
Logan meaning

: Hollow

Logan Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \l(o)-gan\
Number of People 👶 370,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 20
Numerology 🔢 22
Name origin 🌍 Irish
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Logan Name Meaning

Logan is a Scottish name that has a Gaelic root and came from word “lagan” or “lag,” which means “holow". It was originally used as a surname in Scotland but eventually it turned to a first name.

The name “ Logan “ is a name that has been used all around the English speaking countries.

Logan Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Logan
Additional description of the name Logan

Popularity of the name Logan

The name “ Logan “ is the 1st most common baby’s name in Vermont based on the data given by the reliable American resources in the year 2010 in the United states of America. For instance, imagine that about 40 newborn babies were given the name “ Logan “ in Vermont of America in the year 2010.

A total of about 14 thousand babies also bear the same first name as your baby, “ Logan “ in the United states of America in the year 2010. From the 1880 to the year 2018, the highest recorded use of the name “ Logan “ is related to the year 2007 with a total of 15000 newborn babies.

Since the year 1880, the given name was recorded 350 thousand times in the SSA public database. This name appeared in the year 1880 for the first time on the popularity charts, at that time about 13 newborn babies were given the name “ Logan “ at that time. The name “ Logan “ became a popular choice in the year 1991 with a rank of 94 nationwide and was registered 3 thousand times as baby boy’s name.  

Also this name became a popular choice in the state of North Dakota in the year 2006. It ranked with 73 babies. The all time high record for this name is related to the year 2017 in the state of California with about 1000 thousand baby boys.

The name “ Logan “ is a consistent top ranking name in the state of Wyoming for about 35 consecutive years. Also for the past 70 years, the name “ Logan “ was recorded 355000 times as a SSA public database.


Personality of the name Logan

Here we have the letter analysis of the name “ Logan “

L is for listen, one of your besties

O is for orderly, a lifelong passion

G is for genial, a pleasing personality

A is for amenable, for your easy going natural

N is for natural, the genuine side of you

If you are considering a nickname for the name “ Logan “, you can select the reversed form of the name “ Logan “ as well. That would be an interesting choice for a nickname.


Famous people named Logan

Logan Alexander who is a Bermudian footballer

Logan Allen who is an American baseball player

Logan Arens who is an American actor

Logan Austin who is an Australian rules footballer


Similar names to the name Logan

Lucae, Lock, Luna and Lola

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Comments on the name Logan
01/14/2024 00:00:00

When naming my 2nd child after being told it was a girl to our suprise 3 wks before I was due to deliver this name was instantly thought of. Was my grandfathers surname. Wasnt very common then,however over the 12yrs...its became very common in the US...lucky for us we now live in Ireland...and hes the only one w that name...Wich he loves. Is very proud of his name. very manly name...and really couldnt see it on a girl!!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

our son is Logan Michael and absolutly love it, when he was born the nurse said Logan means strong and he certainly is (dont know if it means that or not) we joke he was named after Wolverine but we had that name picked out from the time we first got married love it

01/09/2024 20:22:46

Love the name Logan for a little boy. It's my sons name who was born in 2017. He was named after Logan Madder (ex-machinehead guitarist) by my husband.

01/08/2024 12:38:22

My name is Logan. I'm a male. I was born January 14, 1985. I beli've I'may be the oldest Logan. Leave a comment with your birth date. As for othe's I still hear the name rarly. Most recent a parent naming their little boy Logan. I'met a little girl named Logan once, and that was my first experiance meeting someone named Logan.

12/31/2023 12:26:10

I'm a transgender 14-year-old and this is my first name that I picked!!! I love It'so much. I named myself after Logan/Logic from Sanders sides

12/15/2023 01:09:20

we called our 2nd son logan sean, he is now 14 and thinks his name is great.

12/08/2023 21:19:46

I like the name Logan. Other ppl who post need to remember some names are a lot more common or not at all common in certain ares or states than in other areas.It all varies! I have never met a Logan and I am from Oklahoma, I just moved to Arkansas still have never met a Logan. Im 22.

11/02/2023 17:28:32

My husband named our son Logan after the comic book character Wolverine. Logan loves his name and loves Xmen!

10/25/2023 00:48:52

Our 6 1/2 yr old son, Logan, loves his name. We think it is dignified for him and makes him who he is. We wanted an celtic name for our boy that would suit him. We are VERY saddened when we come across a girl who has this name, it is intended to be a strong boys name!!

