
Lilly meaning

: Lily

Lilly Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \l(il)-ly\
Number of People 👶 59,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 511
Numerology 🔢 7
Name origin 🌍 Latin
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Lilly Name Meaning

The name “ Lilly “ is a given name that has been used all around the English speaking countries. This feminine given name derived from a flower. This name became particularly popular along with other flower names for girls during the 1800s and early 1900s. This name has associations with and has been symbolic of innocence and purity in Christian art.



Cool Info About Name Lilly

Additional name description Lilly
Additional name description Lilly

The name Lilly Popularity

It seems that the name “ Lilly “ is not a popular given name. This name is not a popular female name in Mississippi based on the data by reliable researches in the year 2002. For example, only 17 babies were given the name “ Lilly “ in Mississippi in the year 2002.

Also a total of 3834 babies bear the same first name as your baby during the year 2002 in the United states of America. The highest recorded use of thus name was in the year 2011 with a total of 8180 babies from the year 1880 to 2018.

The given name was recorded 148244 times in the SSA public database since the year 1880 to the year 2018. This unique given name first appeared in the year 1880 and 41 babies were given “ Lilly “ at that time. It become a popular name in the year 2002 with a rank of 79 nationwide and was registered 3834 times as a baby girl’s name.

This name became a popular girl’s name in the state of Utah in 2008. It ranked 4 with 204 babies. The all time high record for this name was in the year 2011 in the state of California with near 830 newborn baby girls. For the past 40 years, the name “ Lilly “ was recorded 131597 times in the SSA public database.


The name Lilly personality

L is for laughter, you spread wherever you go

I is for ideas, that you bring to life

L is for love, your love of life

L is for lofty, your ambitions are high

Y is for yearn, your innermost desires

If you are considering a nickname for the name “ Lilly “, you can take the word “ Yllil “ into consideration as that is the reversed form of “ Lilly “.

As you know, name can be personality and heart’s desire. Also this name has a secret behind its meaning. The true meaning of this name might not be described in just a few sentences and words. The name “ Lilly “ is a name that connotes you are ahead of your time. Your intelligence and brightness will enable you to achieve great things in your life.

Your heart’s desire can be of service to the world. You are a generous humanitarian and a perfectionist. People from all walks of life fascinates you. You have a universal appeal. Also you feel better if others do not appreciate your kind deeds.


Famous people named Lilly

Lily Abegg who is a Swiss journalist

Lily Addison who is an Australian tennis player

Lily Ah Toy who is an Australian pioneer and businesswoman

Lily Aldridge who is an American fashion model


Similar names to the name Lily

Lillian, Lilika, Liliana, Lilith and Lilibeth

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Comments on the name Lilly
01/14/2024 00:00:00

I love my name, it is spelled exactly like you see it here and it is not short for anything. I was born in 72 and as you can see by the chart above, I was the only LILLY in my class. Some people mispell but since it has become more popular again most people get it close. All in all I have not had any bad experinces with my name.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

LILLY IS THE prettiest name i've ever come across. All the lillys I know are amazingly stunning and fabulous. Everyone should call their daughter Lilly. Actually no, cause then I can't and it wont be original anymore. but It's amazing!!

01/06/2024 03:55:08


12/28/2023 17:25:46

im actually very surprised this website doesnt have a Lillith. i think its a gorgeous name.

11/26/2023 18:40:24

My name is also Lili-the French spelling. I was named after my mom, LILY. I find the name VERY VERY popular these days and in the recent years. I am an adult Lili. The name can be found in movies, music, stores, everywhere. Here in the'state I am residing, my name is very uncommon. If you want to meet other Lili's, California is the place.

11/24/2023 14:56:56

I am pregnant with my first baby. Ever'since I was a young girl I always thought I would name my baby girl Lilly. I have been looking at different names but keep coming back to the'simple but pretty name Lilly.

11/21/2023 12:53:20

Everybody spells my name wrong! It is SO annoying! They always spell is "Lily, Lilli, Lillie, Lili, Lillian, Lilan, and Cara(Cara is my friend and people think we look alike, which we don't.)" There was this girl named Lily in my elementry school, and the teache's ALWAYS gave me her'stuff by accident, which can get extreamly annoying. Teache's misspell my name all the time. I guess as you get older it bothe's you less, I'm beginning to get use to it, although it is very annoying when people call me Cara. People are always complimenting my name though. They are always saying "It's so pretty" and stuff like that.

