Gender | 👩 Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \n(a)-ta-lie\ |
Number of People | 👶 358,000 |
Rate in 2021 | ⭐ 138 |
Numerology | 🔢 8 |
Name origin | 🌍 Latin |
Natalie is a name closely related to religion as it can be translated as "the day Jesus Christ was born".
This name has Latin roots. Its etymology is related to the term "Natalis dies". Translation exaltation is "Christ and his birthday" or, as we said earlier, "Christ was born".
Natalie's personality
She is all about ambition, albeit a healthy one. She loves adventures, nature and always doing something different. She also knows how to relate to the environment and establish a symbiotic relationship with those around her.
At the job level, she takes full advantage of her abilities to get into seats until she reaches paid positions. This woman is ambitious but also generous (although it may seem a bit contradictory). This is exactly why you may sometimes have another conflict of interest.
Natalie is a woman with the talent to devote herself to the commercial sector. This is because he knows how to socialize and be liked by others, thereby achieving the expected results. If you don't get them, it will start looking for other ways to improve performance.
On the plane of love, this woman is associated with passion at certain moments. Natalie is not a woman of compromise. She is adventurous and loves active relationships. Even if you don't want to hurt your partner, you can't always be successful. It will reach full maturity in the mid-30s.
As for her circle of friends, Natalie is quite an independent woman. It has a very similar personality. Iker o Mary They stand out for being compassionate and at the same time needing someone above them from time to time.
Natalie in other languages
In addition to Spanish, we can find this name in other languages:
In English, we'll know her as Natalie.
In Italian it will be written as Natalin.
In France, we can find him under his name. natalie.
People are known as Natalia
Many women are famous by the name Natalie, and here we present four of the most outstanding:
Natalie Portman. Intel award-winning intellectual actress.
Another actress named Natalie Valverde.
A French writer: Nathalie Sarraute .
In Spain, we have an actress, Natalia Millan. She is also dedicated to singing,
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FaithfulJust doesn't make sense. I live in FRANCE where all carriers are fcreod by law to unlock their phones after max 6 months, which is not the case in USA.Moreover, I browsed thru Ebay USA and iphones are sold just as expensive as in France.My reply would rather be, get yourself an iPhone 4 (not 4S) or wait for the iPhone 5 is out.
My name is Natalie Patricia. My parents named me Natalie because my dad had a crush on Natalie Woods! When I was younger I really didn't like my name. However, now that I am an adult I love it! It is a very timeless name that doesn't sound stupid when you are 40! (As opposed to something like Katie) I thought it was somewhat unique...but clearly that won't be the case for long...It's a top 20 girls name now! I like it because it is easy to pronounce (not always to spell though:)and people recognize it, but it is not as common as a name like Sarah or Anne. I have had many nick names including Nat Wagon, Nat Dog, Nat-Nat, Na-na, Nads, Natalia, Natashia, Natizzle. Another reason my parents picked the name was because they didn't think there were are lot of nick names associated w/ it...clearly they were wrong about that!! But regardless, Natalie rocks!
My name is Natalia and I like it,wouldn't change it for another. My friends call me Nati, my brother calls me Tania and some kids at school know me as Natnat. If I would have other nicknames I'd personally would perfer to be called Natu, Nilo,Lia or Iya. i've heard people like Tilly for Natalie too. Their unique and pretty and since Natalie is similar to Natalia I'd hope this could help :)
My name is "NATALIE" (which is spelled like that)at first I thought it was an old fashioned name, but now I like it :) My nicknames are: Nat,Natalee,Nat-Nat, Nat, Nats, Natty-Noo, Natty and Naterly! lol - soooo many nicknames 4 ma name =)
My name is Natalie Christine tooooo!! :)I absolutely love my name and wouldn't change it for a thing!!
my name is Natalie and everyone calls me Nadalie and i hate it. other people spell it Nathalie and i hate it, but i love my name
My name is Natalie Cae and I was born in 1978. I love my name and always have. My middle name came from the'shortened version of my mother's name, Catherine. All through school I never had to share my name with anyone on the north side of town. But on the'south side of town there was another Natalie. She was a pretty dark haired beauty that was an amazing ice skater. So instead of ice skating I learned to roller'skate. We knew of one another but never hung around. Unknowingly we both moved from our hometown to the'same city in Arizona...and the'same apartment complex! We became great friends and both loved our names!
Ilove my name Natalie I didnt like it before I wanted my name to be Keisha I didnt think My Name Ethnic enough I love it I wouldnt have itany other way
My daughter's name is Natalie Kora. I LOVE her name! :)
I'm Natalie Marie and hardly have ever had it mispronounced...only misspelled. It's been a joy having a unique (though not unusual) name. Makes me feel more individual.
