
Amir meaning

: Prince, Treetop

Amir Name Information

Gender πŸ§‘ Boy
Pronunciation πŸ“£ \a-mir\
Number of People πŸ‘Ά 36,000
Rate in 2021 201
Numerology πŸ”’ 5
Name origin 🌍 Arabic , Hebrew
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Amir Name Meaning

The name Amir means "the top of the tree", "he who is on high", "chief", "prince", "leader" or "minister". ".

Β This name is a masculine name and it has been used all around the Muslim countries. The name has different spellings, such as β€œ Ameer β€œ or β€œ Emir β€œ, the first form of spelling of the name is more popular in Asian countries.

Amir Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Amir
Additional description of the name Amir

The masculine name Amir comes of Arabic origin and is a very common boy's name in Islamic countries.

Cool Info About Name Amir

Additional name description Amir
Additional name description Amir

The personality of the name Amir
Amir is seen as someone very methodical, organized, and with a great capacity for analysis. Likewise, it is considered friendly, cordial, simple, and sagacious. However, it is true that he greatly enjoys the moments in which he feels praised.
He cares a lot about those around him in his closest and most familiar environment. He tries to be on good terms with everyone around him, but he is really stubborn and somewhat rigid in his thoughts, traits that sometimes complicate the social aspect a bit. However, he is not without good friends that he can trust, even if they are few. In addition, Amir is seen as someone very grateful and who never seeks to take advantage of others, even if it is a great benefit, as he prefers to work harder to achieve a goal.

The popularity of the name Amir

As the name β€œ Amir β€œ is a popular name for people all around the globe, lots of research show that the name has been increasingly popular. It gained momentum after breaking the top 200 in the year 2015. In the year 2020, the given name was at its peak popularity, also β€œ Amir β€œ is the 11th most popular name based on reliable sources.

In April 2019, β€œ Amir β€œ was at its peak popularity.

Although this name is a common name for people living around the world, some actors and famous characters named β€œ Amir β€œ have influenced the popularity of the name β€œ Amir β€œ positively. Celebrities named Amir
Amir Iqbal Khan: British and Pakistani professional boxer.
Amir Aliakbari: Former Iranian fighter who is currently a mixed martial artist.
Amir Arison: American actor who you can see in this image.

Diminutives and variations of the name Amir
The only used diminutive of the name Amir is Ami. In addition, there is only one variation of the name Amir and it is the change of the -I for two -e in a row, that is, Ameer. There is also the feminine form, which is Amira or Ameera.

Nicknames of the name Amir

Ami β€˜β€™ , β€˜β€™ Ammu β€˜β€™ , β€˜β€™ Mimi β€˜β€™ Miru’’ and β€œ Mir β€œ

Day of the Saint of Amir
The Saint of Amir is celebrated on November 1, which is All Saints' Day.

Numerology of the name Amir
According to what numerology tells us, we can know that the best number for those called Amir is the number 5.

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Amir FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Amir?
The origin of the name Amir is Arabic , Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Amir?
Prince, Treetop
*️⃣ How many people are named Amir?
Almost 36000 people are named Amir.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Amir?
The names of Amir, Amara, Amira, Amora, Amber