
Patricia meaning

: Noble, Patrician

Patricia Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \p(a)-tri-cia, pat-ricia\
Number of People 👶 1,600,000
Rate in 2021 2092
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 Mexican
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Patricia Name Meaning

Patricia is a woman's name that will never go out of style. The musicality of its pronunciation, and the beautiful meaning it has, make it one of the favorite names for girls in Spain. In addition, women named Patricia are strong, enterprising and determined.
If you want to know more about the meaning of the name Patricia, as well as more details about her personality, origin, diminutives and celebrities known by this name, keep reading this article by MyCuteName. You'll love it! Patricia is a girl's name.

The meaning of the name Patricia is "noble woman" or "one who is noble or aristocrat".

Patricia Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Patricia
Additional description of the name Patricia

The name Patricia is of Latin origin and comes from Ancient Rome. At that time, the patricians (patricii) were the privileged social class in Roman society. For this reason, the name Patricia has the meaning of noble.

Cool Info About Name Patricia

Additional name description Patricia
Additional name description Patricia

Personality of the name Patricia
Women named Patricia are charming and determined. They stand out for being sociable, having good friends and being very communicative when it comes to expressing themselves. Her charm makes everyone want to listen to her, but she will only really surround herself with people who show her trust.
Patricia is a person who cares for others without having to show it. She will work to make everything work, both in her relationships and in her profession. She is an independent woman who has clear ideas about what works and what doesn't. She will give herself completely to her profession as a personal project.
People named Patricia are entrepreneurs: they need to feel fulfilled, so they will do everything possible to make it so, even if that means leaving aside other issues and people. Patricia always needs her space and stability, so her relationships must respect her wishes, even if she doesn't always dedicate all her effort and time to it.

Celebrities with the name Patricia< /br>Among the celebrities named Patricia, the following stand out:
Patricia Conde: she is a model and television presenter known for I know what you did.
Patricia Urquiola: she is a Spanish architect and designer, one of the representatives of the eclectic style.
Patricia Montero: she is a Spanish actress who starred in the series El don de Alba.
Patricia Jordan: better known as Patry Jordan, she is a youtuber known for her exercise routines with 8 million subscribers. (It appears in the following image. Photo: Clara)

Diminutives and variations of the name Patricia
Some diminutives and variations of the name Patricia are:
Patri, Patry, Pat, Patty, Tris, Tricia, Trisha

Patricia's Saint's Day
Patricia's Saint's Day is celebrated on August 25, in honor to Saint Patricia of Naples.

Numerology of the name Patricia
According to numerology, the number of the name Patricia is 5.

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Comments on the name Patricia
01/14/2024 00:00:00

hey im patricia n im a gurl so i think its nt right 2 name a guy patricia!!!hahha

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Patricia but i've never met a male one.

01/13/2024 16:57:16

People always wants to shorten it to "Pat" which I passionately hate. I would prefer they call me Patricia, Tricia, or Trish. For the most part, it is all the male who shortens my name.

11/15/2023 19:20:56

my friends calls me pati and i would like to meet othe's with the'same name

11/05/2023 06:36:16

It's funny to read that there did write a 'Patricia Iris' right here. Because my name is 'Iris Patricia'- just the other way round. Those two names fit together pretty well, huh❤️ So Patricia is my middle name. I use this name most of the time along with my first name. Some people even call me just Patricia, what is fine with me. I love both names! :-)

10/29/2023 09:43:58

DO NOT name your daughter and especially not your son Patricia. There are too many ways to shorten it and Pat is so unfeminine. I'm Patricia but I have always been a Pat and It'stinks.

09/15/2023 07:43:58

I am a german Patricia and its pronounced different to the english one and now were I live in an english speaking country I cant stand my name anymore but at least I have trained everyone around me to not all me Pat or something like that.

09/06/2023 07:43:28

my name is patricia anne as well, and my family game the nickname of pattey, which i hate, i would perfer to go by either patricia, tricia. but once peole know you bye the nickname to get people to change is impossible. if you name'someone a name why shorten it. if you like the nick name name your kid that,

09/02/2023 19:22:42

Hi, my name's Patricia. i've a colleague in BelgI'm named Patrick. Usually they address me as Patrick as well, as it is the'same as Patricia in Flemish.

08/24/2023 09:22:40

Can someone please please explain to me why people think that it is okay to call everyone named Patricia by "Pat"❤️❤️❤️ I find It'seriously baffling.. I have always gone By Tricia or Trish.. its what my parents called me as a child, and its for the most part what they still do call me (sometimes my father calls my Patricia, but he would NEVER call me Pat) I was probably 11 or 12 years old before I was even aware my name was actually Patricia..I was named after Tricia Nixson (NOT pat Nixson, her mother, But Tricia).. I have literally gotten into fights with people hundreds of times in my life with people who in spite of being told I didn't go by Pat, insisted on call me that..someone please explain it to me❤️❤️❤️ and some people dont even getthat Tricia ia nickname For patricia.. once, when I was going by "Trish".. somebody flay out said to me "Trish Isn't a dimutive of Patricia".. it was a friends mother and fortunately my Friend jumped in and said "yes it is Mom"...or people will think I go by Trish or Tricia because I am rebelling against the name my Parents gave me, when as far as I am concern, Tricia IS the name my Parents gave me.. Like I said I was probabably 11 or 12 years old before I even realized my legal name was Patricia... so someone please explain to me why people assume its okay to call anyone named Patricia "Pat❤️"".. or they will say "but your Parents name you Pat".. and im like "no, my parents named me Patricia, and they do not even like the name Pat the'selves".. one of these days i am going to legally Change it to "tricia" or maybe spell it "Trisha".. My Name causes way too much confusion and always has...