My name is Natalie and I get called Natty or Nats which I think is so cute but I really hate it when people spell my name "Natlie" it hurts me
My name is Natalie Rachelle. occasionally people will pronounce my name wrong, but not very often. I'm the only Natalie at my high school. for the most part, people call me Nat, and Nati. my great grandpa calls me Nat Nat. I do like my name, because It's classic but at the'same time, I don't come across many people with the'same name as me.
My name is Natalie! WOOT! lol i am a country singer....and i have a LONG Italian last my stage name is my first and middle name. Natalie Rose. i love my nicknames are Nat, Natty, Ty Lee, Nats, Natti, but mostly everyone calls me Natalie. people usually mispell mine as "Nataly" and i dont like it. T.T
i love my name, its not that common but its not unheard of,it is often missed spelt by adding a y or missing an A out. i agree its a beautiful name and im glad my parents named me natalie, i don't like nat but i would never change it.
My fried calls me nataliaaa but my name is natalie. i kinda natalia better. I dont really like the meaning, its kinda bland haha. But i like it because not many people have it. And its a french/italian name :D..
I have always liked my name. No one has ever tried to abbreviate it, not even my family, which I appreciate. I think nicknames are demeaning and I'mature.
Natalie is such a beautiful name! It'sounds cute for a baby and yet appropriate for an older woman also. I love the ie sound on the end of a girl's name.
My name is Natalie, my middle name is Jane. I absolutely love my name. I'm the only Natalie I know and I get compliments on it all the time. It has such a beautiful meaning too.
I can't beli've all the comments on this name, wow. I like it because It's pretty. Even better if she is born around Christmas.
My names Natalie. I like it. i wish it were spelled Nataleigh; i think thats really cool. bye.:)
I love this pretty, classy, womanly name. I have a good friend with this beautiful name, and she calls he'self "Nellie" (kind of cute) as a nickname.
the name is adorable... my boyfriend and I are gonna name our first daughter Natalie Dawn (middle name his choice) which is odd because Dawn is my middle name! But Natalie sounds innocent!
This is my name and I love It'since the day I was both I also love that it means faith and I'm a proud 13 year old❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My name is Natalie. People never pronounce it wrong. In fact, nobody has ever had any trouble pronouncing my name. It is a pleasant sounding name.
I'm Natalia, I like my name... sounds girly and elegant
im a natalie and i too have experienced the above, specifically being called natty ice in college and thinking it was an old lady name (i am 25). i hated my name as a kid in the 80s, when everyone was jennifer or melissa but now i love it. its very feminine, pretty, delicate, adn vintage-y. every natalie I'meet is dark-haired and really artsy or unique too, which i also love! people, esp. men, tell me all the time what a beautiful and sophisticated name it is.
I named my daughter Natalie Claire; I cannot think of a more beautiful name. The name Natalie still is unique, but classic and feminine and lighthearted. It's a name that makes you smile. i've been complimented all of her 13 years on this great name choice. :)
my daughter is named natalie kiera. my husband likes both natalie portman and keira knightly, and i loved the name natalie. we call her nat, natty, natalia (when being silly), and nats. there is another natalie on the'street who she looks up to too. i would recommend the name
My daughter is Natalie Lauren - she is a beautiful 5 year old. She is so delicately small and her name is just as delicate. We call her Natty, Nat-Nat & of course Natty-Nat. She loves the attention and she loves her name.
LOL, well yeahh my name is Natalie too =) sometimes i think i have got dodged, but i love the name. best name ever. love it to pieces. i love it
I never met anyone with the name Natalie but it is a pretty name, and i like it alot. If i choose to spell Natalie i think i would speel it in a unique way like Natillie because its different still beautiful and i think people would still be able to pronounce it. But the only thing i dont like about the name Natalie is that you would probly be called the nickname Nat alot and peole are not little anoying bugs.
My name is Natalee (spelled with the two e's!) and I love it! I have always loved my name! And I see on here that it is common but I have never found that to be true. I never went to school with another Natalee and I didn't meet another Natalee until well into my college years. Maybe It's my age and nowadays it is more popular among younger kids but I never experienced that. Lots of nicknames and such! I feel its elegant and beautiful as a child and now as an adult. -Natalee (age 24)
I'm 47 and my name is Natalie Anne. My dad said my mom named me after Natalie Wood, but she denies it. I had another Natalie in my class growing up, so there was always two of us and It'seemed like a common name. I have always been'told it was a beautiful name.
my name is Natalie too and i use to not like my name cause its alot to say and nobody could get it right but as i got older i started to like even more. My friends call me mom calls my nattypat... they say it with like diffferent voices too idk but its whatever
I'm 6 months preg with my first girl and i heard this name the other day and its at the top of my list i love it we will prob shorten it to tilly while she is young
Ah my names Natalie Christina its a beautiful name i love it.
hey my friends call me tallie its great i love my name natalie
My name is not natalie but it is a nice name and I have a girl in my class called it and I think that the name is cool. And all those people who call natalie Fat Natty and Fat Nat you rode.
