
Britt meaning

: From Britanny, Britain

Britt Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \b-ri-tt\
Number of People 👶 8,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 12,312
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 Scandinavian
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Britt Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Britt
Additional description of the name Britt
"Britt" is a beautiful name for boys And girls that has Scandinavian origin. Meaning of the name Britt is: "From Britanny, Britain".

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Comments on the name Britt
11/09/2023 19:55:52

I kno a hilljack named Britt, he has a turd truck that don't work and does mass chew tobacco. Britt is a 4sure hillbilly name and should be saved for the boondocks of Kentucky

10/30/2023 07:46:28

However can a boy be named after a '60s and '70s sex-symbol like Britt Ekland AKA the ex-Mrs Peter'sellers and one-time girlfriend of Rod Stewart❤️ It's bad enough having a boy named Sue, as in'that Johnny Cash classic hit!

09/16/2023 21:21:02

my name is britt too, and I'm defin'tly a girl. It's a bIt'sad really. no one ever beli'ves me that It's just britt and n't..brittany.

09/09/2023 18:18:26

My name is Britt too and I'm also a girl. I think You're right when you say It's annoying that people don't beli've you when you say your name Isn't Brittany or Brittney or whatever

03/09/2023 20:23:24

I named my first child Brittany, only because it could be shortened to Britt......I have always loved the name Britt!

07/24/2022 13:35:42

In Norway Britt is a GIRL name! I will n't have thiss!!!

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Britt FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Britt?
The origin of the name Britt is Scandinavian.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Britt?
From Britanny, Britain
*️⃣ How many people are named Britt?
Almost 8000 people are named Britt.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Britt?
The names of Elijah, Nevaeh, Sarah, Bryan, Sonia