
Ashley meaning

: Ash Meadow

Ashley Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \a-sh-ley\
Number of People 👶 864,000
Rate in 2021 368
Numerology 🔢 7
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Ashley Name Meaning

If you are looking for a name for a girl that is of English origin and popular, Ashley can be a great choice. However, it may surprise you to know that although it is now mostly used by women, there are also men who bear this name, and that is because it was originally masculine.
Are you curious to know more? So, keep reading carefully to find out everything behind the name Ashley, because, in this MyCuteName article, we explain everything about the meaning of the name Ashley, its origin, personality, saints, popularity, and much more. Ashley is a girl's name. Ashley is a given name that has been used all around English-speaking countries. It is originally English and it is more common to be used as a surname before. It is derived from the Old English words “ æsc “ ( which is ash ) and “ lēah “. The name means “ Dweller near the ash tree meadow “.

Ashley Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Ashley
Additional description of the name Ashley

The female name Ashley comes from English and means "ash tree", "ash tree or ash forest". ash trees" and also "rising or reborn from the ashes". In fact, in English the ash tree is known as ash wood or ash tree and ash also means ashes.


Cool Info About Name Ashley

Additional name description Ashley
Additional name description Ashley

The popularity of the name Ashley

As it is mentioned the name Ashley is a name that has been used all around the globe. It is very popular and common. Based on the data given by reliable resources, the name Ashley is not popular in Georgia. Only near 6 babies were named Ashley in the year 1924.

A total of only 46 babies also near the same first name as tour baby. Also, the highest recorded use of this name was related to the year 1987 with a total of 54854 newborn babies. The name Ashley was recorded 861788 times in the SSA public database since the year 1880 up to 2018. This name first appeared in the year 1880 and was given to 8 newborn babies.

Also, the name Ashley became a popular girl’s name in the State of Indiana in the year 1983. The all-time high record for this name was in the year 1987 in the state of California. And for the past 20 years, this name was recorded 187330 times in the SSA public database.


The personality of the name Ashley

Here we have the letter analysis of the name below.

A is for amenable to your easygoing nature

S is for success, in all you will do

H is for heart, warm and loving

L is for lively, your life is full of energy

E is for elate, you make others happy

Y is for youthful, your eternal look

The true meaning of the name might not be described in just a few words. Your name can be your heart’s desire and personality. If you are named Ashley, you are intelligent and intuitive. You are that person who appreciates luxury and elegance. Your heart desires to help others and encourage people who are important to you and whom you love. People perceive you as someone well-dressed and dignified.


famous people named Ashley

Here we have a list of well-known people named Ashley.

Ashley Benson

Ashley Johnson

Ashley Judd

Ashley Walters

Diminutives and variations of the name Ashley
Some Common diminutives of Ashley are Ash, As, and Lee. This name has no translation into other languages, it is Anglo-Saxon and, although there is no translation, there are different ways of writing it. Here are some variations of the name Ashley:
Ashlie, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashliegh, Ashlaie, Aisley, Ashlynn

Personality of the name Ashley
The Ashley's name is related to a person with a creative, calm, funny and very imaginative personality. In addition, due to her personality, she is not easy to manipulate or influence.

Numerology of the name Ashley
According to numerology, the number associated with Ashley's name is the number 7.

Similar names to the name Ashley

Alexandra, Abigail, Asher, and Arie

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Comments on the name Ashley
01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is ashlee and it is very annoying having people spell my name this way. ashlee with 2 ee is a much better way of spelling this name'so the more people who name there child with 2 ee the more popular the name will become

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I have the name Ashley and i love it i really like when all my friend call me ash it is a really pretty name to i know its popular at a least 6 out of my nine classes there is someone else named ashley but i think because it really sound pretty and is cool and modern

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I prefer this name for a boy, I live in Australia and its more common for a boy here.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is Ashley and I absoulutely love it. It's a very pretty name. There were always 2 or three other Ashleys in my classes at school but I liked having a popular name. The only problem is that'sometimes when people say "actually" It'sounds like "Ashley"

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is ashley and i LOVE it but there is a downside to this name, when people say "actually" i always turn around and say yes❤️ and there like i said ACT UAL LYY and im like oooo, and also ashleys in movies are usually blonde rich stupid and mean, that is dumb, my name is ashley and im not stupid or mean:( its not fair but i love the name and i think its reallly simple and elegant i lvoe it

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Ashley Elizabeth. I like my name! I was born in '94. I get called "Ashie" or "Ash" or "Ashes" by my friends and family. My name also has meaning. The night before I was born the neighbor's house caught on fire with flames shooting 10-12 feet up in the air. My Mom was so worried about the family that It'sent her into labor 3 weeks early the next morning. On my 1st Birthday we had a party and the neighbors (whose house burnt) had a "rebuilding" party after their house was re-done after the fire. One of the people at the neighbor's party asked my name and when Mom said "Ashley" they asked if that had anything to do with the fire❤️ Ashes/Ashley. Thank God everyone lived through the fire and I'm alive today.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

There are many nicknames for Alexander, making it a very versatile name.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

When i was born,my uncle held me and said this is my berty!(liberty)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

its the best name to have! its pretty, popular, and easy to pronounce.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I'm not too crazy about my name. It's too common that I always get confused with, persay,the more "popular" Ashley's. Example: "Hey Ashley!", *turns around and then'thinks oh It's the other one*

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My vid also she breathes and will post one of her bnhitearg mechanI'm does make little baby doll and yes the hush little baby doll she is the hush little noise but not lot xx.The hush little noise but not lot xx.My vid also she breathes and will post one of her bnhitearg soon and check out my vid also she is.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Ashley Nicole, i am a blond and have the bluest eyes and yes im ditsey!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Ashley and I love it, when I was littler I hated it and wanted my name to be Crystal or Emily. Now I love it, but I hate that a really famous actress has my same name, FIRST AND LAST!!! I reccomend it, but I would reccomend Destiny or Lalaine more, they're unique.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

this name is soo awsome!!! i totally love it there is this girl at my school named mckenzie and she is totally hot and smart and funny and kind!! i am going to ask her to the dance. the name mckenzie soo fits her!!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I named my daughter Ashley in 1990, before it became so popular. I thought it was pretty and unusual, and I wanted her to have an unusual name, like me (Desiree). I would never have guessed so many people would copy me :-)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My names Ashley and I'm proud of it even'though I want my name to be Samantha. PS: I like che'se!

01/07/2024 21:56:42

I used to hate bing named Ashley beacause i've met like a milion people with the name and people always prononce it ash-el-lee, and people always want to spell it with two e's or an il endding. but i like it now because people always say that my full name'sounds like a celbrity name. Its a pretty name and the i hate the only person i know with that name who dosen't like it. besides, popular is good. there's always stuff with the name Ashley on it. :)

01/05/2024 11:45:18

This ish my name.! It's not pronounced like 'Air'... although i've had a friend for 7 years that'still says it wrong. Arianna Marie :) Nicknames... Ari, Aria, Ariel (my uncle that can't hear), Oreo (my deaf grandma), and Lissa for no apparent reason. Alice to... Wow I have weird nicknames... I like my name... It's not generic.

01/03/2024 15:40:18

Obviously my name is Ashley--and I have to say that I'm proud of it. I'm stuck with It'so I'might as well like it. It's funny how people have been commenting on how 'actually' sounds like 'ashley'...because that has happened all my life. Anyway, I beli've Ashley is an awesome name. I was born in '85 and started to become popular after that. I'm one of the lovely Ashley's that'started the trend!

01/02/2024 01:27:58

from the word Go, I loved the name Ashley and when i got my first born in 2011 i called her Ashley. its a pretty name and at times my neighbours call her Asheley, but she doesnt mind, when i call her many times and shes not hearing i tend to call her Ash or Ashi n she respond.its a darling name as i have given my email as Ashiebaibe.

01/01/2024 23:59:48

The other people are right. Certain names are so popular that it's sickening. Do your kid a favor and give them an orginal name. [Oh, and my neighbor's daughter's name is Ashley.]

12/29/2023 06:04:00

My name is ashley, and in my class, there are four ashleys!!!

