20:40

My best friends name is Hayley i love it i had a baby born and i called that hayley as well lol

05/10/2023 11:31:58

my name is hayley and it really suits my personality!

05/05/2023 20:08:56

My niece has the name and she is the most disgusting child int he entire world. I think It's an ugly name and because of her picture it on a fat child.

05/04/2023 10:38:44

My name is Hayley and I am 44 years old living in the UK - there are not many people of my age called Hayley, although there seem to be a lot more young ones.

05/02/2023 22:12:12

people always spell my name wrong and pronounce it wrong but it doesn't bother me when'the pronounce it worng because i even pronouce it wrong sometimes . I hate it when I'meet new people and the'see " Hey Lee!" instead of just saying my name

05/02/2023 12:47:56

Everyone misspells my name all the time. They never take the time out to spell it correctly. It is pronounced HayLee. I only know one other female adult that has the'same name and it is spelled the'same way. We went to school together. Hayley Handford.

04/30/2023 19:39:16

My sisters name is Hayley an di love her'so I love the name. Some people spell the name haley or hailey but I think that the way my sister'spells he's is best, Hayley! I beleive it means 'hay meadow' and originates from old England!

04/25/2023 13:52:12

I love the name! It is my 2 year old daughters name and it is so simple yet elegant! I am along with the other people who say they hate when people spell it and say it wrong--I am forever correcting people--just sound it out!

04/25/2023 07:59:32

I love the name Hayley. My friend's name is Hailie.

04/23/2023 21:01:10

My name is Hayley and it p's me off when people spell it Haley. Goodness. and then i tell them and they still spell it wrong. my name is hay-ley, not hal-ey.. that'sounds like haly. GOSH. & then people call me hayhay and im like do i look like hay. comeon now. common

04/17/2023 17:11:36

My name is Hayley Mykhal (pronounced like Michael), and I love my name! I'm actually named after men, beli've it or not! Hayley Armstrong from Melrose Place and my middle name is a more feminine version of my dad's name, Michael. Also, my sister has pet names for me: Hayrey, Hayles, Hayhay, and a lot of other things.

04/12/2023 06:42:24

I'm a Hayley Marie (but most people write it as Haley) It's an okay name, but I travel alot, and a lot of foreign people can't pronounce it (so I become Helly, or Hally) Also, there's no short form, though loads of people call me Hales (horrible!)

04/07/2023 05:19:50

My name is Hayley and I love it. The UK seems to have only one pronunciation (the right one!) thankfully, but its unbelievable the amount of people who spell it wrongly!

04/02/2023 17:10:46

My name's Hayley and always gets spelt Haley. I actually hate the name Hayley, I find it too boring and sounds bad if you say it too many time in a row. Also, I saw a comment up there by a Hayley saying they have short brown hair and green eyes, so do I. How odd that our names are Hayley and have the'same features..

03/28/2023 16:05:50

My name is Hayley and I am 12 years of age I hate it when people spell my name like this Halie or Hayly or Haly ect...and I hate it when people pronounce it wrong to!

03/28/2023 11:06:04

My name is Hayley and I have always loved it, even'though almost everyone misspells it, and it is hard to find personalized items with the rightr spelling. Oh well, the name is worth the trouble!!

03/26/2023 18:15:02

Lovely name. Knew a girl as a child with this name and her parents spelled it as Hayleigh. Not that the'spelling matters as all names were made up originally. You just need to remember that even a name like Susan was unique once. Imagine that❤️ Being the first ever'susan!

03/21/2023 09:14:00

That is my name and like tons of people call me HayHay thts my nick name lol

03/15/2023 22:09:32

My sister's name is Hayley, her nicknames is Hayles - love it!!!

03/15/2023 15:06:20

my name is Hayley and i love it. i hate it when people announce it wrong, its not that hard lOl, they even say it wrong like HEL-EE, for some reason they always want to spell it like HAILEY, its better with a Y! lol

03/10/2023 23:25:40

Willa Cather is my favorite author. It is a wierd sounding name, but we need something simple for our very long polish last name (eekers), so we are considering Willa. It's beautiful.

