Gender | 👩🧑 Boy And Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \k(el)-li\ |
Number of People | 👶 75,000 |
Rate in 2021 | 7460 |
Numerology | 🔢 22 |
Name origin | 🌍 Irish |
The name Kelli holds a beautiful and meaningful significance. Derived from the Gaelic language, Kelli means "warrior" or "brave". It embodies strength, courage, and determination.
Those who bear the name Kelli often possess a fierce spirit and an unwavering resilience. They are not afraid to face challenges head-on and conquer them with their indomitable willpower.
Kellis have a natural ability to inspire others with their bravery and leadership qualities. Their presence is empowering, as they strive to make a positive impact on the world around them.
In addition to its powerful meaning, the name Kelli also exudes elegance and grace. It carries a sense of sophistication that perfectly complements its strong nature.
Whether you bear the name Kelli or know someone who does, remember that it represents much more than just a collection of letters. It symbolizes bravery, resilience, and an unwavering spirit - qualities that make every Kelli truly exceptional.
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My name is Kelli too. I'm one of the rare ones in the UK. I love the'spelling and indivuality of my name as it makes me stand out from the rest. But it does bug me when people spell it wrong. Calling me Kel is the biggest sin ever though. HATE IT!!! my name is KELLI not KEL
I am a Kelli too. The'strangest thing that happened to me was that a substitute for one of my teache's was calling roll one morning and called me "Kell-I", she pronounced the "i" as a long "i" pronounciation. Everyone thought she was stupid and laughed at her.
I'm another Kelli. (: I like it. And I'm sitting here with Dakota and Colby. :D We're in 3rd block, Ms. Meyer's computer class. :D :D :D yumm.
My Name Is Kellie And People Are Always Speeling It Wrong But I Actually Love The Name Because It Has Such A Nice Sound To it and the other reason i Like It Is because it can be spelt Many different ways like- Kelly, Kelli, Kellie, Kellye and many realtives are always writng it with a y instead of and ie and it doesnt really bother me because thats how they spell it
I'm a Kelli! I get called Kelz a lot or Kelli with an I lmao. It's fun to read all the Kelli comments lol
As with all the other Kelli with an I's, my name gets misspelled constantly. The worst thing is when relatives and coworkers who should KNOW better'spell it wrong!
my name is kelli with a I at the end i luve it cuz its unique and pretty and i hate when people spell my name wrong all the time i just wana smack them in the head
Hey! My name is Kelli and I think I have a love/hate relationship with the'spelling. I love the name itself...but I always hate it when you say My name is Kelli" and someone goes "oh is that with a 'y' or 'ie'❤️"
My name is Kelli spelled with an "I". I like my name'spelled different, because there is alot of people with the'same name but spelled with either a "y" or an "ie".Although it is very frustrating when you can never find any personalized things with the correct spelling I still find It'sort of unique.
My name is Kelli and I'm 14 and usually people spell it wrong like kelly kellie Kelley and more but I have gotten use to it. Also people like to pronounce it wrong still havet got over that yet cuz It's obviously not that hard to pronounce. But one bad thing about my name is u can never find it on anything at a gift shop and if u do ur really lucky
yes, this is my name...i feel great because its very uncommon and seems to be unique
I'm a Kellie born 1973. I have cousins with the'surname of Kelly. My mother told me Kelly was a boy's name or surname and Kellie was the proper female spelling.
My name is Kelli to. People always spell it wrong but it bothe's me. Idk I'm only 12.
I agree with comments about friends and co-workers spelling my name wrong! I guess for all the annoyance it causes, I'm glad It's spelled differently. : ) Good to know there are other Kelli's out there!
Yello fellow Natashas out there! My name is Natasya but everyone calls me Tasya and sometimes Tash. I love the name Natasya because it has that'sexy, femme fatale vibe but at the'same time, It'sounds playful and friendly. I'm very proud of my name and I thanked my parents and grandparents for choosing that name for me. I don't think other names will suit me than Natasya! Go Natasha everywhere in da world! Woo hoo!!! ❤️❤️❤️
my name is Kelli! before i didn't like my name but now i think its cool cause of how different it is from everyone else's. it bugs me when people misspell it though i cant stand it lol
My name is Kelli also and I absolutely love it. I have three other closed friends named Kelly and i love that my name is somehow different from ther's. I am referred to as Kelli with an I and an uncle as a joke refers to me as Kel-I... although people get it wrong sometimes I think this spelling is prettier and more elegant than Kelly. I have a friend named Kelly who often'tells me she wishes her name was spelled like mine!
