
Vanessa meaning

: Butterfly

Vanessa Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \v(a)-nessa, van(es)-sa\
Number of People 👶 256,000
Rate in 2021 479
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 Mexican
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Vanessa Name Meaning

 This name was invited by the Anglo-Irish writer Jonathan Swift for Esther Vanhomrigh, whom Swift met in 1708 and whom he tutored.

This name was created by talking “ Van “ from Vanhomrigh’s last name and adding “ Essa “, a pet form of Esther. The name “ Vanessa “ means “ coined from Esther Vanhmrigh. Also, this name has shortened forms, such as “ Vany “, “ Ness “, “ Nessa “, “ Vanny “, “ Vaness “ and “ Van “. Also the related names can be “ Vanesa “, “Vanessa “, “ Wanesa “ and “ Vanasia “.

Cool Info About Name Vanessa

Additional name description Vanessa
Additional name description Vanessa

The popularity of the name Vanessa

The name “ Vanessa “ is unpopular in South Dakota based on research by American resources in the year 1995. For example, imagine that 7 babies were named “ Vanessa “ in South Dakota in the year 1995.

A total of 5419 babies also bear the same first name during that year in the United States of America. From the year 1880 up to the year 2018, the highest recorded use of this name was in 1985 with a total of 7566 babies.

Also the name “ Vanessa “ was recorded 254908 times in the SSA public database since 1880 up to 2018. This name first appeared in the hear 1900 and 6 newborn babies were named “ Vanessa “. The name “ Vanessa “ became a popular name in the hear 1977 with a rank of 90 nationwide and was registered 3210 times as a baby name.


The personality of the name Vanessa

V is for valiant, the way you approach life

A is for acquaintance the many friends you know

N is for name, a pleasant one indeed

E is for elate, you make others happy

S is for a smile, it gives you the face value

S is for sensational, you know how to make a splash

A is for affirming, the certainty of knowledge

Your name can be your heart’s desire, destiny, and personality. The name “ Vanessa “ is a name that hints you are a humanitarian and generous individual. Turning our world to be a better place to live fascinates you. Use your creative and artistic talents to promote a cause.

Knowledge is your heart’s desire and you are also an idealistic analyzer and study things in depth. Solving mental or physical puzzles is natural to you. You indulge in search and prefer scientific facts. You might find it difficult to talk to or trust other people.


Famous people named Vanessa

Vanessa Williams, Vanessa Paradis, Vanessa Redgrave, and Vanessa Marano


Similar names to the name Vanessa

Victory, Vajra, Van

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Comments on the name Vanessa
01/14/2024 00:00:00

my name is vanessa too and people always spell it wrong for some reason. They always spell it "Vennesa." My name was originally Bianca for the first couple years of my life, but then my dad lost it in a game of poker when he ran out of money to bet. So now I'm vanessa and I'm kinda glad he lost the name bianca, i couldn't imagine being anything but vanessa. I love the meaning, i've always been obsessed w. butterflies even before i knew that's what i name meant. It's an awesome name

01/14/2024 00:00:00

hI'my name is vanessa. .yes i really2 luv my name because 4me its quite unique and hav a different meaning . . .

01/14/2024 00:00:00

It's ok, but kind of sounds like a brand of shampoo.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My names Vanessa, i love my name. Im 13 and ther's no other Vanessa's in my school. <3

01/14/2024 00:00:00

This is my name and it is always spelled wrong, occasionally pronounced wrong as well. Lin-say is often said and it is typically spelled Lindsey or Lyndsay.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I'm named Vanessa and as an adult I love it! As a child my father always shortened it to Ness which was very annoying, thankfully no-one else has shortened it. I have only known one other Vanessa, so I don't think its a common name. My only complaint about the name is peoples' inability to spell it.

01/14/2024 00:00:00

Well my mother named me Vanessa and I love it!! I think It's very elegant and beautiful and classy and romantic:) There's one classmate of mine called Vanessa too...

01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is Vanessa...I too was named by my aunt after Vanessa WillI'ms singer/actress/first african american'to win Miss America (b4 losin it boo) in 1996 (when i was born). i've been'told how beautiful my name is and am excited when I'meet another...but hardly physically am around any nor really know any (as friends, nor when I was in school, just worked with one) I haven't been a ethusiast with my name growing up not cuz i didn't like it jus was not that big a deal, but seeing these comments, I love it and appreciate it more. Indeed It's beautiful and sexy...and being a scorpio...look out! ;) Been called Vany, Van, Nessa, V, Messy Nessy, VaVa, Van-essa, Va...Yeah, VANESSAS ROCK! I don't care what anyone says if otherwise...they probably just wish they had a name as alluring and smooth as ours! lol just whisper it: "Vanessa...." ooh, that's what I'm talkin bout, can't do that with other's and it come out as NICE! Ok now I'm over ethusiastic! Peace!

01/14/2024 00:00:00

my girlfriend's name is Vanessa, and she has 3 special things: beauty, charm, and me

01/14/2024 00:00:00

I had to wait until my third child, a girl, was born to use the name Vanessa. I didn't consider any other for a first name. I liked the way It'sounded and that it is common enough that people have heard of it, but not so common that'she'll have 3 or 4 classmates with the'same name. We call her Nessa for short now, but if she finds some other variation to go by that will be fine!