03/09/2023 06:34:38

my name is Hayley and i LOVE it but no one and I'mean no one but my friends and family spell it right unless i hav it written already somewhere

03/06/2023 14:48:12

my name is hayley and people constantly spell it wrong. i've only had people mispronounce it wrong a couple of times but i don't understand how they could, its such a simple name.

03/05/2023 07:21:26

my name is hayley and i learned that before my mom went into labor she was watching the ld parent trap with hayley mills in it and she liked the way it was spelt.

03/01/2023 11:22:12

My names Hayley, and it is so annoying when people misspells my name.

02/25/2023 20:40:22

My name is Hayley and i hate it. It's boring and means a "meadow of hay" !!

02/25/2023 12:44:16

Hayley is a pretty name, I think. My name is Haylee & it's spelt differently than this one though. I agree, everyone always spells my name wrong, and also I can never find anything with the right spelling anywhere! I will always see Haley & Hayley everywhere x] But I still ♥ my name :]

02/20/2023 02:32:42

This is my middle name and i like it and people may not spelt it right but oh well u get used to it :p

02/15/2023 03:13:34

If I have a girl, now that is what I'd name her. The middle name would either be Marie or Alexandra. I love the name Hayley, it flows very well.

02/12/2023 22:37:12

my names HAYLEY, and i love it. but it gets me sooo angry when people call me a different way! i have to write it down somewhere for people to know the REAL spelling of it because they spell it wrong. Most of my teache's at school when'they ask my name get it wrong or even say 'Kayley❤️ is it. im like arrrr. lmao HAYLEY is the best and right way of spelling 'Hayley' all the othe's don't really say hayley x

02/12/2023 14:23:28

My names Hayley. and all of u other hayley's give my name a bad name. Learn how to talk. Get a life and stop complaining on how everyone spells it wrong. Go cut your wrist for petts sake.

02/11/2023 10:28:18

my name is named hayley and i love it. a lot of people spell it haley or hailey WRONG.

02/10/2023 00:40:28

One of the nicest and most beautiful women I have ever met has this name.

02/09/2023 08:13:00

My name is Hayley and people are always telling how pretty and nice it is. My partner loves it but i do get annoyed with people spelling it wrong!!

02/08/2023 19:52:24

I honestly hate when people spell my name wrong. Sure,It's an OK name but not the best. i've never'seen'the meaning "hay medow"...i've always seen "hero". I'm gonna go with the'second one. i've grown to love my name!! <333

02/06/2023 15:16:02

My name is Halle, though pronounced like, Hayley. I hate it when people call me HAL-EE though. It bugs me, I do appreciate my name, but personally I prefer the name'sophia rather than Halle.

02/03/2023 01:44:44

My name is Hayley. But people always spell it as "Haley." So it gets freaking annoying.

02/02/2023 11:20:42

im hayley and i love my name. people always comment on my rare name and say its lovely. my nicknames are hayley-bell,haylster,hayles and when my nephew was a baby he called me nee-y.!! : )

01/28/2023 09:22:52

my names hayley, and since no one can spell it right i just spell it different every time i write it :P at the moment I'm spelling it haylie

01/27/2023 21:37:32

my name is Hayley and all people can call me is Harley. It's soo annoying! No one can come up with a good enough nickname and when we're learning in school how to say everyone's names in Spanish and French and stuff, my name is ALWAYS the'same in every language.

01/27/2023 01:03:12

I'm naming my daughter Haylee Lynn. i've always loved that name!

01/26/2023 23:35:02

Mines Hayley Kay yes It's very annoying every one of my teahe's said the'spelling was strange so for a while I thought it was a rare spelling my best friends mom called me comet all the time

01/22/2023 12:36:30

I am also Hayley Marie and my nicknames are Hayles or Hay. People always spell my name wrong.

01/21/2023 01:02:52

People always spell my name wrong!! Ive gotten Hailee haylee hailey haley and alot of othe's too!! ITS HAYLEY!!!

01/18/2023 22:47:34

My names Hayley and I don't understand the problem people are haivng with people spelling it wrong. Everyone has always spelled my name correctly. When I was younger I really hated my name. Couldn't imagine growing up with it lol. i've grown to love it however. Is it just me or do all Hayleys seem to have blonde hair❤️ lol

01/18/2023 16:19:38

My friend Hayley is one of the most grace-filled, grace-full people I have ever met. It's a beautiful name.

