
Dakoda meaning

: friend or ally.

Dakoda Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \d(a)-ko-da\
Number of People 👶 4,000
Rate in 2021 3437
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 American
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Dakoda Name Meaning

The name Dakoda carries with it a striking significance: "friend" or "ally". With roots in the Sioux language, it is an indirect testament to building bonds and forging friendships, exhibiting the user as personable and amiable at heart. The name encapsulates a sense of camaraderie and solidarity, thereby bestowing connotations of companionship and amicability.

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Comments on the name Dakoda
01/14/2024 00:00:00

Dakoda is my son's name....for years we usually would just call him Koda Bear but now that he is seven and a half we tend to just call him often people tend to spell it wrong but hey what can u expect, it really is a very common name of a state and a truck. But i love the name and spelling with the 'd 'just to be a little unique. ns from ns

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My son's name is Dakoda and we have also called him Koda Bear since he was born. He is 5 now but he has a world of possibilities for nicknames if he doesn't like it. Koda, Dak, Dax, Kody, etc. The only problems we have run into is of course the misspelling and once there was a girl in his class named Dakota.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my daughters name is dakoda! i love It'she is only 6 mos. old as of now but so we dont know what she thinks but i love it!!!

01/11/2024 16:10:08

This is my name and spelled the'same and my mom was going to name me Jasmine

11/30/2023 04:57:44

Sorry, But I am really n't fond of this name. It'sounds like a great name for a pet, but n't for a person.

11/26/2023 02:30:34

I named my now 8month old son Dakoda. It'seems to of fit his personality. We've nicked named him Koda Bear and he loves when youu call him that. Its a great name

11/18/2023 22:52:42

My son's name is Dakoda. Yes, everyone wants to spell it like the'state. We picked it because of the meaning and we wanted to called him "Koda" for short. We haven't meet everyone yet that's spells it the'same way. Elizabethtown, KY

10/19/2023 03:09:36

They spell it with a k instead of a c. Most people think that I'm very serious but not all the time.

10/18/2023 19:31:08

My name is Dakoda because my parents wanted my name to be unique. Almost everyone spells it wrong, but I just correct them nicely and move on. i've always been called Koda bear by my mom, lol.

10/14/2023 04:08:06

Name your children whatever you want and don't let anyone make you feel weird or bad about it either!

09/30/2023 12:09:18

My daughter's name is Dakoda...I think it is beautiful & more girls should have it.

09/29/2023 07:03:36

I usually get called Dak by people I know, I have to say my name twice for people to understand... It's a good name, It's just uncommon which makes people take two looks at it.

09/11/2023 11:09:28

My daughters name is Dakoda,and she is a wonderful little girl.Yes everyone wants to spell it with a T ,even family that has known her'since birth. She also knows a little boy named dakoda.He is 3years old. My girl is going to be 7 in July.

08/26/2023 08:59:16

my grand daughter is called Dakoda. Has had problems with names like Dak, Dakkie and things like Dopey Dakkie

05/02/2023 14:16:06

I named my son Dakoda and we call him Koda for short. Everyone seems to like the name. The only problem I have with it is that right after I had him the nurse told me it was a girl's name. And whenever I talk to new people they ask what my kid's names are and then'they think Dakoda is a 'she' so I have to correct them. I didn't even know any girls named Dakoda until Dakota Fanning became popular. But I still really like the name for my son and love the meaning of the name as well.

01/24/2023 23:05:32

I have a 13yr old named dakoda, love the name and spelling. seems every one want's to spell it the way the want (dakota), I have corrected many times.

01/07/2023 16:07:16

My four year old daughter is named Dakoda. I adore this name and It's suits her perfectly.. She is nicknamed Koda and DL ( middle name'starts with a L)

12/02/2022 07:51:32

i love the name n't just beacuse It's mine but yea i love it

12/01/2022 09:13:46

Ive only met 2 other people. People usually spell it "Dakota"... which annoys me... and uh some people say it like "Duh-Co-Ta"... people call me dak sometimes... It doesnt bother me, little kids try annoying me by calling my Dakkie...And uh, I used to n't like this name but Ive grown'to like it. I think its a good name.

10/13/2022 12:19:08

Its a fine name I guess but people shouldn't get mad when someone spells it wrong. Just because you ccan't spell or don't care does n't make it a word.

09/29/2022 13:52:24

In 2015 I was in basketball finals for my age group of 9 year olds and when we won my prize had my name'spelt DAKOTA It's so annoying when people spell it wrong.

09/05/2022 06:12:36

I know a dakoda and he'smells bad, that is why i dont like the name.

05/07/2022 10:45:36

I would have to give this name a thumbs up! This is the name I gave my oldest son. I wanted something that was uncommon but n't too off the wall. Everyone I'meet seems to really like it. The only problem I have found is that everyone spells it D-a-k-o-t-a like the'state. That is how we pronounce it, so I can see why. But I still like It'spelled with a 'd'.

03/12/2022 10:37:30

my name is dakoda i was born March 18 2009 i have never met any body with my name only dakota if youmdont like it kiss my ass

12/26/2021 01:52:48

Many people I know spell it wrong, I cant beli've how many people think it is spelled Dakota, but it is Dakoda n't DAKOTA. I am a girl and sometimes people are confused when i say my name is Dakoda. I don't meet many othe's with the name Dakoda but I have met many people with the name Dakota. people have asked me if I would change my name to Dakota if I could, but I wouldn't. I love my name and how different it is I would never change it to Dakota.

12/09/2021 09:06:36

I named my new son 'Dakoda' and we think it is a fab, original name with lots of possibilIt's in'the future to shorten if needed... We think its a really cool original name... you wont find many around so if your named Dakoda you have a very special name " a friend to all'

09/22/2021 14:30:36

People con'tantly mispell my name (they spell it with a T in'tead of a D at the end)

07/23/2021 23:39:36

My son's name is Dakoda. With the popularity of "Dakota" growing because of Dakota Fanning, we wanted to be a bit different. Now Dakoda Dowd has started to become a rising golf star and I'm sure this spelling will become more popular as well. I am hoping in a few years, people won't misspell it as often.

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Dakoda FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Dakoda?
The origin of the name Dakoda is American.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Dakoda?
friend or ally.
*️⃣ How many people are named Dakoda?
Almost 4000 people are named Dakoda.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Dakoda?
The names of Kenny, Tamisha, Tamesha, Danisha, Tameshia