
Steven meaning

: Crown, Wreath

Steven Name Information

Gender 🧑 Boy
Pronunciation 📣 \s-te-ven\
Number of People 👶 1,300,000
Rate in 2021 403
Numerology 🔢 22
Name origin 🌍 English
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Steven Name Meaning


 .Steven means “garland crown” in Greek. The meaning comes from the fact that he was the first of Jesus’s disciples who received the martyr's crown.

Steven Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Steven
Additional description of the name Steven

Steven is a phonetic respelling of Stephen. Stephen was the first Christian martyr in the Roman Catholic tradition. Stephen itself comes from “Stephanos”. 

His life is mentioned in Acts 6:8-8:2. Stephen was an eloquent man who gained many followers for Jesus. That is why his enemies hated him. They accused Stephen of blasphemy toward Moses and brought him to an assembly to decide his faith. Stephen bravery defended himself and denied these allegations. The assembly ultimately decided to stone him to death. In his last words, Stephen asked god to forgive those people for their sins. Like many biblical names, Stephen gained popularity among believers of Jesus and the people who wanted to bless their children with religious and holy names.


Cool Info About Name Steven

Additional name description Steven
Additional name description Steven

Here are some famous people named Steven:

Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (founder of Apple)
Terrence Steven "Steve" McQueen (actor)
Steven Seagal (actor/martial artist)
Steven Spielberg (director)

What are your baby’s characteristics like when you name him Steven?

You are a pioneer, a person who is ahead of his/her time. By using your intelligence and brightness you will reach a lot of success. You are a master builder. Other people respect you and consider you to be the authority on many different subjects. One of your flaws is that you can be stubborn at times.

You want to be a leader. You don’t like to be told what to do and that is why you want to be the boss. You are very good at finding new solutions to old problems. You can come up with ideas on the spot. Your heart desires to become a leader. You try to stay away from needy and idle people.

You are a real charmer. When you feel things deeply, you will react dramatically. You are very kind and it helps you in working with others. You go through many emotional ups and downs.

How do people react to you?

People see you as someone full of life. Someone uplifting, inspiring, and charming. You make parties come to life because you are lively and intelligent. People believe that you are very attractive. You look way younger than your actual age and love elegant clothes and jewelry. You have a great sense of humor.

People generally see this name as being mature, common, and complex.

Lucky colors: All shades of gray and bright blues

Lucky day(s): Thursday


Steven has been present in the U.S. popularity charts for over a hundred years. The peak of popularity for Steven came in the late 1940s and lasted until 1970s. Essentially, for around 30 years Steven was among the top 25 popular names for boys in the U.S. In 2008, for the first time in almost 70 years, Steven failed to enter the top 100. The decline for Steven started in 1985. Since then, the popularity of Steven is decreasing but it still has a relatively high frequency of usage. In the U.S., Steven is almost twice as popular as Stephen. Although being a Biblical name, Steven still has a modern feeling to it. The name itself has a gentle sense while the shortened version, Steve, has a tough-guy feeling to it thanks to Steve McQueen

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Comments on the name Steven
12/21/2023 08:12:52

It is an AWESOME name. All Steve's are COOL (ie: Steven Austin, Steve McQueen). Chicks dig me solely for my name.

11/12/2023 12:35:12

my husband is Steven, son is Steven, daughter is Stephanie, guess you could say I was stuck on Stevens

11/10/2023 22:05:14

My name is Steven, and I always assumed it was popular for a long time and would remain so for a long time. Apparently though, it has now plummeted in popularity among baby names.

11/01/2023 00:55:08

My father is named Steven, as am I, and my brother's middle name is Steven. It's a good name, rarely misspelled and never mispronounced.

10/25/2023 19:37:24

My baby'son was born in 2018 and I named him Steven.

10/12/2023 13:20:30

I have the Hybridic edition. I was taught mine is a similar related variant but is not the'same name because mine is pronouncable as spelled in the experience I have had in common society because some use it that way. In text Key mine reads as Stephen pronounced: STEEV-ən/STeF-ən. It's spellable as STEVEN,Stephan, Stefan, or Steffen.

10/12/2023 10:59:26

Steven is my dad's name'so I love it. It's so awsome!

09/19/2023 13:42:44


09/17/2023 15:51:56

My son is Jeremy Steven and my brother is Steven Douglas. Excellent name.

06/16/2023 19:00:44

My name is Steven, and I susally go by Steve. I like it when girls use Steven in a sexy way. :) I grew up with another kid across the'street named Stephen, I was a couple years older, so I was Big Steve and he was Little Steve. . . lol FTW

06/10/2023 00:47:08

The Hawaiian form of Marie... It's pretty and has a nice sound!