01/06/2023 23:57:26

My 11 year old is named Hayley. We love the name. She has a 9 year old brother named Hayden. We just yell "Hey!" and they both come running. I fell this is a very special name and her last name is Wise.

12/26/2022 01:07:18

Hay-ley, not Hailey or Haley or any other name! Doesn't seem to get throuh to teache's heads after years of correcting...

12/24/2022 01:48:20

I love my name. I HATE it when people don't pronounce it right. It's not halle!!! and i hate it when people spell it haley. It's HAYLEY!!

12/22/2022 01:01:12

its unique and i love being called hayley. its pretty and femenine and my friends always comment on how nice it is. my mum named me after hayley mills!! anyone else named after a famous Hayley❤️❤️❤️❤️ xx

12/10/2022 22:27:46

my names hayley and it really bugs when people spell it wrong it aint there fault but its so annoying!!!

12/06/2022 12:57:24

My daughter's name is Haley-ann and i think It's the most beautifull name ever, we Live in South-Africa and its not a common name'so yeah! And seeing that It's always misspelled it just makes it even more unique!!!

12/03/2022 05:36:24

My name is HALEY and everyone spells it wrong. Like Hayley or Hailey. So i dont see how Haley spelled like that is uncommon when no one spells it right anyways!

11/30/2022 06:29:08

haa my names halllley , and it was going to be Kaylee tiill my cousin took it ! haaha

11/24/2022 20:52:50

ahh everyone spells my name wrong and it maked me so angry. and when'there are the key chains or necklaces that have your name on it they NEVER have my name'spelled correctly. either hailey or haylee. grr get it right

11/15/2022 05:35:24

Hayley is the name of my sister. I love it. My name is Meredith and I think my name is okay. But I think Hayley is better

10/31/2022 14:58:50

It is my name and I think it rocks!!! Only a bunch of people spell it wrong all the time. I spell it H-a-y-l-e-y.

10/26/2022 23:53:26

yaaay my names hayley too. i never find anything spelt properly. its so annoying. and all the hayleys i know have different spelling like haylee, hayly, halei. i love my name :) and i ALSO wish people would spell my name properly lol

10/25/2022 00:16:50

My name is Hayley and everybody always either wants to spell it "Haley" or "Hailey" and It's just so irritating.....

10/24/2022 14:52:34

My name's NOT haley it is HAyley I wish they would get it right

10/23/2022 23:53:16

My name is Hayley Leanne..... always getting spelt as Haley - very annoying! Growing up I was always known as comet, now it just H. x

10/21/2022 18:24:00

It's okay name but I just find it boring though unique that no one has it. Well except my cousin who has the'same name but she's called the chocolate hailey and I'm the vanilla hayley. It's not a very good(skin color) Nick name.

10/20/2022 17:25:10

I love my name :) Alot of people pronounce & spell it wrong though so It's somewhat frustrating, but i like my name because it is the most unique way of spelling the name. I saw a girl say that Haley was the least common, but It's definetly the most common. Hayley is the best! :D

10/19/2022 10:51:18

My name is Hayley but everyone calls me HayHay lol

10/18/2022 09:17:12

people totally spell my name wrong and what makes me so frustrated is not that they spell it wrong but that its spelled like It'sounds, (hay,ley) umm i have blond hair and blue eyes my middle name is michelle. people call me hayleybug or hayleyrae. i think i got my name from an actress on a soap opera. i like my name but i always spell it with lower case letters cuz i can never get the H straight lol :)

10/17/2022 14:28:40

my name is halye and everyone spells it wrong like hayley and haliey and haliee and hayle and halee and halie and 49574326943796139 other ways gosh i wish they would get it right only the boy ilike knows how to spell it.

10/17/2022 13:18:08

My name is hayley, and i have another haylee in most of my classes and it is so confusing but i love the name hayley, no one has yet pronounced my name wrong, but it anoys me when'they spell it wrong

10/13/2022 21:08:08


10/06/2022 03:23:52

I wish my name was hayley, my names steve. would be nice. sniff.

09/30/2022 17:29:56

I have a friend called Hayley, she always gets people spelling it wrong but she is a red head with a lot of spunk and she is my best friend so I reckon It's an awesome name.