Natalie is a beautiful name. I always think of Natalie Wood. I love its variants Natasha and Natalia. Natalie is a name on my list!!
my name is natalie too but i spell it natt or natalii and i like that name cause there is so many ways to spell it and its a AWESOME name :)
My name is Natalie and I guess my name is okay, It's just there. But for some strange reason alot of teache's have called me Natalia over the years. They just can't seem to get it right...
well i went to school with a Kailee and she was very poular sooooo i dont really like the name but for othe's It'sounds pretty.
My name is Natalie Nicole and I LOVE LOVE my name!!! I see here it is supposed to be common, but luckily I haven't found that. I have only met three other Natalies in my lifetime, and I'm 32. I couldn't imagine any other name I would want!!!
My name is Natalie Joanne. I like the name :) people call me Nat of course. Natty. FattyNatty. Natty Jo. & Natters.
I'm Natalie. got tons of nicks, such as nat2, natteey, nate, nitnot, nuts, nattie, natalee. Luve em! :D
My name is Natalie and I like it. :) I just hate it when people spell it like Natile. It's really annoying. But that happens a lot. Besides that, it has a nice sound and It's pretty. :)
I'm Natalie. i've loved my name as it was always less common and I felt unique. I'm very fair, no dark hair! It's great to see there are so many Natalie's out there who love their name.
My name is Natalie Gail. My mom wanted to name me Stephanie Deann, but my dad said no. So, I was named Natalie after Natalie Wood (the actress) and Gail after one of my mom❤️s cousins. My dad always called me Nat for short...and with my middle name (I don't think my parents realized this when'they were naming me) I always thought It'sounded light nightingale (natngail). When I was younger I wasn't to fond of my name especially when another Natalie with almost the'same last name too moved to my school in 6th grade. But I have grown to love my name because I don't know very many Natalies.
My grandaughter is named Natalie Loren and we call her Natty-Cakes! Contrary to what most people think, she has auburn hair and Violet Blueish eyes. She is 3 with hair down to her waist and is very petite. We all love her name. She calls he'self Nattie!
I have always loved this name, so I named my daughter Natalie. The name is beautiful and classic and so is she ;) yay Natalie..
my name is natalie. i really don't like my name in the english version but i lyk the spanish version of it...natalia. i wish i would of been named this but i guess im starting to lyk my name a little bit better
well my name is Natasha and i live in an arab country, every arab boyfirend i've had so far would never forget me cz my name is natasha, the frst impression i get is wooooooooow nice name, beatiful name , i just love being tasha n all my friends say It'suits me n nuthin else would suit me
I am the only girl in my high school with the name Natalie. I love my name'so much because it just sounds beautiful!
im a Natalie Ann too, seems there's a few of us! i love my name i think Natalie's a pretty girly name and i get nat, natty, nats, knickers (❤️!) nick nat paddywack, friends are weird haha!
my names natalie and i love it. i think It'suits me so well. i get called a few nick names such as nat, nat-nat, nattie and tallie. i have just been reading on here that people call other natalies tati, and i love it.
My name is Natalie and I love it!!! I think It's unique and a really nice mix of old fashion but modern at the'same time. I'm really happy that's what my parents named me :)
I'm a Natalie and I definitely feel like my name fits me now. When I was little and even as a teenager I didn't like it a great deal as I didn't think it fitted me, I wanted a more "special", pretty name like Olivia or Aurora or Ariana Giselle (Lol). After years being called Natalie Fat-alie and Nat the Brat, I seriously considered changing it when I was about 17 and then I realised that I had grown into my name and I actually love it now as it has the ability to sound cute, classy and beautiful all at the'same time! It can get annoying when people call you Natasha or Nicola by accident or spell your name wrong (Natale, Natile, Natily!) though. I'm glad my parents picked Natalie though, I was nearly Elizabeth, Charlotte or Jameela and those names are definitely not "me"!
LOL seeing lotssa people being a Natalie here, guess I'd join the club:) Cuz I'm a Natalie!:D
Nathalie is my second name and I don't like it much because it was a very common name given for people of my age (I'm 44) in France. Notice that the French spelling is with a H and I don't like the English spelling without. But I like the sound of Natalia. It seems Russian to me, and exotic. It's strange how the final "a" can change everything!
I am a 72 year old Nathalie--and I love my name--Ironically my family did not call me by my first name growing up--as an older adult I have used it [since it is my given birth name] some people thought this was weird,like I was changing my identity--but I am totally comfortable with Nathalie--and for those who still call me Anne[middle name},that is fine also-- I just wish I had made the change earlier in life. I tis a beautiful name and the meaning is special. I was born in early January--and named after my Aunt Nathalie.
