Gender | 👩🧑 Boy And Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \ha(d)-ley\ |
Number of People | 👶 34,000 |
Rate in 2021 | ⭐ 278 |
Numerology | 🔢 10 |
Name origin | 🌍 English |
The characteristics of the name Hadley:
They love to make money and spend as much. They are creative and productive people. Most of the time, they act on their instincts and feelings. They like to act alone. Sometimes they can be skeptical people. Succumbing to their doubts can create problems
He is a natural leader. He has his own opinions and thoughts. He does not make decisions under the influence of other people. He does not shy away from taking responsibility and duties. They are brave people. However, in some cases, they should not control their courage and make decisions immediately, be flexible and take into account the opinions of other people.
They do not like to act without thinking. Perfectionist people. It is very important for them to be systematic and organized. However, at times, this can make them stubborn. They are quite successful under pressure. They know how to overcome difficulties.
They are very aggressive people. They decide according to the direction of events. They like to learn by doing. They are very honest and tolerant people. They love to do good. They love to travel. They may also have clumsiness due to their attacks.
They are people of love. They live for love. They are very fond of their freedom. They love to live life. They love to have fun outside with their friends. They have the ability to see and evaluate events from different aspects. They are objective thinkers.
They are people who are very fond of their freedom. They don't like rules. They prefer to do what they know. Their passion and courage enable them to act naturally and comfortably. They don't worry too much about what other people drop. They are stylish people. A little patience while making decisions can prevent them from making mistakes. However, they never stop trusting your intuition.
Horoscope for the Name Hadley
The most distinctive feature of his character is stubbornness. His nickname is “goat”. It is impossible to make you do anything by force. Therefore, you do not listen to the words of those who warn you. This sometimes causes you to make mistakes and make you sad. Apart from your stubbornness, you are a devoted person to your family. The most valuable person for you is your mother. You take his behavior as an example. Your self-confidence and leadership ability make you have a respectable place in the society. You continue the success you have achieved in human relations in your business life. The traits you look for in the opposite sex are loyalty and honesty.
What Are the Advantages of the Name Hadley?
Although each individual has different advantages, the general advantages of people with the name Hadley are: Calm, Sociable, Strong, Talented, Emotional, Traveler.
What Are the Disadvantages of the Name Hadley?
Although each individual has different disadvantages according to their own, the disadvantages of people with the name Hadley in general are that they are Panic, Aggressive, Powerless, Gluttonous, Unnecessarily Stubborn, Living in the Past.
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My daughters name is, Hadley Brooke. I loved the name. Heard it on a movie. I have never neet another yet.
Expecting a girl in January 2016 and we're calling her Hadley Megan. My fianc❤️ and I are huge Ernest Hemingway fans so his first wife's name'seemed a natural and meaningful fit. The Megan part is after his (my fianc❤️'s) grandmother. Being from the UK, there Isn't really many people with Hadley as a first name. It's more common as a surname. But I love it! It's strong and when'teamed with a girly middle name it becomes really feminine. We've had so many compliments already and she's not even here yet!
My name is heather Nichole(meaning "a flower")so when I got pregnant and found out I was having a girl I decided I wanted to name her after me. I was searching and searching for the perfect name and picked out 3 or 4 names that'started with an H that I liked(one of them being hadleigh). So then I looked at their meanings and when I saw that hadleigh meant "a field of heather" I knew that was the perfect name. So her name is hadleigh Nichole I am so proud of her name and it means a lot to me.
My beautiful little girl's name is Hadleigh Elise. I love her name and so does everyone who knows her :)
Love the name, saw it at the Hemingway Home in Key West and thought it was so unique. Hadley Hemingway was Ernest's first wife's name. I have now named my Cava-Tzu puppy this name. Hadley Rae Hemingway.Added Rae (my middle name'so name initials would be HRH of Tidewater. Her Royal Highness :)
I'm trying to name my niece Hadley, so far so good!
We are naming our baby Kael. i've seen it pronounced key-l but we are pronouncing it like Kale, the vegetable.
My last name is Hadley and I love it! I have more people mispronounce and spell my first name wrong then my last name lol I'm a female and never got teased or a dumb nickname because of it either
I am naming my daughter Hadley Faith after Ernest Hemingway's wife.
i would love to name my baby hadley if It's a girl! :)
My name is Hadley Gail. I am named after two family members. Everyone thinks my name is very unique and beautiful. People are naming their children and grandchildren after me! I love my name.
I'm a writer and use baby-name-books to help when characters can't name the'selves. i've written a beautiful series with a character named Hadley and everyone agrees her name is perfect.
We named our daughter Hadley Blythe. I love that both names are english surnames and how feminine and cheerful they sound. We originally wanted blythe as the first name, but decided it would make a better middle name with its one syllable. Hadley is a classy choice for a girl of any age.