06/05/2023 18:30:44

I was named Steven in part after the popularity of Steve McQueen. I was born in 1982 and it was pretty popular. In school there was always 2 or 3 othe's named Steven. Steven's often ask each other with a "p" or "v"❤️

06/04/2023 12:14:30

My brother is called steven - he is annoyin and smells

05/15/2023 21:08:16

My fiances name is Steven Michael. His stepfathers name is also Steven Michael. If my child turns out to be a boy, his name will be Steven Michael III.

04/20/2023 02:12:28

I love my name " Steve " Steve is awesome, I don't even mind Steveo while growing up. can't wait to be grown up...whenever!

02/16/2023 19:11:42

Inter'stingly enough while my I'm called and introduced myself as Steven, my given name is Stephanus. I have also been addressed as Stevie( as a child) STeve as I grew older and quite a few times a variant of Stephen Steve-o, stavrous, Stefan and my favourite by my South African colleagues Stevovo

02/08/2023 21:20:34

Steven is my husbands name'so its ok. But I HATE it when people refer to him as Steve. it gets under my skin. his family calls him stevie and i think that is adorable

01/29/2023 05:21:56

my boyfriend's name is steven! if we last as long as i think we will our son's name will be steven also!

12/24/2022 08:16:16

its my name'so im bound to like it :) i like bein called stevie n i dnt mind bein called steve. stevie is cool tho. all stevens are awesome :)

12/02/2022 17:15:48

steven is my dads name. and i love him very much. he is a superstarrrrr! LOVE HIM

11/09/2022 21:27:16

This is my brother's name. He is 36, My mom was told that it is African, but doen't remeber its meaning.

11/02/2022 12:32:00

My wondeful fiance is named Steven and it is a great name for a great man!

10/25/2022 17:54:50

My name is Steven. My nickname at High school is Nevets All Steven Are awesome!! ❤️9❤️

10/08/2022 02:25:12

Its a good name but sometimes on like xmas cards they spell it wrong puttin Stephen

10/03/2022 15:09:02

I am a Steven. People can call me Steven, Steve, Stevo, Stevereno...I love them all.

08/28/2022 08:59:24

I was named after my father, so I have never been called Steve or Steven by anyone who knows me; I always went by my middle name. It's a great way to filter out telemarketers. If they ask for Steven'they clearly don't know me.

07/20/2022 16:15:54

Steven is my name. I too really don't like to be called Steve, but I never had any nicknames like Stevie. It was always Steven. My grandmother insisted that my name was spelled with the "ph" and because she was so set in her ways, we "allowed" her to sign my name on cards and such spelled like that.

06/09/2022 04:44:42

My name is Steven. As a kid it was usually Stevie, Steve, And Steve-O. My family always called me Steven, though I always introduced myself as Steve. One fine old gentleman only ever called me Steveador. Not sure why, but was his thing. I love the name. It's a cool name and most, if not all the'steve❤️s I have ever known have been good, honorable and popular people. And I know a lot of Steve❤️s.

05/08/2022 08:43:12

I am... a steven sadly born in 03 but hey People usually call me Steve or ❤️Steven universe❤️ which is the worst.. It's a pretty okay name. Nothing special but hey we❤️re steven so.. kinda bland really but whatever. I had a teacher'spell it ❤️Stephen❤️ once so g r e a t❤️ The way I spell it is just the'simple ❤️Steven❤️ i've only meant 3 people named Steven so :/

02/19/2022 13:12:18

Both My Brother And Dad Are Names Steven Its Pretty Cool And Spelled Difrent From The Normal Way Its Really A Great Name

12/15/2021 13:20:24

I appreciate your comments about how great my name is. I agree this is a great name. Just be ing a Steven makes me feel smarter and sexier than the rest of you.

11/22/2021 12:40:48

My husbands name is Steven. I love him and his name. However, I hate it when people call him Steve. When we introduce him we introduce him as SteveN and people will say "nice to meet you Steve." Never fails. So if you are not a Steven and you meet one. Call them by there introduction please.

11/12/2021 02:53:06

My name is Steven, I don't mind Steve but I normally am called Stevo!

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Steven FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Steven?
The origin of the name Steven is English.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Steven?
Crown, Wreath
*️⃣ How many people are named Steven?
Almost 1300000 people are named Steven.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Steven?
The names of Lance, Allura, Takisha, Hikaru, Takeshi