I absolutely love this name, but my husband and I have ended up deciding against it for our daughter arriving next month, since it has become so popular. Very pretty name though.
My daughter's is Natalie Grace. She's two years old, blue eyes, dark hair, and petite. My husband and I fell in love with the name Natalie during my pregnancy and never considered any other names. She refers to he'self as Nonnie. We call her Na-Na, Talie-cakes, and Natsy. Her name fits her perfectly!
my names Natalie, and i love my name its soo adorablee i wouldnt wana change it its perfect ! It'sounds so cute nd evryone tells me, i wish i had ur name or i love ur name
natalie is a short namer but it doesnt bother me cause it like its good to have besides the things the dont bother me iS ALL write pease out biches
Hey my name is Natalie too, I never really liked my name, but It's great to hear other Natalies that love the name. I always wanted to change my name and I'm still debating it. I never felt like a Natalie. I was named after the actress Natalie Wood
Everybody calls me Natile but I love my name and i think its pretty
i know sooooo many Natalie's and i find It's a very bland name.
ok, my name is Natalie, but people always spell and say it worng and its annoying, its too long and I hate writing it out, I only like it cause its different
I named my daughter Natalie christine. All the natalies I knew where beautiful and had brown hair and blue or green eyes. So does my daughter. I dont have a nickname for her'shes only 3 so maby one will come up later for now its just sweety, honey and baby
My name is Natalie Michele. I was born in November, which is right before christmas :) People spell it wrong sometimes, but it doesnt bother me. I have some great nicknames besides the usual Nat. I get Naty Pooh, Naty Baby, Naty Ice, Nat Nat, Natster and more. It's a great name!
ok my name is natalie and i love my name most of the time they speel it in the wronge way like nataly or nathalie! in the period of now I'meet a lot of girls named natalie and trust me girls natalie is the best name for a child... it means christ's birthday!!
I actually enjoy the name Natalie. However, It'seems too common, but is much prettier than the other variants. My name is Natalya Dani and I personally don't like my name. Natalie would've been better.
one of my best friends name is natalie her nickname is nat and it fits her perfectily and she agrees Quinn from florida
my name is natalie too.i have alot of nicknames.nat, natcat, nattie, nattiecats, nats,natalie-catalie.i used to not like my name, but i've learned to love it.i was named after natalie cole and natalie wood. :)
my husband and i love natalie but seen as he chose it i told him i will spell it how i want i am undecided between natayle and nataley❤️ her's hoping she does turn out to be a girl!
I love my name!But, i've never meet someone exept 1 person with the'same name. But that's what makes It'so beautiful.
My daughter is Natalie Michelle. We thought it was cute for a little girl but it would still work into the adult years also.
I'm also Natalie Anne..which seems to be a very popular combination..i really do love my name i have many nicknames nat, nattie, ally, tati, part of my family is eastern european so they call me natasha or tash which i think is pretty too i always get compliments on how beautiful it is and how It'suits me so well
I LOVE my name! I am a Natalie and I too have had people spell my name incorrectly often. I like my name because It's cute without forcing the cuteness like those who spell Kelly with an 'i' etc, to make it cuter. Also, I haven't met a lot of Natalie's and when people find out my name is Natalie, they say it is wonderful and that It'suits me.
Well persons normally ask thats ur name..ola is a spanish name..n I'm like no full name is afican with ola in I'm getting use to it..i normally feel away that i have an uncommon name..
My name is Natalie and I love it. People call me Talie (tah-lee) as a nickname and I think it cute. I rather have Talie as a nickname than Nat or Nat Nat. Sometimes people call me Nattie too. Anyways I think It's a beautiful name, its classy and pretty, & people actually don't spell it wrong.
My name is also Natalie. But I think this name is too popular. I have 5 friends with the'same name. I like exotic and rare names much more. And my nickname Isn't better. My friends call me "Natta" and It'sounds so...stiffly. But ok, it Isn't a ugly name'so I can live with it.
It's made my life a misery.I'm always called Fat Nat and Fat Natty.Although i would loved to be called Natalina.
my name is Nathalie but its pronouced natalie though i kinda hate it at times but people say as i get older il learn to love it...i guess i will but people call me nat well All of my friends do.
i really love this baby girl will be named Natalie Ann when i have her!!!
the name Natalie reminds me of curded milk for some reason...i sont know why❤️!❤️!❤️
my name is natalie. i hate it when people spell my name wrong or because they cant spell it put Nat on my cards, which is even worse. i dont like nat coz it can rhyme with some not so nice things and sounds like gnat. i do like the meaning of the name but was born not near xmas.
my name is natalie and i have never really loved the name or really hated it either. my middle name is ann and i think it goes great except i wish it was more unique sence natalie is kinda boring overall natalie is a good name but lack good nicknames.