One woman who was WAY ahead of her time with this name was Hadley Richardson, Ernest Hemingway's first wife (they were married from 1921 until their 1927 divorce) and the mother of Jack Hemingway and grandmother of actresses Mariel and Margaux. Hadley is also the'surname of Eighties band Spandau Ballet frontman Tony Hadley.
Hadley is my maiden name. My husband and I are expecting our first child and I would love to use It'some how, even'though It'sometimes sounds funny to me as a first name'since I grew up with it as my last name.
My little girls name In Hadley Reannen, she was born 4/07, and I have had lots of compliments on her name. i chose the name because I though I was being unique,I have since met one other person with that name and heard of other (But they could have been'the'same person). I hope the name Hadley does not get to popular, I like that'she is the only Hadlay in town. Her'sisters name in Serena which in another name that was unique when I chose it, but is getting more popular.
I fell in love with the name Hadley even before I became pregnant with my daughter for one cause it means field of Heather and Heather is my name and two I just loved how different it was. So when I finally became pregnant thru Invitro and found out I was having a girl I knew it was meant to be.
Hadley is my maiden name and its also the name we have chose if we ever have a baby girl
It's my surname ("Had-lee"). i've had people mispronounce it frequently. i've been called "Ha-duh-lee" and "Hayd-lee" more often'than I can count. (And some people just never get it right, no matter how often'they try.) The one that always surprises me is "Hard-lee." What's with the R❤️
my name is hadley and im a guy so i dont really like it because It'seems to be a girls name.
My daughter's name is Hadley Margaret. She was born in 2015. We have only met a handful of Hadleys. We love the name because it is a strong yet feminine name.
My maiden name is Hadley and my grand daughter has Hadley as her first name. My son wanted his daughter to carry on his Grand father's name and my Dad would have been'thrilled if he was still with us. I then was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I love knowing that my grand daughter who is due 5/14/12 will have my maiden name as her first name. Her full name is Hadley Mae Stoner.
We had a baby girl last week and decided upon this name as I am half French and wanted to pass on some French heritage to our child. It is also my French grandmother's name. I know that'she will experience some problems with people not being able to spell or pronounce her name properly, but I have also been down that route with a French name and have never had a problem. It's good to use some of these less obvious names!
Hadley is one of our top picks for baby girl #2 (due in November). We love it!
I am pregnant with our fourth child, third girl in a row. The other girls are named Lillian Fae and Emma Louise. We are seriously considering naming this baby Hadley Christine. We LOVE it, but we are running into a bit of a glitch. My maiden name is Hadley and we are worried that our family or friends who knew me prior to our marriage will think It's too much of a stretch since they are already familiar with it as a surname. We would love to name her Hadley, but I feel slightly self-conscious about it, like the family won't ever be ab;e to separate it from LONG historical family surname to our daughter's name. Any input would be cher'shed!!!
My name is Hadley. I was born in 1991, and I was named aftr a town in England. My parents lived in England for a year in 1989 or 1990(I can't remember which year it was. It was one of the two), and they passed through a town called "Hadleigh", and my mother decided that if she ever had a little girl, she would give it that name. My parents did have a daughter(me!), and my mother changed the'spelling from "Hadleigh" to "Hadley". When I was younger, I used to not like my name, because it is so unusual. I was tthe only "Hadley" in all of my classes, until high school Algebra II, when'there was another girl in the class named, "Hadley". That is the only time that I ever had to be referred to as "Hadley" and then'th first initail of my last name. I have heard of a few other "Hadleys" in my life, but not that many, maybe three or four, including myself. I like my name now, because ❤️I get lots of compliments on it. People say, "Oh, is that your name, I love it"! People often ask me if it is a family name, to which I explain to them how I got my name. I hope that the name "Hadley" desn't become popular like that name "Emily". There are oodles and oodles of girls named, Emily, and I would not want lots and lots of girls named "Hadley", because is IS such a unique name, and you don't hear it very often, at least, I don't. :)
My girls are Kylie Anne and Hadley Grace. I just love her name and it fits her!
I love this name ~ I'm almost hoping for a girl now so I can use the name Hadley, LOL. :-)
hadley is a cool name my cuzins name is hadly guess my aunt wanted a "diferent" name lol but its pretty cool name
My name is Hadley Elizabeth, I'm 40, and named after Ernest Hemmingway's first wife. It's sometimes confused for a male name'so I often include my middle name. When I was a kid I wished I could find things with my name on it but obviously not an issue once I grew up. It's easy to pronounce when It's read, but people don't often listen and hear all sorts if other names when I speak. Doesn't bother me, I like the uniqueness and that It'sounds strong. Hadleigh seems like a more feminine way of spelling it, but loses the unisex nature.
I named my youngest daughter Hadley, I fell in love with the name when I first heard it. I am always complimented on how beautiful of a name it is.
