
John meaning

: God Is Gracious

John Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \jo-hn\
Number of People 👶 5,200,000
Rate in 2021 39
Numerology 🔢 2
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

John Name Meaning

I want to tell you that we understand his name as: "man full of grace", although I also have to tell you that generally, we will find a meaning such as: "full of grace", being one of the main options of his name.

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John Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name John
Additional description of the name John

"John" is one of the most common names but at the same time they end up being one of the most used by millions of people. However, this is still a nice way to share. And that is why today we will talk to you about this name of English origin so that after all this, you can give your little one the blessing that great things will come. So know everything about the meaning of John so that you know everything about what this beautiful name tells us.

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Cool Info About Name John

Additional name description John
Additional name description John

Characteristics of the name John

About this case, I have to tell you that he has a nice character besides that he is a man who usually gives himself to his family, as well as each of the things he likes to do. Likewise, he can be considered as very intelligent and at the same time a pacifist.
What it is about love for "John" is a man who is afraid to fall in love, he has to be a person who can really give everything so that he can realize to give life itself.
To finish, we have to talk about work where we could say that as a good physiotherapist, psychologist, and counselor.
It is very important for "John" to control the situation, but he does not like to be responsible for his actions, so he prefers to be a gray cardinal in the shadow of a bright leader. Modesty, restraint and correctness well hide the passions that boil in his heart. "John" often starts his career as an assistant to an influencer, but sometimes outgrows his patron. However, even having made a brilliant career, he knows how to be grateful to those who helped him at the very beginning.
"John" does not take offense at criticism, although he always tries to know what society thinks of him. He remembers and analyzes what he hears, trying to find the reasons for dissatisfaction with himself. He listens to criticism more to get an objective view of the situation than to identify detractors.
"John" treats enemies and rivals philosophically, like pieces on a chessboard. A strong opponent earns respect from him, he can sincerely admire the opponent's masterful move. It is pleasant to work with "John", he knows how to work in a team, he does not get irritated over trifles, he can defuse a tense situation with an appropriate joke. The impression is somewhat spoiled by the inability to admit mistakes and the desire to shift responsibility onto others.
In his youth, "John" can hardly be called monogamous, he is easily carried away and is often promiscuous in relationships. However, with age, most of the "Johns" become more serious, so a marriage with a settled "John" can be stable, especially if the partner is indulgent about his turbulent past.
"John" has a good imagination, he loves and understands art, he is well versed in literature and often takes a great interest in history. He is an interesting conversationalist, although most men with this name prefer to ask rather than speak for themselves.
Going in for sports, "John" often achieves serious results, he is not afraid of tedious workouts and is not exhausted by losses. He treats triumphs as a well-deserved reward, and considers any failure as another important lesson on the way to victory.
"John" is a hard worker, but sometimes he likes to relax, give himself a break and goof off for a bit.

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Comments on the name John
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Hi again, sorry to tell you, John is not from the Hebrew bible. It is from the Christian Bible. John was a Baptist, not a Jew. Jonathan is from Hebrew, John, is not derived from the Hebrew language.

12/13/2023 00:22:12

My 3 year old sons name is John Christopher. We use both names because he is named after my husbands twin brother John who was in Iraq while I was pregnant.

12/10/2023 00:04:24

Wow, I didnt know it was hebrew

11/20/2023 00:09:10

Ian is the Irish form of John meaning beloved of God Quite simply

11/04/2023 01:30:34

I like it, but I would never call my kid it. It's just to common.

02/02/2023 00:10:38

Can anyone shed some light on why some people named John are referred to as Jack when they get older❤️

12/08/2022 21:40:38

i'm 17 and being named john sucks. every time i go into a nursing home to see my grandfather, half the old guys are named marve, the other half...john.

10/26/2022 06:15:26

This name always use to make me think of some old man who has an allotment, but my boyfriend is called it. And I think John is a really strong manly name. It suits young and old.

10/22/2022 07:55:08

I love the nickname Johnny ....John Lee

09/23/2022 00:56:12

John is the best name in the world!! Everyone has heard that name before, and it is very common. Everyone has also heard of Ferrari, Bently and RR, and those are the best cars in the world.

08/11/2022 01:34:48

first of all John is just too plain and boring. The only john i know is john rambo lol

08/06/2022 01:42:54

It is from the Hebrew, I am hebrew. It is Derived from Johnathan.

03/31/2022 19:26:42

Does it really matter if its Hehrew❤️ Jehovah has been gracious, has shown favor. You couldn't ask for a better meaning.

10/06/2021 03:20:06

this is an an ok name but it too common and therefore very annoying.

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John FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name John?
The origin of the name John is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name John?
God Is Gracious
*️⃣ How many people are named John?
Almost 5200000 people are named John.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name John?
The names of Sophia, Robert, Jocelyn, Jazlyn, Jazlynn