My name is Natalie so growing up i was Natty or more affectionatly by my Mother Nastalie or Nast for short :) and some spellings people have blessed me with are Nathalie, Nattalie and my personal favourite Natily (OMG)
i love the name natalie that is an adorable name thats what im going to name my babygirl
I am Natalie too, and I hated it as a child. I wished I was called Michelle. Natalie was very common when I was growing up. Right now I know 5 other Natalies'. I get called Natty by everyone which I prefer, although I have grown to appreciate Natalie. I am more of a Natty then a Natalie. Oh and I was born 6 months before Christmas lol
I'm not named Natalie and I don't know anyone with that name, but if I did I would certainly want it! The name is adorable and I would definitely name my girl Natalie :)
My names Natalie and I dont really like it that much,its okay.My full name is Natalie Ellen
My name is Natalie LeeAnn. I love my name!To me It'sounds old fashioned, and i love that! :) have a great day/evening/night!
yup when i was in the 6th grade a teacher pronounced my name wrong instead ofsaying yadira they said diaria
My name is Natalie and I kind of like the name, but I used to think it was an old lady's name. When I was in college people called me natty ice which I didn't like because It's really crappy beer.
My name is Natalie. People call my Nat-Nat, Nat-Rat, Naturally, Nat, Natnat patty wack and many more. People usually spell my Natilie. Which is wrong! It gets annoying. I use to hate my name because i would be the only name in my grade or the'school. But, now I love it because it is unique! :)
We named our daughter Nataly after my sister and she's as beautiful as her name.
My name is Natalie, and people tell me i have a beautiful name all the time.. i've lived in the'states for 8years, in poland for 12 years and now in London(Great Britain) for 3years, and everywhere i get these comments. I Love it, It's beatiful..
my name is natalie and i love it! it was harder when i was younger because i was the only natalie amongst all the katies and sarahs, but now i love it!! my middle name is elaine.. so im proud to be natalie elaine :)
My names Natalie, i like it. nobody knows how to spell it even'though its pretty easy. most people think It's either "Natlie, Natile, Natilie, Natally" the annoying thing about my name is that there is no nicknames for it. Nelly or Nellie sounds kinda cool but it would be hard for people to addapt to a new nickname for me. its not that common in my school so i like how i dont have to be called, Natalie and then my last initial. Natalies a good name.
I like reading the historical accounts on how this name originated from Russian aristocracy/royalty.
My names Natalie, i get called Nat, NatNat and tilly ;D i love my name, meads christmas/birthday in latin :)
Natalie is my younger'sister's name. I live far away from my sister, but if I hear the name it I'mediately evokes images of childhood and family events. Natalie is very feminine and petite. I was the big brother and bodyguard as a football lineman and wrestler who survived a bear attack.
We called our first born son Elijah as we wanted a biblical name but slighlty more unusual than John, Andrew or Mark
I named my daughter Natalie because she was due in December. She was born December 23rd and I thought the name was appropriate. Her middle name is Natalie Snow. I love her name and even when I was younger I always wanted to have a daughter named Natalie.
I named my daughter Natalie Grace and I get compliments all the time. It is truly a beautiful name!
My name is Natalie and I think I liked it better when I was younger but (As my mom says) I'm at the age where i question everything but I have my days. But everyone of my friends has a different nickname for me: Nattie, Nat, Nat-Lee, Natty (different person), etc. Eventually some people started calling me by my middle name Rose, and some of the boys started calling me by my last name, Pall (pronounced Paul). But all in all It's a very pretty name!!!
My name is Natalie Maria and I love my name! People call me Nat, Nattii, Alie, Talie, Nats, Nawi and Natters. I don't know many Natalie's so I love it!
Natalie is beautiful! My daughter's name is Natalie. She is seven.
It's my name and its the coolest name ever! and it really suits me because i was born near christmas... like the meaning! lol.
I really like my name, Natalie. It is traditional and you don't find too many names keeping to old roots such as Grace, Isabel and Patricia. All great names as well.
I love the name Natalie is has a reli nice sound to it. Yeah there are other Natalie's but i dont mind. I have issues tho cuz my name is Natalie Carless and people speel my first and second name wrong arghhhh ! it argravates me cuz people dont actually read it they just see it. So i love the name natalie and i would never change it ! ;)
but my name is spelt Nathalie, and know quiet a bit of natalie's but I have yet to meet another person spell their name the same way with an H.
