
Harrison meaning

: Son Of Harry

Harrison Name Information

Gender ๐Ÿง‘ Boy
Pronunciation ๐Ÿ“ฃ \ha-rri-son\
Number of People ๐Ÿ‘ถ 81,000
Rate in 2021 โญ 197
Numerology ๐Ÿ”ข 12
Name origin ๐ŸŒ English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Harrison Name Meaning

 Also t, his name has 2 different origins, Old English and German. The name with Old English origin means โ€œ Army Ruler โ€œ and also the German form of the name has 2 different meanings, one of them is โ€œ Ruler of the household โ€œ and the other one is โ€œ House ruler โ€œ. The name โ€œ Harrison โ€œof English origin refers to a son of Harry and it has been used as a surname.


Cool Info About Name Harrison

Additional name description Harrison
Additional name description Harrison

The popularity of the name Harrison

In the year 2016, it ranked 107. Although after some years, its popularity declined, it has remained in the top 120. As it is illustrated by different resources, the given name is the 11th most popular name and that was at its peak popularity in the year 2017.

At first, this name gained popularity as a surname due to its usage during the previous century, but after some years โ€œ Harrison Ford โ€œ influenced this nameโ€™s popularity positively and people considered the name โ€œ Harrison โ€œ as a given name for their babies.

Nicknames of the name Harrison

โ€œ Harry โ€œ

โ€œ Harray โ€œ

โ€œ Harri โ€œ

โ€œ Henri โ€œ

โ€œ Henke โ€œ and โ€œ Harris โ€œ

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Comments on the name Harrison
10/17/2023 07:57:30

this is my little cousins name, I have yet to meet another Harrison

06/23/2023 13:49:36

my boyfriends first name is harrison and i have met only about 3 other people called harrison

05/27/2023 18:12:36

We named our boy Harrison after trying to find a name beginning with the letter H to be named after his grandfather Harold. Harrison just seemed to fit and is unique, which I prefer. He is currently the only Harrison in his elememtary school.

03/15/2022 20:03:36

I think this is such a gorgeous name! When I think harrison, I think handsome. Mr Ford is good proof of that. Would love to call m future little boy Harrison, if I am blessed enough to have another little boy in a couple of years.


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Harrison FAQs

*๏ธโƒฃ What is the origin of the name Harrison?
The origin of the name Harrison is English.
*๏ธโƒฃ What is meaning of name Harrison?
Son Of Harry
*๏ธโƒฃ How many people are named Harrison?
Almost 81000 people are named Harrison.
*๏ธโƒฃ Which names are related to the name Harrison?
The names of Helen, Helena, Hollyn, Hellen, Halen