My daughter is five and named Hadley Ann, I knew years ago I wanted a child named Hadley! I too got it from Hemmingway...I loved the way he wrote about her, and het character! My Hadley also has red hair and freckles, cute one and only! We have only met one other but we do get a lot of compliments!
Hadley is the name I have picked for my first born girl. I love it. It is feminine, sweet and fairly unusual but not too unusual. Plus it is easy to spell and say. I love it!
My name is Hadley Paige ! I think its an awsome name and its unique ! So if you dont like it... oh well cause I DO(:
My name is Hadley and I love this name! It's unique and even'though some people have never heard it before or mispronounce it, It'still is a wonderful name.
My friends just named their baby girl Hadley. I think it is a hideous name! Poor kid. Sounds like Bradley.
My 3 month old daughter's name is Hadley Reese. I just love her name and love that it Isn't very common.
We named our daughter Hadley Joy. We love it & get lots of compliments.
My name is Hadley Marie and I love my name. The only thing that I don't like about having this name is that you can't go into a store and find something with your name on it. But a couple years ago, I got a necklace with my name on it and my mom always says that'she owes me because it took her'so long to order and get for me. Anyways, I LOVE THIS NAME!
I love the name Hadley, but my husband says people would confuse the name with Harley... have you guys had any problems with this❤️
we are calling our baby boy kaiden when he is born. Had picked this name for our first child but had a girl. Thought i found an unusal name that i had never heard. They are no other kaidens around here but have heard it is popular in other places.
I'm due any day now with our 2nd daughter, whose name will be Hadley Kate. I fell in love with the name and just knew it was "the one." Our 1st daughter is Amelia, and I think the 2 names work together beautifully...both so traditional and feminine.
We named our daughter Hadley Raine and we love it! At first people didn't know how to say it- pronouncing is Had-a-lee but now it is not a problem. She does still get called Hayley from time to time but she is quick to correct them and doesn't seem to mind. In kidergarten it was easy for the kids because there was a Hayley in her class as well so the kids learned to differientiate.
My 5yo son's name is Hadley. I still love it, so does he and tbh It'suits him perfectly. Slightly unusual but not too way out. :) Equally can be a feminine name if teamed with girlie middle name.
I named my daughter Hadley 28 years ago. I still adore this name and she does too. Mostly everyone tells her what a beautiful name it is. When she was little, people would ask her name and after'she replied, they'd say Cathy❤️ Natalee❤️ At three she would spell her name for them and say she was named after Hemingway's first wife's first name. Pretty funny at the time.
Hadley. It's such a happy, pleasant, simple name. My younger'sister'sometimes dislikes it because it is such a rarity ~ but being rare is so special! Hadley is such a great, special name, I think. :D
My sons name will be Hadlee. I think spelling it without the y makes it more masculine but i never really thought the name'sounded feminine at all. I found it on the way home from a trp when we drove through the'small town of Hadley NY and loved the'sound of it! i pronounce it had lee not hay d lee.
My son's name is Hadley, any other male out there with this name ❤️
My name is hadley and i LOVE it! it is unique and i feel special because no one else has it that i know of. i like how it is original and hopefully It'stays that way!
WE named our daughter Hadley Marie and It'sooo suits her!! I love the name and I have yet to meet another Hadley!!! I am sure there will be othe's soon.....
I named my baby girl Hadley Ann. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name. I am a little embarrassed as to how we came up with it. In the movie Blazing Saddles, there is a character named Hedley Lamarr. I just changed Hedley to Hadley and love it. There were not many girls with that name, but I keep finding more and more now
My last name is Hadley. I hate it when people call me by my last name...i think this is a strange first name
my name is hadley, im 19, female and i love my name i have met at least 4 people with hadley in their name but spelt differently (hadleigh) which is often how my name is mispelt. i have never been'teased about my name and only ever had complements, often i repeat myself because people hear it as hayley. i prefer it and apreciate much more to the ordinary anna or sarah i beli've it has more thought and appreciation than just a popular name
We names our son Jack. We wanted a name that was strong and simply. We are just not into the new "fussy" names and Jack was the one for us.
My daughter is Hadley Mae. We love her name but it is little frustrating that no one seems to understand what we are saying when we tell them the name.
We are having twins in October and we will be naming one Farrah. What a beautiful name . Ken Ber'stein
My wife and I just picked out Hadley Ann coming in April2017. I'met one person with the name and loved it ever'since. Its unique now but will gain popularity because its a fun and powerful name. Love love love it! Lot's of compliments
my full name is hadley nutting lane and i always get called natilee and even if people say my name right they say it is pretty and they have heard that name before
We just had a baby boy and named him Quinn. Everyone just loves the name and wonder where we got it from. i've only ever met one other Quinn. My husband and I love the name. My dad kept singing "Mighty Quinn" when he was born. I love the one sylabol.
