Gender | 👩 Girl |
Pronunciation | 📣 \ki(a)-na\ |
Number of People | 👶 25,000 |
Rate in 2021 | ⭐ 1,674 |
Numerology | 🔢 9 |
Name origin | 🌍 American |
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This is my daughter's name. We live in San Diego and the name is actually more popular than we would have thought. We don't hear it that often but many people remark that they know at least one other Kaia (pronounced Kai-uh).
My name is Kiana but spelled as Kiyana and it is pronounced key-onna and i love my name because it is unique
My name is spelled differently - Kiennah it is pronounced key-en-ah and is Irish in origin, meaning ancient/archaic and my mother'says that it is supposed to install wisdom... who knows
Kiana is my middle name. my mom got it off of the internet and she'says it is hawaiian for sunset or something like that and its really pretty and i like it and all but a lot of people make fun of me. people also pronounce it as (kee ona) and i dont like it.
My name is Kiyana---Kiyana Jane--didn't like it when I was younger BUT, I'm 29 now and I love It's uniqueness! I always get compliments!!!
This is n't a boy's name at all but an old-fashioned girl's name (ranking 77th in'the U.S. girls' top 100 at its peak of popularity in 1900 but declining thereafter and dropping out of the girls' top 1,000 after the 1962s) which comes from the Hebrew for "supposedly married woman". Today's people mostly associate this name with the African-American maid in'the 1962s television series 'Beulah' and with the white American character actress Beulah Bondi, who died in 1993 at the grand old age of 93 (she actually died from the injuries she'sustained after tripping over her cat at her Hollywood home).
I'm Kiana and my name is from my parents Kevin and jOhnna
Silk Fiber❤️ Who would name their daughter after'something that meant silk fiber❤️ I think I would just go jump off a bridge.
Thier are multiple people that I have met with my name but their most always spelled differently. The way u say my name is basically Hay Lee. Many people tend to spell it Haley
My daughters name is Kiana (pronounced Key-Arna. Kiana is 4 and we love her name as it is not so common in Australia
This is my name'scottie dewayne. only met couple other'scotties, in school was the worst, nicknames like sn'tty scottie, scottie sit on a potty, now im scottie too hotty. good name i guess.
i recently had a lil girl and named her Kiyana. my family have very traditional names so they always pronounce her name wrong. she gets called everything from kiara to kianna. soo annoying. i knew it would be a name people wud struggly with but its soo beautiful
my name is keana and i spell it diffrent but kiana is still a cute way to pronounce it
My name is Kiana and my parents originally wanted to name me kiara. While my mother was in the hospital with my sister'she'said, "What were we going to name her again❤️" And my sister'said."Kiara" and my mother thought that Kiana was better. Every once and awhile people will hear my name and say that it is very pretty, and I appreciate that opinion. :) My close friends and family will call me kiki.
This is my all time favorite name! I already have a son named Xavier i love that name!
my daughter's name is Keana and being in germany she is No 1 in germany showen on her id card
My name is Kiana. I got named from some episode my Dad watched from Lilo and Stitch I think it is called. I feel, my name is unique, but it is sometimes annoying. When I get cards, they spell it like Kyena, Kianna, Kyana, Kyanna. But now, as I get older, I understand that it makes me unique. When I read these cards years later, like I am starting to now, I remember all these memories come back. When I didn't like my name, a couple of years ago, I wanted to rename myself. My closest friends called me Kiki. We all made nicknames so that I wouldn't feel left out. I am so grateful. Now, as a 12 year old girl, I think of myself unique!
my name is kiana and i want to knoe wat it mean homie
my name is kiana. that is one terrific, spactacular wonderful name.
My name is spelled Kiana and pronounced like Diana with a K and almost every person I have ever met compliments me on how beautiful my name'sounds. It is unique and I have never met anyone else with the name other than the person I'm named after. It is definitely the perfect name for any child!
my name is Kiyana, and people always spell it (KIANA or Kianna) which iHAte because that isnt my name, nd they pronounce It'so wrong, either [ke-anna] or [ki-ana] but its [KI-ANA] SIMPLE RIGHT :0, IlOVE MY NAME but no one says it right so iJus let them say [KEY-ANA] cuz after a while iget tired of correcting people