12/22/2023 17:07:48

OMG I HATEEEEE THE NAME ASHLEY the only ashley's i know r really ASSLEYS if ya caught that was an insult :) yep i know the 1 name i will never give my kid ASHLEY (ASSHLEY) :)

12/18/2023 16:08:48

My name is Sarah Ashley (My first name and middle name) and I think the name is beautiful I actually use Ashley (middle name) as my professional last name because i love the way It'sounds together. My mom could not have picked a more perfect name for me :)

12/15/2023 04:40:56

My name is not Ashley. I guess the name is okay. So yeah.

12/06/2023 00:51:12

Its an ok name I hate it alot though cause I have like 6 Ashley's in my class

12/03/2023 16:07:58

I'm one of the thousands of Ashleys. Haha. I like my name. It is true that It's common, but it really blew up in the early 90's. I was born 4/30/90. My name was going to be Britney, but my aunt liked Ashley and talked my mom into choosing it. At that early time, not alot of people that they knew of had the name. I guess all the other parents having girls at that time were thinking the'same thing. Haha. But It's all good. I like it and I think It's popular because it is freaking AMAZING! Well, there are other names out there that are awesome too, but I have to stick up for the Ashleys like me!!!

11/27/2023 01:08:20

I don't like Ashleys, bad experiences with every one I have ever met. It's too common and too plain.

11/24/2023 11:07:42

the name Ava came to us as a gift. We wanted a name that would be strong yet feminine. This name very suits our aspiration for our little girl,to be born Febuary 11th 2020.

11/23/2023 08:40:42

Ashley's a cool name. Sexy name. I know so many Ashley's...cousins, friends, neighbors. I'd like it more, but It's so common. Everyone's Ashley these days. But I like the name'so much...but I don't want my baby to just be another Ashley.

11/21/2023 15:14:24

this is so weird, i thought i was the only one with the name Lesia. My mother intended to name me Lisa but spelling it Lesia. SO when i was 9 i went to school and i started to pronounce it family knows me as lisa but to everyone else I am english professor right now says that if my name is lesia It'should me spelled leesia. i don't pay attention to him though because i know that names could be spelled whatever way i want it to spell.

11/21/2023 14:56:46

i like all the ash names(Ashlee, Ashley, Ashleigh :), Asha and Ashira esppecially the last two

11/20/2023 17:29:32

My name is Ashley... I was born in '88, right around when'the name Ashley was at its peak. Generally I like my name... I just really used to hate when I was in primary school and there were like three or four other Ashley's in the class. Sometimes we wouldn't know which one of us the teacher was referring to... I like the fact that my name is easy to pronounce. I also like the different renditions, such as: Ash, Ashes, Ashe's, Ashey, Rashley (my dad's rendition, lol), or my mom's favorite Ash-A-Lee. And a way of spelling of my name other than the traditional way that I like is Ashlei (I had a friend who spelled her name that way).

11/18/2023 02:18:22

my name is Elle and i love the name Ashley. i wish i could change it or even make it as my middle name. people saying its over-used and they really dont like it. but i personaly love that name.

11/15/2023 02:35:50

My name is Ashley Nicole. (I'm 16) I know atleast 5 or 6 other Ashleys in the'same town...and i live in a small town. Well I'm sitting next to my friend Ashley Lynn in computers. lol. I like the name becuase my dad picked it out...other than that I'm not too fond of it!

11/15/2023 00:32:24

I named my daughter Ashley while we lived in the mid-west. The only other Ashley was a young boy. I like the name and thought it would go as well for a girl. When we moved to the northwest to my dI'may every other girl was named Ashley. It was too late to go back and change it. She hates it, I regret it being so popular. Could have at least spelled it Ashliegh. She changed it to Eadrashalee. We call her Ash, Ashley-Smash, Smashly-Ashley, Miss A, some of her friends call her MS or Midget Satan.... She is not blonde, rich, or spoiled but she thinks so.

11/12/2023 01:42:46

My name is Ashley Grace and i do like it... other than people calling me ass-mac (my last name is MacDonald) But i would prefer if my name was spelled different Ashlee is my favourite (:

11/11/2023 11:36:22

my name is ashlee :) and i love It'so much! it goes really well with my middle name to. ashlee taylor cushing. :)

11/10/2023 16:47:50

hI'my name is Ashley and i know lots of Ashleys. I think the name rocks.

11/04/2023 09:09:02

hey, I'm ashleigh. whats your name❤️ hahaha.

11/04/2023 02:58:44

When my mother gave birth to her 3rd child (I am the 2nd.) Out of 5, she named her Ashley Marie-Joyce. Ashley is 24 now and I am 27. Ashley said that she is pregent, giving birth to a boy in Early August 2010. She has a 2 year old named Ashlee Marie. See, it is Ashley but spelled with 2 e's.

11/02/2023 23:38:50

I named my daughter Ashley in 2020, I love the'sound of the name, it is beautiful and won't be as common in ten years, because the popularity is going down (new stats in 2020 = 13th) Ashley Caroline. It is the'sofies, Isabellas Emmas and Emilies of the next decade that will be called too common.

11/01/2023 16:47:20

My name is Ashley I was born in 98' I sometimes hear or see my/this name in a book series and there are some celbrities named Ashley like Ashley Tisdale Sometimes people speel my name wrong for Ashleigh but its Ashley

10/31/2023 14:20:20

My name is Ashley and i love to hear people say my name also to find a person with the'same name to i don't care if people mispell it.

10/29/2023 15:01:22

My name is Ashley. I get called "Ashley Olsen" all the time though. Because Mary-Kate & Ashley are so big now. - Ashley

10/28/2023 09:20:24

Ashley is my name and i absolutely love the name it is very easy to pronounce and spell and i just love it. it is a terrific name and all you moms to be out there i would highly suggest the name ashley for you daughter. the only thing i dont like about the name ashley is that it can be for a boy or a girl. but everything elese is ok with the name.

10/27/2023 15:42:24

my name is ASHLIE-TAYLOR ann Barrie and i spell it differently than most. everyone calls me ashlie r ash, i only get Ashlie-Taylor when i;am in trouble:)

10/25/2023 13:27:06

Im from Venezuela and my name is Ashley... I love my name because Im the only person in my school with that name... also Its really chic in my country!! :P

10/24/2023 00:25:18

my name is ashley and i love it for some reason. ilove the name and a lot of guys like it 2 and all of my friends think that my name is kool and they wish that they could have my name for some reason.

10/21/2023 06:53:04

I love my name, Ashley especially because I love the nickname Ash. Sure, there are like, 3 other Ashley's in my 4th period class, but I kind of like simple names like that.

10/20/2023 02:05:00

I don't like my name because It's SOOOO popular and SOOOO many girls are named Ashley, whether It's spelled the'same way as mine or not. And i swear I have one of the most common middle names as well, Marie. So I'm Ashley Marie, do you know how many girls have Ashley, or marie, or BOTH as their names❤️ It's SUPER annoying, and most of us are all with in the'same age bracket, witch doesn't help matters. But I rather be an Ashley then a Helga, or a Gertrude, or a Mildred, or an Irene. ^_^

10/20/2023 00:19:12

My name is spelled Ashleigh and i have this girl in my class thats name is Ashely they are spelled differently but it gets really annoying

10/17/2023 16:46:30

my name is ashley and i hate It's so boring and i am spanish and i dont look like an ashley i hjat emy name every on euses it like on myspace foir blogs or bullietens and like love adn death stories and ya i repost it but so now rumors go aorund saying i wrote it about em and this guy and i didnt i hate my name

10/17/2023 12:39:38

Personally, I love my name! I think it fits my personality perfectly! It is a popular name, but paired with my middle name (Laurén, which is the French form of Lauren) it makes it sound even more sophisticated. I would never name my child such a generic name, but for's perfect :)

10/17/2023 09:08:02

its too commmon and i dont really like it all that much, but it is okay ! -- Ashley

10/11/2023 23:14:06

My name is Ashley Nicole (2001) and there were 3 Ashleys in my kindergarten class. It was constantly being shouted everywhere and no one was ever talking to me so I don't even respond when I hear my own name.

