
Harper meaning

: Harpist, Minstrel

Harper Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \har-pur\
Number of People 👶 97,000
Rate in 2021 29
Numerology 🔢 12
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Harper Name Meaning

The name “ Harper “ is a name that has been used all around the English speaking countries. This name has an English origin. The name “ Harper “ has other different roots like, Irish and Scottish. The name has been also used as a surname. Some theories illustrate that the surname “ Harper “ is originated from an occupational name and it is derived from the Middle English. The meaning of this name can be “ harper “

Cool Info About Name Harper

Additional name description Harper
Additional name description Harper

Popularity of the name Harper

The name “ Harper “ is one of the most common names all around the world. But if you have an American family, you should note that this name is not a popular baby’s name in Arkansas based on the data given by American reliable resources in the year 2009 in the United states of America.

For instance, we can say that only 5 newborn babies were given the name “ Harper “ in the year 2009. A total of about 2200 newborn baby boys were named “ Harper “ in the year 2009 in the United states of America. From the year 1880 to the year 2018, the highest recorded use of this name is related to the tear 2016, about 10700 newborn babies were given the name “ Harper “ at that time.

Since the year 1880, the given name “ Harper “ was recorded 86700 times in the SSA public database. This name appeared in the year 1881 for the first time on the popularity charts. This name became a common one in the year 2011 with a rank of 54 nationwide and was registered 460 times as a baby girl’s name.Harper follows the way of surnames evolving that become into popular first names. The first touch of top 1000 name ranking for harper was in 2004. Ranked as No. 887 upon its initial appearance, Harper has since jumped way up to the top, being No. 10 in 2020.
Between 2005 and 2006 Harper made its biggest leap , when it jumped 234 places. It steadily increased in popularity in the following years until it broke top 10 status in 2015. It peaked in 2018 and 2019 when the name Harper was ranked No. 9.

The name “ Harper “ became a common name as a baby girl’s name in the state of North Dakota in the year 2014. The given name ranked 1 with only 69 newborn babies. The all time high record for this name was in the year 2016 in the state of Texas with 860 newborn kids. This name is a consistent top ranking girl’s name in the state of Montana for about 11 consecutive years.

Personality of the name Harper

Here we have the letter analysis of the name “ Harper “

H is for hero, as you appear to many

A is for altruism, the unselfish you

R is for reasonable, your understanding way

P is for perfection, it is what you seek

E is for excite, your spirit is catching

R is for righteous, you know when you are right

If you are considering a nickname for your baby named “ Harper “, you can select the reversed form of the main form. The reversed form of the name “ Harper “ can be “ Reprah “.


Famous people named Harper

Aaron Harper

Adam Harper who is a British Mathematician

Adrian Harper who is an Irish footballer

Alan Harper

Alec Harper who was a British soldier


Similar names to the name Harper

Hudson, Hayden, Haiden

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Comments on the name Harper
01/14/2024 00:00:00

I'm surprised to see that anyone has yet to comment on this name. I decided years ago that if I should someday have a daughter, her name might be Harper Grace. I beli've Harper originally refers to those delivering news and information. A journalist, an informer, a wordsmith; Someone with wit and education and intellect. I think It's a strong name, with the name Grace following to soften it a bit. I also noticed in the movie "Things We Lost in the Fire," the daughter's name is Harper.

12/13/2023 05:39:36

i love the name harper on a girl not a boy. the name harper is so pretty and i love it so much. its so gooooooooood!!!!!!!!

12/12/2023 16:43:44

I'm not really keen on this name. It kind of reminds me of a housekeeper or something. Not that theirs anything wrong with that but that's my first image when I hear this name.

11/29/2023 17:30:02

Harper is my daughters name and I love it, it was my grandma's great great Aunt's surname.

10/24/2023 16:17:30

This name has Two acceptable pronunciations STeF-ən/STə-Fahn. It also has jurisdiction over both Spellings more so over the alike vowel system merely making them Similar names as the "Stephan" spelling is. It is also a social requirement of "STEVen" ph'ers "Stephen" to know text key pronunciations.

10/20/2023 20:53:32

my cat's name is Harper, but he is a sweet lil man:)

08/07/2023 14:27:22

I love the movie "Things we lost in the fire" to the comment below. anyways the name Harper'seems to become more and more popular..i dont know why but it is. i know a number of people that had babies and named them Harper..i guess that name will grow on me but i just cant picture naming my kid harper. but thats just me. (=

06/25/2023 06:40:38

I absolutely LOVE this name for a girl! It's #1 on my favorIt's list right now! Harper Grace and Harper Jade are very pretty combinations.