10/08/2023 20:35:14

My son logan is 14 in August... and I have loved this name for so long... i call him my logi bear... and i thought it was so original but obviously not.. as i read someone else calls their son logi bear... :)

09/16/2023 18:24:42

My son is named Logan, also after the x-men character, so of course I love the name.

09/13/2023 11:03:42

My brother has this name, but he'spells it differetnly. His is spelt Logen. My mom thought that we should have uniquely spelled first names die to our common last name. I have searched that name Logen instead of Logan on here, and it looks like there aren't any people with that'spelling. But I love the name.

09/03/2023 15:21:46

We named our son, Logan Luke Bartholomew Bazeley in 1991. We started a trend, I beli've. I still like it and I hope that he likes it too. His initials are LLBBL.

07/14/2023 16:47:06

I just named named my son Logan. I love it!!! I don't know anyone by that name and it just sounds nice.

06/23/2023 00:53:44

Since i have found out i was having a baby boy.. i was frantic in trying to decide on a boy name.. Logan was the first name my boyfriend suggested and has stuck ever'since! :) everyone i have talked to thinks that It'sounds very nice. His name will be Logan Eric, Eric after his dad lol.. he wanted Eric for the first name but i refused! lol :P

06/22/2023 22:15:02

My son Logan was born on 8-2-02. His mom picked the name because after 18 years of working with developmentally challenged school children, it was the only boys name'she could think of that didn't bring to mind a "challenging" child from years past....

05/29/2023 21:20:48

I actually received it after the comic book character known as Wolverine. I love the name... much more than my 1st name. I had friends in Washington who would would use variations like Log, Loag, Loggie or Lo-dawg (that last one was commonly used with close friends)! Other than that, i've heard a few little girls named Logan as well... now this awesome masculine sounding name has been'tainted! Crud!

05/05/2023 11:37:34

I'm almost 16, and I'm a girl named Logan. Most of the time when new teache's call roll, they outwordly tell me that they were expecting a guy. What's funny is I am not "manly" whatsoever. And meeting guys named Logan is o.k.-It'shouldn't be that bad to meet a girl named Logan(referring to the Dec. 8 comment) And in regards to the Jan. 3 comment-deal with it. It kind of hurts that you don't think some girls can have a strong, dignified name. I also love my name, and It's individuality. So please, don't get angry or saddened-just look at it as another child blessed with such a strong name.

05/02/2023 20:26:24

Logan is a beautiful name. I will name my son Logan Mia

03/27/2023 10:42:30

my husband is Logan Dirk. I love his name, It'says I am strong but soft, that'sounds like i am advertising for an underwire bra, but the my husband. :)

03/24/2023 21:17:08

My brothe's name is logan and he is 7. He has anger ishues but loves to cuddle. the name fits him great.

03/05/2023 01:11:08

my sisters name is logan, she is 15 and she likes her name but just wished my parents would have splet it "logyn" to make it more femine. shes thinking about changing the'spelling when she is 18. ofcourse my parents dont want her too lol

02/22/2023 15:05:10

My youngest son was born in Feb 2015, named by my husband that recently passed away....Just a wonderful and masculine name!!:)

02/06/2023 19:40:32

We named our son, Malakai, with the change in spelling allowing him to easily be called Kai for short. We've had tons of compliments on the name and spelling. We choose to refer to the biblical meaning of 'Malachi' as the foundation of his name. the Moores in Calgary

01/12/2023 17:12:12

My son name is Logan Thomas

12/20/2022 07:52:32

i love the name Logan for a girl as well as for a boy. i am only in high school but I'm in a parenting class were we get to take care of a doll that acts, sounds and feels like a really baby...mine is a girl and i named it Logan Abigail. I think it cute

12/11/2022 17:16:18

Our son is Logan and we love it, but it is was too popular these days. Too bad, it is a GREAT name and we are glad it is his.

11/21/2022 21:27:56

I am pregnant with a baby boy due in november and my husband and I picked Logan out before I was even pregnant , but now as the time gets closer for him to come , I keep questioning whether or not I really like this name... I guess its just hard to match a middle name with it. Knowing its also a girls name makes it harder to chose Logan as his name.

11/12/2022 18:13:28

Logan is the only name my husband and I both loved and agreed on. It definitely suits my son since he acts like a little man at 3 yrs old. I am now pregnant and having a hard time picking a name out for boy number 2. I love this name and can't find another I like as much.