10/07/2023 11:05:02

rather Ashley than Tuanyae what hell is that Kymyaah or Kamari

10/06/2023 14:30:42

Where I live in Alabama , the name Ashley isn't very common . I've only known one other Ashley in my life and I'm 14 . My parents named me Ashley Elizabeth because we live in the South , and my parents agreed that Ashley Elizabeth is a 'truly southern name' . If they had known I was going to be an only child , I would have gotten stuck with Elizabeth Joe which is not only my dad's middle name , but my mother's middle name as well . I'll stick with Ashley Elizabeth , it's fairly pretty , but if I could have named myslf it would have been Ayita .

10/05/2023 00:00:44

i have six friends named ashley sorry thumbs down.

10/04/2023 15:29:22

My name is Ashley and I love it, now granted it is a little annoying when 12 ppl answer to that name but it doesnt bother me my parents gave me that name for a reason and i respect that, its not our decesion what our names are gonna be and we should all be grateful to our parents

09/25/2023 23:24:58

my name is ashley and i do not no anyone else with the'same name as me people do not pronounce it wrong and people normallay ask how to spell it

09/15/2023 15:40:04

ashley is very popular and definately a fad name...i dont really like it

09/12/2023 05:22:44

My friends name is ashley and it Isn't misspelled-i didn't know it was THAT popular! i like it!

09/11/2023 11:27:06

It's too bad that I'm not having a girl or I think her name would turn out to be Ashley Elizabeth. I love this name!

09/05/2023 16:44:10

When I first thought about having a daughter. I wanted to name her Taliyah. I was sure how I was going to spell it but I love it. Her father was crazy about it but once I had her he was like okay her name is going to be Taliyah.

09/04/2023 05:10:32

My name is Ashley Lynn, born in 1999 and my mom wishes she would have named me Laney, so there yah go! ( she'still enjoys my name, just like everyone else is saying, too popluar now )

09/01/2023 03:24:34

My name is Ashlei Nicole(which seems to be everyone with the name Ashley's middle name) i've met lots of Ashley's...but I still like the name. i've met NO ONE who spells it like I do so that's cool...

08/31/2023 21:14:16

My name is Ashley, and I know at least eight other Ashley's. Even'though there are tons of othe's, I still love my name.

08/31/2023 18:17:56

My name is Ashley and I am from orange county ca. I never really liked my name growing up...I thought Victoria or Kelly was better. So my fifth grade class...95' had a total of 5 Ashley's, 4 john' that's crazy.

08/30/2023 06:09:02

I also agree with the other girl on here. I get so frustrated when people say actually and i think they are talking to me or about me. Also i had at least two other ashley's in my classes in high school. Ashley is a very very popular name. I have always been known as Ashley K. I would've loved to have a unique name. One that doesn't require using part of my last name to tell me apart from all the other people in my class.

08/28/2023 22:42:16

I'm an Ashley and I hate it. As anyone can see from the comments above, I share my name with a lot of idiots.

08/28/2023 14:28:32

My dog name is Ashley...She is a very sweet dog and obedient...But since she is a german shepherd she like to eat alot...I liked her name and I love her'so much...I treat her like my best friend and my relative...

08/27/2023 00:33:50

my name is ashley and i love it i think it is a sexy,beautiful name just like all ashley's

08/24/2023 10:33:12

I do beli've that it is the most popular name of 1996! There were so many other Ashley's in High School that I changed my name. Used to get, "pass the tray, ash", ashtray, ashcan, ashbucket, asherly, assalay.

08/18/2023 23:46:22

i had 1 best friend in elementary named ashley e. and now in middle school she moved and now i have another best friend named ashley c. so it gets confusing when im talkin about one or the other and wen my teacher'sayz actually It'sounds like she'said ashley so i can alwayz see my friend's head look up when she'says that hahaha we have every class together and she is very funny and talkative

08/18/2023 21:42:56

there are two hayley's in my class and she got the birthday card but it was my birthday, that was a funny luagh

08/17/2023 23:05:10

my name is ashley raquel and i do love my name. i didnt necessarily like the fact that every other girl I'met all through school had my name but it didnt really annoy me like some of the other people on here said. i think it is a very pretty name and that is why it is so popular...and this site actually says it was most popular in 2000 which was the year i was born...i think that is funny. i never got picked on for my name like other people said but i occasionally got ash hole...but that is because they couldnt come up with anything else and everyone gets their name picked on in matter what your name is. another thing that is kinda weird that bothe's me is when someone says actually i think they are saying my name and i always look and say what and they are like what and then i realize they were saying actually. this has caused me to say the word actually really clearly like act you ah lee while other people say it like acthley haha...its kinda annoying but oh well. i have heard many many times that all ashley's are mean...i think this is funny but kinda true all the ashley's i know are all pretty mean. another thing that is weird is i had a boyfriend when i was 16 and he dated an ashley before me and two after me so he dated 4 ashley's in a row...and my current boyfriend dated two ashley's before me...everyone makes fun of me for this i think it is pretty strange.

08/17/2023 00:09:46

I'm an Ashlee, double 'e' - yeah! Anywho, it is kinda annoying having so many of us, a few of my best mates are Ashlee's (yes, all with double 'e's hehehe) but I rarely get called me real name, 'tis usually aJ - thank God for initials, I actually known when It's me that's being spoken'to! I love my name though ^_^

08/14/2023 06:55:10

My daughter is an Ashley and my son is DaTravious so i have my Ashtray and they love it. Other than Lillian Ashley is the most beautiful name i know. Just think about all the Ashleys you knw, now are the beautiful or not.

08/13/2023 00:21:18

My mom gave me the name ashley, but it is just too common and popular. I go by my middle name. The worst part is that "Ashley"s have been stereotyped as beautiful, skinny, popular, ditzy blondes (which I am not) All my childhood I was compared to those girls. (especially the Ashleys on Recess) I hated it.

08/10/2023 10:38:18

ashleyyy is wayy to common of a name! there are wayy to manyy in the worldd. i dont really hate itt but i REALLYY dont like itt!

08/08/2023 17:29:38

my name is Ashley and i like it because it is a popular name but It's not a exotic bad name like lana or shaina

08/08/2023 06:54:50

My name is Ashley and I love it! Though, some people spell it weird, I don't know why. Some people will spell it like, "Ashely." I don't get it! Haha

08/02/2023 22:46:42

well my name is AshlynnE and most people spell it ashlyn or ashlyne. then most people say it like is ASH LAND. its really annnoying. but yeah its ok. and yall dont have my name on your site either. but im the only Ashlynne i know that'spells it that way.

08/02/2023 21:36:10

My name is Ashley. Thankfully, i only know one other person with my name. You'd think that it is a common name but it is beginning to fade a way. I haven't heard that many babies named Ashley. I actully like my name I think its very pretty!! There is also many different ways to spell ashley...ashley,ashlee,ashlei,ashleigh, etc. If you like the name but think its too common, you could try ashleyn or something similar (ashley with a twist). I love it!

07/29/2023 20:54:48

Ashley is the most beautiful girl's name in the world. It is the epitome of a pretty, feminine, lovely sounding name. I love how saying the name Ashley encourages you to smile, it can only be properly said while smiling. It's no coincidence that every Ashley i've known loves to smile a lot. Ashley is the perfect girl's name, it contains every element that makes a girl's name pretty. I'm thankful that this gorgeous name is common, I only wish it was more common. My heart fills with joy every time I'meet an Ashley and I get to hear her'say her beautiful name when she introduces he'self. I don't think there could ever be a prettier name than Ashley.

07/29/2023 20:37:10

My name is Ashley and Im only in 8th grade and sometimes I like it but sometimes I don't. I can't make up my mind, I think ashley is a weird name for an adult so I don't know if I will like it when I get older...its growing on me but I think ashley spelled with ley is kindda boring and so common, when you name a kid make it have meaning and it is unique!

07/27/2023 18:57:08

It's an alright name, I really like the name Ashley for a middle name! But for a first name it is way over'sed! Almost everybody knows atleast 2 or 3 Ashleys! I know 7 Ashleys, but i've probably met like 20 of them in my lifetime! But i absolutely hate when people spell Ashley like " Ashleigh", It's such an ugly way to spell it! But again the name is too over'sed!