My Names Natalie, I Feel Really Blessed Being Called Natalie Beacuse It Means Beauty In Latin, & Wanting to Be A Model As Well, it Really Cojoins With My Abitions. WOOO Natalies Rock
My name is also Natalie. The funny thing is that its meaning is "born at christmas time" and I was born in january a day before Ukranian Christmas. My parents were always going to name me Natalie, and i was born 28 days early. I guess its pretty coincidental. -Natalie
My name is Natalie. I love it It'sounds like I could be the next big thing. Usually people dont spell it wrong because they call me Nat or Nata. Im being called Lil now XD
My daughters name is Natalie Grace and when she was born the nurses and doctors said it reminded them of an actress back in the day. I love her name and get a lot of compliments on it. Plus I love how classic it is and although its more common today, you still don't hear about many Natalie's.
Hey my name is natalie and sometime i dont like it, Yeh its a beautiful name but i hate having the'same name and the'same spelling as everyone so i have told my friends to spell it Nataligh. :) i like it cause it different. Also i have nice nicknames like Nattie, Nat-nat, Tillie, Tan(nat spelt backwards). i like the name natalie but its getting really common, And oh my goodness doesnt it annoy you when people call you natlie they forget the'second a. GAHHH it annoyes me haha. And what else i find funny out of a high school there is to Natalies (myself and a friend) and they think its really funny to put us in the'same roll group. :) if your going to name your child natalie Spell it different its cutee
I just gave birth to a baby boy and am definately planning on naming my baby girl Natalie. Its so elegant and timeless. I cant decide between Natalie Brooke or Natalie Grace :)
my name is natalie & i reckon its a cute name :P my nickname is Nazza & i fink it roxx.
im called natalie. its cool i guess. never had it miss pronounced just misspelled. i dont really like my name thou. i like american names such as riley for a boy and kristen for a girl. (: there cool. xx
My name is Natalie, and I absolutely love it. I don't like when people call me Nat though. Instead, my nickname is Natalou.
My name is NataleI'marie but im bored of natalie, i need a nickname anyone have any suggestions ❤️
my name is natalie and although i have never particularly disliked the name i have found that i have grown to like it. Considering my sisters got rather unusual names i found natalie to seem boring but they are jealous because i can find stuff with my name on it. I know go to college and have a roommate whoes name is talia and i find that funny cause when u say our names together it comes out as nat-alia! but i enjoy the name and have many nick names some being nat-dog nat-nat nats and natalie blue jean!
I love my name. I almost changed it a few years back, but i've learnt to love it. My nicknames are: Nat, Natty, Natatat, Natatatalie, Natne, Nattarlie and Natalia.
I have two friends Named Natalie Last year I changed My name by deed Poll from Michelle to Natalie because I like the name better
It is my name, though many time people will spell it "nattile", "natile", so It'sometimes is annoying.
My daughter's first and midddle name are Natalie Paige. Her nickname is Nan or Nannie. I do not care for when people call her Nat.
HI'my name is Natalie. I lovee my name, however most people end up calling me nat after awhile. I have never met to many Natalie's in life so It's nice to know there are so many of us out there!
I am going to be a father of a baby girl on feb.. 6 2019... and we were thinking of naming her natalie gabrielle....
I love this name! I want to name my first daughter Natalie Faith... It's cute and classic at the'same time! :)
my name's natalie jane and i love it!! ther's only about 4 girls in my entire school with the name. its a beautiful name :)
My name is Natalie and i love it! I think the nmae is special and to evryone who elses name is Natalie.. Your great to. My nick-names are Nat, Nat-Nat and Natty
My daughter is 18 months old and her name is Natalie Katherine. We call her Nat, Nat-Kat, and Natty. I think her name is beautiful, just like she is. It was difficult for us to pick a name because my older daughter also has a pretty name, Mallory Danielle and i was afraid we would not find one as pretty. We decided on Natalie about 1 month before she was born, and although I did not realize it was so popular, i have never regretted this name choice.
My name is Natalie-Lily and im nicknamed Nat, Natty, Nata, Natatat, :) xx
My name is Natalie! I was supposed to be born on Christmas but came a little early! I love telling people it means Christmas Child! They think It's neat since I was born so close to Christmas.
My name is Natalie Dale. As a name Natalie has served me pretty well, when I was in elementary school i was the only one that I knew of (which was important to me at the time). That is definitely no longer the case, i hear my name everywhere at this point and my cousin even re-used it for her daughter a few years ago. I like the name, It's pretty, but there are just too many at this point!
I don't know anybody else with the name "Natalie", so I guess I'm unique where I live! I don't really like it when my friends call me "Nat", 'cause It'sounds like gnat, and I'm not an insect!
I really love my name Natalie. I would recommend it for all new moms to consider it for their daughter.
I'm having a girl and going to name here Nathalie but i can not figure out a middle name. Can anyone help.
I'm a Natalie in the UK and nobody's ever told me I have a nice name! It wasn't so common when I was a child, but became more common for babies when I was about 15...which is great because it helps people think I'might be younger than I am!