08/24/2023 00:16:02

I'm Patricia Anne. I love that name. I despise the'shortening to Pat, Pati, Patty, Patsy, Pats, ... People never want to pronounce all there syllables. I know several other peole (5) who are Patricia Ann(e)'s. I too wonder if there was a famous person with that combo. Maybe they just go together well.

08/02/2023 16:01:08

Patricia or Patti. Patricia formally and in my career, Patti to my family and close friends, but I despise being called Pat.

07/13/2023 08:09:48

I love my name and hate when it has been misprounouncced. In high school there were twelve of us in a group call the "Ps" we all had Patricia as a part of our name either first or middle, it was a blast.Also in high scholl there was another girl that'shared the'same first and last name as myself who was in trouble constantly and I was often mistaken for her. I am often called Patsy (which I hate) Tricia, P Pat and Pattyb ut I love to hear Patricia with emphasis on the cia.

07/08/2023 00:36:56

why do people assume that its okay to call anyone named Patricia by the name "PAT".. i have always been called Trish or Tricia..and have been dealing with this my whole life.. I will NEVER want to be called Pat or patty) no matter how old I get!! its not what my parents called me as a of these days im going to legally change it, but heard that isnt een'the answer, because Tricia and Trish's who have that as their legal name'still end up beig caled Pat by strangers... I honestly do not understand why people so this..

06/26/2023 05:18:24

My name is Patricia. In all of my years I have never heard of a male named Patricia, I have a cousin named Patrick and I know other men named Patrick. I don't mind being called Patricia now but most people call me Pat, or if they've knowen me most of my life, Patty.

06/16/2023 11:04:38

yes my name is Ramona too and i do hate the name its very popular but i have yet to hear it in sacramento witch is a very small town where everybody knows everyone

05/20/2023 14:17:06

Very fitting for our Irish son Patrick Ryan. We call him Paddy.

05/13/2023 07:42:54

i love this i am so noble

04/19/2023 19:44:32

Why do so many people on this website complain about how other people "spelt" their name❤️

04/14/2023 10:08:14

My name is spelled Patrisia. When I tell anybody my name they always think it's with a C. I'm named after my Aunt. Patrisia Marie and Trisia Marie we both have the same last name too.

02/19/2023 04:47:50

I'm not crazy about my name, but i guess it could have been a lot worse ... I'm told that i was named after a famous actress in the forty's, Patricia Neil ... my father wanted to name me after his mother > Betty < which i am so grateful that my mother did not agree ... i also passionately hate the nickname 'Pat' ... i think if people would just LISTen'to how you introduce yourself they would know what to call you, whether it is a nickname or your full name ... i always introduce myself as Pati ... that is what i like and what i prefer ... i almost always correct a person when'they call me something else.

02/12/2023 04:06:18

i still don't get why so many people assume its okay to call anyone named Patricia by the nickname "Pat".. I have always been a Tricia or a Trish..what does anyone else think❤️

01/17/2023 18:52:24

My mom decided to spell my name Patrisha so its been misspelled one too many times lol but the older I get, the more I love my name... its not very common so growing up I thought it was horrible but now its quite beautiful. (thanks mom!) oh and also, my middle name is Maree', which I adore :)

11/12/2022 04:59:58

Hi I'm Patricia, haha, a girl. And I would just like to say that'sometimes I get nicknames ,not all of them I like. When I was in elementary school I was in a clique and my nickname would be "pacific" , silly right❤️ Well I only got that nickname because no "cute" nicknames started with a "P" .Well now in middle school one of my friends pronounces my name in Spanish I guess that is great because since I am Hispanic my parents pronounce my name the'same way. But, my entire family(brothe's sisters parents niece and nephew)call me Paty for short and they also pronounce this in Spanish .I don't mind being called Paty but, when I was younger people in school would terrorize me because of my name, they'd call me Patrick etc.)Both my first and middle name I guess clash, what do you think❤️ Sincerely, Patricia Isabel.

10/21/2022 17:48:44

Hi I'm Patricia from India, everyone calls me pat. Actually I have Irish blood and I love this name dedicated to St. Patrick

09/27/2022 16:54:30

The name is rooted in Hebrew... for strong or fI'm. Just decided on this name for my first child. Ethan James

07/25/2022 00:34:30

are they serious❤️ ive never met a boy/man named Patricia.... Patrick, yes, but not Patricia....are they crazy❤️❤️❤️

06/29/2022 09:41:42

I grew up not liking my name but i like it now and my husband says he loves it because it's a very sophisticated name. I often call myself Trish and if i ever have a baby girl I would like to name her Trishelle. We'll see...

06/05/2022 23:53:06

just not a fan of the name! sounds very heavy...cumbersome...matronly...awkward. not sure what it is; just not a great name.

03/12/2022 12:27:18

Love my name, Patricia Iris, very noble indeed.

03/05/2022 10:15:54

Very popular in Germany at the moment, whereas in the United States it is considered as dated as Elmer, Wilbur, and Mortimer or even old lady names like Ethel, Beulah, Hortense, I'ma, and Eunice.

02/20/2022 22:08:42

I love my name! It comes from my grandmother Patricia Irene

01/14/2022 00:38:06

Not for a boy! the male version is Patricio which, by the way, is my name. It is always mispronounced and mispelled, so I shortened to "Pat"

07/30/2021 13:02:24

Hi - almost all Patricias- born before 1972 - are Patricia Ann. Why❤️ Was there an actress or some other well known person by that name


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Patricia FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Patricia?
The origin of the name Patricia is Mexican.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Patricia?
Noble, Patrician
*️⃣ How many people are named Patricia?
Almost 1600000 people are named Patricia.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Patricia?
The names of Quade, Stefano, Qasim, Catrice, Katrice