01/14/2024 00:00:00


01/13/2024 09:01:10

i think i have a beatifull name:vanessa i like that name i know what it means:bearterfly i like t if u dont like it u dont have to post our stupid comment thank u very much u can save it ams o proude of my name

01/10/2024 18:42:54

my names vannessa not vanessa so im very diff and never met anyone that spells it with 2 N's like me.

01/09/2024 15:58:16

I have a 6 month old names Vanessa. It's one of my favorite names of all time and I love calling my daughter by this name everyday!

01/06/2024 21:15:30

well my name is abigail and it means a fathe's joy

01/01/2024 22:49:16

I LOVE MY NAME!! i always get compliments on how pretty my name is! I am so happy my parents named me Vanessa.......i say too all the vanessas out there we have the best name ever!! Keep rockin it girls!!

12/30/2023 17:37:38

Chose Vanessa for my third child, love it! Very sweet keep rocking all Nessas.

12/29/2023 09:00:20

hey I'm vanessa .. i love my name .. It's so rare in the middle east so i don't meet many othe's with the'same name .. my friends call me vani, vano, my mom calls me vanvoun ..I'm glad to have this name .. god bless u all :)

12/16/2023 07:43:12

I named my daughter Vanessa. I love the name and so does she.

12/06/2023 17:01:02

HI im Vanessa and i love my name its so elegant and really beautiful, and the meaning butterfly makes it better, my nicknames are vanny and sometimes chachi I LOVE MY NAME VANESSA

12/02/2023 18:58:22

I have yet to met sumone with the'same name as me...I wish I could that would be awesumeness! ^_^ as i was younger I wanted to change my name but now I dont I love it! Its unique. My friends call me Nessa for short.

11/24/2023 05:15:02

My name is Vanessa and I'm 15! (Nearly 16). In my old school people would call me 'V' and 'Van' and 'Ness', 'Nessa', 'Vanessness' (❤️) etc. I really like my name and the meaning too, but people nearly always spell it wrong, such as 'Vannessa' or 'Vannesa' Which is a bIt'strange. i've met two other people who I share the'same name with- and I'm absolutely nothing like them which really goes to show how it doesn't coincedentally link people by personality- But I like my name because its more rare than other names.

11/09/2023 22:16:56

love it so much. my besties names is shelby!!!

11/08/2023 03:04:50

I really like the Name Vanessa it has alot of sound and positive attitude to it i again say I love that name

11/07/2023 22:22:42

I always used to hate being called by my full name, preferring the nickname Ness. It always used to remind me of being chided as a child. Now I'm 31 I'm getting used to it as a beautiful name. And for the person who left the Jan 05 comment, my cousin calls me Vinnie. I think It'stuck after a friend once called me it from watching the tv show Doogie Houser.

11/04/2023 11:30:06

Hello! dagakkk inter'sting dagakkk site! I'm really like it! Very, very dagakkk good!

11/03/2023 13:09:58

hey my name is Vanessa and i really love the name everybody that i know thinks that is such a beautiful name too my nick names are Nester,Vv,and what every buddy calls me V ! My father picked the name because It'sounded awesome with my middle name, Vanessa Jule.

10/31/2023 04:20:48

Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I am waiting for your further post thank you once again.

10/21/2023 02:28:34

Another Vanessa here. Growing up I never had a nickname, but when I started working (mostly with all males) people started calling me Ness. Other nicknames I get are Vaness, Nessa, Nessie, and for some reason Vinnie (my little brother calls me that).

10/12/2023 16:34:28

I love the name Vanessa, it's strong, but yet is very sentual... To All the Vanessa's out there...Be Strong, Be Beautiful, Be Free...just like a butterfly :)

10/08/2023 15:00:12

Vanessa is one of my all time favorite names. It's an under'sed name that is easily recognizable, pronounced and spelled. I named my daughter born in 2018 Vanessa Rose. We mostly call her by her full name, but occasionally enjoy calling her Nessa.

10/05/2023 04:25:14

Hi i love this name vanessa and yes thats my name it is a very wonderful name cause it means beautiful butierflies so i love all u people that have this name and now u no what it means and my God bless u all and ur familys ^_^ :}

10/02/2023 08:14:18

I also share the name Vanessa. I find the name to be as unique as I am. In my life, I have met only a few othe's that'share my name, so I don't feel that it is over'sed at all.

09/29/2023 17:20:46

Hi! Cant beli've Vanessa's day is .12.21 It's my birthday as well.. LOL Vanesin

09/20/2023 07:03:06

We named our daughter Veda Layne. I think it is very beautiful and unique. The only issue so far is that we named her after the'sanskrit meaning of the word for "sacred knowledge" and people often pronounce it incorrectly as Vee-dah instead of Vay-dah.

09/19/2023 14:35:38

Growing up, I wasn't sure how to feel about having such a different name. There was only one other girl in my HUGE suburban school with the'same name, and we were best friends, largely because we shared the'same name. :) I love my name now and wouldn't change it for anything. Those of you who share the name most likely know it is a Greek name, meaning "butterfly". I have always admired and absolutely LOVE butterflies, so it truly is the perfect name for me. I am GLAD I have a name that does not provide "easy" nicknames. I like being addressed by my entire name, not a shortened version. I often sign emails "V" and allow my close friends to call me that, so I guess that's really the only nickname I have. I was born in 1987.

