Gender | 👩 Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \c(a)-roli-ne, car(o)-line\ |
Number of People | 👶 233,000 |
Rate in 2021 | 187 |
Numerology | 🔢 5 |
Name origin | 🌍 English |
The name ‘’ Caroline ‘’ is a common French name meaning ‘’ Freeman ‘’. ‘’.
The popularity of the name Caroline
This name’s popularity peaked about one century ago when ‘’ Caroline ‘’ ranked within the top 100 names for girls. On February 2020, the search trend for ‘’ Caroline ‘’ reached its peak 100 and the lowest record was 41 on February 2013 and December 2014.
This name has been searched the most in France. Also other names similar to ‘’ Caroline ‘’ have grown in popularity mostly among French parents.
Popular personalities may impact the name selection process due to their fame and wealth all around the world.
famous people named Caroline
‘’ Caroline Howard Gilman ‘’ is an American writer. ‘’ Caroline Herschel ‘’ is a German astronomer. ‘’ Caroline Bardua ‘’ is a German painter. ‘’ Caroline Bonaparte ‘’ The Queen Consort of Joachim, King Naples. ‘’ Caroline Muller ‘’ is a Swedish singer. ‘’ Caroline Clive ‘’ is an English writer and ‘’ Caroline Abraham ‘’ is an artist based in New Zealand.
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Caroline is not so common. Most people say Carolyn. If they do call me Carolyn , I will correct them. The only people that call me Caroline are the ones I work with. My family calls me Carol. Although I had a great-aunt named Caroline, I was named after Caroline Kennedy and Princess Caroline.
I'm a Caroline in the UK. I never used to like the name but as i've got older It's grown on me. People often call me Carolyn by accident and unfortunately some people shorten it to Caz.
I changed my name to Caroline from Carrie many years ago. I have never regretted the change. I love my name. It is a name that I feel happy with as I get older. I like first names that are not so popular that they seem common or ordinary or that date a person, while at the'same time I like names that have a long history and are known in various versions throughout Europe. I also like to choose names that could conceivably be a name of one of one's ancestors, or someone who is really smart, or a king or queen. I also like the idea of choosing a longer name for a baby, giving the child the option of choosing a shorter nickname if they wish when'they are older. The name Caroline meets all of my stringent requirements.
I named my baby Caroline last year. She is now 15 months. It is a BEAUTIFUL name! Unfortunately, some people pronounce it Carolyn... which I dont understand because Caroline is not an uncommon name! But aside from that, I have been very happy with her name.
My name is Caroline. People often call me "Carolyn." I have even signed emails "Caroline," only to receive a reply that opens "Dear Carolyn," etc. While I have been introduced to only two or three Carolyns in my lifetime, I have attended school with over five different Carolines and encountered many more. I realize my experience is not representative of the greater population; however, I wonder how Caroline can be so common and yet so consistently mispronounced and misspelled.
I love this name and named one of my twin daughters Caroline. It is beautiful and feminine.
My mom's name is Karoline. That is how most people would spell it in Norway. The odd part is that we live in Alberta and there is a town called Caroline, Alberta.
I'm sorry to say but I am very glad that my name is Carolyn and *not* Caroline! People sometimes mistakenly call me or address me by mail as Caroline. I don't like any name that has the word line in it. At least Carolyn is a combination of two women's names,Carol and Lyn but line doesn't sound nice and no woman would be named line!
my name is Caroline i love my name i know 2 more girl that are named Caroline and only 1 of them comes to mt school. i hate being called Carolyn my teacher Mrs. Deming calls me Carolyn and when i tell her It's Caroline she'said that'she'said that'she called me Caroline sometimes i want to have a different name but i really do LOVE Caroline
my name is also caroline, and i love it. the 1800th feel to it, and the uniquness. many people still accidently call me carolyn or carolina, but over all many people dont get confused. the only thing i dislike is how popular its gotten! :)
I love my name, I get annoyed when I'm called Carolyn just because my name's CaroLINE. I don't mind being called Caro though.
my friend caroline is a bot, therefore i hate the name
my name's Caroline :D When I was younger I always wished my name was Lucy or Kate,and I still like those names, but not I like Caroline as well ;)
My sister's name is Caroline AND LINE CAN BE IN A NAME! I know a Line so it can be a single name. Caroline is my sister's name
My name is "Karolyne". My parent's changed to spelling of Caoline to Karolyne. I love my name and would never change it but i ALWAYS have to correct teache's on how to say it.
Also line sounds harsh and sounds like a line on a page or waiting in line in a store!
I'm French. My daughter, now 18, is called like that. You have to pronounce it Ca-ro-leen, not lyne. It's a very classical name in France but not so common now and I still love it but everyone calls her Caro (even me now!) and I don't like that nickname. The "o" at the end is hard contrarily to the -line in the entire name, so I hope you will not use that nickname. Do you have another one to suggest, and not Carole, that I hate❤️ Note that my daughter is so used to be called Caro that she told me a few days ago that she found it strange when I said Caroline!