07/22/2023 02:00:00

all you people are really dumb.! it is the best name and your just jealous

07/20/2023 03:16:18

my names ashley and i hate it that there are like 5 other ashleys in my class! everyone shouts ashley n loads of us say "yes❤️" i hate it!

07/13/2023 21:23:18

i've met like three Ashleys and I kinda disliked all of them... They were all pretty snobby, stuck up, pretty and popular.

07/10/2023 14:55:12

My name is Ashley Annette I was born in 78' and I love my name and always have. Even in school I knew a few Ashley's & i've always thought it was usedd a lot but then as I got older I realized why... It's awesome!!

07/09/2023 19:13:46

my name is Ashley Rene and i sorta like my name i was born in 97 and my sister mirandas name means to be admired and was in shakesphere and all the boys like her actually our whole family is pretty but shes got dry hair and has pimples

07/09/2023 01:35:46

No comments❤️ u gotta be kidding me. the Ashleigh page is full!!!

07/07/2023 07:16:34

My name is Ashley Renee, there are several othe's Ashley's in my class or that i no. i was born in 94' and three othe's i no too were born the'same time with the name. i love my name even'though it is over used.

07/05/2023 22:04:00

My name is Ashley and i dont like it way to popular i want a unique name. When i was in high school i had a class with 4 other Ashley's it got annoying.I recommend not naming your baby Ashley.

07/04/2023 23:26:14

my sisters name is ashley adn when you think of the name ashley you think of a popular girl but she's not raelly but i think that'she'still suits her name! -ashleys sister

07/04/2023 14:54:52

My name is Ashley, My mom got my name from a soap opera.... :`(

07/01/2023 19:54:28

My name is Ashleigh and i hate it. first of all it is a boys name. and it has the word ash at the front. i really don't like it

07/01/2023 09:37:18

When are son was first born,I wasn't too sure about naming him Caden since i had never heard of it before.My wife had to but several name books so I would beli've it was a real name.I have met several other parents who named there son Caden since. My son is now 6 years old and I couldnt imagine him with any other name now.

06/29/2023 09:25:26

hi,i am Chinese.nice to meet you .i use this name because It's meaning is similar to my Chinese name .fortunately ,Ashley is not popular in China.

06/26/2023 07:04:12

i love my name and It's simple spelling. my best friend's name is ashley and i have two cousins.... ashlee and ashleigh. i had 10 people with the name ashley in my senior class! but see i have a unique last name'so it never bothe's me to have one of the most common names in the us

06/21/2023 05:24:00

My name is Ashley, I used to hate but its actually realy pretty I think, all of my friends like it, and you may think ther's alot but ther's only one other in my school, and she's older, I love my name!!!:*

06/19/2023 19:53:48

This name is very attractive and has a strong feminine tone.

06/10/2023 04:54:00

hi im ashley i was born in 2010 and in my class, we are 3 ashleys!lol ashley u, ashley c, ashley r!

06/09/2023 02:44:38

i love the name ashley..not only cuz its my name but also cuz its so flirty and girly...if i had a daughter and this wasnt my name i would definitly name her ashley

06/08/2023 03:13:58

I love the name Ashley. I know like 4 ashleys and the thing that'stinks about the name Ashley is everyone spells it weird. They spell it like Ashleigh or Ashlee. The name Ashley is great. I'm not sure what it means hope someone tells me. Lol Love Ashley K

06/06/2023 19:11:56

my name is ashley and i love it its the best name ever

06/06/2023 11:33:28

My name's Ashley Lynn and i've never been'to fond of it but I don't think I'd change it if I were given'the opportunity. i've grown accustomed to it.

06/04/2023 06:57:06

Hi, I'm Ashley Nicole. I am 22. Ashley is so popular because alot of moms were naming their daughters after Ashley Olsen from Full House in 1999-2000.

05/31/2023 13:01:18

Hello Ashleys! I'm pregnant and planning to name my baby, Ashley Belle (if It's a girl of course). I really wanted to name a little girl Ashleybelle Rae (sort of like Annabelle, but not at all as common, and Rae being a varient of a family name "Ray"), but her daddy (again, if It's a girl) says no way! I thought it would make her more uniqe than the other Ashleys out there, or if she wanted to shorten it when she was older, she could just go by Ashley. Either way, I think Ashley is a beautiful name. Any thoughts❤️

05/23/2023 16:55:58

Ashley iSnt A Good Name iTs Too Common &AlL; The Ashleys i've ever Known Of Are'nt The Best People, 2 That iKnow Of Have Already Gotten Pregnante, There Not Even 18 Yet, Ashley To Me Means Fake, Stuck Up, Abusive, Liar, &They; Think There Better Then Ever1 Else.

05/19/2023 13:53:32

Ashley is a beautiful name; however, It's become far too popular. I think there were 4 Ashleys in my kindgergarten class. Yet when my mom chose to name me Ashley Elizabeth-- like many of the othe's have mentioned-- she too thought she was being unique. But she was WRONG. I was born in 1996.

05/16/2023 23:00:00

We were considering Lilah (pronounced Lie-la) and now we are concerned. Does no one understand phonics❤️ Leela❤️

05/13/2023 01:14:58

I am 20 now I I have just learned to tune out when someone calls my name. It is way too common there were 5 in my classes when I went to high school and 7 at my work now. Now I just tell everyone to combine my middle and first names Ashley Ann.

05/02/2023 17:47:42

a lot of people spell my name wrong most people spell my name ASHELY its so annoying. I know about 4 ashleys

05/02/2023 16:37:10

My names Ashlee, nd i love it!.. even'though it has 2 b one of the most common names around! its stil a reali kool name, its wierd coz most people dont like their own name.. but all the ashleez ino do! ..repin da ashlee..

04/29/2023 09:51:26

this Isn't my name, but i think that It's really pretty :)

04/25/2023 08:17:10

My name is Ashley Renee, and i hate my first name! I wish my first name were Renee. I hate it when someone calls my name and 5 othe's answer, including myself. And the person calling for an Ashley always says, "That one." or "The other one." ):< I'll have to get used to being called Renee because i am not going to be known as Ashley in highschool!

04/21/2023 22:35:06

hI'my name is Ashley i love my name excepte that It'sounds like actually so when ever people say actually i always think that they are saying my name but i like it because you can have lots of nicknames like mine which is asha!

04/20/2023 23:39:42

I can honestly say I hate my name! There are so many of us that it gets! My name is Ashley Gene. I have my Dad's middle name, which for most part I am happy for since he is now deceased, but I think its an ugly name. I was the only Ashley that I graduated with, but like the other lady said, I rarely ever answer when someone calls my name! LOL

04/20/2023 01:37:12

its rele annoying cause in one ofmy classes there is 2 ashleys and we sit diangle from each other'so i don't know who she is talking 2

04/19/2023 00:56:00

My name is Ashlee and I love it! It's really pretty and soft. I hate the name for a boy- its too girlie to be a boys name. I love my spelling but it does get annoying having to always spell it out- when people ask "so is it 'Ashley' or 'Ashleigh' and im like no It's 'Ashlee' and they're like 'well, don't we have to be different. grrrr! I also have friends who spell it Ashlea and Ashli. I agree with some of the other posts about being called 'Ash'. It can be cute when being called that by family and friends although I don't really like 'Ash' It's like a boy name. And when i first meet someone and they right away call me 'Ash' I hate that! Im like hey you don't know me, only people i know call me 'Ash'.

04/16/2023 21:12:32

I like my name and It's meaning. The only problem is I never feel like an individual. It's very annoying to be sitting in class along with five other Ashleys wondering which one of you the teacher is talking to.

04/16/2023 15:02:14

My name is ashley and yea there are way too many girls named ashley in my town.

04/13/2023 09:09:24

My name is "Ashleigh," and I like it. i've only met a few other people who spell it that way, so It's kind of neat. The only problem with the way I spell it, is that everyone always spells it "ashley" and It's hard to find personalized items that'spell it that way.