09/10/2023 13:42:14

well is many stupit people that keep saying the brayan is wrong spelling but guess what!!! you can go the hell becouse this is right way for this name'so you better make sure you ask before you write down'this name

09/04/2023 21:02:44

My name is Vanessa. This is the first time I found out its origin was LOVE. I am a very loving person, and its weird to learn the meaning of it. I love my name, never complained about it once, and i have always thought it was a complex name to understand. But its very beautiful and refreshing. I love it.

09/02/2023 14:40:34

My name is also Vanessa. I so love my name. I'm like the only vanessa in my university. Can u beat that❤️ Of course people spell & pronounce it wrongly all the time. Ive been called Valessa, Vanhe'sing, Vanilla, Venisa, Vinesa,Venicia, Vee, Vivi, Vanny, Vivica, Van & so many odas. Just wanna tel all my namesakes dt we ROCK N RULE. Vanessa from Nigeria

09/02/2023 10:33:42

i have 2 girls, oldest is Vanessa Liliana, she is 6 years old. we live in Finland and here she has very sweet nick names as Vansku and Vanesska! ))) she is a very pretty girl, plays piano and speaks 2 languages: finnish and russian, studing english as happy we do not have many Vanessas in Finland and she is and will be a very extraodinary girl! )))

08/28/2023 11:32:12

Im Glad My Mom Forgot The Name Jasmine When I Was Born Or Else That Would Have Been My Name Haha Vanessa Is A Cool Name My Friends Usually Call Me Nessy So Its All Good

08/27/2023 13:47:20

this is a beautiful name, you should all be proud! :) my name is jacey...UGH

08/22/2023 05:56:50

I love my name Vanessa and like it pronounced as Van-essa not Ver-nesser! I often get called Ness nowadays and occasionally Nessa or Nessie and also Van and V!! funnily enough my colleague is Esther. Im Vanessa Jane after my Nan who was violet jane and my daughter is named Anna Jane.

08/14/2023 16:37:04

My name is Vanessa and I'm head over heels for it. I'm so, so glad my parents named me Vanessa. It is gorgeous and unique. The bad and beautiful girls are always named Vanessa in movies (The Little Mermaid, for example). I loved reading all these comments about how much we Vanessa's like our name.

08/10/2023 03:17:28

when i lived in the'states it was ok and fine. but over in ireland nobody can get it which really annoys me

08/04/2023 11:13:14

I am a Vanessa too. I love my nicknames (ness, vaness, vah, nessie) and am very confused about how people spell the name'so incorrectly. Whenever i tell people it.. i just start spelling it out these days. Not that hard people! Beautiful meaning. Was named by my dad after actress Vanessa Redgrave.

08/01/2023 13:51:46

my daughters name is vanessa....she is the most beautiful thing in this teaching her to say her name...when i tell her whos vanessa she'says "im"...or "mines" and she points to he'self...shes adorable..i call her nessa or nessy most of the be 2 in december!

07/29/2023 21:30:04

V-A-U-G-H-N AMBROSE is my son name who was born on and my husband like the name as it means little but yeah he wont be little ...all through the years but for us he will be are little angel..

07/21/2023 08:57:16

My name is Vanessa. My family used to call me Van or Va. Hearing that, people around got confused and used Valerie; the worse was when'they started refering to me as Vincent!! Very glad that'so more and more famous Vanessa around so that no more problem with my name ;-)

07/16/2023 19:20:02

It's an OK! name but it is awesome!my crazy friend named VaNESSA loves webkinz and so do i but she'smells like strawberries and razzberries. yummo! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

07/15/2023 08:39:18

We just had a baby girl we called Allison Joy. It'suits her'so much. Allison to me sound sweet and girly while Joy is the Joy of our lives. We call her Allie for short sometimes.

07/06/2023 01:17:58

It's a really greatt name. My name is Vanessa. Many Many people have this name but it worth it alot of famouse people have this name and usually Vanessa's are very artistic, for example: Vanessa Hudgens singer, actress. Vanessa Willums actress and me I'm a prima ballerina. So great name.

07/04/2023 05:48:14

I was born in 79 and I never met anyone with my name till I was maybe 18. The only thing I can say about my name is that growing up I could never find pencils or cups or the stupid key chains with my name on it. these days I have no problem. So at 30 I am obsessed with items with my name on it. regarding the nicknames - I have the normal ones I have seen V (I spell it VEE) and Nessa, my mom has always called me Vane (Van-nee)

06/20/2023 00:53:34

I named my daughter Vanessa because I thought about the beautiful Vanessa WillI'ms.

06/16/2023 16:04:24

My husband named our daughter Vanessa. we call her Nessie or Nessa. I love the way It'sounds.

06/13/2023 00:47:18

Me and my best friend are both named Vanessa...and we both agree every girl named Vanessa happens to be really beautiful. I was born in '85 right after the Cosby show started, thats where my mom got my name.

06/12/2023 08:02:12

my name is vanessa and i LOVE it my aunt named me vanessa after vanessa willI'ms today there is a singer names vanessa ann hugdens the name is fresh and smooth with the men its not a very common name and its sexy and unique

06/01/2023 23:06:46

my name is fanessa. my parents changed it from a v to an f. i like my name but i am always called vanessa when people first hear my name.

