
Mahlon meaning

: Sickly or Weak

Mahlon Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \ma(h)-lon\
Number of People 👶 5,000
Rate in 2021 6063
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 Hebrew
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Mahlon Name Meaning

Carved from the Hebrew word "machal," Mahlon translates to "sickly" or "weak". Despite the seemingly negative connotation, in its Biblical context, this signifies an individual's dependence on Divine grace and power, particularly during challenging times.

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Comments on the name Mahlon
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My grandfather's name was Mahlon Knud , my father was Mahlon Eugene and I am named after my grandfather and I named my first son Mahlon Joseph. The name is Hebrew and in my case Norwegian. When looking up the definition I found the common meaning but also the'secondary meaning of "dancing or make merry" this was due to the pronounciation. I pronounce my name Mahlon as (May-lynn) which means dancing or merry. Found the expression from one site right on as my personality. If your named Mahlon consider yourself blessed

01/14/2024 00:00:00

people often mispronounce it. it is pronounced "MAY-lonn"

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Mahlon is a beautiful biblical name, despite It's meaning being "sickness".

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I'm a 34 yr old male and my name is Mahlon but I flipped we I was a young boy to sound like (Milan, Italy). I didn't identify with name'so he had no say in that. So everyone knows me as "Milan". Ladies have always loved my name. My bestfriend of 22 yrs name his son after me and I have a nephew named after me as well. i've always seen "little mighty war-like one and the'sickness" but i've never come across "POWERFUL". I also DJ and I have a stage name but I think I'll change it now i've seen'this. Love this site and my name!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My granddad and dad's name is Mahlon. I am thinking of the name for a girl with the'spelling Maylen. What do folks think of this❤️ Where do the other meanings come from❤️ I have only heard the'sickness one, which Isn't super appealing obviously. But powerful is kinda sweet :)

01/14/2024 00:00:00

This IS a cute Name for a boy I picture a boy with Blonde hair though.. idk why

01/09/2024 22:26:12

I named my daughter Mahlon after my grandfather's and aunt's middle names. I didn't know if she would be a boy or a girl until she came out but decided that Mahlon was beautiful for either one. She is a girl named Mahon. We pronounce it "MAElun" because that is how my family says it and it is a family name but it does look more like "MAWlun". My grandmother'sent me a list tracing the name back through our ancestors all the way to the 1300's to a "Sir Mahlon". I am glad to hear of a nicer meaning for the name. All I had heard until now was "sickness", but I like the name'so I just ignored that one.

01/03/2024 02:44:26

My names is Mahlon and I am 59 years old. Also pronounced May-lun or as I tell people same as Waylon but turn the W upside down. Mahlon is from the Bible in the the book of Ruth. From Ruth Chapter 1 verse 2: "And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion". My mother told me I was named from the Bible and gave me the info! Take care all you Mahlons out there.

12/26/2023 23:59:28

My dad was named Mahlon. His nickname was Lon. His grandparents were from Sweden. My new granddaughter will be named Maelynn after him.

12/19/2023 17:25:16

I named my daughter Mahlon because It's simple, pleasant on the ears and unique. While there are a few individuals with the name they are far and few between, even fewer females with the name. Unfortunately, it is often spoken by unfamilar people as 'Muh-lawn' or 'Mae-lawn'.

12/17/2023 15:27:36

I named my son Mahlon after his great great great grandfather Crawford Mahlon Walker. And as the previous comment stated, people have a very hard time pronouncing it. We pronounce it May-lun...most people want to say Mah-lun. I knew this would be an issue but I hope he enjoys the name in the long run.

12/10/2023 18:00:02

Hey I'm Mahlon Griffin the'second. It's nice to read about other (May-lons) for a change

12/06/2023 15:50:30

I am a Mahlon as well ... the third actually. My father (Jr) actually married my mom whose name is Ruth. Just as it is in the Bible. After Mahlon dies in the Bible she marries Boaz so my dad always said if someone moves in our neighborhood named Boaz we're getting the hell out of here. But i love my name. 24 years of mispronunciations hasn't bothered me one bit and i plan to make my first born son the fourth. Never heard it as a girls name though so that is inter'sting. Most people that hear my name before they meet me either think im a girl or asian though lol. oh and one more thing ... chicks totally dig it.