We looked through our family tree for names and found there have been several Pierce's in my family both in the US and in Ireland. We just love it. We named our son, Griffin Pierce, meaning "Strong Lord" and "Rock".
I love this name and plan on naming my first baby girl Hadley Grace. Sounds like I'm not the only one. I hope it doesn't become really common. It is such a sweet sounding name.
My daughter's name is Hadley Grace and she's too young to appreciate it yet, but we absolutely love it! We do often have to repeat it because it is uncommon around here, but that is part of what we like about it.
well I was borned in the USA and my mother gived the name becouse she likes it and becouse almost nobody had it in the USA. But then I'moved to Puerto Rico and allot but I'mean allot of girls have this name. Well I like my name, and a short name for Yaritza is Yari, becouse i pronunce it like this Ya-reet-za, and they call me Yari(ya-ree).
I love this name! I am a Hillary and Hadley is going to be my first borns name if it is a girl. I get Lori all the time when I am asked for my name'so I call it my Starbucks name!
To my knowledge I never met any Ethans growing up, and from what I hear the name is making a comeback recently. My hubby actually picked out the name. To us it just seems to roll easily off the tongue compared to the middle name we chose. We chose Charles for the'second name thus "strong, free man" as the full meaning. The full initials are E.C.W. which is the wrestling championship a few years back. Hope he has the chance to live up to the name! Have already gotten compliments that people like the name'so far!
ughhh i need people to tell me about famous samanthas!!!
My name is Hadley, never knew it to be a girls name, till I started reading American sIt's. It does seem strange hearing about females with Hadley as their name, it just seems like a males name to me. However I guess it is better than naming your girl Coral or Storm.
I had two sons and wanted a girl soooo bad! When I was pregnant with my second son I was sure it was going to be a girl and watched a movie where I heard the name Hadleigh. I knew that would be my daughters name. However I had a boy and not gonna lie was pretty diapointed. I waited over 4 years to even considering for a girl. Then we randomly got pregnant. I instantly knew it was a girl....told everyone. We never found out but I would talk to her and call her Hadleigh. We named her Hadleigh Tayla.I think its gorgeous!!! We've run ito the issue of people either loving it or hating it; but we dont mind because WE love it!!
My daughter was born valentines day of 2015, her name is Hadley. I know of one other Hadley but we already settled on our babies name before we heard it. We love it, and people seem to either love it or hate it but NO ONE has ever heard us say it right the first time they alway say what or the wrong name lol we went back and forth between Hadley, Hadleigh, and Hadlee and because our boy name is ley we choose to keep the trend.
Named our daughter Hadley. People do ask us to repat her name as the hear Hailey. We both loved the name when we read it our baby book, and now that'she's here its a perfect fit!
I love my name, It's unique and pretty but not too girlie. It takes people forever to get my name right though. It was even hard for me to pronounce for whatever reason when I was really little, I called myself " Hagaly" haha. but people are always commenting on how beautiful my name is. i've never met another hadley except one boy hadley at a party and some rich girls named Hadley in movies. My name is Hadley Sage and I love it :)
Hi Oct.. 2020.. Im having my baby girl in a couple weeks and she will be named Hadley Sharyn : Sharyn after my mother whom passed away 3 years ago. For some reason the moment I saw the name Hadley i got chills as if I "knew" this was what her name is supposed to be. I love the fact that its original and unique. And its girly.. so glad Im not going with Isabella or Sophia those are the Jennifer, and Stephanies of the 70's...
One of our twin daughters is named Hadley Elise. I love the name!
We named our daughter Hadley ('had-lee). I'm Heather & it was only fitting to name our 1st daughter after me. She loves it except when she looks at all the trinkets with names on it - there's never a Hadley. We have gotten a lot of wonderful compliments on her name. We've never met another Hadley - It's nice to know that othe's do exist!
My name is Hadley - I'm so happy to see so many othe's out there! I usually have to repeat my name, and a few times in class during roll call, the professor looks at me and says, "but You're a girl!" But I love my name, and all its nicknames - Had, Hads, Hadmo, Hadladley, Hadders.
My sister-in-law's name is Hadley after Ernest Hemingway's first wife. My mother-in-law was a huge Hemingway fan. My husband's name is Hemingway. We call him Hem.
We named our daughter Hadley Faith since we decided that Ava was too common. We love it and it fits her unique personality. She was born on 9/11.
My husband and I are trying for our second baby. My son's name is Grayson, and I think Hadley is the perfect name if we have a girl this time!
My daughter's name is Hadley Grace. It and she are beautiful and unique, although I have heard it a few times in the year since I had her.
I'met a girl a few months back and her name was Hadley. That was the first time i had ever heard it and i loved it I'mediately. I came home to tell my husband if we were to have a third girl that was going to be her name. My oldest is McKenzi, youngest is Averi and i would spell Hadley - Hadli. My name is Bobbi and i want to keep them all ending with an "i".