05/31/2023 10:04:58

My name's Vanessa, too("Vanessa Jaqueline ...") and I love it. i've never met another Vanessa in my life face to face. I have the'same problem with spelling, and I honestly don't understand why It's so difficult. I used to be okay with it, but now It's getting on my nerves. I actually hate(yes hate) the nicknames that come with it: Ness, Nessa, V. But hey, that's just my opinion. I Love my name, though!

05/31/2023 01:15:58

i dont like the name because its boring my mname is Deesir meaning temptation n sexy

05/24/2023 23:47:28

I have an 18 month old daugther named Vanessa...I have always loved this name...its simple and exotic..when I hear the name I always think of a beautiful girl...(have yet to meet an ugly

05/24/2023 15:51:22


05/16/2023 21:31:50

Vanessa is a gorgeous name. However, I have not yet met the first Vanessa that has not had a terrible part of her life. From near death experiences to child abuse etc. but us Vanessaıs have pure and beautiful hearts under that hard to brake armor.

05/12/2023 07:36:58

We were going to name our daughter Katelynn until we heard everybody else using that name. We decided on Vanessa because it's not a common name and there is no one in our family with this name.

05/10/2023 03:53:30

My baby age is 6 weeks. I have planned to call my baby name "VANESSA". - S. RAJA

05/07/2023 04:10:58

My name is Vanessa i don't really like my name but the fact that it means butterfly and knowing the real meaning of it i began to like my name because i like butterflies. My parents call me different ways like vane and vanesita i don't know why but anyways. i Love my name and if your name is vanessa be proud of what it means.

05/03/2023 14:04:24

i am 18 and i have only ever met about 10 people with the'same name. i am always spelling it though. people often get confused. it is normally spelt incorrectly as venessa. i love my name. its unique but not too out there. suits me perfectly. i am referred to as 'ness' by my family and friends. i think the nickname is gentle but strong at the'same time.

04/20/2023 03:58:16

I am 39 and also haven't met too many other Vanessa's in my life. I think V-A-N-E-S-S-A is the only way It'should be spelled. I like my namte, but I often feel It's a bit "dramatic" for my personality. My nickname from family and very close friends is also "Ness". Funny how it only sounds right coming from certain people.

04/08/2023 19:32:10

I am a Vanessa and love the name, I beli've Vanessa's are usually beautiful, confident and most importantly hold a great intellect. I was always taught that my name meant beautiful butterfly. I beli've that the meaning of the name best fits me as I am a free spirit.....I LOVE BEING VANESSA

04/06/2023 16:23:58

its my name and i love it but because of that name i am expected to be a girly girl but i am a total opposite of that. i am pure tomboy... instead of gettin a dirtbike for chrI'mas i get stuff like dresses and bows... ugh

04/04/2023 14:26:18

my names vanessa and iluv my name people call me nessa or ness vanessa means butterfly

03/22/2023 14:37:20


03/21/2023 14:49:02

My name is Venessa. Growing up, my nicknames were Nessie, Venessa or Nesscafe. I have grown to love my name and the original way mine is spelled.

03/16/2023 22:50:44

Vanessa Hudgens has a nick name. Her nick name's: Anne

03/16/2023 14:54:38

I'm 18 and my name is Vanessa and I know a total of 3 people with the'same name. I love my name because its unique and not many people hear it that often. Unlike majority of my friends with names like Katelyn, Ashley,or Samantha, you dont hear Vanessa often, so people tend to remember me easily. Everyone spells it wrong though! I get Vannesa, Vennessa, or something like that, It's weird. Since it means butterfly, it inspired me to get my first tattoo. I get nicknames like Nessa, Nessa Bessa, Van, Nes, Lock-NESS monster, etc.I would never change my name!! I LOVE IT!

03/15/2023 00:24:40

Hello, my name is Simone and I named my daughter Anessa. Like Vanessa but without the V. I loved the name, but didn't want it to be too common so I altered it. Still carries the'same meaning and history which is great because we both LOVE butterflies and the idea that it came from love is perfect - John Swift for his lover Esther Vanhomrigh. She's four and I just had a butterfly tatted on my left shoulder. She won't understand it now, but when she gets older it'll have meaning :-)

03/13/2023 19:54:14

I like my name alot, my dad picked it i am pretty sure. It means 'butterfly'. I always had the dorkiest nicknames when i was growing up like "ness", "nessa","nessy" and my moms favourite "nessaroo". how horrible it was to have my friends hear her call me that! but hey i still love my name!!

03/12/2023 05:06:38

My name is Vanessa, and I love it! i've meet many Vanessa's and I guess you can say that it has been used a lot, but It's because it is a fantastic name!

03/11/2023 22:56:20

i like Vanessa, i tink It'smells really nice. lots of love. Horseflaps

03/08/2023 08:14:30

I love my name (Aprilwas my parents' second choice - I can't even imagine!). Vanessa suits my personality, and has served me well professionally. I receive many compliments, but people do love making up nicknames for me: V, Ven'tian Blind, Van Gogh, Nessie, Vanessa the Undressa (absurd). I have only met 3 other Vanessas in my lifetime, which is amazing since i've lived on both coasts. Two of these women have been brunette, like me.

03/04/2023 18:25:34

I'm 47 years old and I have met several people named Vanessa. There are two other ladies at my church named Vanessa. My family and friends call me Nessa, V, and Van. I think the name Vanessa is beautiful and strong.