12/06/2023 12:18:54

Not a particularly nice sound, and counterintuitive spelling. Even worse on a girl.

12/01/2023 17:24:16

My brother's name is Mahlon, it is pronounced "mailen" He had the hardest time growing up with it. he is named after our grandfather because he was the first grandson born. Now that he is an adult he goes by his first name rather than his nickname.

11/18/2023 17:00:02

I have a great Uncle named Mahlon, and it is also a Bible name (Ruth's first husband--Naomi's son). I'm considering this name for my 6th child who is a boy. i've not heard of this name besides my great uncle. I was concerned with how othe's would pronounce it.

11/09/2023 04:56:34

It's a family name in my family. As a matter of fact, the person commenting Jul 20, 2020 and saying his father's name is Maylon is probably a relative of mine, since that is how my grandfather's name was spelled (is that you Uncle Jack❤️).

10/28/2023 05:48:48

Most do not pronounce it correctly. I am married to a Mahlon Kirk VI.

10/27/2023 00:43:06

My name is Mahlon. I have met several other Mahlon's, but most people I'meet remark that they have never met a Mahlon before. This name is frequently mispronounced and mispelled by othe's.

10/25/2023 23:09:00

Yes my Grandaughter name is Haleigh, Many people spell it wrong..But we Love her name. It actually is her'second name. But we call her by that name..

10/04/2023 00:12:26

Aloha My name is Mahlon and it is not pronounced correctly by my friends because I grew up hearing it missed pronounced. Anyway I have a guess on how my family got it pronounced wrong. My grandmother is hawaiian and in hawaiian it is Mahelona. Now because she was fluent she would pronounce my father's name as (mylen) so it is spelled Mahlon yet pronounced(mylen) I always get wow! that's an unusual name. I also found that they have the correct pronunciation in the bibl of king james version. Aloha Mahlon Kapule Jr

09/28/2023 11:57:26

my name is Mahlon, i was named after a guitarist named Mahlon lucas (look him up,hes dead but cool!) im 14 and often deal with people calling me mulon, mellon, mayo (food) etc. but i just get clever back. im writing from school and have to leave:)bye!

09/27/2023 10:05:42

My father's name was Mahlon (pronounced may-len), my brother's middle name is Mahlon and my new grandson (born July 30, 2020)is Mahlon. I couldn't be more pleased... with the name or the grandson (and his twein sister!).

09/12/2023 15:22:16

My son's name is Mailon. My father's name was Mayland. Just another way to spell it.

09/08/2023 03:30:50

My grandpas middle name was Mahlon RIP grandpa, but that is the name he went by since he didn't like his first name which was Clarence. I always liked it because it was rare. He told me when I was small it was from the book of Ruth. All of his friends called him that and his mail came with that name on it with his last name. Mahlon is a unique name and will always hold a special place in my heart since that is where my grandpa stays with me.

09/07/2023 13:24:26

My father's name is Maylon. He was always told he was named after his grandfather. In tracing the family history. I found his grandfather Mahlon Jones and his great-grandfather Mahlon L Jones. Not easy to do as the name Mahlon was very popular in the 1800's. It was a name for men and women.

08/26/2023 22:48:02

This is a fantastic name! Masculine yet artistic-sounding, classic, chic, and sophisticated. A guy named Brooks is a real man, yet in'touch with his sensitive side. Plus, this name will never be common. It's way too cool.

08/22/2023 23:34:50

My son is named mahlon, only spelt mahlen. It came from the family i.e. my stepgrandfather was mahlen and so was his father etc. etc. It used to be quite common in Bedfordshire, England, where we are from. I know of one other who is a distant cousin and is a professor at Stowe School. Lots of people get the name wrong, calling him mayland or marlon. His full name is mahlen david thomas fox. When he was younger I told him I wouldn't mind if he wanted to use one of his other two names to make life easier, but he declared that if somebody couldn't be bothered to get his name right he wasn't bothered about them. By the way, it is pronounced Maylen. He is a Dr. Mahlen Fox PhD.