04/04/2023 17:05:00

Okay so my name is Ashley... i am not to fond of it because it is way to common! I think it is a nice named just over used, when i say over used I'mean that even one of my best friends name's is Ashley! :)

03/31/2023 17:34:10

My name is Ashley and It's still a pretty popular name. I know five Ashley's right now and I really hate it. I want to have a unique name, not a name that you hear a lot. My mom named me Ashley because the "ash tree" is supposedly strong and etc. But...I wish I could change my name, in my opinion It's not that pretty of a name. I at least wish my name was Ashlyn. I think that's a pretty and much more unique version.

03/30/2023 14:14:16

I love the name Ashley! Who cares if it is common. It is a nice name compared to Brittany and or Melanie. (sorry anyone who has those names)

03/27/2023 19:13:52

my name is ashley i like that name but it does get really confusing when'there is more than one ashley in your class alot of people call me ash in london my name is a guys name pretty lame if u get made fun of cause its lke a awsome name u have to agree :) the year i was born it was ranked 2 most popular 2007 in hawiian its mai ke kula weird for a hawian name lol i found out today the meaning of it means ash tree❤️ : / but whatever i love it

03/24/2023 13:56:18

My name is Ashley Dawn and I was born in 87 when SO many people were named ashley. I also grew up in a VERY small town, which meant there was no less than 2 Ashley's to a class. Up until roughly grade 7 I was not ashley but "Ashley F"... first letter of my last name. When I was little I tried to convince my mom to let me change my name to Elizabeth, haha. It didn't happen.

03/23/2023 08:50:36

go ashlie it is mine name and it is the best enven'there r like 2 in all my classes

03/18/2023 09:31:28

Hey my name is Ashley Marie. I love my name although i like for people too spell it Ashlee. I am 16 and know like about 15 other Ashleys in my grade. I think Ashley should be a girls name because its too common and popular to be a boys..thats my opinion though.(Ashlee Marie)

03/15/2023 12:27:38

Its my name and i love it... people ask me how to spell it and it makes me feel good about my name... and complements never end

03/09/2023 11:34:24

My name is Ashley Delaine! I love it! and i also agree that it gets confusing when people say "actually". I go by ash ash-ash, ashey, bo[by mom], bobie[mom], bobo[mom lol.]

03/07/2023 18:08:06

When i was younger i was too happy about having that name since its so common and also you dont see many latinas with that name (no offense to anyone) but when my teachers used to say my name o the first day of school they were suprised to see i was hispanic. as i grew i learned to love my name it was special to me because my dad named me and passed away when i was 2 yrs of age. . when i got pregnant i decided to give my daughter a diff name something no so common! so i put my mother's first name and my name together and got a unique and special name my lil princess name is Anashley and i love it soooo much when people hear it they say wow its diff and pretty it fits her and shes three now and say i love my name!

03/04/2023 17:15:02

My name is Ashley and for the most part I'm ok with it. It's pretty, It's very easy to spell and pronounce, and Ash is a nice would just be better if there were a few million less of us in the world...

03/04/2023 02:15:44

Ashley is a really popular name. Even my ag. Teacher is named ashley only she'spells it Ashli, And I spell mine Ashley.

03/03/2023 23:01:46

At least it is easy to spell, but every 3rd person you meet, that is there name. I personaly like less common names.

03/03/2023 18:54:54

I was born in 1986 and I knew one other Ashley in all my years of school K-12. I am Ashley Brooke and when I went to college there was an Ashlee Brooke also listed in the'student directory. I nearly fell over!

03/03/2023 18:02:00

my name is ashley. i hate it and i wish that it wuzz at least spelled originally if anything. its not fun to not have your own identity all the time. I'mean, its like michael!

03/01/2023 08:25:52

im in the fourth grade and my best friends name is ashley i loved how its spellted and sometimes a wish that was my name

03/01/2023 05:47:10

Ashley is a man's name. I have no idea how it became cute to name girls Ashley. She'sh!

02/27/2023 06:10:34

my name is ashley, and people call me ash. But there are so many diffrent ways to spell it! Ashli ashleigh ashly! and my parents had to chose the'simplest way, when my parents wrer going to name me skye

02/25/2023 04:12:54

I have a daughter named Ashley who loves her name. She has just turned 11 years old. I fell in love with this beautiful name when I was a little girl, long before it was popular as a girl's name. Anyone who's read my late cousin Margaret Mitchell's novel "Gone With the Wind" (or have seen'the movie) are familiar with the character of Ashley Wilkes and remember that long ago this was a "boy's name." But I knew of one girl when I was growing up with this name and thought it would be beautiful for a girl. So many, many years later after getting married and having a little boy named Shane, I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl that was named "Ashley Nicole". I thought the name was wonderful all those years ago and still do.

02/24/2023 22:20:14

My baby girl is named Ashley and I always get lots of compliments. Don't know a lot of new Ashley's being born these days.

02/23/2023 17:14:32

My daughter's middle name is Ashley (after my sister)... I love the name, although I think it is better as a middle name (sounds great with almost every first name)... Ashley is very common as a first name. Our daughter's first name is not common, so It'sounds really beautiful combined with Ashley for a middle name.

02/20/2023 15:46:12

I don't dislike my name, but I absolutely hate how common it is. Including me, there are four Ashleys and one Ashlyn in my geometry class...

02/18/2023 23:12:48

Ashley. Ugh!! Waaaaaay to common. My parents were so original since I was born in 2004 and that's when'the name was at It's height. There are 6 other ashleys in my pe class which is we all go by code names (Ashley blue, Ashley red, ashley orange...) ;]

02/17/2023 17:49:28

My daughter's name is Ashley Elisabeth. The name Elisabeth is Ashley's Grandma's name. I think the name is a bubbly name and all the other Ashley's I know have a bubbly personality. Cool!

02/16/2023 04:30:02

my name is ashley and i hate it. if i could i would change it because it is so popular it gets annoying.

02/12/2023 16:44:32

My name is Ashley Adele. I am from the UK. I was born in 2007. There is only one Ashley in my year at high school. Its not a pretty name i with my name was something like Lilly or Amelia.

02/12/2023 07:02:38

Yeah i have another girl named Amanda at my school but we are complete opposIt's its kinda annoying cause when'they are yellling at her im like what did i doo cause i get confused i think it is coll to by nicknames cause they arnt as over used as some real names like for real!

02/10/2023 13:18:42

i love my name! its spelt ashlea though..and yea there must be alot of people in the 1992s with this name.. i know quite a few.. I'm 18

02/10/2023 07:08:24


02/08/2023 17:13:42

my name is Ashley Elizabeth, i was born in 2009. my middle name after my Grandmother. when people say actually or something that'sounds like Ashley, i always look up and say what❤️! it gets conusing. i never really liked my name. i always wished my name was Elizabeth Ashley. or at least a less common spelling, like, Ashliegh. i love that way of spelling it. but i've grown to like Ashley. (:

02/04/2023 00:22:30

My names Ashley (I'm 24) and i've always loved it. It is very popular and there were many other Ashley's in my school. Luckily my middle name is very unique (Blaine) and my initials are ABC, so I still felt my name was special:)

01/29/2023 09:11:10

my name is Ashley Brown. Both my first and last name are extremely popular. at partys i always introduce myself as ashley brown (the whole thing) because i know that they already know at least 5 people named ashley. people call me -ashley brown. and sometimes hash brown(ie). i used to hate my name but now that im older ive fully embraced it :)

01/28/2023 23:46:54

Actually i've been'the only Ashley in my grade up to last year. And I'm now a 10th grader.

01/27/2023 02:49:00

my name is ashlt and the reason i think that is special is b/c i have only ever met one other person who spells it that may, my grandma also told me that when ashley was a popular name for boys, that when a boy would be named ashly is was ashley and a girls would be ashly... im a girl haha for you with the e, plus, it makes more sense gramatically without the e..i love my name even'tho it is wayyyy too popular

01/21/2023 10:09:30

My name is Ashley, and I would like to say that it doesn't matter if you like it, obviously a lot of people do or there wouldn't be so many of us. It is a traditional and pretty name.

01/17/2023 08:52:52

My name is so exciting. I really like it because it is popular and easy to pronounce.The way you say my name is Ash-with-ley.There are so many people with the'same name wtch makes its realy crazy when someone else says it and it is not for you!