03/01/2023 11:39:50

i've always loved my name. Never realized how popular it was--I don't run across many other Vanessas

02/28/2023 20:58:10

Please tell me when is the nameday in Breat Britain, I know that in US it is 21st December, is ir same in all 52 states ❤️ And main question is - is It'same also in BrIt'sh callendar ❤️ Thanks in advance.

02/19/2023 02:44:24

My names Vanessa and i love it and It'suits me so im happy ive been named that. I have lots of nicknames like ness, nessa, vannie, van and nessie but the most common one is nessa. :D

02/10/2023 21:14:48

well my name is "vanesa," and yes, its only spelt with one "S" the bus driver gets my name mixed up with Melissa, but I don't care that much. my friends call me Nessie, Nessa and Nes.

02/05/2023 08:42:10

hey my names vaenssa and so is my two friend..wahoo..

02/04/2023 06:15:10

my name is vanessa and i love it. i get called vaness and nessy a lot. almost everyone i know spells it wrong the first time. i have only met a couple of other people with the name vanessa

02/02/2023 21:55:30

my name is vanessa and im 20 everybody comments on my name they love it. its unique and very pretty, they use ness and nessa a lot also.

02/02/2023 07:13:50

my mom named me vanessa b/c she liked vanessa williams, I LOVE MY NAME

01/20/2023 05:39:04

my name is vanessa....I'm not ecstatic about it....but it looks good on paper

01/18/2023 01:02:42

HI'my name is Vnaessa H. no the'sininger i wish l0lbut yeah ALOTE of people miss spell my name ALOTE like one time someone spelled it like vinnesa what the hell its vanessa l0l bt yea hit me up lata vanessa aka estrellita

01/04/2023 12:53:08

everybody spells my name wrong. they either'spell it venessa, vannessa or vanesa. its not tht hard. i know about 4 other people that have the'same name as me and i have beyond so many nicknames but the most common is v or nessa.

01/02/2023 01:31:12

I love this name... I have only ever met one girl named Vanessa... and she is quite a bit older.. I would definetly think about using it for my daughter.

12/31/2022 16:36:16

I LOVE my name. Its super'sexy, fun, and not that common. Its uber girly, and super appealing to men. Like myself. I love that it means butterfly, how much more girlier can you get, seriously. We Vanessas rule. Were totally fetch.

12/24/2022 10:02:04

i kinda like my name. i wish i was named ness, cuz im a major tom boy and Vanessa means butterfly. "Yuck" ask anyone that is not me.... but it is a pretty kul name cuz u can have a lot of cick names

12/22/2022 07:29:08

im vanessa and i am just cool :) coolerrrr than anyonee elsseeee !

12/16/2022 11:18:02

My name is Vanessa!!! I love my name! It is elegant and sweet and fierce all at once. I have a bunch of nicknames.....Vanie, Van Van, Nessie, Nessa, Nes, Nessa Lou, Nester, etc!

12/15/2022 14:43:42

I LOVE my name. I know a lot of people say it means butterfly, but all the baby name books I have read say it was a name made up by Jonathan Swift for a character in one of his books. My mom first heard the name when her friend's sister was born and fell in love with the way the name melodically rolled of the tongue. About seven years later'she gave the name to me. Besides the classy sound of the name, another perk is all the nicknames I get. A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but the name Vanessa makes a girl extra tantalizing. - Vanessa Clare

12/14/2022 19:19:54

A girl I know is named Vanessa. The name is so amazing, I think It's the'second best name ever for a girl!

12/14/2022 15:30:40

I love my name but a lot of people get it mixed up. People think say Jennifer, or Melissa❤️ I dont know why. Someone even'thought I said Evanescence. Maybe I just said Vanessa wierd❤️ haaha but anyway I love it and i feel different and exotic with it. like someone said ealier all the beautiful and bad girls are named vanessa. and for the record vanessa does not mean butterfly. a genus of butterfly was named after the name vanessa. someone made up the name vanessa for a lady named esther van- something. I am named after my grandmother whose name is esther. I also love my nick name which is sasa, or just sa. its very unique and love to tell people my name is sa. haha

12/13/2022 22:27:56

ilove my name im the only one in my school whith my name

12/03/2022 19:25:10


12/02/2022 23:43:44

all vanessas in the world suck they all love the'selves

12/02/2022 19:36:52

My given name is Vanessa and I never liked it. I grew up with 3 other Vanessa's in my class alone and a sister named Melissa which gives me no end of grief. i've met people who call me Melissa even when'there has been no other Melissa in the'same room. With the name came the expectations of a "pretty girl who likes dresses and cute things." Which I am not, at all. And the whole "Nessie" nickname doesn't help one's self-esteem when all it makes you think of is a gigantic monster in a lake. I suggest not naming your child this. I'm in support of gender neutral names.

11/22/2022 13:20:08

Its my name and i like it. i love my nickname "Ness"/"Nessie/y" and its something that its not that popular in my generation. the only peeve is that a lot of people tend to spell it "venessa" or missing 1 S. but i still like my name

11/21/2022 08:14:26

my names vanessa and i absolutely love it. i usually go by ness in everyday life and when people hear that vanessa is my real name, everyone gets excited lol. my mum and my best friends ryan and kia call me nessa. i love all my names! vanessa is the best name in the world!!!

