
Mariana meaning

: Star Of The Sea

Mariana Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \m(a)-ria-na\
Number of People 👶 39,000
Rate in 2021 592
Numerology 🔢 3
Name origin 🌍 Spanish
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Mariana Name Meaning

Ah, the beautiful name Mariana! Let's dive into its meaning and discover the hidden gems behind this lovely name.

The name Mariana has roots in multiple cultures and languages. In Latin, it is derived from the combination of two names: Maria, meaning "beloved" or "wished-for child," and Anna, meaning "grace" or "favor." When combined, Mariana can be interpreted as a blend of these beautiful qualities - a beloved child filled with grace.

In Spanish and Portuguese cultures, Mariana is often associated with the sea. The name evokes images of calm waters and tranquility, reflecting a sense of serenity that resonates with those who bear this name.

Mariana is a timeless and elegant choice for parents seeking a meaningful name for their little one. Its rich history and diverse interpretations make it a captivating choice that carries both beauty and depth.

So whether you're named Mariana yourself or considering it for your child, embrace the joyous significance behind this remarkable name. May it bring love, grace, and peacefulness to all who bear it!

Cool Info About Name Mariana

Additional name description Mariana
Additional name description Mariana

The personality of the name Mariana

The women named Mariana are simple and dedicated . They have great mental agility and a good sense of humor. At their side, any situation is easier and more enjoyable, since they have compassion and empathy.

In turn, Mariana is usually a creative and imaginative person. She possesses will power in everything she does, therefore, she does not leave any activity halfway and will always see through to the end of any matter. She is a curious, hard-working woman who takes care of details and will never harm anyone with her actions.

In addition, people named Mariana have good self-esteem and their presence gives security anywhere. Plans with Mariana must be organized in advance, since she does not like instability or surprises.

Celebrities with the name Mariana

Among the celebrities named Mariana, the following stand out:

Mariana Seoane : Mexican actress and singer who was the protagonist of the telenovela Rebeca .

Mariana Vicente : She is a Puerto Rican model and actress who ran for Miss Universe in 2010.

Mariana Torre : She is a Mexican actress who had her first leading role in Belinda .

Mariana Pajón : She is an athlete, bicycle rider, BMX cyclist and double Olympic gold medalist. (Appears in the following image)

Saint Mariana's Day

The day of Santa Mariana is celebrated on May 26 , in honor of Santa Mariana de Jesús de Paredes.

Numerology of The Name Mariana

According to numerology, the number of the name Mariana is 3 .

The popularity of the first name Mariana

According to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics, in Spain there are currently 21,122 women named Mariana and the average age is adult, specifically 47.4 years.

As we can see on the map, Mariana is a name that is widely distributed throughout the peninsula, but the majority of women with this name come from the following provinces:








iminutives and variations of the name Mariana
Some diminutives of the name Mariana are:
Mari, Nana

The name Mariana in other languages
The name Mariana has the following variants in other languages:
Catalan: Marianna
French: Marianne, Mariane
English: Marian, Marianne, Maryann
Italian: Marianna
Russian: Mariam, Maryan

Saint Mariana's Day
Saint Mariana's Day is celebrated on May 26, in honor of Saint Mariana de Jesus de Paredes.

Numerology of the name Mariana
According to numerology, the number of the name Mariana is 3.

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Mariana FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Mariana?
The origin of the name Mariana is Spanish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Mariana?
Star Of The Sea
*️⃣ How many people are named Mariana?
Almost 39000 people are named Mariana.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Mariana?
The names of Marshawn, Morrison, Marcene, Marcena, Marcine