06/02/2023 07:55:46

I think any new name especially surnames takes time for people to adjust to it. Surnames are very popular right now to use for baby girl names. My sister-in-law just named her baby girl Harper. My in-laws were very shocked when'they heard the name and didn't like it at first, but over time they eventually got use to it. It Isn't a feminine or soft sounding name, the two "r" letters make It'sound strong, bold, and diplomatic. It is different and many girls will have this new name. Many people are saying this name my be the new Jennifer.

05/23/2023 08:59:52

..yet I think it will be; there are many celebrities naming both boys and girls this name. I want a unique name, and at least there won't be many Harpers in my baby's class. We are naming her Harper Leigh, a variation of "Lee" like author and Leighis her grandma's middle name. I also though Harper Layne sounded nice. I just hope kids don't call her "Harpy".

05/08/2023 05:09:48

I am considering this for a second middle name because this book has influenced me so much!!

05/01/2023 07:42:14

My name is Harper and I like it a lot. I was named after Harper Lee. I will say though, I use to get a lot more compliments on it when it was less common, and it feels less special now, and that its gonna be associated with youth for a while. It meant more when fewer people had it and they were before my time. I was born in 2011 for reference.

03/07/2023 10:12:00

My middle name is Mary Harper as Mary was the first name of my great granny and Harper was her maiden name. Im wantin to call my wee girl Harper. I love having it as one of my names!! The author Harper Lee also had her middle name as Harper, her first name is actually Nelle.

12/25/2022 08:04:34

My name is Harper and I used to love it. It wasn't common but as soon as 2018-2018 hit, Harper was the go to name. So if You're thinking about naming your kid Harper but want a not so common name, either time travel back to the early 2012's or just don't.

12/20/2022 14:38:06

We have a one year old named Rayna. I do have to tell people how to spell it but I think it is a beautiful name. I have also found that it means mighty in Scandinavian and I found another'sight that listed the meaning as God's song.

12/06/2022 04:08:24

I have to agree with the "definition". I think of Harper as a male name though I know Harper Lee is a woman and recently TWO people we know have had baby girls and named them Harper.

11/28/2022 00:59:52

I've loved this name since the day I was given To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, to read at thirteen! I knew one day when I had a child they would be named Harper. That day arrived 30th January, 2006, our daughter was born. Her name, HARPER!

11/21/2022 05:00:28

My last name now is Harper and when i get married and have kids i sooo want to name Either boy or girl Harper Lynn :)

11/20/2022 11:57:44

If we have another daughter, I would like to name her Harper. Still working on my husband with that one, but I think It's such a strong, beautiful name.

11/07/2022 21:33:02

My daughter's name is Harper. It is different and It'suits her well. Yes, some people don't care for it at first because its not common but thats what we wanted. we wanted her to be unique but not outlandish. I think its a great name

11/03/2022 14:23:44

I named my baby girl, Harper Grace. I love it. I get some odd looks when I introduce her to older people but who cares, people are individual and their names should reflect who they are, not trendy names of the time. An added bonus is the children's book, "Little Harper Grace and the Hummingbird" is still in print and my 3.5 year old LOVES it.

03/14/2022 18:26:24

beautiful name. love it. very whimsical yet dynamic. reminds me of Harper Lee, the author of "To Kill a Mockingbird."

08/06/2021 15:13:48

I love the name Harper. I named my son Harper 15 years ago. He is one of a quadruplet, and I picked out different names for the 2 other boys and the girl. Something that you don't hear of everyday.

07/15/2021 21:40:48

I like Harper a lot better for a boy. It's much more unique as a boys name. There are too many girl Harpers. Oh well it's cute either way. Very nice name. (:

07/06/2021 18:59:42

After 7 1/2 long months of searching for the perfect name for our perfect little girl we found Harper and it fits her perfect. It is beautiful and unique without being strange and obvious.

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Harper FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Harper?
The origin of the name Harper is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Harper?
Harpist, Minstrel
*️⃣ How many people are named Harper?
Almost 97000 people are named Harper.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Harper?
The names of Evelyn, Naomi, Victor, Edgar, Judith