11/20/2022 13:08:16

OMG VANESSA ROCKS THATS MY name'sO OF COURSE ITS the BEST NAEM EVER omg im a scorpio which makes me sexy ohh yeah i've been called vava vanny van vince nessa lock-nessa omg so many diff ones I LIKE MY FULL NAME ALL 3 SYLIBLES va-nes-sa who ever dont like this name WELL UR OUT NUMBERED AND plus UR OPPION WAS NOT ASKED AND WILL NOT b APPRECIATED HAIL 2 ALL VANESSA

11/15/2022 12:56:14

I first heard the name Vanessa when I was 12 years old. I thought it was the most beautiful name and said someday when my daughter is born I will name her Vanessa. Well 20 years later I got my Vanessa. She is amazing!!

11/15/2022 00:53:16

HI'my name is Vanessa and many people call me vany i love my name i think its really sexy and hot.... Were the Best :)

11/14/2022 21:56:56

Hi. My name is Vanessa and I think its the most awesomest name ever!!! I love my name bc its kinda unique and plus its pretty. Nicknames that I have are vane, vannie,vivi, ness, nessa, van, and mostly known as v. Or the name I like to use LadyNess lol -Vanessa Marie.

11/13/2022 09:48:02

I like my name a lot. As othe's have noted (at least at this time), It's a pretty name that's slightly unusual without being too unusual. There are some inter'sting women who have/had this name: Vanessa Redgrave, Vanessa Paradis, Virgina Woolf's sister, Vanessa Bell... When people forget my name or misunderstand it, they usually call me "Melissa" or "Alyssa" instead. Vanessa is much better than eitherıIt's got more power to it. A feminine, sexy, but also strong name. I like that Jonathan Swift "i'vented" this name.

11/10/2022 22:08:28

It's my name, too (born in '80s). People ALWAYS misspell it, though, all those i've met spell it "Vanessa." My best friends call me "Ness" or "Nessa" though I feel weird introducing myself with the nickname. There was always only 1 other girl with it in my graduating classes; I like how unique It's been. The name will probably gain new popularity now, though, with all the up and coming actors...

11/09/2022 22:55:26

MY name is Vanessa, and i know alot of people that have that name are very pretty!!! Vanessa means "PRETTY" and so are butterflies!

10/30/2022 15:45:48

I'm also calle Vanesa, and I'm from Spain. My mother named after Vanesa Redgrave. The only thing I don't like about my name is that there is too many of us in Spain.

10/29/2022 10:04:50

my name is Vanessa and It's great to knowthat there's a lot of other people who have the'same name as me. Vanessa means butterflies and butterflies are pretty.Vanessa is an goddess name in Greek, and we are gifted with many things. I love my name very much

10/27/2022 14:35:06

My name is Vanessia, but it is pronounced Vanessa. I love the name but people saying it wrong and spelling it wrong does drive me crazy.

10/19/2022 12:19:28

I'm also named after Vanessa Redgrave. How similar all these Vanessa stories are. I'm especially surprised at the mention of Vany as a nickname--I'm called Vany (pronounced Vahnee), by a select few close family members and friends. I grew up when it was still pretty unusual to be named Vanessa (at least in the U.S.) and felt the power of singularity each morning at roll call, while names like Jennifer, Tracey and Laura were always repeated at least once. This lot tended to play up the first letter of their last name, like "NO-*I'm* Jennifer *F*!" Placing strong emphasis on the "F." They would later add to a future of monogramophilia, as that extra initial came to be of more use to them than its weaker predecessor. Somehow in childhood, having the'same name'sort of lessened your power. The'shyer girls loved it for that very reason. They could recede into Jenniferdom; a packaged lot who seemed to share a strand of gen'tic code--as if by sharing a name, they also on some level shared that certain blonde one's braininess at math and the other taller one's awkward smile or bad form on the monkey bars. We, the'singular names of homeroom who stood apart, name by name, couldn't help averaging out one Laura's power with the other Laura's weakness. On some level, we confused name with soul at this age. I'd watch as these girls experienced the first shock of that gravitational shift--being forced out of their universe like a wayward meteor, a universe in which they had up until then reigned solo. They'd always blush and furtively glance back at one another. By the end of roll call, I'd breathe a sigh of relief, thanking my loving but eccentric parents under my breath; for once their eccentricity was working in my favor. Then one summer I attended a BrIt'sh school in Spain, and realized that the Brits had already long since colonized my name (it is Jonathan Swift, after all, who they claim i'vented the name. Not after all the *ancient* Greek word for Butterfly❤️ Hmm.) In this BrIt'sh school my name was hardly unique, and this sunk in every morning as I hung up my coat beside another Vanessa whose last name also started with the'same letter as mine. And now, well now It's become quite common to find myself a third or fourth Vanessa in a dentist's waiting room, or in a graduate seminar, or even at a restaurant as they call out names under reservations. And online...well... Here we all are.

10/18/2022 19:16:44

My name is Vanessa and I love it too!! I would'nt chang it for any other name!!

10/17/2022 23:17:40

well, my name is yadira and were i live i don't know any body with this name and many people do not know how to pronouce it right. I just know one person that have this name and the person is Yadira Carrillo a artist in Mexico. Thank you to let me share with you the experience of have this name.An you know what I LOVE IT!!!