I'm having a girl and going to name here Nathalie but i can not figure out a middle name. Can anyone help❤️
Natalie is our daughter's name. She is almost three. I love her name. For short we call her Nat or Na-Na. When she'says it, she refers to he'self as Navalie. It's cute. I am so glad we gave her this name. It's a pretty girl's name. I like spelling it the most common way because I can always find a trinket with her name on it like a pen or key chain.
My name is Natalie and i have always loved my name!! I love that as a child it was cute and as an It'still works. I also love the variations of spelling whether it be Natalie, Nataleigh, or my personal favorite Natalee
I like my name; and It's meaning is also beautiful, I barely meet people with the'same name as mine.
My name is Natalie. i don't get called anything except nat or neenee. although i grew up hating my name, i LOVE it now. I was supposed to be born on Christmas but was born January 3rd
I love my name the only thing I don't like is that It's spelled Nathalie. My parents are French and they think It's really pretty but we live in america so people usually just pronounce the th when It's just supposed to be pronounced as a t. Other than that I like my name because It's a very classic and cute name and not that many people have it!
I aboslutely love the name natalie! :D i think its a very pretty name :D I get lots of nicknames most of all nat but i like paople using my full name bacause natalie is so pretty :D I couldnt imagine being called anything different :D I would like to even called my child Allie as it is a variation on my own name :D
My name is Natalie, I love my name. Everyone calls me Nat. Even'though it means born around Christmas and I was born no where near Christmas. I still love it!
My name is Natalia, I always loved my name, because my mother gave it to me, but now I adore it, now that my mother passed away 10 days ago.
My name is Natalie and I just love It'so much! And I love it even more now that I know that it means Christmas or Birth of Christ. I am really thankful that my parents gave me such a beautiful name and I agree on the thing that most people who are named Natalie have dark hair, I'mean even I have dark hair!!
I like the nickname 'Allie' but it doesn't really sound like Natalie.
I am a Natalie! I FINALLY started liking my name as I got older. The whole "nad, or go-nad" was horrible growing up! But, as an adult so many othe's compliment it! I also have a friend, Natalie. When we are out together people look perplexed to have 2 of us together! We have fun with it. "Nats" has become my nickname w/ close friends. I also rank in with "Nat, Nattie, Talia, Tally".
Natalie is a sweet name and is 2nd on my list. i've only met one in my life, and don't consider it too common like some names.
I named my daughter Natalie, and we just love that name. I have a French backround and my husband does not. I wanted to be sure to pick a strong name for her, versatile to both languages. We decided on Natalie. I would have spelled it the French way, Nathalie, but I prefer Natalie, it looks prettier!
My names Natalie and I personally don't like it. I have been called many names that rhyme with it, some I don't mind too much but other I do. Saying this, I know several other Natalie's and we are all similar in the way we act. But for little girls, i think it is a very pretty name.
My daughter's name is Nattalie and she loves it and loves the meaning of it...she was born in December the meaning of it was just appropiate....we call her NAT, NATTIE, NAT-NAT....
its my name too but i always felt it was kinda long like you'd fall alseep halfway through saying it like nat-a-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
My name is Natalie and I like it more and more as I get older. It's classic and traditional, without being common. It'sounds elegant and sweet at the'same time.
love my name. people mostly call me natters! or natalopolis or natbat or ween't or nat or nati or natmeg(like nutmeg) or peanat! (i have strange friends!)
My daughters name in Natalie Paige , We wanted her name to rhyme with her brother, Austin Gauge, we couldn't have picked more perfect or beautiful names for them.
My name is Natalie Christine, too!! That is so weird! I love my name. I have always wished it was a little more exotic, like Natalia. I named my daughter Eva Natalia.
my name is natalie and i live in ba oklahoma i love my name it fits my personality im funny and weird but a lot of people say that my name is a beutiful name i love the name natalie!
Heya my name is natalie too :) ,but im not reaaly likeing my name tbh , but i guess i can put up with it and i was born i september'so quite a long time before Christmas .x
The name Nicholas is the best! I named my son Nicholas and he hates it now at 12 years old. Some kids started calling him Nickelodeon and he hates it, but recently we were at the library and a young adult at the counter told my son that his name was Nicholas and that the name "takes you places". I think my son is still processing what this means lol. Nicholas is a strong name that translates to "manly". I'll never regret naming him Nicholas.
My husband and I decided to name our daughter Natalie as well (She is now 7 months old) As soon as we saw her we knew her name was going to be Natalie. We get so many compliments on her name everywhere we go. It's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
My name is Natalie Rose, and my parents chose It'so my initials would match my sister's, whose name is Nicole Ren. I do like that It's not common and not too girly-sounding. I couldn't handle a "girly" name; it wouldn't fit my personality at all. XD I guess It's one of those names that could go either way; tomboyish or cute. =^)
My name is Natalie and my middle name is Mae ( pronounced May ) and I think of it as an average name. My best friend calls me nat and I hate it, I wish I had a nice nickname. i've always only been'the only Natalie in primary and secondary school but now I'm at college there is like five Natalie's in my friendship group.
