
Marcella meaning

: warlike, martial.

Marcella Name Information

Gender 👩 Girl
Pronunciation 📣 \m(a)-rcella, mar-cella\
Number of People 👶 64,000
Rate in 2021 1943
Numerology 🔢 11
Name origin 🌍 Latin
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Forouzan is an expert in choosing names and has been advising on choosing names for babies for about 10 years. Also, Forozan has an Instagram page for introducing Persian names.

Marcella Name Meaning

Marcella is a feminine name of Latin origin, derived from the Roman god of war, Mars. It translates to "warlike" or "martial," symbolizing strength, courage, and resilience. The name carries a sense of power and determination, often associated with individuals who are strong-willed, independent, and tenacious.

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Comments on the name Marcella
01/14/2024 00:00:00

My name is marcella spelled with 2 L which I have never'seen. I am only 13 years old and I'm a latina. People always pronounce it Marchella.

11/17/2023 01:19:32

It's my name, and people do call me MarCHella, but after having this name for fouteen years i got used to it. Although, its such a pretty name its a shame that it means warlike

11/08/2023 15:25:26

My name is Marcella, and I LOVE the Latin meaning of the name, because women can be warriors, too: strong, decisive fighters when needed. My dad, who was Italian, called me "Marcellina" or "little Marcella". I just go by Marcie most of the time. I am 68 years old.

11/01/2023 12:58:06

well its my name I'm a girl and it is ALWAYS splet wrong i spell it Jaryn and nobody can pronounce it either.

09/23/2023 02:56:24

My name is Marcella, I'm a 5th generation Australian. My ancestors were Irish & every generation has had a Marcella. I am 80 years old last September & was born in 1939 the'start of world war 2. I didn't call my daughter Marcella, but my grand-daughter is Katie Marcella which I think is very nice. My name had never been shortened as my mother was strick about that. It was my mother ❤️s & grandmother's name as well. I am proud of my name , I love it, & I'm always being told how lovely it is. Hello to all the other Marcella ❤️s in the world. X

08/23/2023 23:40:46

I love the history that comes with this name; it has been in use for over 2012 years. Someone else had said that they didn't like the meaning, but I love that'such a delicate sounding name carries such stren'th in its meaning. The downside is that quirky or weird characters are often named Marcy, and as previously mentioned it is difficult as a child to find trinkets with your name on it.

08/13/2023 10:20:50

It drives me nuts when people mispronounce my name and call me Mar-Chella. that's not my name. Another pet peeve I have is when people change Marcie into Marcia, that Isn't my name either.

08/11/2023 11:54:46

My dutch I'migrant mother did not want dutch names for her kids but rather, wanted us to "fit in" to Canada so she named me...Marcella (❤️!❤️) Haha. I do love the name and the'strong meaning - warrior!

07/23/2023 16:29:58

My name is actually Marcella and I'm really happy with the name I was born with. It's not too common, but not too exotic to where it can't be pronounced. People do sometimes misspell my name, but that can be forgiven. :D

06/10/2023 13:25:22

My mother was named Marcella Pauline and one of my daughter's named her daughter Marcella and another daughter named her daughter Marceline.

03/18/2023 18:55:44


02/25/2023 04:30:32

when i was born not many people had my name but i think its abit more common now but i still love it!

02/06/2023 02:55:26

my name is marcella!!! im not sure if ive ever met someone named ❤️marcella❤️ with 2 L❤️s i think its more common with 1 L but anyways it makes me uncomfortable when people call me MarCHella

01/09/2023 17:12:02

I'm Italian and you would pronounce it MarCHella which is absolutely correct. I hate when'they call me MARSELLA, which reminds me of Marsala a wine.

12/16/2022 23:03:22

My 9 year old daughter is named Marcella. Everyone calls her Cella. I found her name in a baby name book and fell in love with it. I really liked Isabella, but thought it was way too common.

09/30/2022 21:19:10

I was named for my great grandmother. I hated it when I was little and simply went as Marcy. It was annoying that nobody else had my name and I could never find license plate for my bike or pencils that had my name on them. However, as i've become an adult, I have come to adore my name, and usually introduce myself as Marcella rather than Marcy. It's beautiful and classy and seems to have an ageless quality to it, despite not being popular since the early 20th century. And as a teacher, it makes it REALLY hard for my students to guess my name.

09/19/2022 05:32:14

This is my name but jus with a H on the end =D I LOVE IT!! There isnt any else with the'same name as me in my area its wicked!! Thumb's Up =)! xxx

05/04/2022 17:47:42

I named my daughter 'Marcella' in 1983, because of the little girl/ main character in the original Raggedy Ann stories by Johnny Gruelle (published originally in 1918) and also because the name relates to ancient latin and relates to being strong/warrior. I think It's a lovely, feminine name - and my daughter is a beautiful and strong person.

04/08/2022 01:17:42

My beloved grandmother was Marcella and I named my daughter (born 2020) after her. She normally goes by Marcy. I hear compliments on her name all the time, and we've yet to meet another girl her age named Marcella, and so far she likes having a unique name. The nurse we had in the hospital when she was born was of Eastern European descent and called her MarCHella, and we thought it was cute, so while we pronounce it MarSella, I call her Mar-CHEL-la as a pet name'sometimes.


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Marcella FAQs

*️⃣ What is the origin of the name Marcella?
The origin of the name Marcella is Latin.
*️⃣ What is meaning of name Marcella?
warlike, martial.
*️⃣ How many people are named Marcella?
Almost 64000 people are named Marcella.
*️⃣ Which names are related to the name Marcella?
The names of Markell, Markel, Marquel, Miracle, Markayla