My husband and I named our female vizsla which is a hunting dog, Hadley, pronounced HADlee, after Hadley Hemingway, the first wife of Ernest Hemingway who was, as everyone knows, an avid hunter.
I love this name! We named our daughter Hadlee Elyse. She is now 6 months old and we love it more and more. We get a lot of mixed responses... Most people say they love it and some just say, "that's different" which is fine because that's what we were going for. I see it being very feminine, not masculine at all. I love it!
I named my daughter Hadlie Kate. I think is a little more feminine way to spell it. Either way is cute. Sometimes I'm a little self conscious about telling people her name, though, because people seem to love it or REALLY hate it.
I named my last child this and I love it because there are not many Hadleys out there.
My, name is Hadley and I don't know very many other people with the name. I hope it doesn't become a common name because it makes me feel unique. I used to not like the name but now I think i desribes me perfectly, outgoing, funny, cute, and big hearted.
Our first daughter Hadley Veronica was born in November of 2020. It'suits her perfectly! I heard it in a movie years before her birth and It'stuck with me. We love it!!! Different enough, but not really out there.
i am a girl and my name is hadley i love that name because i am different from everyone else and i love it i hate being the same!!!!
My 4 month old daughters name is Hadley Mary, I have always loved the name! No one else liked it while I was pregnant, but they all love it now. I love, love, LOVE her name.:)
We named our daughter Hailey. When people ask her name, everyone gives the'sweetest and most approving responses. Hailey Michelle
My sister always had comments on her name like, how do you spell that and stuff but i wish i had something more of an interesting name, my sister was named after my mom's father Harvey. Alexandra is so boring.
My daughter's name is Hadley-(pronounced Had-lee). Many people have not heard of it before, but they find it very easy to spell and pronounce once It's explained once. I have heard of only two other girls in our city with the name. I haven't heard of any boys with the name.
My daughter's name is Hadley Caroline. We love it because It's original. It is a family name for us, so it has significance. Some negatives if your're considering it: kids often call my daughter Had-a-lee and that bothe's her and older people tend to call her Hailey. My daughter also just told me she has an issue w/ it because It's not on "anything" because It's "rare". I know as she ages, she will appreciate it. As for now, we'll just have to order'stuff personalized and apologize when she can't buy a pencil w/ her name preprinted on it or a license plate off one of those turning displays at a store.
My niece's name is Hadley. I have never met anyone with this name, but it is so unique, it fits that little girls personality like no other. People often mistake her name for Hayley, so I have to repeat it when I'm with her, but I think it is very original.
In 2020 we named our daughter Hadley Renee. It was the first name I thought of when I found out I was having a girl. I actually have no idea where I got it-I had never heard it as a first name before, but I just loved it and now It's amazing how it totally fits our daughter.
My granddaughter is the only Hadlie I know. .She'spells it with an ie and I think it is strong yet sweet. .
My name is Hadley and when introducing myself I almost always get the response, "excuse me❤️" or "what is your name again❤️" it can get annoying sometimes, but other times It's rather funny. When leaving my name for reservations at restaurants I usually just go by Judy to make things easier. Occasionally, however, I will use my actual name and i've gotten some inter'sting alternatives. Once, at Chins, I told them my name and on the receipt they wrote down Addly. Another time, at the'same restaurant, they put down Kathy. On a trophy I got from a soccer tournament I once got Hudley. I actually pronounce my name just Had-Lee (I simply can't understand why people find It'so hard to say, but then again i've been living with it all my life and some people have never even heard it) i've never met anyone with my name although i've heard of several people who share my name. My parents got the idea for my name from Ernest Hemingway's first wife. I used to really hate my name, but now I think I appreciate it more. It doesn't come with the best nicknames (examples: Haddles-which I hate and Hads-not so bad) but It's unusual and it fits.
There's a girl in my class named Mallory. i've always thought it was a cute name.
We just had our third child, second boy, whom we named Gabriel Thomas. We love the name. He is already getting Gabe for short.
My Grandmother's name was Elizabeth Hadley Rieger'so we choose for our daughter, Hadley Elizabeth. She is 15 and loves her name. We did not know anyone with that name until after her birth and then started to hear of it as as a first name, much to our surprise.
My niece is named Hadleigh (variant of Hadley). We thought it was such a unique name, but when she'started playing soccer there's a girl named Hadley on her team! Who knew❤️ Her nickname is Had, because when people send text messages "Hadleigh" doesn't register on the text program, LOL.
planning to name my little girl hadley in a few more weeks!
My name is Hadley Elizabeth and I am eight years old. I love my name because its a very cute name and lots of people tell me they like it. Elizabeth is my mom and Grandma's middle name. I also love my name because hardly anyone else has it.
My name is Hadley.(Hadley Grace) I used to not like it, but now i think its pretty and cool. I want to go by the past, people have called me hay-DUH-lee,and it annoys me.i like the name though.