My name is Natalie! I absolutely LOVE it! I have noticed that the name is becoming more and more popular. In my experience, there are quite a few people who pronounce and spell it wrong, BUT it has no effect on how much i LOVE my name!
Yeah I second that It's really redneck/hick sounding.
my name is natalie and all my friends call me natbat
My name is Natalie and I love it. It has been pronounced wrong and spelt wrong but I am patient and absolutely fine with that. it is unique but still normal. My friends and family call me Nats and have been for years. My middle name is Bridget and I think they go well. Nats
Natalie Christine as I see other people are on here too, which is creepy. But, I love the name Natalie because not a lot of people are named it, but It's not EXTREMELY uncommon. It can also be abbreviated in multiple ways.
Heey :) my name's Natalie :D I get called loads of different things like, Nattie, NatNat, Nat, Cow Pat Nat, Natters and many more i just love it reaally :)
One of my best friends is named Natalie i call her nat:)) but i love the name
My name is Natalie!My friends always call me Nat.I Love my name!!!The meaning of the name(Christmas child)actually fits me because I was born just 2 days after Christmas.
I like the name Natalie. My old friend from Primary School was called Natalie, and I'd shorten her name to Natty, which was cute!
i am a Natalie, loud and proud. also have had the misfortune of the nickname natty being changed into a harsher form, Fatty...
oh, i love the name natalie! Right now i am planning on naming my fist daughter Natalie Savannah.
My name is Natalie! wow! i nvr realized so many people had this name! i like my name, people call me nat and i think its cool. -nat.
I named my daughter, who was born in 2012, Natalie because I thought it was a fairly uncommon name and it was SO beautiful. Her name fits her perfectly. She loves it. I also call ner Nattie. -Natalie's Mom
My name is natalie. People normally don't know how to spel my name and they would spell it Natile. This one person spelled it Natyle. Its HARD to have the name Natalie
well my name is Natalie kajle Mila, i have never had any problems with pronounciation or spelling and i have only met about 3 other Natalie's in my 18 years, i love my name its unique and actually quite simple but it also defines a 'Natalie' u can'tell a Natalie from anywhere LOL so iv been'told. my nick names are, natie(s),nat,Talie,nat the rat and also because of my background 'Nada' which I'mainly get called.
My name is Natalie Claire. I really do like my name. It pretty and i think that it flows nicely too. I have never had anyone mispronounce my name. I have met two Natalie's in fouteen years. My name is beautiful and sweet. I LOVE MY NAME!
My sister is named Natalie. She is 38 years old now. It was not too common growing up. My sisters and I always said Natalie got the best name out of all of us. We call her Nat sometimes. She married a Nathaniel so now they are Nate and Nat. I was surprised to see how popular this name has become.
I love the name'so much, I gave it to my beautiful daughter.
Hi. I love the name Natalie. It's my friends name and I always call her Nat. I'm pretty sure she likes it. I think good middle names to go with Natalie are: Natalie Erin, Natalie Rae, and Natalie Claire. Natalie is a great name.
My Names Natalie, and i love it! I have many nicknames such as "nat", "gnat" and "natlee". I have been reading and quite alot of other people named Natalie have "Kaye" or "kay" as there middle name.... So do I!!
I named my daughter Natalie because it means born on Christmas and her birthday is Christmas Day, it just fit. It's a pretty name but she is a chunky baby and my older kids started calling her fatty natty. I got them to stop but I have no control over other kids. She's still a baby'so hopefully that nick name goes away. I still love the name.
I'm pregnant and have my ultrasound in a couple of days. My husband and I have been'thinking about Natalie for a girl. I didn't know it meant "born at Christmas time." Anyone actually named Natalie: Were you born around Christmas time❤️❤️ My due date is Jan 13 so its not too far off Christmas but I have decided Natalie because I liked the name. I was completely unaware of the meaning. Please let me know!!
My name is the French version, Nathalie...Everyone just pronounces it as the "normal" version, "Nat -ah - lee" But It'should be pronounced"Nah -thah - lee" I still love it!
Hi all Natalie's! My mother's name is Natalie too. So to change it up a bit my husband and I decided to name our daughter Natalyn. So maybe you'll consider it later, to a friend, or kust keep it in your mind for granddaughter.(just a thought)
I was born in the 50's and never meet another Natalie until I was 21. So whenever I heard someone say Natalie I always turn only to see a small child. Still haven't got used to it. I love my name. I was born on Christmas Eve. My Mom almost named me Holly. Then she came to her'senses!
This is my name and I love it!!! It is unique and also different, It's a good thing not many people have it.