08/20/2023 17:47:56

Mahlon was my maternal uncle's name and we all , the 16 neices and nephe's as just another name . My grandmother'said she knew it from the Bible , she then named my mother Esther and my aunt Ruth . The eldest was Aldrich ( my grandmother's pre-adoption maiden name , the younger boys were Kenneth and Chester both choosen so all the names would have an "H" in them . Mahlon was pronounced MAH-lin by the family but he was usually called Mahly .

08/16/2023 10:03:22

I named my son Mahlon (pronounced May-lun) and he is five years old now. I have never met another Mahlon...but I loved reading this site with all the Mahlons!! I chose the name because of the meaning that I found on it, which 5 years ago---said it meant rare, gentle, and wise. I since have found SEVERAL different meanings, but I'm sticking to the one I found then! Our family tradition is to name males either Biblical or Saint names, and girls in our family have Cherokee names. Mahlon was a way to keep the unique trend of names going in my family, and I just love the'sound and meaning of it.

08/08/2023 03:58:30

My name is Mahlon and I to have had to deal with the issues of mispronunciation and the varied meaning that has been said that the name possesses. I am a Jr. but the third in the family and I plan to name my son Mahlon IV

08/07/2023 18:51:52

Mahlon is the name of my husband. he was born in 1978. his mother and father picked the name from the bible. If we ever have a daughter I intend to pass his name down to her, with a slight variation, her name will be Mahloni!!! he does not like his name, mainly because noone can ever pronounce it correctly. I love his name!

07/19/2023 04:56:10

hey yer I'm mahlon and have never meet some one with same name as me

07/01/2023 20:29:44

My name is Mahlon. People mispronounce my name when I go to the doctor's office. I have only met one kid with the'same as mine and I like him very much, he is my friend. I find my name to be unique. I was named after my deceased grandfather and deceased grandmother. Mahlon was my grandfather's first name and my grandmother's first name was Lee so I was named Mahlon Lee.

06/29/2023 22:03:40

We are naming our baby boy this in October- and we love the name and appreciate that It's unique, yet not strange- there won't be 5 of them in his kindergarten class, but It's pronounceable.

06/16/2023 09:54:06

i am one in a long line of Mahlon's. i pronounce it maylun. i have heard tell of othe's with my name but have never actually met another Mahlon. be kind of cool if i ever do but i am not holdong my breath :)

06/09/2023 18:19:12

I just had my little biy on April28th, 2020!! I named him Mahlon after my Great Grandfather. I love this name for so many reasons, first off my grandfather was a geat man and the name Mahlon means "Powerful" and its a name u dont hear at all these days which is great.:)

06/06/2023 13:19:16

It's pronounced 'May-lun' and he's the only one I know named that. He is an unusual guy, but I'm not sure that his name has anything to with it. It'suits him though.

06/05/2023 04:24:20

My name is Mahlon and it is pronounced "Muhlawn". And as a girl, i've yet to meet another female named Mahlon. I love my name. It is unique and exteremly different. Not to proud of its meaning or whom it originally represents. But I love it for what it is.

06/01/2023 11:39:04

My name is MahlonAnd it is pronounced "Muhlawn". And as a girl, i've yet to meet another female named Mahlon. I love my name. It is unique and exteremly different. Not to proud of its meaning or whom it originally represents. But I love it for what it is.

05/22/2023 00:40:12

I have family members with the name Mahlon and I'm trying to trace where they came from. My gg grandfather's name was Joseph Casterline and his son, my gg uncle, was named Mahlon Casterline. If anyone is related to the Casterlins I

05/14/2023 18:41:16

A difficult name for people to pronounce. I pronounce it as if it were spelled "Maylin". Don't use it except for relatives and old friends. Use part of my last name as my first name when I now introduce myself to someone now.

05/08/2023 19:33:50

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on November 11, 2020. We named him Mahlon Eric after his grandfather who was actually named Eric Mahlon. I love the name Mahlon as it carried on the legacy of my Father as well as satisfying my desire to give my baby a unique name. I was going to try some variations on the'spelling but decided to keep it the'same to better'serve the legacy of my father. It is exciting to see so many positive comments here on the name. I hope that my little boy will be as pleased with his name as many of you have been. We also pronounce it May-lun and have found that many people mispronounce it or just simply ask us how to say it without attempting.