11/10/2023 02:23:48

This is my daughter's name, and although she's still quite young, It'suits her'so well! We often call her Glow, and her little smile really lights up the room :)

10/17/2023 04:08:16

My first grandchild was born last year and her name is Lilyan Rain. Wasn't too thrilled about the'spelling but the name and the name they call her Lily, is growing on me.

10/08/2023 22:38:40

My Granddaughter's name is Lily. She is the'sweetest child I know (I have other grandchildren). I'm looking for a poem based on her name. Does anyone know one❤️ Please post it, or a link, here.

10/07/2023 09:36:52

My brother's baby is a week and a half late and when she finally gets here will be called Lilly.

09/30/2023 22:44:06

There are so many nicer names available, especially for those seeking a Scottish name. My nephew's nickname is now Cammie, which sounds like a girl. And all I think of when I hear it is Camden, NJ and Camden Yards in Baltimore.

09/17/2023 18:48:16

My name is: Lilliette. Meaning little flower. Pronounced: Lilly-ette

09/16/2023 01:04:20

The name LI'm, means one who runs with the wind. and as an athletic alpha male, the name really encapsulates my personality. 10/10 would name myself LI'm again.

09/12/2023 19:46:46

my sister is having a baby and when shes born shes calling her lilly-grace personally i think its a very femmanine name❤️

09/04/2023 15:10:04

i am due may 25 2019 and i have a 4 year old names Riley i am naming my new baby girl Lily but im spelling it Liley <3

08/28/2023 06:14:48

my name is lily, i've had this name for 6 years. people often spell it wrong (lilly). i do love my name though. there is another girl in my class called lily but she'spells it lillie. i know a few more lily's outside of school, it is a very popular name here in england.

08/18/2023 18:28:58

I love the name cause its my name. It really shows personality

07/27/2023 11:01:02

my name is lily and im 11 i cant send photo but i love the name my full name is lily victoria redshaw thank you.

07/25/2023 14:03:08

I really like this name, I like the'spelling better than Lily. I can't stand Lillian or other long Lilly names though.

05/28/2023 17:25:38

That's the'smart thinking we could all bneefit from.

05/24/2023 21:08:46

I absolutely Love this name. i've already decided this is what i want to name my daughter (hopefully I'll have one.)

05/09/2023 13:47:06

I love the name Lilly. I just had a baby girl and i named her Lilly. I just love the way It'sound, the way its spelled i just love this name its such a cute girly name. I also love the flower lilly.

04/27/2023 09:57:12

i wish i didnt name my old cat lilly, i could have used the name for my baby daughter instead

04/18/2023 17:52:48

My name is Lillie but people always want to spell it Lilly, so then'they say oh! not that one the other one,I just smile and say yes! the other one.I really don't have a clue why my mother named me Lillie but it fit me fine.

04/16/2023 22:58:20

i am pregnant and am having a girl and intend to call her lilly - grace! I am still unsure though

04/12/2023 16:06:40

My baby girl is due in March. I never wanted anything so popular but I just love this name too much! Her name will be Lilyan Rae

04/08/2023 22:28:30

I LOVE!!! The name lily when I have a child I want to name my baby Lily.. It's such a b-a-u-tiful name I will always love it.... =D

03/19/2023 14:54:48

Lily is my favorite name in the whole world that is going to be my daughters name and that's my bunnies name also.If I could I would suggest that name to people that have a hard time picking a name that'should be the name

03/16/2023 15:47:32

I think Lilly is a beautiful name and so does everyone else! I personaly spell it LILLY.Sometimes I get called LIL or LILBEAR.Or sometimes the people who try to agravet me call me BILLY I am not a boy!

02/18/2023 12:55:38

l named my old cat lilly and personally i cant stand It'spelt with one l im the middle ,it really pisses me of actually

02/12/2023 17:37:26

We are adopting a baby and are going to name her Gabriella - we LOVE this beautiful name!