01/16/2023 12:18:32

My name is Ashley & I'm 19. I don't like my name only because It's so popular In my garaduatinclass there were 5 Ashley's total

01/14/2023 10:56:08

ASHLEIGH is the'spelling of my name, not the ASHLEY... it is so ANNOYING

01/12/2023 14:51:08

My name is Ashley and i love it! when i was 4th grade,i got poupular because of that name!

01/09/2023 14:33:20

Some Ashley's may think Ashley is a too popular but everyone of us are special in are own way.

01/08/2023 14:45:02

Hey my name is Ashley even'though there are alot I like my name!

01/06/2023 01:02:02

I am ashley. i lovee my name. there is alot of us ashley out there, so if you think its wayy too common, think of a nickname. there is aloyt for ashley. my friends call me ashdizzle.

01/03/2023 17:46:58

It'seems as though this name is much more popular in America than other Western countries. Here in Australia, where I named my beautiful daughter Ashleigh, it is quite an unusual (and pretty) name.

01/01/2023 19:03:16

My girlfriend's name is Ashley, and even'though it is extremely popular in these parts, I love her and she is unique and very beutiful. (she is the black and white beauty shot at the top)

12/31/2022 16:01:00

My name is Ashley and i hate it! Three if my best freinds names are Ashley, that is a little wierd. Don't ya think. Anyway there is plenty of other Ashley besides us at our school. I wish i had a different name. There are also try having me and my best freinds the othe's Ashley's all on our basketball team. We have to have nicknames. Like mine is Sizzlin, and the other ones they don't really matter. Love&peace; other Ashley's!!!

12/29/2022 16:59:40

My name is Ashley. I love my name, but yes its verry common. My mom was origionally going to name me Laken, which Isn't common at all! and My dad wanted Gwendolyn, which is also not common. But no, I get stuck with the name everyone has. But because it is so common, i think if you named your baby Ashley now, it wouldnt be so bad because people are naming the new generation some wild names!

12/27/2022 02:41:24

I like comin up with creative nicknames cause my name && almost everyone elses name is Ashley

12/26/2022 13:45:32

My name is Ashley and I like the name because it is the name I wa givin and I like it a lot!

12/20/2022 18:27:20

my name is Ashley, people often spell it wrong,there are famous people named Ashley i have definetly met people with the'same name.

12/19/2022 11:53:28

my names spelt different thankss to a day of labor & a tired dad. I love how it's such a popular name but yet so different.

12/17/2022 05:48:56

My mom had never heard anyone with the name Ashley when she named me... I wish it was as unique as she thought it was. I was born January 1993... so I didn't really ever have other Ashley's in my classes thank god... but I still don't like it because of its popularity :(

12/16/2022 04:32:28

I kinda like the name Ashley.Beacuse it is my sisters name'so i have to like it i tank❤️

12/13/2022 12:28:24

My name is Ashley Marie Allison and I was just saying that many of my teache's have called me by my last name instead of my first name. I even have a best friend named Ashlee. She now lives in texas. I once had a chance to change my name, but i just thought of how many times i would probably misspell my name! So Ashley it was!!;)

12/12/2022 07:22:42

My name is Ashleigh and the name comes from ash tree :p i come from England and i love my name. But its to common i think. I was born in 2000.

12/10/2022 21:17:14

To the person who thinks she is the only Heather Patricia. Wrong I am also a Heather Patricia and also love my name

12/09/2022 22:21:50

There are way too many little girls named Hannah, Emily, Anna and Madison in this world. These names are so over'sed. Find an original, unique name and go with that!

12/09/2022 09:43:36

i like this name because it is mine it is the best name in the world because of my name i have alot of friends because us at the jr. high all have the name ashley and we have to stink togather and make the name ashley live forever

12/08/2022 19:37:12

in response to that person who said "Its a places name not a person's"...there are probably more people named ashley than there are places! lol. My name is ashley. I was born in 1997 and my mom had never heard anyone named ashley and thought it would be original! HA! she was wrong. She thought about naming me amber...kinda wish she had. Growing up there were always at least 3 other ashleys in my class. i wish people would stop using that name'so it might become original again one day! spelling it a different way doesn't make it different either!

12/05/2022 13:09:06

My name is Ashley and I hate it. It's way too popular.

12/04/2022 09:13:56

my mates name is Ashley and it is like a well popular name and he is popular himself!

12/04/2022 07:45:46

Okay, I'm Ashley, and honestly, I really hate my name. It doesn't have any flair, It's so boring when you say it. I don't like that there are so many other people with it, but that's not so much it. I really hate it and I wish I had a more exciting name.

12/02/2022 13:26:34

My name is ashley, i hate it most of the time except the fact that there are a million different variations of it.. lalala

11/29/2022 08:44:16

My sisters name is Ashley. And this name is very very common. Almost everyone I'meet, there name is Ashley. Lots of people spell the name Ashley differant ways. Some people prefer it to be "Ashlee" or "Ashleey" and ther's other ways to spell it. We have three Ashleys on our street. And ther's alot of Ashleys in our school!! I personaly dont realy like the name Ashley cuz its so popular. But its a nice name I think, but just tooo common!!! I like names that are not used that much.

11/29/2022 00:48:10

I'm Ashley Ann. I love my name. It's pretty common. But I'm the only Ashley in my school, and I think the'spelling A-S-H-L-E-Y is best. I was born in '92, and my dad came up with it. I'm glad I was Ashley Ann instead of Ashley Marie. I hate the name Marie, and even'though my name is common, I know there's no other Ashley quite like me. (:

11/27/2022 03:15:00

I feel like there is at least three Ashleys in every ten girls. Not a good thing!

11/26/2022 22:50:30

i am called ashleigh but people spell it the other way i was born in 2011 im at mi cousins melanie beldan

11/25/2022 12:27:24

I love my name. In my city there is an Ashley in every grade. It's neat not to be the only one.

11/19/2022 17:09:12

My name is Ashley and I really like the name! Even'though some people have the'same name as you It's not always bad! I used to have a best friend named Ashley and in class we would just know which one of us the teacher was talking about! It's a really great name to have!

11/15/2022 09:24:38

My name is Ashley, some people say Ash-lay but It's really Ash-lee. I love this name a lot.

11/14/2022 06:57:38

Ashley is my name. I love it. It is very popular, It's like EVERYWHERE, now a days. People often misspell it, but i don't care. I do meet many people with the name Ashley.

10/31/2022 16:09:22

i love my name i spell it ashley. i also hav a friend named emily and amy and ity goes really well together but its funny i dont really meet that many ashley's. i dont know why but not very many of the were born in '92, but anywho a shot out to all those ashleys out there and ps love the nick names ash shley and lee bye<3

10/25/2022 14:40:52

I loveeeeeeeeee it . its shoo cuhhaaaaaut! shooooooo cutee .

10/25/2022 07:02:24

There Isn't a category for girl's name Paxton because this is a boy's name duh! It would sound strange on a girl and she would get mistaken for a boy all the time. I hate that'so many people are giving boy names to girls!

10/25/2022 00:52:06

my name is Ashley Elizabeth. i was born in 97. I think my name is used too much and im used to coping with it. somtimes when people say actually i look up cause i think there calling for me.the only problem for me is that i cant picture calling me " aunt ashley" or "grandma Ashley"

10/21/2022 13:59:30

the name ashley is total CRAP. its WAY too common like i can name ten people with the name ashley (including famous people) ther's ashley tisdale, ashlee simpson, ashley conrad, ashley tentard, ashlie sacrid, ashley marago, ashley stanes, ashlie corodo, ashley codey, ashley nelson, and ther's even MORE than that! i HATE the name ashley! period.

10/17/2022 04:46:46

My name is Ashley and about 90% of the time I hate it, though I've never tried to change it. Ashley was the number one female name of my birth year and it was top five around it for the next several years. The worst part is sitting in class with multiple Ashley's who get in trouble frequently so when the teacher chastises the other Ashley's you feel you are the one in trouble. There's about a billion names out there...get a little more creative...oh and NEVER nickname them Ash. It really annoys me to be called Ash, mostly because I am not the main character from Pokemon. -Ashley Rose

10/16/2022 03:47:56

my name is ashley and its iight i gues, but its over'sed.