My youngest daughter is named Caroline. My Dr. always asks if she fits her name "Sweet Caroline" from the'song. Most of the time she does, but at 2 the horror movie "Carrie" sometimes makes a showing. We picked this name'so that her personality would fit it with either name/nickname. I wasn't planning on calling her Cara but her older'sister'started that and we do sometimes too!
I LOVE my name - It's classic but not as common as other classic names. I am often called Carolyn and I never understand why people don't seem to get the difference between'the names. Carolyn sounds tacky to me, but Caroline is feminine and classy.
Omigod I love that name. It's just so regal and gorgeous! Definately my number #1 choice for my future daughter. Her nn would be Cara.
I use to hate my name growing up, but growing older I have learned to love my name because it is so unique.
this is my name and while growing up I had have problem with people with the pronoucing of my name'some persns spell it Donica and Daneka and some very wierd spelling but anyways I still love my name because I think it is special
My name is Caroline, as well, and I adore it. I used to hate it when I was really little, and wished I had a really common name like Emily or Katie, but now as I teenager, Caroline fits me to a tee. No one calls me anything but Caroline, and though people often confuse it for 'Carolyn' and 'Carolina,' I always correct them and refuse to answer to either name. ^_^ At one point a friend tried to shorten my name to Caro, but that lasted only a few months before I was Caroline again. I think It's a beautiful name.
Caroline is my name and as a child I felt it ws stuffy but as an adult - I adore it. I get compliments all the time on how classy and beautiful my name is. People will try to call you Carol though.
My name is Caroline. When I was little, I wanted to be called by my middle name (Grace) SO BAD! I HATED Caroline. Nobody knew how to say it! When I got older, people got better about it. It's not so bad anymore;) I'd much rather be a CAROLINE than a CAROLYN!!
My name is Caroline. My initials are CAB! Funny, huh❤️ I don't go by any nicknames tohugh my parents have tried getting away with calling me Caro or Carrie. My sister calls me Caz every chance she gets. But luckily my friends from school just dont care. :)!
my name is Caroline. i kind of like my name. people often mispronounce it though.
I named my daughter Caroline because I thing it is the most beautiful name in the world. It is regal and feminine & it fits her perfectly. Sometimew people mistakenly call her Carolyn, but we correct them. We like to call her the whole name with the emphasis on the last syllable - we never call her Carrie.
Caroline is a pretty name. I love the nickname Carrie. Famous people with this name are Princess Caroline of Monaco and Caroline Kennedy.
I like the'spelling of 'Caroline' but pronounced as 'Carolyn'. How mental is that❤️ In Holland they pronounce it 'Cuh-roh-lEE-neh'
my name is caroline and i love it! but, like the othe's, people call me carolyn all the time and it bugs me so much! caroline is definately a better name
My younger'sister is Caroline...mum and dad debated over what to name her for about a week, but soon settled on Caroline Louise. As kids we called her Carrie but when she'started school she was always referred to as Caz - and has stuck with it ever'since! :-)
My name is Caroline and I love it though I'm called Kim by my friends and family. My mother insisted that if I was to have a nickname, it would not be Carol, and picked Kim the name of a childhood friend.
I'm sorry to say but I am very glad that my name is Carolyn and *not* Caroline! Peole sometimes mistakenly call me or address me by mail as Caroline. I don't like any name that has the word line in it. At least Carolyn is a combination of two women's names,Carol and Lyn but line doesn't sound nice and no woman would be named line!
i really love this name, so i chose it as my English name when i was in high school 7 years ago. It'sounds elegant and beautiful~~
I LOVE THIS NAME (maybe thats only becuase it is mine...)! Its very pretty.
My sister's name is Caroline, and she loves it, we both have rather old fasioned names and I think that is great.
I love my name (even'though you don't hear it often). When my family lived in Germany these last few years, it was often mispronounced and spelled the wrong way. I have only heard of three other girls named Caroline and only one of them personally. I think it is a beautiful name and I'm glad It's mine.
I love the name Caroline. That is the only name my husband and i agree on. I want it to be pronounced care-oh-line
My name's Cassie but i've always wanted to be named Caroline, it just sounds so full and fun to write and uniqe enough so that people know it but It's not over used like Britney or Rachel. (My best friends names) Ha. :) Over all It's a cool and uncommon name that you can get lost in.
I really like this name! Similar to carolyn but i like this version better.
My Mama's name is Caroline and I love her'so much. Everytime I hear that name every bit of her aura just comes to my soul and makes me smile. It's a very femine, sweet, gentle name.
My daughter is named Caroline. I get more compliments on her name. People always stop for a second after I tell them her name and then they say OH, (like it's a name they don't hear often)what a beautiful name......hey if Jackie O and Princess Grace named their daughters wrong can you go❤️
Caroline is my name. And It's the bomb. Until people pronounce it "Carolyn". And that's no good at all. But the name Caroline is common enough so that people have heard it before, but not enough so that there's multiple Carolines in classes, etc. I love it!