02/03/2023 23:47:14

I am Lily! :) im a sophomore in idaho and nobody ever'spells my name wrong!! wahoo ;) People always tell me that my name is real pretty - and that doesn't bother me at all!!!"

01/09/2023 00:09:18

Lilly is what i want to call my daughter if i have one. It's my fav name :) my little family would be "Steven,Matilda and Lilly" how sweet :) LOL.

01/07/2023 21:07:02

I love Lilly - I don't like Lillith at all.... I think the fact that Lilly is so simple makes it beautiful. If I have a daughter I want to call her Lilly... It is so pretty... Why wasn't I called Lilly...Not Fair

01/01/2023 21:24:20

My great-grandmother's name is Lillian and I want to name my daughter Lilly after her because of the beautiful woman/mother/grandmother that'she was.

12/27/2022 10:02:14

My husband and i are trying to have a baby and we are hoping it will be a girl. We both love the name Lilly Kate and we will name our daughter Lilly Kate.

12/22/2022 02:29:22

Wow crazy, i've never met anyone who spelled their name like me! Yes the whole pronouncing thing stinks! I ALWAYS have to correct people lol! Halie is an awesome name, and I love the unique spelling =D

11/26/2022 09:01:44

Looking for a flower name for my baby girl due in aug.2019 my moms name is rose, mine is daisy so i think lilly is wonderfull. Keeping it a bouquet in the family. lol

10/13/2022 04:40:40

my 1st daughter wil b named lilly!its sucha beautful cute name

10/05/2022 01:32:08

My name is Lilly, and when i tell them my name is Lilly, they go what BILLY❤️, SILLY❤️, MILLY❤️ I also don't know anyone else named Lilly but me!

09/26/2022 11:31:10

My name is Lilly and I think It's a very pretty name, such a shame that it is becoming so popular hehe (since I'm 21, It's an unusual name for my generation)

08/31/2022 07:26:42

Lily is such a delicate name. My sister just had a baby this week and she named her Lilly. She already had a few people spell Lily with one "L", but I'm sure they just aren't aware of how she'spells it.

07/20/2022 15:21:00

my daughter is 'lily' and i love it. nobody ever'spells it incorrect. pregnant with my second and struggling to find an equally beautiful name

07/18/2022 04:47:24

I'm Lilly, even'though nearly everyone at school except my close friends spell in 'Lily'. Once I loved the'spelling 'Lillie' and my friends sensed it and spelled my name 'Lillie'!

03/10/2022 21:06:36

My daughter is expecting her first baby in November, my first grandbaby. My name is Leigh and my daughter wanted to use my name in he's somehow... Lilleigh will be her name. "Lilleigh Elise" How wonderful. (still pronounced Lilly)

02/25/2022 00:03:00

Lily was my Grandmother's nick name and my nieces middle name. I love it!

01/29/2022 03:53:24

i like variations of Lilly; my daughter's name is Lillith Rox. Lilly is too... plain for me. Lillith is a very inter'sting name :)

12/24/2021 23:20:42

I am naming my baby girl Lilly Irene. I think It's such a pretty name and if that were my name, oh god I would just love it. When I think of the name Lilly, I think of etiquette and elegance, with playfulness and exploring in the mix.

10/28/2021 06:57:00

I named my baby girl Lilly Ann. It's such a beautiful and delicate name and fits her'so well!

10/26/2021 02:47:42

I love the name. Not sure why people are so obsessed with "original" names. A name will not make a child original, that is your job as a parent. Everyone wants to be a star and have a name no one else does - insecurities❤️ If my child is a girl she will be a Lilly for sure

09/23/2021 08:48:36

My name is Lillian im a freshman but since i guess its too hard to call me Lillian they call me Lilly. I love the name Lilly It'suits me a lot and if i have a daughter i will call her Lilly

09/03/2021 12:05:42

I'm a Lilly! I love my name. Cute and simple;p I get a whole lot of nice compliments on my name & I love it. who wouldn't❤️

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Lilly FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Lilly?
The origin of the name Lilly is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Lilly?
*️⃣ How many people are named Lilly?
Almost 59000 people are named Lilly.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Lilly?
The names of Lorenzo, Lawrence, Magdalena, Laurence, Clair