10/15/2022 18:23:40

i've always loved this name. I love the way It'sounds and that It's so easy to pronounce even for my my three year old Vanessa. I love saying her name. I think the name fits her personality and It'sounds so sweet as well as classy and elegant for when she's all grown up :)

10/11/2022 01:32:28

My name is Vanessa and I love my name. I agree with one of the other Vanessa's that posted. We are usually gifted in the arts. I sing, dance, and do pretty well with art. Vanessa is such a pretty name. Very sweet and charming. :-)

10/09/2022 11:20:08

i love the name vanessa (especially vanessa hudgens!)my name is not vanessa, It's valerie. But if i could change my name i would change it to VANESSA!!! zanessa lives! (zac+ vanessa= zanessa)

10/05/2022 09:45:52

when i was little kids would call me book and chapter and all that good stuff. and now i like it no one makes fun of it and its not as popular as alex oe elizabeth so im pretty happy with it :)

09/27/2022 14:51:04

I love the name Vanessa. I want to name my first daughter Vanessa. For all you Vanessa's out there, it doesn't just mean "butterfly," Vanessa is a genus of butterflies.

09/25/2022 14:03:56

my name is vanessa and i love it from the very first time i understand that its my name.i dont know how to explain but everytime I'meet someone who have the'same name as i am i have a different feeling towards that person,as if we were connected in some way..well..i dont know but thats how i feel..

09/24/2022 08:05:20

My name is Vanessa and I LOVE the name, I wouldn't want any other name. I only like It'spelled with an A, it is incorrect when spelled with an E, as in VE. I love how everyone says my full name as I do not like shortened names. I think it is one of the best names out there, there is also always something special about meeting another Vanessa, it is like you have a small bond. PLEASE do not perpetuate ignorance and mispellings by spelling it any other way than the proper way, VANESSA!!!

09/23/2022 10:55:44

I am considering this pretty name for our future daughter, but I am shocked by the number of comments saying that it is so common. I wouldn't have thought so.

09/20/2022 16:30:36

My name is Vanessa and I like it very much, but aparently, othe's don't, because in my language (Portuguese) there's a very popular (but old!) joke with the name Vanessa and so I hear it all the time. I think people are just jealous!!

09/19/2022 09:56:44

Vanessa is a beautiful Name! When I was younger I was often referred to as butterfly - there is a species of butterfly called Vanessa. Some nicknames - Nessie, Ness, Nessa, Ves, Vessie.

09/18/2022 13:22:24

I love the name "Vanessa" it is my grandma's name, and I am hoping to name my first girl Vanessa.

09/15/2022 09:33:00

i actually quite like this name is very stylish. i love it a bit now. its very nice. but about half the reason i like it is because one of my role models is vanessa hudgens! lol

09/11/2022 19:08:48

Well I named my daughter Lindsey and everyone does spell it wrong or you can't find anything with It'spelt Lindsey It's always with an "A" But still I love it. TA in TX

09/05/2022 01:30:28

It's an awesome name. But there are many other names out there that are awesome too.

09/05/2022 00:19:56

i was born in 2002.. and i have the'same problem with people spelling my name wrong. the worst is.. venessa

09/04/2022 14:55:40

Aha, there you are. I'myself even pronounce it wrongly. I am a vanessa, and the name was given by a foreigner who taught me English. But, since then i've seldom used the name. Once a colleague called me by this name as "v-er-n-ee-s-er' (in a real sweet voice), then i piked it up. Only days ago, American friend said It'should be pronounced as it is: v-er-n-e-s-er. BTW, I am happy about this name, since told that it is a butterfly (beautiful and lovely creature) and it may mean what Venus means...

08/14/2022 08:16:12

I was also named after the actress Vanessa Redgrave! I love my name! Its unique and really sexy!

08/04/2022 01:13:12

I used to hate my name but now its the exact opposite. I don't mind at all now that people pronounce and spell it wrong(they still do, especially in my country). In my current year at school, I'm the only one with the name Vanessa, but its not a very rare name'since i've got 2 other friends who have the'same name, although not from the'same school that is. Overall, I'm glad my parents gave me this name and I laugh at the memories of actually hating it. How ridiculous. :D

07/28/2022 08:10:48

Perfect for a greek girl who loves butterflies. :)

05/23/2022 00:59:42

My name is Vanessa. People, to my suprise, often mispell what I consider a simple name. Most people I'meet like my name, they think is unique.

04/21/2022 14:07:12

my friend she's part spanish so her mom named her vanesa meaning vanessa in spanish her middle is marie anyto say about that!

04/08/2022 18:40:48

My name is vanesssa, people call me vaness for short which i love, i adore the name i feel and admire the beauty which is captulated within it

04/02/2022 01:38:24

I love the name Vanessa. It reminds me of Vanessa Hudgens lol.shes my fave. this name is so beautiful and has a beautiful meaning. my fave names r vanessa and giselle.

03/26/2022 18:39:54

My name is Vanessa becuase my mom thought it would be beautiful!! I love my name and think its the best out there!

03/19/2022 19:13:12

My nam is Vanessa and I love my name. I can honestly say that I have met many people with the'same name but I can guarantee that there is not one Vanessa that has the'same personality. People often'tend to mis-spell my name and they write it Vanesa or Vannesa or Vannessa, but I always correct them. In my opinion, I think that the name Vanessa is a beautiful name and I love the'sound of it. I also enjoy meeting people with the'same name as me because It's so amazing how you can find so many different people with your same name. And again, I love the name Vanessa.