My name is Caroline! It's an awesome Name! I'm 12, and in school there are like 3 madisons! When someone calls one of them they have to say something like Madison P, or Madison R! Caroline is more unique!
Sweet Caroline! It's been attributed on some sIt's as meaning "song of happiness; joy."
my name is caroline and i do love my name :) sometimes im abIt'self conscious as my friends have more up to date names, and now at uni im known as 'cass'. but ill always love being caroline :)
My friends name is caroline and it means 'beautiful woman' or 'feminine'. :) It think its a cute name. ^^
My name is Caroline and I love love love it. I like it much better then Carolyn even'though that is what I am ALWAYS called! I am proud of my name and I want it to be used correctly. Sometimes my teache's call on me and they say "Carolyn" so I say "CaroLINE actually" and they say "Oh, sorry Carolyn." :/
I am a "Caroline" and it is very frustrating to be called "Carolyn" or "Carolina". i've even had It'shortened to Caro or Carol. All of which are unacceptable. When I was younger, I would let it go, as I get older, I correct it each time. Growing up, friends would call the house asking for "Carolyn" and my mother would tell them they had the wrong number.
If we ever have a girl, this will be her name. She will be named after my sister who passed away 10 years ago. I love it, and love the meaning. You don't hear it a lot,and it sounds timeless, not trendy.
my name is Caroline and teache's always call me carolyn and i try to correct them.. but sometimes i just cant correct them enough
My Names Caroline Caz for short i love it i was the only one in many of my schools with it and the only one in the little town i grew up in hated it when i was little cause it was so long but now i love it!!
My 2 year old daughter is Caroline McKay. It is not very common here so that is why we chose that name. I do get aggravated when people say "Carolyn" but it happens all the time. Sure didnt think about that. But I love the name and it fits her perfect. Very southern.
I love my name!Whenever I tell people my name, they always sing, "Sweet Caroline." My older cousin got married last summer and her name was Caroline. They played that song at the wedding reception. I wish all the Carolines in the world would meet up at a stadium, and then they would play that wonderful song!
My mom's name is Caroline. She likes it except when people are always pronouncing it Carolyn or even spelling it that way.
My name is Caroline and like many commenters have said, lots of older people call me Carolyn and even write it on papers, addresses, and in emails. I hate that pronunciation as It'sounds old and like a 40-60 year old aunt. No hate on 40-60 year old aunts, I just feel like a 19 year old shouldn't be called that. I also can't stand the'song "Sweet Caroline' because it was constantly played for me. Family tends to call me Caro or Liney, and i've used CeCe instead of Caroline C. when'there are multiple Carolines. i've had a significant other refer to me as Caro and Car, which I thought was cute but the latter always sounded weird to me. I think my name works for all ages and will continue to fit me as I age.
I have a close friend called Caroline, she is the most helpful and thoughtful person I have met, she is crazy, loud and extremly loveable.
I know a woman named Caroline...she goes by Caro. I really like that nickname.
i love my name Caroline .. its so unique and i definitely agree to the previous Carol who said if we could all meet. just hearing my name makes me feel special I love it, and love the meaning not trendy. its wonderful
Thank you so much we have finally decided what to name our baby. This site has been a huge help. Thank you again.
It was my great-grandmother and mother's name. I always liked it. My mother was very specific that it be pronounced CARE-OH-LINE, not Carolyn.
sweet caroline...(8)
My names Caroline, but everyone calls me Cari. I think names that are old fashioned look and sound a lot better. Personally, Jacqueline looks a lot more sophisticated that Jaclyn.
My name is Caroline and I love it! I was the only Caroline in my graduating class. Now that I'm in college, there are more Carolines. However, everyone calls me Carolyn. It's so annoying, but I tell them to pronounce it like It's spelled. CaroLINE.
My middle name is Caroline and i love it so much... i got it from my great grandmother who's middle name was Carolina
my name is caroline also, and i agree with all of us who correct those who cannot pronounce what is clearly written in black and white. my husband used to get mad at me but it is MY name not his that is being abused. it would also happen with my daughters name, Kristin. how hard is that!
This is my daughters name and i found it in a magazine. Drives me crazy when people say ' from the french fI'm Amelie' errr no i never'seen'the fI'm and dont have a habbit of watching french fI'ms ! We love this name and i have come across other children with the name in the'south of UK but never up North. When people ask my daughters name they always mistake it with Emily put i dont mind i just correct them. Fab name highly reccomended but not to everyone as i chose it because its not common and i dont want it to become popular !!!
How special it is to be part of the elite number of people with this truly individual name. Thankyou mother, for this blessing.
I love the name; It's elegant. My parents shortened it to Cal which I also love, when I was a child. This was before the fI'm ❤️Cal❤️ came out in Ireland. I like it that it is not too popular.
My name is Caroline and I love it. I was named after Caroline Kennedy. I prefer girls names that do not end in the letter a. Caroline is a strong name, but femimine and sphistcated at the'same time.
I call my bff named Caroline Car b/c its the 1st 3 letters and its her initials