My daughter was just born this past Oct and we named her Hadley Alannah. I think Hadley is the cutest name ever and it fits her perfectly. We've gotten lots of mixed reviews and people usully ask us to repeat it with a weird look on their face. To bad their opinions really dont matter.
The name means "Jewel" which I have always loved. Unfortunately, it brings to mind strippers and exotic dancers for most people.
i love it,, im having my second daughter in 3 months and we will be naming her Hadley.. my first daughter is named Avery. Hadley is a beautiful name without being to girly. and different but not to strange...
Hadley is my last name & i've always liked it. I think It's great that It's gaining popularity as a first name. A nice alternative for names like Ashley, Hayley, Harley & Bailey. i
i named my 1 year old girl hadley. my name is heather and i thought the meaning was perfect. i think this name will become popular in the future. i love it.
My sister's name is Hadley I love this name it is so pretty mine is Hannah but whatever i love It'so much HADLEY it just sounds Angel like
I named by baby girl Hadley. There were mixed reviews from the relatives, but I think it is a unique and cute name. I have met 3 other people who know Hadley's. My son's name is Rowley. I also love his name. It fits his personality.
My name is Hadley Michele. My parents named me after Hemingway's first wife. I am 24, and up until a few years ago people had never heard of anyone else with my name before. I was always asked if I went by Michele. I am glad that'so many people like the name, but a little disappointed in the popularity that has come with it. I feel like every time I tell someone my name, they say "Oh I know someone who is naming their little girl that!" I'must admit, I get a tad annoyed by it.
thats my name!! but its spelled a bit different. i spell mine Hadlie, not Hadley. mine name is Hadlie Ariel. im 17 and i love my name!!
named our daughter Hadley after Hadley Richardson. she was my grandfathe's sister. Her first gift was Ernest and Hadley's tea set
My almost 4year old is Hadley Grace. We just love it! Oyr seven year old is Kylie Anne and they work so nicely together. I am seeing it more and more as she gets older. I didn't want her to have a roomful in school and I think she won't. It is just perfect on her!
We had Kayden WillI'm picked out, but when you go to the'store and here numerous moms and dads call Kayden/Hayden get over here, you just can't imagine your little one being pile into the herd of people that have the'same name. I'm now fighting in the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy to come up with something original and unique, because Kayden doesn't count anymore.
If I have a girl, I'm going to name her Hadley Grace. Funny how someone else here knows someone with the'same first and middle name!
My name is Hadley and I love it. I often get called Bailey but I find most people get it.
My 6 year old's name is Anna Hadley...we call her Hadley. I the love with the name in BrIt'sh Lit class in college. Hadley Richardson was Hemingway's first wife.
It is uncommon but more people are beginning to use it. My name is Hadley and people have a hard time remembering it. My friends love me and I am ver artistic as in dancing
My name is Hadley! I love my name! People on other'sIt's have been saying don't name a baby Hadley because they will get made fun of, but that is definetely not true! I have never been made fun of, only been complimented on my name :) I like it because it is unique and I only know one other Hadley.
Ols English, meaning meadow of heather, very unique to current time
Love the name Hadley. My husband and I each picked the name out of our baby name book separately. So if we had a baby girl- it was going to be her name. A few months later, we had our own Hadley Rose. We do have to repeat her name often'to people who ask, but everyone loves her name!
My name is Kirsty Hadley and i love the name Hadley and to keep it when i got married i double barraled it x I feel Hadley is a strong and meaningful name and represents a long line of amazing people in our family x My daughter is Alyssa and am hopefull of more children if i have another girl i would deffinatley call her Hadley to keep the name going but if i have a bot=y it will be Cooper which is the maiden name of my grandma xx
I'm due june 3, 2021 and i am naming my baby girl hadley lorraine. i wanted a name that had some sort of meaning that'struck me. as i was browsing through a baby name book, the name hadley I'mediately caught my eye. i was thrilled when i read the meaning because my name is heather and the meaning of hadley is "a field of heather". i also just like that hadley and heather both start with an "h". lorraine was my grandmother's name by the way.
My name is Hadley Elizabeth and I LOVE my name. A lot of times when i tell people my name they think is Kathleen. Aparently they sound the'same. But I love the name! I think its cool when its spelled Hadleigh
we are expecting our first child in june 09 and yes we are naming her kaya after the album, if we was having a boy them marley was the name. i have chose this because the man has been very massive influence in my life, and no i dont smoke weed.
My daughters name is Hadleigh, we spelled it different to be different and so far, we are! We love the name, and everyone who seems to hear it does as well!
My name is Hadley and I am twelve and yet to meet another love my name anyways you could spell it Hadlee, Hadleigh, Hadli, but i like my spelling best actully:) any other Hadley's leave a comment!
