
Yolanda meaning

: Violet Flower

Yolanda Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \yo-lan-da, yol(a)-nda\
Number of People 👶 113,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 4,687
Numerology 🔢 9
Name origin 🌍 Spanish
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Yolanda Name Meaning

The name Yolanda has different associated meanings. The most widespread is "land of riches". However, other scholars give her the translation of "the one who comes from the land of violets" or "the one who lives in the country of violets".

Yolanda Name Origin and History

Additional description of the name Yolanda
Additional description of the name Yolanda

As well as its meaning, the etymology of Yolanda is much debated. Some theories claim that it comes from the Latin "Violante". Other etymological currents say that it is a name with Germanic roots and that it comes from the word “Wioland”, which means “land of riches”. Another of its possible origins is Greek, in which case it translates as "the one who lives in the land of violets."

Cool Info About Name Yolanda

Additional name description Yolanda
Additional name description Yolanda

Diminutives and variations of the name Yolanda
This old name has different variations and associated diminutives, such as:
Jolanda, Jolan, Yoli, Yoly, Yolita, Yola

The name Yolanda in other languages
Now, let's see how the name Yolanda is written in other languages:
Catalan: Violant
English: Jolanda
Italian: Iolanda

Personality of the name Yolanda
Yolanda is a haughty, imposing and very self-confident woman. At first glance, she may seem a bit tough, but once you get to know her, her sweet and cheerful personality captivates everyone around her. With her friends she is very direct and always says what she thinks. Therefore, they often seek her out for advice when they are in a dilemma. She really likes social gatherings and is the life of the party because she has a light and jovial character.
At work she can be somewhat distracted if the activity she is doing does not attract her attention. However, when she finds something that she is passionate about, she will put all her efforts into reaching her goal. Another of her main characteristics is that she has a very sharp intuition, so she always knows where she has to go in order to succeed.
In the family sphere, Yolanda tends to be very independent. That does not mean that she is not aware of her parents and siblings, but that she does not like being controlled. Therefore, she will take her time to form her own family, since she prefers to wait until she is completely ready for it.
In love, she is a bit impulsive. In fact, he tends to fall in love easily. Likewise, she likes strong couples and that they represent her because she can't stand dramas. That if, when he finds his better half, he gives his heart completely and will do what he can to keep love alive.

Celebrities named Yolanda
Next , we show you a list of the famous ones that bear this name:
Yolanda Ramos: renowned actress, presenter and humorist of Spanish origin.
Yolanda Vasquez: presenter on Spanish television.
Yolanda de Jerusalem: an ancient princess who reigned in Jerusalem.
Yolanda Andrade: television presenter and actress of Mexican origin.
Yolanda Denise King: daughter of human rights activist Martin L. King.

Yolanda's Saint's Day
According to the name day, Yolanda's day is December 17 as a tribute to Saint Yolanda.

Numerology of the name Yolanda
In the field of numerology, 6 is the lucky number associated with the name Yolanda.

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Yolanda FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Yolanda?
The origin of the name Yolanda is Spanish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Yolanda?
Violet Flower
*️⃣ How many people are named Yolanda?
Almost 113000 people are named Yolanda.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Yolanda?
The names of Zoey, Zoe, Zoie, Zia, Ziya