Kelly was originally an Irish boy's name and is a boy's name. Over time, it obviously went unisex in The'states.
My name is Kelli! i love how it is spelt even'though my name is always spelt wrong. sometimes i get mad because sometimes people spell it wrong when'they really do know me. i am often referred to as kelli with the i. i love it
I love my name. It really suits me and no one I know personally has It'spelled like I do. It's easy to write and looks GREAT in cursive.
my name is kelli and every body tells me i spell my name wrong and it get on my nerovs
People usually spell my name wrong, but i really like how it is spelled compared to all the other ways, and guys always compliment me on my name :)
i LOVE THE NAME KELLLLi. aha its my name i love the'spelling ehh yeah i love itt. but everyone spells it wrong. i also like the name'stefan
This name is awful for a girl, lexis is lovely though. this sounds too brutal and manly and chavvy after a car❤️!
I like how my name is spelt. I think it is very unique and different but it gets on my nerves that everyone spells it wrong and that when I go to somewhere like disney world and I see all of the name'stuff, I can never find my name that is spelt the right way. But other than that, I love it.
My name is Kelli I adore my name'spelt differently.. even'though people do tend to spell it wrong.. even when'they should know otherwise. But some people use it as a way to remember my name.. one person who had to learn like 200 names always remembered mine cause she calls me "kelli with an i" It's a little bIt'special.
A lot of people spell (Kelli) wrong! && it actully gets kind of annoying... But I am some what used to it now.. People normally just call me (Kel) though.. Which I am totally fine with! I kind of wish that I wasn't named Kelli.. But heyy its just a name!
i love my name and i love the'spelling, it is short and sweet and cute like me~
Hey there, my name is also Kelli..i go alot by Kelli Jo. People often spell my name with a "y", even my ex-boyfriend has spelled my name with a "y" even'though knowing. It's just one of those things you gotta live with.
i got this guber annoying friend named KellI and she is retarded but thats ok cuz i <3 her but shes the crazy retard! lol jk not really but yeah the mostes annoying personi know is my kelli! :D
I really like my name (Kelli) and the unique spelling. But my biggest pet peeve is when people repeatedly spell my name incorrectly even after being told.
My name is Kelli, and yes everyone spells it wrong, but after'so many years it doesn't bother me. My sister is a Sherri and she has the'same trouble also. I am glad that my parents went with the unique way of spelling my name. When growing up I was the only Kelli anywhere I went. Now It'seems everywhere I turn there is someone with my name, they just aren't lucky to have it end with an I. =-)
Well I have the name but some people can't pronounve it gets me mad
my name is kelli, and I'm 14. when I was younger I always wished my name was spelled with a y instead, but the'spelling has grown on me. i've heard a couple people online saying it looks and sounds trailer trashy but I think It's more fresh. It's artsy and a cute way to spell a name. plus, great conversation starter! I always get lots of compliments on it, but I really can't stand when people spell it wrong. I have trouble confronting them about It'so I never'say anything and It's just frustrating. I'm very Irish and italian also (although I live in America) so my last and middle name flow well with my first. i've heard Kelli's have "bad luck" also but I feel like It's just a myth. I beli've in my life so far i've had my fair share of bad luck, naturally. but also i've had lots of good luck, just like anyone else. if you even beli've in luck, which I'm not even sure I do.
I just tell people that I really don't care if they spell my name long as they aren't engraving it on something. I get a lot od Kelley or Kellie...people remember is not just a "y"... On the TV show Frazier, they made a reference once to "Kelli, spelled with an I."
i love my name kellie but whenever anyone wrIt's my name there always like is it kellie with a i or a y or they just don't ask and apell it wrong anyway!
people spell it wrong but i have lots of fun with kelli being my name.
I like my name and I like It'spelled with in "i". Yes, it is often spelled wrong, but I can't say it bothe's me that much. I'm often referred to as Kelli with an "I".