
Hana meaning

: Grace; flower.

Hana Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \ha-na\
Number of People 👶 11,000
Rate in 2021 1442
Numerology 🔢 6
Name origin 🌍 Spanish
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Hana Name Meaning

The name Hana has multiple meanings across different cultures. In Arabic, it means happiness, while in Japanese, it translates to flower. In Hebrew, it is a derivative of Hannah, meaning grace or favor. Therefore, the name Hana carries a sense of joy, beauty, and grace.

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Comments on the name Hana
01/14/2024 00:00:00

i've come to use rhymes like ❤️Hana like Obama❤️ so people can remember better, but i've been called Hannah since 2008! I like that It's more unique though so would never trade it!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

yea my name is kayla marie i love it but sometimes people spell it wrong but it doesnt bother, for the fact that there a lot of ways of how to spell it. I love my name i think it gives my sweetness the tingle and i love it when someone i like says it.

12/31/2023 15:04:52

Living in norway makes my name a bit difficult to pronounce

10/26/2023 09:43:48

It'seems so empty withough two N's and another H. I spell my name Hannah.

10/16/2023 22:33:14

It is different and She doesn't pronounce it "Hannah" its ha-na- not han-nah its different and uniqe

10/12/2023 22:09:30

Hana is not the'same as Hannah. That is such a typical American way of thinking. Our way or It's wrong or strange. This is the Japanese spelling and it is pronounced Hawna (sort of like Shawna without the H). Get over yourselves!

08/20/2023 12:48:10

This is my daughter's name and people see it and say Kaylee.

08/18/2023 03:47:18

Whenever I think of the name Edwin, I think of the person at my school who people most commonly describe as "EPIC" so, yeah. Very "epic" name.

07/20/2023 21:29:34

My friend's name is Hana. Nobody says it incorrectly! She is the'sweetest and kindest person ever!!!

03/28/2023 11:58:58

Hana is an arabic name which means satisfied and happy

02/07/2023 22:07:32

well my name is hanna but sometimes i just want to change it but i still love it.

02/02/2023 04:52:46

My name is Hāna. It's Hawaiian for "breath of life". People are always calling me Hannah even'though i've made it clear that It's pronounced Hawna. The accent over the first "a" is really important for me though because also in Hawaiian, without the accent, Hana means "work". At my new school i've chosen'to go by my middle name, Finley, because I'm tired of being called Hannah, but my close family and friends still call me Hāna.

01/08/2023 20:02:26

Aw my little Japanese cousin is named Hana and i love her!

11/18/2022 22:38:18

My daughter's name is pronounced Haw-na, but when I'm mad at her it gets pronounced "Hannah". LOL.

10/01/2022 09:57:24

I'm called Hana and I'm not asian or of any asian descent. It's just Hannah but with no silent or double letters so foreign relatives can grasp it easier. I appreciate it as a name, but I prefer Hanna to both alternatives

09/06/2022 10:07:46

My friend has just called her new baby girl Hana. They live in Japan and over there it means flower/blossom.

02/23/2022 02:18:00

My sisters name is Hana. I didn't expect this name to be on the list. I am very surprised.

02/20/2022 23:58:30

My name is Hanako (flower child/blossom child in Japanese) and because I live in Australia, I have decided to shorten my name to Hana or Hannah, but my mother pronounced Hana with the a's making a short u sound (eg. umbrella), which is the proper way to pronounce Hanako. However in Australia, everyone pronounces Hana and Hannah the'same So maybe I will go with Hannah❤️ I still love the name Hanako and Hana, since Hana still means blossom or flower.

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Hana FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Hana?
The origin of the name Hana is Spanish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Hana?
Grace; flower.
*️⃣ How many people are named Hana?
Almost 11000 people are named Hana.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Hana?
The names of Harper, Heaven, Havin, Hayven, Havyn