
Mandy meaning

: Loveable

Mandy Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \m(a)-ndy, man-dy\
Number of People 👶 42,000
Rate in 2021 6401
Numerology 🔢 3
Name origin 🌍 Latin
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Mandy Name Meaning

Understanding the origin and significance of a name like "Mandy" can bring clarity and inspiration to those who bear it. Whether rooted in history, culture, or personal significance, exploring the meaning behind the name "Mandy" can unveil a deeper connection to one's sense of self and purpose.

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Comments on the name Mandy
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My first name is actually Amanda, but I hate It'so much and only allow my boss/supervisors at work or teache's call me this. In other'situations, I'm called Mandy. My friends and family have called me this for years

11/10/2023 22:58:08

My nsme is Mandy and I think it is way better than Amanda and It'suits me better

07/21/2023 21:35:30

My name is really Amanda but I have always gone by Mandy. I still have some people though, that will call me Amanda, but Mandy is way better. Its also good since I find that not too many people have this name, or they just go by Amanda so its not that over-used and its easy to like.

06/21/2023 17:09:20

I have to agree with the last comment, I am 27 and my name is Mandy, growing up everyone assumed my name was Amanda. As an adult I have older men who bust into a Barry Manilow song when'they hear it.. but.. it is all in good fun. I like my name.

05/08/2023 13:41:10

My friend is named Mandy. It'suits her. She is Vietnamese/Canadian.

07/14/2022 22:06:00

omg i love my cousin mandy she is soooo awesome ! if i ever had a baby i would name it mandy! such a cute name!

06/10/2022 13:41:06

My name is Mandy and I was so happy to be married and get rid of my last name- Moore. You know how Michael Bolton felt in "Office Space"... yeah, that was me. Other than that, I love the name Mandy.

05/30/2022 18:44:24

My name is Mandy and I often get called Amanda. When I was a server at a local Italian restaurant, older customers would regularly sing the Barry Manilow song and ask if that's where my name came from. One of my regulars even gave me an old record of it that I framed. The name (and song) has grown on me as I get older.

02/03/2022 01:55:30

i think its a good safe name that is becoming popular

01/19/2022 10:33:54

My name is Mandy. Growing up I was the only Mandy whose name was not Mandy, short for Amanda. I dislike the name Amanda, and I dont like it when people assume my name is short for Amanda. Mandy is an original name.

10/17/2021 03:46:12

i love my name being Mandy. and even'though everyone thinks its short for Amanda, its not. it is original and i like it. i didnt know that'so many people were named Mandy.

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Mandy FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Mandy?
The origin of the name Mandy is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Mandy?
*️⃣ How many people are named Mandy?
Almost 42000 people are named Mandy.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Mandy?
The names of Mark, Marco, Margo, Merrick, Marc