10/14/2022 16:31:56

It's a pretty name in a way but the ash in It'sounds like ashes!

10/11/2022 07:25:08

My name is Elizabeth Ashley and I love my name. I like to go by my mid name Ashley tho.

10/09/2022 22:30:12

hey everyone this is my name aswell... not many people that live around my area spell it like me.. actually.. i think i have only met 1 person who does my names spelt ashley but they are usually spelt different like ashleigh or ashlee or somethiong like that lol well i like this name.. i would have prfered adria lol i like that name but this name'suits me lol i gess❤️ and my parents actually werent thinking of what ashley means when'they named me... i was named after my father'secretary because she was young and very kind and fit.. shes really cool.. i have met her befor :) so its not always that the parnts want to call you what the name means lol

10/09/2022 10:09:36

my name is Ashley Jane and i love my name. where i live there isnt very many ashleys and all the other ashleys have diffrent spellings i just think its a pretty name. the funny thing about the name ashley is it also is a guys name. and i have met more guys with that name then girls.. <3 ashley

10/04/2022 16:43:08

My name is Ashley. It IS a very common name (I even went to school with an Ashley with the'same last name...beat that one.), but I still love it. It is my name after all.

10/01/2022 02:01:18

Young is a last name and It's my last name. You can clearly tell by this chart no one should being using this name as a first or middle. Unless of course, you want to be the nut to call your kid a name that hasn't been used in over 100 years.

09/30/2022 15:08:52

When my daughter was a little girl, she use to say, "I hate my name. There is no one older than me with the name of Ashley." Now, that she has finally become 21 years old, she has met many females older than herself and appreciate the name. My late husband and I picked the name Ashley 22 yrs ago (I was 18 yrs old and my husband was 25 yrs old at the time)fell in love with the name Ashley. If our child was a boy, his name was Ben Ashston, and of course the girl's name was Ashley. I agree with Afia Thompson's post the name Ashley is equal to a regal lady. An example of this was when my husband died, our daughter Ashley with tears in her eyes and a heavy heart was able to complete funeral arrangements as I broke down. I could not have continued without our daughter. At a young age, Ashley was and still is a female of noble strength courage and intelligence (she graduated from high school early {Ben was fortunate to see her graduate, and is now in medical school).

09/29/2022 17:41:38

my name is awesome It's spelled diff. too ( ashlee) so nobody spells it like that

09/28/2022 11:07:46

My name is Ashley and It's okay but everyone has it...

09/27/2022 13:05:16

My name is Ashley so whoever dont like it is outa their mind... its tha hottest girl name eva

09/27/2022 08:58:24

my mom thought she was being unique when she'spelled my name asheley with an extra E well like all of the othe's i have had an asheley in like all of my classes and my last name is smith which is really common too so that doesnt help and there was another asheley smith in my school so everyone was always confused and she gave me a really bad rep for a while but i love the name and i couldnt think of my name being anthing different i love it

09/21/2022 08:40:26

well to start it off, my name is keely-shae fisher and im 11 years old, i love my name but sometimes people spell it really weird, like my nan spells it keelEy but i dont have an E before the Y. Its pretty cool being named Keely-Shae because people often don't have my name, but when i looked you guys do have alot of keelEy's lol. bye

09/20/2022 20:02:12

ashley is the best name that anyone could ever have. i spell mine "ashley" my nickname is ash, smashley, smashy, and smashalot, yeah i know we're cool

09/20/2022 14:27:10

I love my name, and i only know 4 other Ashley's!! lol

09/18/2022 06:54:28

My Names is Ashley and ya know i always sayy i love this name or i love that name but rly i love the name ashley its just who i am its attached to me.

09/17/2022 02:41:40

yes me 2 my name is Hailee and everybody always spells my name wrong it bugs me but life goes on and i've only met one other hailee in my life

09/16/2022 20:49:00

My name is Ashley Dawn, I was born in 2009. I absolutely, postively, 100%, LOATHE my name. i've always hated my name, for as long as I can remember. My dad wanted to name me Lilliana.

09/14/2022 15:02:06

I have grown to dislike this name. It is so common and I know of at least thirty other Ashley's. My name is Ashley, so it gets very, very annoying. I always had to use my initial so teache's could distinguish between me and the other Ashley's. Whenever I walked down the hallways of school, there was always a Ashley being called, and I always ignored it. My mother could of named be Rhea, a uncommon name compared to Ashley, but of course she had to pick the most common name during the 80's. I also hate how people stereotype this name! Not every Ashley is blonde and a cheerleader or stuck up! People, a recommendation. Wait at least another twenty years and probably named your kid Ashley!

09/09/2022 00:08:24

I'm an Ashley - I love my name. When I was 8, I'moved to England - here for some reason people thinks its a boys name - so I hated it. But now I know its actually a GIRLS name, I'm proud to be an Ashley! I was too was born in 85 (someone else said it above me - or below, dont know how this site works...) So yeah... I love my name!!

08/30/2022 13:08:42

My name is Ashley Sara, and i've always loved my initials, A.S.H. I was born in 1987 and could NEVER find my name on anything. It was very uncommon at that time, at least where I was going to school. I like to think that when I'm old, at least my name will still sound young.

08/29/2022 03:17:24

A plain and ordinary name that doesn't sound very good, either.

08/26/2022 02:05:24

i love this name! you are all just super jealous! bet you rname is something weird like shaki!*jk!

08/22/2022 12:59:42

Wazz up❤️ My name is Maggie but I hate it when people think that my real name is Margaret. I also dont like it when people call me maggot. I also like the meaning of my name pearl;of great value because my daddy said im worth a lot of money. Maggie is unique and not very common so thats why i like it 1

07/26/2022 19:34:48

Well ya.. everyone spells my name: Gabriela.. and I get mad because.. u know its GabrieLLa. i've never met someone with the name with double "L".. but yes with one "L". And u dont usually her my name in my country so I was surprised when I saw that the High School Musical's Gabriella Montez had the'same name.. it was really cool :P

07/22/2022 03:02:06

It would be a nice name if every 99 out of 100 girls weren't named this name. I'm so fortunate I wasn't named Ashley. My name is much, much rarer.

07/15/2022 20:58:30

There should and always will be one Jesus. Do not name your child Jesus. It is a nice name, but there should be only one.

07/14/2022 23:55:48

My male friend is called ashley he will allways now be a girl in my eyes.

07/06/2022 15:32:42

I have a friend named Ashley. I kinda like the name. Mine is Emily and I think those two names go great together as best friends!

07/03/2022 18:00:18

My name is Ashley and i love my name because everyone has it!!! It's so perfect for me and my family loves it to so im happy

06/27/2022 02:47:42

My name is Ashley, just like EVERYONE else's name is Ashley. It's FAR too common. It confuses me when people say "Ashley!" and five or six girls turn around. I like the name, but I don't enjoy the popularity of the name.

06/25/2022 23:20:42

most people say it correctly. my bffs name is ashley too. some peple spell it ashely or ashlee.

06/11/2022 05:14:24

i named my daughter ashley in 2021 and i love it. i only know two other ashley's under the age of 10. one is 6 and the other is 9. it is nice when we go out and normally there arent any other girls with her name

05/28/2022 10:00:36

I think the name "Ashley" is classic and trendy, and why is popular and common bad, that just means alot of people like it, period.

05/05/2022 15:45:18

My name is Ashley and I like it, even'though there is like 2 or 3 other girls with the name of Ashley in my school I still like it!!

04/23/2022 05:27:54

My name is Ashley Marie. It can't get more common than that. I was born in 2008. i've actually learned to tune people out when'they say my name just to avoid the awkwardness of it not being me they meant since it happens so often. Stop being selfish parents and name your child something original instead of something you just think is pretty. It doesn't even have a pretty meaning. if I have a girl in

04/14/2022 17:25:12

My name is Ashley and i am a freshmen in my high school were their are at least six othe's woth my name at times it is realy annoying so i shorteded it to Ash and write ashes on my papers to help my teache's know whos paper it is.

04/13/2022 10:18:36

This name is exotique sounding(especially if you put an accent on top of the e)and is not over'sed. I recommend it to anyone.

