
Leslie meaning

: garden of holly.

Leslie Name Information

Gender 👩🧑 Boy And Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \l(e)-slie, les-lie\
Number of People 👶 380,000
Rate in 2021 ⭐ 1,129
Numerology 🔢 8
Name origin 🌍 Scottish
Name selection specialist
Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Leslie Name Meaning

Leslie is a name of Scottish origin that translates to "garden of holly." It is often associated with individuals who are vibrant, lively, and full of life. This name signifies vibrancy, liveliness, and a sense of joy, often associated with individuals who are energetic, cheerful, and full of life.

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Comments on the name Leslie
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My father's name is Leslie. Of course, since It's really become a girl's name in the'second half of last century, he got teased about that a lot. So he went by Les. This wasn't so great, either, though. For instance, my mother is known to, from time to time, say something along the lines of "I could have had more, but I settled for Les."

01/03/2024 22:25:52

My name is Lesley, and it was really popular in the 1972's as a boy and a girl's name. There was 4 lesley's in my class at school. The male version was spelt "leslie", and the female version was spelt "lesley". Being BrIt'sh we pronounce the name "Lezlee". I

10/13/2023 17:15:40

My middle name is Leslie. I share my middle name with my uncle and cousin. It was after my grandfather. He died a year before I was born and I couldnt be more proud than to have Leslie as my middle name. I am told he was a great man, I guess thats why my parents named me after him.

10/03/2023 11:51:50

really❤️ it was the opposite for me. My name's Leslie, I'm female and almost 9 out of 10 i have to spell out the words otherwise people will not know how to write it. They all said It's a man's name

09/28/2023 06:57:40

it is a good name but my brother is 10 and he thinks that his name is too girly!

08/14/2023 20:08:40

My great-grandfather, great-uncle, uncle's son and grandson are named Lesile Also, my husband's grandfather was named Leslie, too. He wanted one of my twin boys to be named Leslie from his grandfather (and mine). Now twin baby boys are Henry and Leslie. I don't understand why they think Leslie is a female but it is really a male from old history. I wish that they should not name a girl; Leslie! It'should be named a girl: Lesley.

04/29/2023 15:08:50

My hubby's name is leslie and he goes by Les. he hated it as a child and I absolutley love it!

01/13/2023 23:28:26

My grandfather, father, and son all have the name Leslie. My dad and son both go by the name Les. I'm a Gary and I understand I'm becoming extinct. Proud of our names and wouldn't have it any other way.

01/07/2023 18:10:42

I am a female born in 1973 and I don't like the name Leslee,for a male or female.I get called Les a lot, which is better. But how many mothe's and fathe's bend over a crib and say "Hi Les/Leslee, you are my sweet baby"❤️ That is such NOT a cute baby name (or grade school for that matter). I guess It's better as you get older (well, not much). But it is unique. I have met 3 people personally that were named Leslie (they spell their name with an "ie" at the end, I spell mine with "ee" at the end). Two were women and one was my former boyfriend in high school who went by "les" and he was a loser! There is my take on being named Leslee, no matter how you spell it

11/19/2022 00:59:22

I like it. I'm naming my irst son Leslie. I don't know any girls named Leslie, but I know a guy. My husband's aunts think its girly and my son will be picked on, which I don't understand. They are all over 60 and I don't get how they don't know It's really a man's name. And they have very old-fashioned names- one actually has a guy's name. But either way, I like the name and beli've it is a more traditional name. Pronounced LES-LEE

08/27/2022 05:32:24

My name is Leslie and so was my Fathe's. He named me Leslie Glenn and his name was Leslie Guy. He passed away when I was 10 months old in 1962. He named me Leslie Glenn so we would have the'same initials and I would not be called Jr. I did get picked on a bit in elementary school and I blooded a few noses. I now and have been going by Les since I was 18. I am now 65.

08/23/2022 11:52:12

I'm a Leslie. Hmmmm I don't hate my name but I don't really love it either. And people are always mispelling my name the first time they hear it. Alot of people have taken'to calling me Lesie. It was cute when my boyfriend started it, now It's just kinda annoying. Oh! I'm a gilr Leslie!! Lol Is it just me or does my first line sound like I'm introducing myself to a support group❤️❤️❤️

04/05/2022 22:58:12

Both my father and I are named Leslie. I didn't care for it as a kid, and was constantly explained to people why it wasn't a "girl's" name, but I love it now. I'm a 62 year old male. BTW, I think the pronunciation with the Z sound is BrIt'sh.

03/05/2022 02:01:48

i am a 42 year old male and my middle name is leslie,ive always found it embarrasing and never really told anyone as i found when i did people would say its a girls name and tease by saying (les be friends)now i just dont care after all i was named after my father who was a good man

11/19/2021 17:53:06

I am a girl Leslie and I am constantly telling people how it is pronounced with an s sound not a z sound. If I wanted to be Lezlie I would spell it that way. It just gets really annoying.

10/23/2021 14:24:18

Leslie is originally a boy's name, so for girls it is originally spelled as Lesley. Just like Ashley (boys) and Ashleigh for girls.

09/18/2021 14:26:06

I am a 57 year old male named Leslie. I realize the name is used more for females since the 50s, but I like it because it is unique. The only time I cringe is when someone calls me "LEZLIE". Where they get the "Z" I don't know.

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Leslie FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Leslie?
The origin of the name Leslie is Scottish.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Leslie?
garden of holly.
*️⃣ How many people are named Leslie?
Almost 380000 people are named Leslie.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Leslie?
The names of Ryan, Hannah, Khloe, Jessica, Lorelei