I plan to name my daughter Hadley Joy my mothe's name was Joy and she passed away when I was 18. I hope she loves it as much as I do.
My daughter and son in law just named their baby girl Hadley Parey ( Parey being the combination of the 2 mother in laws names Pat and Mary). Love the name!
Our daughter is named Hadley and everyone loves it and a few people have told us friends or family members named daughters Hadley after hearing about our daughter's name.
My three month old daughter is named Hadlee Elyse and I loved that It's a name you don't hear very often. I'm a little disappointed to learn that it isnt as as uncommon as I thought. But alot of people still have to have me repeat myself when asked her name to make sure they got it right. Practically everyone thinks It's pretty except my dad but I think It's growing on him now that'she's here.
My daughter finally picked a name for her newborn daughter after 3 days at home from the hospital...and I was a little stunned that it was Hadley...Please tell me she Isn't going to be called Haddy..or thought of as..I HAD...we Had her..she has been HAD...I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this name for such a cute, sweet, new little peanut
My daughters name is Hadley! Born in 2010. I can't think of a better name for her than Hadley Abigail. We call her Hads or Lulu a lot as a nickname. Love it for its feminine unique sound. It is a name to grow into.
Badley bradley madley had a thought Radley. Sadly this name is un-dadly and a tadly mis thoughtly- altogether badly.
I I'mediately fell in love with the name Hadley when I first came across it in a baby name book! I named my daughter Hadley Love D., and i think its the perfect name for her!
I'm due in Dec and heard this name from on one of my other daughters Barbie games and thought it was very unique. We have a common last name'so I like the uncommon 1st name.
My name is Hadley Nicole. My father named me after Ernest Hemingway's first wife which is his favorite author. My whole life i've been called Hailey, Natalie, and Harley. It never bothered me, I would think it was funny. It took me 35 years to meet someone else with my name. It was odd because it was the first time someone was calling my name, and it was directed to a one year old baby girl.
My daughter is 11. We named her Hadley Noelle as her birthday is right before Christmas. It's so unique and she loves it. I hope it doesn't trend up... I love m original Hadley!
Our daughter is named Hadlee Zara, I love the name and I get both positive and negative attitudes from it. I like it as it is not common, my son is called Stirling. Each to their own and I think and if people don't like it they should keep it to the'selves.
It was my father's name. Born in 1910. Always thought it was a male name. s.
My co-worker is about to have a new baby girl named Hadley Grace. I just thought to myself what a pretty, unique name!
Umm my name is nathaniel and i've always went by Nate and really i dont like ither names but i hope i will like it in the Future. Today tho i found out nathaniel means gift of god
My husband and I picked this name for a girl if that's what we end up having. We both love Key West and since Ernest Hemingway has a home there and his first wife's name was Hadley it is very be-fitting. We have a tradition in the family of girls names beginning with the letter "H" and this was different and we love it. It's a name that has to grow on people but I haven't heard anyone say that they don't like it. I highly recommend this name! Especially if there is also a brother in the mix with the name of Hayden.
We named our daughter "Haven" and have gotten very positive responses. We've never had anyone say Heaven or Raven (although she is still young). We've gotten several responses like...."i've never heard that name before, It's lovely.....What a beautiful name!.....That's a sweet name, I really like it.....etc.... We wanted a name that's not the'same as all the other popular names, she's extra special to us and wanted an extra special name, not one picked from the top 10 baby names like most people pick from.
In 2018 I named my daughter Hadley. It was a name I had never heard before but now I hear it EVERYWHERE! I wish I had been more original so that when she is in a group there aren't three Hadley's. We are in the process of thinking of a good nickname that will be close to her name'so that'she can be different from her class and church mates.
We have a Jace in the family but people always want to pronounce it as Jay-cee like It's a long "e". I was surprised to see on the graph above how many children are named Jace.
Ernest Hemingway's first wife Hadley Richardson bore this name. She was the mother of Jack Hemingway and the grandmother of actresses Mariel and Margaux. Because It's become quite popular as a girl's name in the U.S. nowadays, I don't think the boy's name is likely to return.
My second granddaughter is about to be born and her name will be Hadley Claire. Her'sister is Madelynne Grace. Love the name now that I have heard it and said it for a month.
We had our son Cameron 2 years ago and chose this name because we are Scottish and It's a Scottish Gaelic name. Camshron is the Gaelic spelling.
Sherlock Holmes's assistant was named Dr. John Hadley Watson.
My sister named her'son our paternal grandmother's maiden name, Maxwell. I hope to someday name a daughter our maternal grandmother's maiden name, Hadley.
I love the name Hadley! My daughter is named Hadley and she's 2. She has a twin sister named Ava, which I recommend the name Ava and Hadley.
Hadley does not seem to be a very feminine name. Seems like someone named Hadley would go through life having the name misspelled and mispronounced.
