
Rodrigo meaning

: Hroda Island, Fame

Rodrigo Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \r(o)-dri-go, rod-rigo\
Number of People 👶 24,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 1,177
Numerology 🔢 5
Name origin 🌍 German
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Rodrigo Name Meaning

This masculine given name means “the glorious and mighty warrior”. It was widely used by European kings, warriors and various mythical characters in the Middle Ages.

Rodrigo Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Rodrigo
Additional description of the name Rodrigo

Rodrigo is a name of Germanic origin. Basically, it is composed of the word "hrod", which translates "fame or glory" and "reiks" which means "powerful or rich". Therefore, etymologically it translates as "the one full of power and glory".

Cool Info About Name Rodrigo

Additional name description Rodrigo
Additional name description Rodrigo

The prsonality of the name Rodrigo
Rodrigo is a man with a discreet, inspiring and creative personality. Although he doesn't like to attract attention, he never goes unnoticed wherever he goes.
In love, he takes things slowly. Therefore, he is not in a hurry, which makes him mysterious and enigmatic in love affairs. However, when he finds the ideal partner, he gives himself completely to his new relationship.
At work, Rodrigo is responsible, disciplined and efficient. This favors him to hold positions of high importance within the organization where he works. Along with this, he is so involved in his work that he does not allow distractions or hesitation.
In the family, all the members count on Rodrigo, both financially and morally. In general, he tends to become the breadwinner of his family nucleus, although it is probable that in his youth he did not take the responsibilities of the home very seriously.

Celebrities named Rodrigo

The most well-known celebrities who bear the name of Rodrigo are:
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar: he was a military leader and hero of Castile at the end of the 11th century. He was popularly called the Cid Campeador.
Rodrigo Fresan: he is a journalist, writer and translator of Argentine nationality.
Rodrigo Caio Coquette Russo: he is a Brazilian soccer player who plays in the defensive position and is currently playing in the CR Flamengo of Brazil.
Rodrigo de Quiroga y López de Ulloa: he was a Spanish soldier and conqueror who occupied the governorship of Chile in 1580.
Rodrigo Caro: he was a historian, poet, lawyer and Catholic priest of the Spanish Golden Age, who died in 1647.
Rodrigo Sorogoyen del Amo: is a film director, producer and screenwriter born in Spain, winner of the Goya Awards in 2019.
Rodrigo Borja Cevallos : he is an Ecuadorian politician and lawyer who was president of Ecuador in 1992.
Rodrigo Moreno: he is a Spanish soccer player who plays for Valencia CF
Rodrigo Cortes Giraldez: he is a Spanish director, producer and screenwriter.

Diminutives and variations of the name Rodrigo
Next, you will see some variations and diminutives of the name Rodrigo:
Rodri, Rod, Rui, Roi, Roderic, Rodriguez (its patronymic form)., Rodrick

The name Rodrigo in other languages
Let's learn how to write Rodrigo in other languages:
German: Roderich
Arabic: لذريق
Catalan: Roderic
Chinese: 罗德里戈
Korean: 로드리고
French: Rodrigue
Galician: Roi
Greek: Ροντρίγκο
Hebrew: רודריגו
English: Roderick and Rodrick
Italian: Roderigo, Rodorico and Ruderico
Japanese: ロドリゴ
Portuguese: Rui
Russian: Родрик
Basque: Errodeika

Day of the Saint of Rodrigo
According to the Catholic saints, the 13th of m arzo is Rodrigo's onomastic date. On this day homage is paid to San Rodrigo, who was a priest in Cordoba-Spain and who died martyred in the year 837 AD

Numerology of the name Rodrigo
5 is the lucky digit associated with Rodrigo.

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Rodrigo FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Rodrigo?
The origin of the name Rodrigo is German.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Rodrigo?
Hroda Island, Fame
*️⃣ How many people are named Rodrigo?
Almost 24000 people are named Rodrigo.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Rodrigo?
The names of Raiden, Rodney, Ryden, Raydon, Royden