04/11/2022 15:18:18

my name is ashley an i LOVE IT!! im the ony gir n my town called ashley which makes me different! an every one comments on my name an thinks it lovely!!

04/09/2022 02:00:00

the name ashley is super awesome!...and yes my name is Ashley..People think its over used but i think thats because its just too nice...people often mispell it to ashely..and i hate that.but i love my name--Ashley!

04/02/2022 18:06:36

My name is Ashly Nicole, my mom and dad wanted my name to be spelled like that not like other ashley's, some of my friends call me ashes,im a Random crazii lovable outgoing and active Kind of ashly

03/20/2022 22:40:12

Wow I go to school with many Kaylees or Kaylies, ect. I never knew that there were so many Kayleighs. I was going to be Kayleigh Grace but I am Kayleigh Erin.

03/13/2022 09:30:00

i have 3 best friends named ashley only they all spell it different, like ashlie and ashlee and ashley so we just call them the ashleys or we call them by there last names...sometimes it gets annoyin...

02/21/2022 13:42:00

My name is pretty cool! You got to admit. It's probably the most popular name ever. It means "my fire"!

02/17/2022 08:08:06

my names Ashley and i hate how popular it is but other than that i like it. my friends call me Ash, Ashalay, Assley, AC, and probally othe's that i cant think of right now. (: and ther's always a ashley in my class and it hate that..

02/12/2022 14:40:30

well im called kayleigh and i guess its pretty different, i cant find a meaning for it anywhere (anyone help❤️) plus i can never find personalised stationary haha but apart from that aye its not bad the pronunciation isnt too nice though, i wish it could be varied like laura (law - rah, lara, etc... =P )

02/09/2022 16:13:12

There is a residental street in Stuart, Martin County, Florida named "Ila Street" in 1925 for a baby born to a family who lived in the neighorhood. The'street is still there.

02/06/2022 04:57:18

I love the name ashley because of its origin, i think it is a populer name but everyone remebers it!

02/02/2022 17:41:24


01/31/2022 21:46:12

I absolutely love it! It is so pretty, and yea, its popular because of this. I ask, how can you not like this beautiful name❤️

01/28/2022 17:49:30

When I was little, I used to hate my name, because it was so different from everyone else's... it wasn't Cris, or Nick, or Mike. Now, however, I wouldn't want a different name! I love how while there are other Nathans out there, we're still pretty few-and-far-between, and consequently, I am rarely confused with anybody else. Most people just call me Nate, which is pretty easy to remember, and hard to mess-up. One thing I hate, however, is how some people INSIST that my full name must really be Nathaniel... well, It's not! It's just Nathan. Anyway, the worst was when somebody asked me if "Nate" was short for: "Nath-ahh-neel." Classic.

01/23/2022 02:24:18

yes my name is brian and i like it alot. ive never nad anyone mispronounce it. and i do know alot of people named brian. there are 6 brians on my street

12/29/2021 02:09:54

Yeah my name is Ayla And it is soo cool. I have only met one other girl named Ayla my parents got my name off of the mobie Clan Of the Cave bears. Chea!!!

12/17/2021 09:15:36

Although I agree that the "Ashley" is a very common name I still love it because my mom decided to make an original name'somewhat unique, she'spelled my name "Ashleigh" and I love it!

12/11/2021 07:46:30

My name is Ashley...and I have not only looked at the popularity rating given here, but also in records that I work with most often...and you can bet if you come across the name Ashley...not all, but most of these females were probably born between '85 and '89. For some reason the late eighties tended to make this name a trend. Everyone wanted to name their babies Ashley. I was born in 86...I like the name, but as stated previously by othe's, its pretty common...having had three or four friends in my life named Ashley...

12/09/2021 00:52:30


12/06/2021 13:24:00

My Name is Ashley and thats the only reason im okay with it

12/06/2021 11:34:12

I'm proud of my name. And for some odd reason, I love hearing Scarlett O'Hara say it in "Gone with the Wind." I love it as both a boy's and girl's name, and I think more boys should be named Ashley.

12/01/2021 09:52:30

well, i love my name, because its spelt differently . im somewhat heartbroken, to see that there are so many other hailee's with the'same spelling. well i guess im original still.. just not by name. so to all you hailee's .. keep on rockin' the world .. one hailee at a time.

11/22/2021 07:11:24

Don't name your child Ashley. And don't do any of those cutesy spellings that make it more "unique" because when it comes right down to it, Ashley (or Ashlee, Ashlea, Ashleigh or any other butchering you can think of) is the most bland and common name available. You may think it's pretty but there is nothing more annoying than sitting in a classroom with five other Ashleys of various spellings, wishing your name was in some way or another different from the majority. If you really MUST get this god awful name on your child's birth certificate at least make it hyphenated with something that sucks less or as a middle name. Trust me on this one. Almost all of my friends say that Ashley doesn't fit me in any way and is so common and boring that they just call me by my last name or "Ash" - which, by the way, has also been ruined by Pokemon. Do your kid a favor and just avoid it all together. Oh, Marie as a middle name is way over used. Stop it.

11/15/2021 23:18:00

I was born in 1997, after a character in my mothe's favorite story 'gone with the wind' (the character is a guy but she loved It'so much) - I do not dislike the name, except when people say the word 'actually' - I respond to that a lot if people do not enunciate..

11/07/2021 01:11:24

My name's Ashley Jane, just like someone up there ^^ haha But I guess I loveeed my name when I was little but now I kinda don't like it because there are like 4 Ashley's in every class. It's a bit over'sed but apparently people find it a beautiful name. (:

11/03/2021 04:46:30

I'm Ashlee-Marie and I absolutely LOVE my name I'm the only Ashlee in my class but it does get confusing when someone says actually

11/01/2021 16:10:30

My name is Ashley, and I get ashalleee asherly ashaley ashlah !!

10/21/2021 19:24:00

i really hate my name. It's boring and too many people have it. xP It's an okay name otherwise, i just... don't like it for me. at all. especially the negative stereotypes people seem to associate with it. -.-

09/12/2021 20:16:12

I love my name!!! i dont know why! i just love the way It'sounds! but it is really popular!!

09/11/2021 13:09:36

omg, ok well my name is ashlie too, but i dont see how all u people are like i love my name, haters are just jealous. i hate having this name, why would i want the'same name as like ALL my friends. or like a bunch of other ppl. i hate it!!!

09/06/2021 07:48:18

My name's Ashley, and I absolutely hate it. I think of myself as a very original person, and my name pretty much takes away from my originality. I know 8 other ashleys, and it gets me so annoyed.

08/28/2021 06:57:00

My names Ashley, i prefer Ashlee. I never think too much about my name, tho it is very common. im 18 and have always known at least 3 other ashleys in my class. my middle name is anne, which is even more common. (ashley anne).

08/26/2021 00:03:00

my names ashley , wouldnt wanna b called anyfink elce . its boys and girls name . it dont bother me.

08/25/2021 17:38:42

i like my name but it is just a lot of ashley's in my school i spell my name like ashley

08/14/2021 13:33:00

I love my name even'though so many people have this name It's still a great name to have.

07/20/2021 20:37:48

my name is Ashley my middle name is nicole i was born in 1999 when it was most popular a lot of people do have my name i was in a class in middle school i was new and moved there my teached asked me my name i said ashley he'said how many people in here are named ashley too 5 girls raised there hands haha

07/16/2021 02:15:18

This name is weird...the'spelling anyway. My cousin is called Aleyce

07/15/2021 18:01:12

My name is Ashley and every single one I have met is pretty. It'sounds very classy. No one has ever misspelled my name(you would think with so many people thinking it is popular they woud have it down by now, right❤️❤️❤️❤️). This was definitely an 80's name. My mom chose well.

07/07/2021 09:38:06

I like it even'though in 4th grade there was 3 other people named Ashley. it kind of got confusing. but we all hang out and our classmates would call us the ashley club

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Ashley FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Ashley?
The origin of the name Ashley is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Ashley?
Ash Meadow
*️⃣ How many people are named Ashley?
Almost 864000 people are named Ashley.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Ashley?
The names of Austin, Austyn, Aston, Austen, Auston