04/24/2023 06:25:26

My experience is that the one person I know who has this name goes by something else.

03/12/2023 23:37:32

Mahlon is my middle name...named after my great-grandfather. I never really liked it when I was younger, but it has a distinctive sound to it and I have grown to use it whenever I give my full name.

02/24/2023 13:31:14

my name is mahlon but people call it maylon or muhlawn i hate it when people pronounce it wrong

02/11/2023 12:31:44

i love my name because there is never any doubt who people are referring to when i hear my name usally mispronounced but i always polietly correct them i was unaware that Mahlon is a unisex name i am 28 and have met one other mahlon in my life and it was about three weeks ago it was a male by the way

01/27/2023 00:10:18

My boyfriend's name is Mahlon. He was named after his grandfather, who is German and Jewish. People always mispronounce it.

01/17/2023 18:17:08

My name is Mahlon (we prounce in May-lun), and I am a girl. I do encounter mispronounciation issues, but it doesn't really bother me any more... I just get really excited when someone pronounces it right on the first go. :D I was named Mahlon after my grandfather, who has it as a middle name. It was given'to him after a man named Mahlon helped his family financially in the early 1900s.

01/14/2023 03:52:56

My name is Mahlon and I pronounce it May-lun. Both my father's father and my mother's father were named Mahlon and since I was the first born, I was named Mahlon. When I was a child I was called Lonnie, and later Lon, but I always have used Mahlon as my legal signature.

01/08/2023 23:34:02

Well, my name is Melody (I'm a girl duh lol) but my friends just call me Odie, so I guess Odie would be my name.

01/02/2023 16:30:30

Mahlon is my father's name and my middle name. We've always pronounced it Male Lyn. My dad was named after a German farmer friend of the family. People always love the name.

12/08/2022 03:27:22

My name is Mahlon Teter. Mahlon has been passed down in every generation of Teter'since coming here from Germany. I have met a few guys named Mahlon. Mostly the Amish for they name their son's from the Bible.

12/08/2022 02:34:28

I'm 10weeks away from giving birth to our son, and his name is already Mahlon. We picked it because we initially liked "Marley" but I wanted a stronger'sounding boys name and I think Mahlon fits that well. I can't wait. I love the name.

12/05/2022 14:54:54

My name is Mahlon Cooper Bouldin, after my great Uncle Mahlon Cooper. I'm from Clarksdale, MS. and grew up knowing there must be a few othe's out there. There has been a train wreck of pronunciations throughout my life (now 44 years), but I'm not surprised that the name was more popular when biblical and helenisitc names were very popular at the end of the 19th century. Anyway, to all the other Mahlon's out there.... carry on.

11/13/2022 23:54:26

My name is Mahlon and I was named after a charachter in the book of Ruth in the Bible. Many people pronounce my name wrong but it is pronounced maylyn.

10/15/2022 11:20:28

my name is mahlon, (its pernounced maylen.) i grew up being okay with my name and like it alot now, i like it becuase it is unique. It's good to see that there's other mahlons :)

10/11/2022 08:35:40

Not a particularly nice sound, and counterintuitive spelling. Even worse on a girl. -- What is your name John or Bob or Fred❤️ Or maybe a Sarah❤️ Either way, whatever your name is I am sure it is forgettable precisely because it is bland, with easily deciphered spelling and a sound we've all heard a thousands times before. I am just sorry you have to live your entire life with such a simple over-used name. Oh well, probably suits your personality :P

10/05/2022 20:38:18

I named my daughter Mahlon after her great- great-great grandfather Mahlon Curtis Hockett, and great-great grandfather Donald Mahlon Hockett. I have always wanted to name my child Mahlon. People do have a hard time pronouncing it, but this does not seem to bother her. She has only met two othe's with the'same name; a gentleman in his 70's and a 1 year-old. I have always wondered the correct pronounciation also. My grand-mother always said (mA-lon) but I do not know if that is correct either. Mahlon is truly a unique name and I am very happy I name her that.