11/08/2022 17:32:06

Our son is Logan Andreas and we loved the name. It is getting more common than we had hoped for ... one nickname not mentioned is L-train.

10/24/2022 17:31:16

My cousin, of whom is Autistic, is named Logan. It'suits him perfectly, curving around each minor detail. :)

10/24/2022 14:34:56

I loved that logans thrilled that his name is used in any film. He also is a big fan of 'wolverine'

10/20/2022 20:39:08

Back in 1997 before the name became popular, however he has been known as Bear for as many years as I can think of now lol

10/11/2022 03:00:38

I too call my son Logi lol for short, my logi bear.

09/24/2022 16:19:04

Logan is the name of four different boys who I went out with in school! I only liked one of them really, and he and I are still friends.

09/05/2022 12:05:16

Well we waited to the last minute to name our daughter we could not agree and then my husband really wanted and Irish name and stumbled to this name and and added to our list and then. Our son goes baby girl needs a name and i gave him three and he picked cara, Then my oldest daughter'said people will not say her name right and that is true . We tell them when'they say it wrong. We love her name.. Then we have people that love her name.

07/23/2022 23:52:12

I named my son Logan Thomas. It was the only name my husband & I could agree on, & Thomas is after my grandpa. I call him Logie, but didn't start calling him that until someone asked if I did & I told the "no". I told my husband that he can tell people that our son is named after Logan from X-Men if he wants. :o)

07/01/2022 01:57:18

My son is named logan james .named him after my fav. x-man wolverine.

04/28/2022 13:33:54

In1984 my wife was pregnant and someone gave me a book called "What not to Name the Baby". It made fun of all the'stereotypes of common names. After that we could't pick a name we liked. I was working in a machine shop tool crib a one night was looking out over the'shop and I noticed most of the lathes were Logan lathes. I decided that night it worked well with our last name and I had never heard of that name before. So in January of 1985 we named our son Logan. Looking at the chart He may be first Logan of modern era.

03/31/2022 07:33:00

My son is named Logan and is 12 years old. We only have come across a few other Logan's in his school. Not like some names where you can have a few in the'same class like Matthew or Jacob. I think it fits in with the crowd and yet stands out at the'same time. Great choice for any parents to be!

03/31/2022 02:03:36

I'm Logan Tanner Xxxxxx from 1993. I could never find any keychains or a license plate for my bike when I was a kid and I would come across another Logan maybe once a year, with about 50/50 boy/girl. Now Logan AND Tanner are much more popular. My little brother Tanner has 2 of each just on his football team!

03/14/2022 07:27:36

Male Logan's are crazy. My brother's name is Logan and he's a handful and a half. Every other Logan i've met is also a handful, but they are very, very loyal people, i've noticed. Loyal and complex.

03/05/2022 17:35:06

My daughter was born in 2003, making her 16, my mother picked out this name, and I loved it thinking how different and unique, now I am finding it has really caught on for a girls name. It is actually considered a surname, like Regan or MaKenzie. She has always loved her name and I have never regretted naming her Logan, she is a very feminime blonde, and it is so great when people are expecting a boy to walk forth and instead they see a beautiful young girl, also recently she'started dating a boy named Logan and they think that It's pretty cool. The only problem I ever had was when she was a newborn, she was born bald and inspite of those pink dresses she wore everyone wanted to refer to her as a "HE" but she'soon outgrew that.

02/04/2022 13:36:36

I am named Logan and so is this other kid in my grade and we are best friends, also my sister got an american girl doll and its name is logan kind of creepy to have a doll named after you.

12/20/2021 15:57:00

Our little boy is called Logan, it wasnt that common when we named him, however it is now incredibly popular in the UK, probably from Wolverine. He probably would have been called Logan even if he was a girl, because we couldnt think of any other name that we liked at the time

12/20/2021 14:07:12

My baby boy's name is Logan. Miguel is his middle name... I am white but my husband is hispanic... the name didn't go over 2 well with his family because It's not a name that can be translated in spanish. However, we don't care because we love it and sorry... my son does not look like a Diego.

10/19/2021 17:59:24

My sons name is Logan Christopher and he knows when the two are put together he's in trouble. LOL

10/10/2021 13:28:30

My son is called Logan Callum and it suits him really well.

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Logan FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Logan?
The origin of the name Logan is Irish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Logan?
*️⃣ How many people are named Logan?
Almost 370000 people are named Logan.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Logan?
The names of Luke, Luca, Lucy, Luka, Loki