
Zack meaning

: God remembers.

Zack Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \zak\
Number of People 👶 8,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 2,773
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Zack Name Meaning

While the name Zack translates to "God remembers," it symbolizes more than that phrase. It represents individuals who are believed to have a purpose, a destiny that they are meant to fulfill. It's a name bearing a significant promise and assurance.

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Comments on the name Zack
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My son is named Zack. It is a great name for him- strong and no fuss-just like my beatuiful boy. We chose to spell his name like this because we didn't want people to think it is short for Zachariah etc. it Isn't. It is just Zack- a complete name not short for anything else. We didn't want people to call him Zachary as this doesn't go with his surname. Basically-we love it and him!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

We named our little one Fiona Katharine, almost didnt, due to the'shrek association, (we liked It'since Secret of Roan Inish) but then'thought we shouldnt let a cartoon dictate our choice, esp since that movie will eventually fade in time. Besides, That Fiona on Shrek was a cool lady. She gave up beauty for love and could kick some royal tush too! So, we are happy with our choice. We call her Fia mostly, or Fi (fee) and sometimes Fia Bea (just for mommy!) Although, when we call her Fia some think her name must be Sophia. Go Fiona! But dont get too popular either! Luckliy due to Shrek it hopefully wont!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Hi I am from South Africa. We named our boy Zack because his grandfather was Zacharias. In Afrikaans you prounounce it like: Zak (like if you would open your mouth at the doctor and he asks you to say A) It is not a "flat" A sound.

01/02/2024 00:52:42

my brothe's name is "Zack", and i love that name'sooo much.. he is 19 years old and It'still fits him prefectly!

12/31/2023 18:01:12

My son is named Zac. He is a gentle caring and affectionate kid who is quite popular at school.

12/09/2023 10:50:54

My name's Zack and my last name begins with a Z. So my initials are ZZ kinda after ZZ top. Im really into music, I'm in a band and a band class playing bass in gr 10. Zacks an awesome name.

09/22/2023 18:42:40

Hi i am Zack i like my name its cool im 2 i like sald and tacos me and my self have lots of fun together

09/21/2023 10:58:16

Reminds me of the African-American dude in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV programme of the Nineties. With regards to his racial background (as well as that of actor Walter Jones who played him) and his being the original Black Power Ranger with the powers of the Mastodon, there was some controversy, along with the fact that the original Yellow Ranger Trini, with powers based on the'sabre-Toothed Tiger, was played by Vietnamese-American actress Thuy Trang.

09/13/2023 14:17:40

my name is zach i love my name my 3rd grade teacher named me zacharia witch i didnt like but now I'm older i love my name

08/19/2023 05:21:24

sup my name is zack and i like the name because it has a Z in it!

08/17/2023 02:13:12

i think this name is good because its my name and i dont no anyone that'spells it this way so its cool yeh so teaches no what is my work at school without having to wright my last name on... so It'saves me alot of effort

07/22/2023 19:02:44

hi i am 32 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and really like this name but not sure if the kid might be bullied in school because its different. will kids bully him confusing zack with sack know❤️❤️❤️❤️

07/18/2023 23:38:46

Hey hows everyone doing, Im a Zack, my birth cirtificate says Zachary, but everyone calls me Zack. However most people spell it Zach, with an H instead of a K

07/17/2023 01:12:42

If I ever have a son I'm naming him Zack. The only thing I dislike about it is that I can't have it myself, but at least my kid can have a most awesome name.

06/30/2023 03:21:04

My son's name is Zack (not Zacharia or Zachary). I love his name because It's quite unique and not overly popular. Zack is a very outgoing child, loved by his friends and very popular at school. A cool name for a cool boy!

06/22/2023 00:12:32

Ive got twins called Zack and JJ and we picked them as they are different and unique compared to other child names,plus we have both always liked the name Zack.

06/13/2023 04:54:10

I honestly don't know whether It's Zach or Zack anymore but I think It's a really cool name I bet a guy once named Zack with a K though We ended up going out separate ways and I don't think anyone should get bullied for there name'since I think all names are great ❤️. I'm on my brothe's iPad right now but don't give up! ~ Angela Dahbout

06/07/2023 06:04:22

hI'my name is zack i am 16 years old. and i love these comments. zacks a cool name. zachary cute. the ladies love me.

02/24/2023 09:24:22

my brother's name is zachary but his nickname is zack. i do like his name and i think he is satisfied with it. I'm not sure but when he gets older i think he's gonna hate it really bad. It'sounds good as a kid name but not as an adult name.<3 - me

12/22/2022 09:32:34

My bf's name is Zack :) I call him Zacky..he likes it :) Lol. he's 19 & it fits him well. he's also an amazing southern gentleman. Perfect.

11/27/2022 11:28:44

im due in 5 weeks and my boyfriend and i have decided on the name zack for our baby boy. i have thought about this a lot, as i am only 16 and dont want to quickly pick a name me or my son will regret later. we decided on spelling it zack as it is clear it is not short for anything, and just simply zack. It's a beautifull name.

11/12/2022 10:52:38

My son's name is Zack, not Zachary, not Zacharia, he is only Zack! And it fits him as he is a unique boy and his name is not too popular in the United Kingdom. Everybody I know thinks it is a great name!

10/22/2022 06:09:20

um, my arabic name is farrah...and I'm from the UAE...but I have to correct one little thing: farah and Farrah have completely different meanings. Farrah in arabic means bitterness, or more precisely, sorrowful burden. Farah (in farsi/dari aka persian) means joy and happiness. 2 completely different meanings.

09/27/2022 23:40:04

I love this name and don't care how popular it is execpt I spell it Zach and I'm the only one I know who does

09/05/2022 03:33:54

I know a Zach he is emo plus he is cute and has dated at least 5 of my friends not including me.

08/01/2022 05:30:36

My name is Zack, I really like my name, the only down fall to this name is that people always try to spell your name "Zach" but i enjoy my name very much haha.

01/27/2022 20:46:48

nowadays it is sometimes spelled zak or zac but we will spell our baby boy`s name as zack

11/21/2021 00:04:48

This is a FEMALE name - it peaked in popularity as such between'the 1900s and 1930s, but is now out of fashion.

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Zack FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Zack?
The origin of the name Zack is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Zack?
God remembers.
*️⃣ How many people are named Zack?
Almost 8000 people are named Zack.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Zack?
The names of Ezra, Gray, Eris, Levy, Jellal