09/24/2022 16:01:26

My name is Mahlon, and I am a girl. It is pronounced 'Maylen' or 'Maelin,' not as sperate may-lin, but it flows together. Mahlon was my great-grandfather's middle name, and then my became my mother's middle before she named me. Mahlon is also in the bible, under Ruth. Mahlon is one of Naomi's sons who is killed. When I was younger I disliked my name because EVERYONE miss pronounced it! But now I feel original and unique, and when I one day have my own children, I hope I can find a name that is just as special!

09/22/2022 10:14:32

My son's name is Maylon from the derivative of Mahlon nice Gaelic name after our ancestry.

08/28/2022 19:03:18

Mahlon Lucas born 06/06/10 is my baby boy's name. It is a name we wanted to keep in the family. My husband's middle name is Mahlon, his father's middle name is Mahlon, and his grandfather was Mahlon Lucious. We love the name and hope he does too.

08/20/2022 09:45:18

We named our baby Cara. So many people compliment us on the name. I think It's very feminine and pretty. I hope she likes it too. Wquite a few people mix it up with Clara or Carla, and one friend keeps spelling it with a K! I love the Irish/Italian roots and love both meanings

07/09/2022 01:11:24

My 5 month old son is named Mahlon. We named him after my husband's grandpa, Mahlon. My husband also has an uncle named Mahlon. I absolutely love the name, but very few people pronounce it correctly.

06/28/2022 16:18:36

Hi..My husband's name is Mahlon (pronouned as Mah-lon). Many people used to pronounced it as Mah-lown. (sounds like Melon). But it doesn't matter to both of us. We'll be having a baby a month from now. We're still thinking of the best name for HER, but after reading all of these stories, I love to name my first born in line with my Husband's name and with me also. I'd appreciate it very much if you could give me a girl's name from Mahlon and Eli. Thanks!

06/03/2022 22:28:30

I was born on November 29, 2020. My father picked my name after reading it on one of those baby name websIt's. It was rated least popular and my father went for it. My parents wanted a unique and name and they did a good job.

05/11/2022 07:10:30

I think its a very pretty name and I'm pregnant right now... do if i have a girl her name will be Mahlon pronounce "Mah-Lawn"!!!

03/26/2022 22:19:30

Mahlon is a family name. My alsmost 2 yr old son's 1st name is Mahlon. Great Grandpa's 1st name was also Mahlon. My husband's middle and my father in law's middle names are both Mahlon.

03/11/2022 17:14:24

When i was young i never liked my name but now that im older i love it. I get so many compliments on my name. How beautiful It'sounds. I love the fact that i have so many nick names. Gaby, Gabz, G. The name gabriela just rolls off your tongue so well i love it!

02/26/2022 16:18:36

Mahlon is the best name in the whole wide world!!!

02/05/2022 07:54:36

I am a 48 year old woman and my name is Mahlon(mAlun)...I was named after a tugboat captain who saved my parents lives when'they were teenagers in the late 50's. They were boating with a friend off the coast of South Carolina with another friend and the boat sank. They were adrift with only a log for 9 hours.Capt. Mahlon Hudgins came along and saw them in the dark and took them home to our beach house. Mama and Daddy married a few years later. They named their 1st child after him! It was written up in the paper, and I knew Capt. Hudgins (aka "MayMay")as a child. I love my name!!!

12/14/2021 15:22:48

By the way, mahlon comes from the bible. He was married to Ruth and was killed off after a couple of verses after which she trotted round after her mother-in-law. He had a very small part and you will find him right at the beginning of the Book of Ruth.

07/15/2021 03:22:48

My father was named Mahlon after his father. His grandfather was also named Mahlon. My father'said the name was passed to the first born sons born on Valentines Day Feb. 14. I was the first born on Feb. 17 so my name is Michael.

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Mahlon FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Mahlon?
The origin of the name Mahlon is Hebrew.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Mahlon?
Sickly or Weak
*️⃣ How many people are named Mahlon?
Almost 5000 people are named Mahlon.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Mahlon?
The names of Malik, Malka, Malak, Malaki, Malek