09/27/2022 17:12:08

My name is Hayley and people all way's spell it HAILEY or HALEY It's so annoying

09/27/2022 03:41:00

I think i've met about 5 people who spell my name right without me telling them how. It gets alittle annoying, but it Isn't that bad. I love my name, though.

09/26/2022 12:24:04

I love this name, my daughter's name is Hayley Anne.

09/25/2022 03:11:30

My name's Hayley, and I was born in 1989 - so long before it got popular! My mum got it from Hayley Mills (the actress). It bugs me on email when you sign your name off and STILL people can't spell it right - no excuses there. Nicknames - just Hay/Hays by close friends and family. HAYLEY ROCKS!

09/11/2022 02:41:20

My names Hayley and yah everyone spells my name wrong too they always say "yah and how do u spell that" anyways i dont not like my name but i sure dont love it either but im not changing my name ever in my life so for now and always its Hayley

09/07/2022 15:13:28

My name is Hayley Paige (: I love my name but hate when people spell it wrong most of the time people will spell it haley :(

09/03/2022 15:57:54

My name's Hayley Jayne and I'm 28 and live in the UK.I love my name!my nicknames vary between 'Hays' , 'Hay' and 'Hails' - my fave being 'Hays', which most people call me.Most of the time people tend to spell my name wrong!as the previous Hayley wrote 'Hayley ROCKS!!'

08/15/2022 14:27:54

Haha my name is Hayley and i guess i can say ive gotten use to it. when i was little i was obsessed with long italian names like Analisa and Julianna and stuff. Now i really like the name and i proud to be named Hayley. Ohh and its mispelled itleast twice a day lol.

08/07/2022 17:03:36

It is my daughter's name and everyone calls her Hailie--it drives me insane! It is very hard to find her name on things! No I do not know many people with her name--but after we named her it now people that we know that are expecting are thinking of using Hayley as a possible name!

07/21/2022 16:03:18

hi, my name is hayley and nearly everyone i know(not family) spells it wrong but i don't mind much.its a really cool name.

07/17/2022 06:49:48

I was also named after Hayley Mills. My parents spelled it this way so people would pronounce it right but they still spell it wrong! It bugs me when my name is right there spelled the right way and they still spell it Halie or something like that...

06/29/2022 02:22:30

Its such a weird spelling... the original is Haley.

06/13/2022 11:13:30

MY NAME IS H-A-Y-L-E-Y. not Hailey, not Haley, not Haylie, nto Hailie, NOT HAELY>>>> I AM HAYLEY AND I AM PROUD!!!

05/13/2022 06:45:18

My name is hayley and only a few people spell it wrong. I hate how the computer has every other way of spelling it and not this way. I love when people say its a pretty name.

04/30/2022 14:03:36

i love my name :) It's Hayley obviously! But i do occassionally get called 'ayley' without the 'H' which is mega annoying! Hello Hayley's! x

04/15/2022 19:02:24

My name is Hayley and I was named that because my mom was at a place and she'saw a really beautiful doll and it had a Hayley name tag in a really pretty font, so I think that I am uniqu because I wasn't named after Hayley Mills, Haha just kidding

04/10/2022 08:11:42

My name is hayley and people ALWAYS spell it wrong. but i love my name. my buddy calls me hayles or tails

04/04/2022 14:01:48

I'm called Hayley and I honestly have to say, nobody ever'spells my name wrong and anytime I see a necklace or something with Hayley, It's always spelt right. :)

03/13/2022 03:05:42

i've met lots of other 'Hayley's', but I always get called Harley, Helen, Heidi - even Hiley!! My family and friends have called me 'Hayles', ever'since I was born. I love how original the name is!

03/10/2022 18:21:54

My sister has that name, but she'spells it Hayle - is she the only one that'spells it like that❤️❤️

02/10/2022 16:00:36

My name's Hayley, and I'm not a red head, so im cooler.

01/02/2022 01:19:30

dude, hayley willI'ms. fits her'so good! hahaa met her once. awesome girl!