My name is Hadley and It's.... prett good I guess. I like that it is unique, and adding on to the first comment... whenever I say my name, people always say: Haley❤️ Cathy❤️ Natalee❤️ i've even gotten Headpee❤️ At restuaraunts it took 5 minutes for the waittress to actually know my name! So sometimes when'they as for my name, I simply respond, "Hillary".
My beautiful baby girl's name is Hadley Elizabeth. I fell in love with the name years ago. My name is Heather and because the meaning of Hadley is a field of Heather, I found it to be perfect. I absolutely love the name Hadley but hope it doesn't become too popular, because I love how original it is!
We also have a Kaden, I had to fight my husband for it but he thinks it totally fits now. As a teacher I wanted my son to have an original name, but over the past 4 yrs, the Kaden has really been making its rounds.
Having struggled with my name my whole life, I can understand the motive of not wanting to have a "different" or "weird" name...My parents named my sister Rebecca Lynne with no significance, then decided to stick me with Caroline Marjorie, the names of my great-grandmothe's [2 of each, go figure!] - It took til I was 19 to appreciate having a different name [Caroline - not terribly common] and was made fun of more for my middle name than anything. With respect to the'struggles of me and my brethren, I LOVE the name Hadley. I have grown up spending my summers in the Adirondacks, at our family property on the'sacandaga lake. Needless to say, it is so remote there Isn't even cell phone service - but it is incredibly beautiful and my favorite place in the world. Growing up with a 'dated' name, I actually learned to respect the family history...not only is it pretty, but it is also the name of the place where my husband and I'met and fell in at the risk of sounding passe' - great name :0
We named our daughter Hadley. This was actually one of Earnest Hymingway's wifes name "Elizabeth Hadley". I was named after a Hymingway novel. We love this name and it fits my daughter very well.
My name is Hadley and I LOVE it! Everyone I know thinks It's cool and I love how unique it is. It's kind of sad that It's becoming more popular, but I guess that means more people are realizing how awesome the name Hadley is! It is kind of annoying when people think my name is Haley and when'thay pronounce it as Haydley or Hadely, but it usually gets sorted out quickly. I love the name Hadley!
I just found out that i am pregnant, i already have 2 boys, so we are hoping for a girl! i have had the name Hadley picked out since before i had my second son, i have been saving it for when i have a girl bc it is so unique and classic sounding!
Hi all My name is Brian hadley Big shout to all the other Hadders out there
Our granddaughter is due to be born in June, and her name is Hadley Jane--had only heard this name as a last name before--love it for a girl! Agree that it is feminine, yet strong...
My son picked the name Hadley, one week before the baby was due. They did not know if it was a boy or girl at the time, but he had seen it in a baby book and on a street sign that day. His wife wasn't crazy about it at first, but everyone we tell it to, seems to love it. So in June 2018 Hadley Margaret was born into this world. Margaret is my daughter-in-laws grandmother's name, Hadley is sweet and beautiful!
I love it! It's my daughter's name (Hadley Grace) and she, at the age of 5 loves it too. Have yet to meet another Hadley but know people who know a "Hadley." My husband it BrIt'sh and we wanted a BrIt'sh name. It's a surname and I love that it is a strong name and not too common.
I named my daughter Hadley Anabel. I thought it was a beautiful name then and I always will.
Well i've had the privilege of having this name for the past 19 years of my life (spelling it Damian) and besides the occasionally reference to the Omen from some smart allecks, I love the uniqueness and complexity of my name and wouldn't change it for an'thing else
My daughter is Hadley Emma! My husband and I loved the name years before she was born. He wanted to name our cat Hadley because he couldn't wait to use it. I said no way! We were patient and now have our beautiful 9 year old girl Hadley. Everyone loves her name! We have met a couple other Hadley's since her birth! I think her name will be passed down in our family for years to come!
We named our first daughter Kaia Siena on May 28, 2014. At the time, we thought we were being original. We liked that KaI'meant ocean in Hawaiian and decided to add an "a" to make it feminine. The name fits our daughter perfectly and we love it -- our only regret is the constant mispronunciation! (I am happy to see that we did not choose a terribly unusual way of spelling her name). Rock on Kaias of the world!
I love the name for a little girl. My beautiful 15 month old princess is named Hadleigh. We have gotten many compliments on her name and the'spelling.
4 month old Hadley Rae, i've had that name'since meeting a friends sisters best friends daughter around 9 years ago
We named our daughter Hadley Reese in January of 2017, and we have loved It'since we came up with it. We have never gotten a negative thought about it. Everyone loves it. Same thoughts I get with my sons name Braxton.
well i guess its weird but i think it would the kid be who ever they wanted it to be
My one and only child,s name is Hadley. Hadley Blaire.I was going to name her Heather, but my sisters daughter is called Heather. So I chose a field of Heather, in the name Hadley.I wanted her initials to be H.B. my favorite place in California.