03/11/2022 10:50:06

I didn't like this name as a teenager but its beginning to grow on me.. Now in my early 30's, I'm even considering the name for my daughter! It's crazy how things change the older you get. My opinion: Vanessa is beautiful, elegant and easy to pronounce :-)

03/11/2022 00:46:12

My name is Vanessa and I love my name hardly anyone ever'spells it wrong. I love it because there are only a hand full of people I know that'share my name. You pronounce it va-NESS-ah. My nicknames are van, vaness, vezna, ness, or v. Did you know it means butterfly in Greek what a beautiful name i love it and i am so glad my parents named me this <3:)

03/08/2022 21:31:48

hey ya'll my name is VANESSA and i love It'so much because everybody spells It'so wrong i can't beli've that people don't know how to spell it its the 21 st century omg can u imagine how fab it is to have this name well yes u can imagine WE'RE ALL CALLED VANESSA lol (forgive my enthusiasm) well have a great all of u vanessa's and rock your self to the beautI'mess of ur life and NAME

03/02/2022 20:57:36

I don't feel this name is over used. My husband and I picked it for our daughter because we didn't know anyone else named Vanessa.

02/19/2022 05:53:06

hI'my name is Vanessa,10 I was born 3/31/98 my aunt named me "Vanessa" because that name is cute.

02/08/2022 00:52:30

a lot of people spell it wrong like this: vannessa or vanesa or vannesa... Other than that I like it.. Only downside is that I have no cute nickname

02/06/2022 15:01:12

Like the poster that commented here in dec. 29th, growing up it was annoying because nobody else had that name. I didn't appreciate it to the fullest. I love it now though and I wouldn't change it for the world. Nicknames though... they call me V, Van, Vane, Vani (Vanny) < 2 which i hate, Ness, Nessie, Nessa. And it has been'through the past, oh i don't know 6 years or so that i've come across many people with the'same name and when I do meet somebody else with that name It's like some sort of recognition. It's great!

01/24/2022 23:14:24

My grandmother called me messy nessie when I was growing up, because I was a klutz of a child. I hated my name at first I wanted to be Rebecca. Now I have grown to love it. I was born in 1988.

01/20/2022 00:17:24

i absolutely adooore this name. its beautiful, its graceful, and i love it! ever heard of Vanessa Hudgens❤️ a great singer!

01/16/2022 09:21:54

I named my daughter Vanessa and looked everywhere for a nickname I liked. Wasn't crazy about Nessa or Nessie. I came up with Nea. (like Mia with but with an N)If you look at the last 5 letters of Vanessa and take out the s's you're left with Nea. Cute and simple.

12/20/2021 15:02:06

Vanessa is such an elegant, lady like name. We named our daughter Vanessa and for me there wasn't even a second choice that I liked . I knew she was going to be "Vanessa" and I could"t imagine calling her anything else.

11/04/2021 05:28:48

My Name is Vanessa too..And I know that i am super'sexy & hot as hell. So haters of Vanessa's Name better back off.!!!hahah;)

09/28/2021 07:45:36

My name is Vanessa and I love it. I have the'same problem with people spelling it wrong, though.

09/16/2021 02:02:42

I love my name. It is popular but not around where I live. I like being the only Vanessa at my school. Love ~Vanessa Faye~

09/13/2021 21:53:24

My grandaughter's name is Vanessa.. she's beautiful.

09/07/2021 13:05:06

pretty name! love the name VANESSA! It'sounds so sexy!

09/03/2021 08:26:06

Hello! kedaeee inter'sting kedaeee site! I'm really like it! Very, very kedaeee good!

09/02/2021 14:08:06

i think this name is amazing

08/25/2021 23:08:06

Please reinstate VANESSA COMMENT FROM 12-30-2017 OR 12-31-05 > This was deleted in error.

08/25/2021 02:05:24

this is my name to and i dont think i could be named anything else

07/28/2021 05:13:30

My name is also Vanessa, and I find the name very appealing and exotic. I am only 12 years old, but I am old enough to know how I feel about my name. My family and friends always call me 'Vannie', 'Nessa', 'Nessa-Wessa', 'Baby V', or sometimes even 'Van'. I am proud of my name and I love to tell people what it is, because then'they're like "Oooh, what a pretty name!" I also love my name because it is the name of my favorite actress, Vanessa Hudgens. She is beautiful and elegant, just like the name. My name makes me feel beautiful and intelligent., just saying it..sounds so exotic. :) Signed, Vanessa Camille Bell

07/21/2021 06:41:42

My name is Vanessa.......and I'm not ecstatic about it... but it looks nice on paper....

07/12/2021 14:59:24

What a beautiful name! I love saying it, It's such a strong name.

07/12/2021 10:24:54

my name is vanessa i really love it my mom givi it to me because she love the'singer vanessa paradis


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Vanessa FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Vanessa?
The origin of the name Vanessa is Mexican.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Vanessa?
*️⃣ How many people are named Vanessa?
Almost 256000 people are named Vanessa.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Vanessa?
The names of Deandre, Way, Gabe, Yoselin, Weyman