12/27/2021 06:14:42

My name is Hayley, named after Hayley Mills and before it got popular. I love my name, but I think that it just sounds weird in my mouth when I say it because I never have to say it myself! It is also confusing when'there's a Bailey of Kaley in my class because sometimes I never know who someone is talking to! The misspellings don't really bother me though, but you have to be careful what middle name you give if You're thinking about naming your daughter Hayley. Like my middle name is Jean and I think that Hayley Jean just sounds too rustic! And also there are almost no nicknames, but I love it anyway! It's unique without being obscure and can match almost any personality!!

12/24/2021 01:23:06

omg its not hard, hayley spell it like you hear it i hate when people cant even spell a simple name i think that HAYLEY is the most correct way to spell it

12/17/2021 18:24:36

my name is Hayley :) Many people accidentaly spell it wrong :) I like my unique name :)

11/30/2021 20:09:00

My name is Hayley and where I live in England, UK, it is very popular so it doesnt seem like such an unusal name to me!

11/24/2021 00:21:54

I work with someone who's name is Hayley. And she wishes her name was Lulu!

11/15/2021 20:33:18

I named my 12 year old daughter Hayley. I love the'spelling and never considered spelling it any other way. Hayley is constantly aggravated because everyone spells it Haley. We have to correct it constantly. Unlike the previous posting, we have never found anything with her name'spelt correctly on it. She always looks at jewelry, school supplies, etc. that have names on them and we have never been able to find It'spelt correctly. But, she does love the'spelling because, obviously, the'south does not spell it like we do!

11/10/2021 17:01:48

My name is Hayley and I like it :) My mom named me after Kelly Ripa's character Hayley on All My Children. I have acquired all sorts of different nick names like Haylz, Haylumms, Haylily etc. It is a fun name and I enjoy it.

11/06/2021 16:02:24

My name is hayley and everyone is always spelling or saying it wron, but i do like the way it is spelled. It is very different

10/26/2021 10:06:54

hey I'm hayley and i think It's fab sure It's pretty annoyin when people spell it wrong or watever but it wouldn't be unique if it didn't have one fault

09/14/2021 23:30:36

My names HAYLEY and I love my name ^-^ People misspell it all the time and it gets irritating, but I could care less sometimes :P Its my name and I love it XDD Don't dis the name, its beautiful, original and different. You ALWAYS see Haleys, rarely a Hayley XP The rest of the people can say its boring and too common, but if it was then'they'd actually know how to spell it and pronounce it right XDD

09/06/2021 12:22:48

my name and spelling. ans by the way this name is not poop who ever'said that. I have a friend named haylee but my spelling is better. NO ONE spells it right! COME ON!Even my teacher didnt spell it right and it is in the middle of the'school year!!! The name Hayley ROCKS! ")

09/05/2021 16:15:00

my name is Hayley and I am 35. Since I remember myself people call me HAILI by mistake, cause I was born in England but actually leave in Israel. I dont know anyone else leaving in Israel with the'same name.

08/25/2021 18:33:36

My name is Hayley and people always spell it wrong like: Haily, Haley, etc. People don't realy pronounce it wrong but do spell it wrong!

08/22/2021 14:36:54

My names Hayley and who really cares if they spell it wrong. Its not such a big deal. Ther's just so many ways of spelling it.

08/20/2021 13:12:18

I named my daughter Hayley and i just love this name. Such a lovely and sweet name but people often spelled it Heiley and worst - Hairy !

07/16/2021 12:19:12

In my case, my mom did not speak english, so she pronounced it with the'spanish pronunciation, so people pronounce it wrong. I can't even write how we pronounce

07/05/2021 13:42:54

my name is Hayley and people are constantly spelling it wrong i dnt understand how they could tho its so simple and its spelt how It'sounds. I dnt realy like my name i use my middel name Louise but thats becouse i have a twin sister called Kayley it gets confusing.

07/05/2021 10:58:12

i've only ever met one other hayley. the'spelling thing is annoying, but there are sooo many alternatives that It's hard for people to get right. in my opinion, if It's spely Haley or anything of the like, It's "Halley" like "Hah-lee" , haly barrie style

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Hayley FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Hayley?
The origin of the name Hayley is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Hayley?
hay meadow.
*️⃣ How many people are named Hayley?
Almost 50000 people are named Hayley.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Hayley?
The names of Miller, Howard, Hampton, Millicent, Furman